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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 29, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • S.: NATO will continue to provide vital support to Western Balkans (media)
  • Blinken: NATO will help the Western Balkans on the Euro-Atlantic path (RTK)
  • Kurti meets Ambassador Rohde, discuss latest developments (RTK)
  • Rohde on pros and cons of report on Kosovo's membership in CoE (Reporteri)
  • EU: Not allowing Serbia to hold elections in Kosovo does not comply with spirit of dialogue (Koha)
  • Protest warnings, great number of police gather at hotel where Trendafilova will hold meetings (Reporteri)
  • Kosovo authorities arrest six people for fake money (media)
  • Gervalla attends “Dakar International Forum on Peace, Security in Africa” (media)
  • Haxhiu listens to demands of Ukrainian and Afghan women in Kosovo (media)
  • Police arrest Serb for smuggling in Zvecan, was wanted by Interpol (Nacionale)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Trendafilova: I am here to answer all questions, without lies and deception (KoSSev)
  • KFOR: Our presence in northern Kosovo increased by fourfold, number of patrols by threefold (Kosovo Online)
  • Germany to send 150 additional troops to Kosovo (N1, Beta)
  • Strpce Municipal Assembly demands suspension of construction in Sevce village, one of proposal is to demolish object (Radio KIM)
  • Stoltenberg: The proposal on the CSM (ZSO) could be the way forward in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Blic)
  • Residents of Mitrovica North: Passports of Coordination Directorate must be visa (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Minister of Justice of Montenegro suggested signing an extradition agreement between Montenegro and Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTCG)
  • Vucic, Nurtleu discuss Serbia-Kazakhstan cooperation (Tanjug)


  • Not the same, but nothing new either (KoSSev)


  • How Swiss participation in Kosovo peace mission lays bare the neutrality debate (
  • Letter: Is Kosovo a model for a post-conflict Gaza? (



Albanian Language Media  


U.S.: NATO will continue to provide vital support to Western Balkans (media)

The United States Mission to NATO said in a post on X today that “all political leaders in the Western Balkans must work together for the good of their countries, and NATO will continue to provide vital support. Western Balkans security matters for Europe.”

Blinken: NATO will help the Western Balkans on the Euro-Atlantic path (RTK)

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said that at the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, which was held in Brussels, it was discussed how to help the Western Balkans for a Euro-Atlantic future. Blinken, in a post on the X platform, said that "the NATO alliance is united", adding that the deepening of the partnership with Ukraine was also discussed.

"We talked about many topics on the ground during the meeting of foreign ministers - from our expectations at the Washington Summit next year, to ways we can deepen our partnership with Ukraine, to how we can help support the Euro-Atlantic future of the Western Balkans", Blinken wrote.

Kurti meets Ambassador Rohde, discuss latest developments (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met today the ambassador of Germany to Kosovo Jorn Rohde.

According to the announcement of the Prime Minister’s Office, they talked about bilateral relations and cooperation between Kosovo and Germany, current topics and recent developments in Kosovo.

"During this meeting, Prime Minister Kurti received from German Ambassador Rohde a copy of the book 'Germany and Kosovo: The History of a Partnership' by the authors Enrico Seewald and Urs Unkauf, which describes and elaborates the history of excellent relations between the two states and peoples. In addition to the thanks for the book, the Prime Minister thanked Ambassador Rohde for the close cooperation, and the German state for the continuous support to Kosovo", the announcement states.

Rohde on pros and cons of report on Kosovo's membership in CoE (Reporteri)

The German ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, welcomed the report of the legal experts of the Council of Europe on Kosovo, while he said that the good news is that the legal rules are generally in line with international standards, while the bad news is the non-implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court on Deçan, which, as he says, aims at a clear violation of the rule of law.

In a reaction on the "X" platform, Rohde said that experts have described Kosovo as a functional democracy and value its modern constitution with strong guarantees for the independence of the judiciary.

"Thank you for the report of the legal experts of the Council of Europe on the compatibility of the political/legal system of Kosovo with the standards of the Council of Europe. The good news: the legal rules are generally in line with international standards. The bad news: The non-implementation of the decision of the CC on Decan marks a 'clear violation of the rule of law'", wrote the German ambassador.

He emphasized that the first two recommendations of the report for Kosovo are the immediate implementation of the decisions on Decan Monastery and full respect for the independence of the judiciary.

“Overall, the report draws a mixed picture, pointing to high legal standards that are not always fully implemented. It is crystal clear to me that urgent implementation - as repeatedly demanded by the international community - is needed to successfully advance Kosovo’s membership bid!” he added.

EU: Not allowing Serbia to hold elections in Kosovo does not comply with spirit of dialogue (Koha)

The European Union has considered that the decision not to allow Serbia's elections to be held in Kosovo is not in line with the spirit of dialogue, the principle of protecting the rights of non-majority communities and building trust between Kosovo and Serbia.

In an answer to Koha, the spokesperson of the European Commission for Foreign Policy and Security, Peter Stano, has said that the EU recommends to resume practices to allow Kosovo Serbs to vote inside the country during the December 17 Serbian parliamentary elections.

"We regret to note that the established practice of allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote in Kosovo for the Serbian parliamentary elections with the facilitation of the OSCE was not allowed again by the Kosovo authorities. As a result, Serbian voters will have to travel to cities in southern Serbia to vote in the upcoming December 17 parliamentary elections. This decision is not in accordance with the spirit of the Dialogue, the principle of protecting the rights of non-majority communities and building trust between Kosovo and Serbia. The EU recommends resuming the established practice of allowing Kosovo Serbs to vote in Kosovo during the December 17 Serbian parliamentary elections, with the facilitation of the OSCE," the EU's written response said.

Protest warnings, great number of police gather at hotel where Trendafilova will hold meetings (Reporteri)

The place where the President of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo (SCK), Ekaterina Trendafilova will meet with representatives of civil society, has been filled with many members of the police. All this, because of the warning about a protest, which veterans have joined, against the visit of the president of the Special Court.

The President of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo (SCK), Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, will today hold a meeting with representatives of civil society in Pristina within the Program for Communication and Awareness.

"In this meeting she will talk about the current developments in the SCK and will answer questions. This interactive meeting is organized within the Communication and Awareness Program of the SCK", says the announcement of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo.

The Specialized Chambers announced that this visit has to do with the activities of the Program for Communication and Awareness held in Pristina.

During the visit to Kosovo of the head of the Specialized Chambers of the Special Court, Ekaterina Trendafilova, Kosovo Police will provide security, maintaining public peace and order during the escort's movement and stay in Kosovo.

"In order to enable free movement of the official escort and security according to the route of movement, the Kosovo Police will make temporary traffic interruptions (in short time intervals) based on the route and agenda, as well as there will be reorientation of traffic on alternative roads, therefore the Kosovo Police requests full understanding from the citizens and participants in the traffic", the Police announced.

Kosovo authorities arrest six people for fake money (media)

Kosovo’s authorities have arrested six people suspected of manufacturing fake money and putting it on the market. A large amount of fake money was confiscated during the operation. The Special Prosecution of Kosovo said in a statement that among the six arrested three are Kosovo nationals and another three are from North Macedonia. The prosecution also said it suspects that the money was manufactured in a neighboring country with Kosovo and was then distributed by criminal groups to countries in the region. The suspects were sent to 48-hour detention. Citing unnamed sources, Kosovapress reports that the Kosovo Intelligence Agency provided the information that helped apprehend the group.

Gervalla attends “Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa” (media)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Donika Gervalla, attended the opening and high-level panel of the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa, which is being held in Senegal. Among the panelists were President of Senegal, Macky Sall, President of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissaut, Geraldo João. The panel discussed security challenges and institutional stability in Africa and beyond. A press release issued by Gervalla’s office notes that she met with the Prime Minister of Guinea-Bisaut, Geraldo João Martins, and discussed cooperation between the two parties. She also met with the Foreign Minister of Gabon, Regis Onanga M Ndiaye, the Defense Minister of Gambia, Seringe Modou Nji, and representatives of different African countries.

Haxhiu listens to demands of Ukrainian and Afghan women in Kosovo (media)

In the framework of the global campaign "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence", Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Allbulena Haxhiu, has met Ukrainian and Afghan women, to be informed about their demands and experiences.

Haxhiu said that as a Ministry they have undertaken many actions, but that there is still a lot of work to be done until the rights of every woman are respected.

"Our government has made efforts to support this category. The reason we are here is to talk to get to know your needs. In this regard, the Ministry of Justice has launched the campaign against gender-based violence on November 25, and in these days, we have planned to have over 88 activities in each municipality of Kosovo because we consider it important to protect the dignity of women".

"...on the other hand, domestic violence is unacceptable and in this direction as the Ministry we have taken many actions, however I think we still have a lot of work to do until we manage for the rights of every woman to be respected".

"A few years ago, we made the status of the violated women in Kosovo. The state supports them financially, and we will have the opportunity to address other aspects in future meetings,” she said, adding that “we should never give up and I believe that you are proof that we can succeed".

"My door is open to you and feel free whenever you need to address a problem. I wish that the situation in Ukraine will be normalized as soon as possible, that Ukrainian women will have the opportunity to return safely to their homes, and Kosovo, I believe, has become a second home for you," she said.

Police arrest Serb for smuggling in Zvecan, was wanted by Interpol (Nacionale)

Kosovo Police arrested a Serbian national suspected of smuggling goods and removal or damaging of official stamps. The police report that the suspect was released but upon verification it resulted that he was wanted by Interpol (Serbian authorities) and then based on the prosecutor’s decision he was sent to detention.




Serbian Language Media


Trendafilova: I am here to answer all questions, without lies and deception (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reports today that another arrival of the president of the Specialized Councils, Ekaterina Trendafilova, to Kosovo was followed by announcements of protests. At the time when Trendafilova meets with representatives of civil society in Pristina, members of the opposition PSD and former KLA fighters, according to the announcement, will gather as a sign of opposition. The President of the Specialized Councils, on the other hand, on the eve of this meeting, in an interview with KoSSev, invited all those who, as she says, do not trust her or the Specialized Councils, to come and ask all questions with an "open mind". I am in a position to give objective and not false and misleading answers, there is nothing to hide, Trendafilova emphasized.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) and former KLA fighters announced last week that they will organize a protest today in the afternoon, precisely because of Trendafilova's arrival.

The PSD opposed her arrival with the slogan 'The KLA cannot be tried'. They hung a banner with these words yesterday in front of the EULEX headquarters, and the secretary of this party told the Pristina media that this mission is an "extension" of the Special Court. He accused the Specialized Chambers of being unfair, non-transparent, and lacking legitimacy.

According to KoSSev, in the previous days, at the same time, announcements in Albanian were shared on social networks, in which Trendafilova was marked as an undesirable person.

"I have to say that it is not nice when they say that you are an undesirable person, but I accept it as, perhaps, the point of view of people who have to come, to talk, to ask questions, with an open mind," said Trendafilova in today's interview for KoSSev a few hours before the meeting with representatives of civil society.

She says that she came to Kosovo to answer every question, but also to understand that everyone has the right to express their opinion, reservations, doubts, and concerns.

"And that's why I said yesterday - even if they cancel our flight, we will spend the night at the airport, but I will come only because I want to meet with anyone who wants to ask any question, including questions about doubts, disbelief about what we are doing, only because I am in a position to give objective and not false and misleading answers to all these questions".

She emphasized that she was looking forward to the meeting with the civil society.

"That is the most important purpose of my arrival... We are just doing our job, mainly in connection with the protection of witnesses and victims who want to participate in the processes. I consider it my duty to come (to Kosovo) at least once a year and to inform everyone who is interested about our performance, the operation and to answer all questions," emphasized Trendafilova.

She says she is not worried about being asked any question.

That is why she invites everyone who, as she says, does not trust her, her colleagues, and the Specialized Councils to come.

"We have nothing to hide, there are no tricky games, there is no politics, not even a little," said Trendafilova.

KFOR: Our presence in northern Kosovo increased by fourfold, number of patrols by threefold (Kosovo Online)

KFOR remains fully committing to implementing its UN mandate based on UN SC Resolution 1244 to ensure safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at any moment and in an impartial manner, reads response this Mission sent to Kosovo Online portal’s inquiry whether they planned to additionally increase their presence in the north and number of patrols there given that on Friday, December 1, deadline for vehicle re-registration as set by Kosovo government expires.

In a written response KFOR also said that “in reaction to recent tensions, the highest reinforcement of KFOR troops in the last decade took place”.

“Almost 1000 additional soldiers with heavy armament have been deployed. We increased KFOR presence in the north of Kosovo by fourfold, and number of patrols by threefold, including along administrative line. KFOR maintains a flexible and agile stance across Kosovo and is ready to respond to all possible scenarios, in line with its UN mandate. Our Mission remains as the third security responder in Kosovo, following Kosovo police and EULEX, in this order. Our Commander is in regular contact with all his main interlocutors, including representatives of the Kosovo security organizations, Serbian Army Chief of Staff and EULEX Head”, the response added.

The Kosovo government said earlier that Friday, December 1 is the last day for Serbs in the north to replace their Serbian issued plates with that of “RKS”.

Germany to send 150 additional troops to Kosovo (N1, Beta)

Germany's Foreign Affairs Minister Annalena Baerbock said after the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on Tuesday that her country will send 150 additional troops to Kosovo, reported N1.

“Peace often hangs by a thread in the Western Balkans. The commitments of NATO and of the EU go hand in hand: the EUFOR mission ensures security in Bosnia and Herzegovina and NATO KFOR in Kosovo. Germany will contribute up to 150 additional troops to KFOR,” said Baerbock.

European Union (EU) High Representative Josep Borell said Kosovo and Serbia were topics of discussion at the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting.

Borrell called on Kosovo and Serbia to create conditions for the implementation of agreements, reported the Pristina media.

Strpce Municipal Assembly demands suspension of construction in Sevce village, one of proposal is to demolish object (Radio KIM)

Strpce Municipal Assembly adopted a conclusion proposed by mayor Dalibor Jevtic on preventing illegal construction in the village of Sevce in this municipality, Radio KIM reports. Conclusion will be further sent to respective ministries and international institutions in Pristina.

Albanian B.M. from Pristina is building an object in this village without permits from relevant Strpce municipal departments. Nearby the premise he constructed the bridge, and an electric power station so electricity was connected.

Stevce residents protested reconstruction last year as they believe a weekend settlement will be built in their village and their petition back then was supported by Strpce Municipal Assembly councilors and mayor Jevtic.

Despite the reaction of the municipal inspection department, issuance of a related fine and sealing the construction spot with a tape, the works continued while efforts of the local self-governance to stop illegal construction had been ignored by central institutions in Pristina, mayor Jevtic said today in a session.

“We only ask for the law to be respected. Despite tape being placed around the site by inspection, the person removed the tape on several occasions. KEDS allowed connection to the electric network. Precondition for this is a construction permit that this person does not have. We asked the relevant ministry to react. Their stance is that we should issue construction permit”, Jevtic said.

“If someone thinks he is above the law, above the institutions, the message must be clear that no one is above the law, above institutions”, he said.

Strpce municipal inspection department said they filed a criminal report against the person carrying out construction on September 14 and it had been sent to the Prosecution Office in Urosevac. However, up to date no response came from prosecution. An appeal has been filed as well, but remains without response yet. Also, an inspection visited the spot, issued fines, but after that a bridge was built.

The conclusion adopted requested: 

  • Prosecution Office in Urosevac to immediately react to the criminal reports filed against M.B. by Strpce municipality;
  • M.B. to suspend construction in the area where construction is not permitted and respected valid legal regulations and decision of the local municipal administration; 
  • M.B. to remove all so far placed and constructed objects, located on a parcel contrary to the decision of the local municipal administration;
  • KEDS to discontent the electric power station as its connection was done contrary to the applicable legal norms;
  • Ombudsman institution to protect the interest and the rights of affected citizens,
  • Representatives of the OSCE, KFOR, EULEX and UNMIK as well as other international missions in Pristina to react to this violation of the rights both those regulated by legal norms and the rights of citizens clearly voiced in the petition. 
  • If mentioned institutions do not take into account the conclusion of the Strpce MA, the municipality and its responsible departments will apply the law on construction and demolish all illegal objects on the property of B.M.

The conclusion will be sent to the Basic Prosecution in Urosevac, B.M. KEDS, Kosovo Ministry for Spatial Planning, Environment Protection and Infrastructure, Ombudsman and his deputy, OSCE, KFOR, EULEX, UNMIK and Quint embassies, Radio KIM reported. 

Stoltenberg: The proposal on the CSM (ZSO) could be the way forward in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Blic)

Blic daily reports that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his belief today that the proposal for the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM) could present the way forward in finding a solution and achieving progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Stoltenberg said this at the press conference held on the second day of the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, at the headquarters of the Alliance in Brussels.

He added that in the past period, serious incidents and attacks on NATO peacekeepers were seen in Kosovo. 

“In the past few months, during the year, we have seen some serious incidents of violence in Kosovo. I just visited Kosovo and what we saw this spring was an attack on NATO peacekeepers. 93 NATO soldiers were wounded, and that is completely unacceptable,” Stoltenberg pointed out.

He added that during September there was an incident in Banjska in which there were fatalities.

“It emphasizes the challenges we face in Kosovo and the importance of de-escalation by all parties, to refrain from actions that can further increase tensions and refrain from any inflammatory rhetoric that can increase tensions. That was my message at my meetings in Priština and Belgrade,” he said.

Stoltenberg pointed out that an example of good cooperation between the EU and NATO can be seen in Kosov. 

“We have added more NATO troops to our presence in Kosovo to approximately 5,000. I believe that the proposal of the Community of Serb Municipalities could be the way forward to try to find a solution and to make progress within the dialogue with the help of the EU,” he said.

Residents of Mitrovica North: Passports of Coordination Directorate must be visa (Radio Mitrovica sever)

Radio Mitrovica sever in an article published yesterday wrote that following the European Commission proposal to include holders of Serbian Coordination Directorate passport in Schengen zone visa-free regime, triggered opposing reactions from political representatives and the civil sector in Belgrade and Pristina. While officials in Belgrade welcomed the proposal, Pristina opposed it.

Nenad from Mitrovica North opined that should the European Commission’s proposal that citizens in Kosovo who have Coordination Directorate passports also enjoy a visa-free regime be adopted, it will be “a big step forward for the Serbian people who remained in Kosovo”.

“We will no longer be in a checkmate position; we will have that passport. Normal, our passport, visa-free with which we can go wherever we want. Until now, we didn’t have that, and we struggled with visas”, he said.

His fellow resident Nemanja said Serbs should not take Kosovo passports but wait for the decision of the European Council and the Parliament on the Serbian Coordination Directorate passports.

Another resident from the north, Nevena believes that passports issued by the Coordination Directorate must be visa-free. “Young people from here will get the opportunity to travel and simply be equal to citizens from central Serbia”.

Milica Andric Rakic from Mitrovica North-based NGO New Social Initiative does not expect the European Commission to withdraw its recommendation for the liberalization of Coordination Directorate passports.

“It is not a decision made on the fly and it is the result of long negotiations with the Ministry of European Integration of Serbia. Therefore, the European Commission looked at the issue in detail and gave the recommendation as it is. Other bodies that should support this decision, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, may possibly delay the confirmation of this decision, as was the case with Kosovo, which received the recommendation of the EC back in 2018, but not for too long, because there are few arguments in this case”, she told Radio Mitrovica sever.

Dusan Radakovic from another Mitrovica North-based NGO Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture told the Radio that they specifically asked for the meeting between Serbian and Albanian NGOS on this issue to be public, in the presence of the international community and the Serbian and Albanian media.

“We have indications that the European Commission will answer us during this week. Our opinion is that the response of the Commission will be affirmative nevertheless and after that make a decision, because if the opposite happens, the passport of the Coordination Directorate would be the only one in Europe who will remain without a visa free travel”, Radaković said.

He said that the reasons are unfounded and that the dual citizenship they mention as well as the threat to the integrity of Kosovo do not agree with the points of the Kosovo Constitution that prescribe the opposite. He also stated that not all Kosovo non-governmental organizations requested the annulment of the European Commission’s proposal, and that many had given up in the meantime.

Minister of Justice of Montenegro suggested signing an extradition agreement between Montenegro and Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTCG)

The Minister of Justice of Montenegro, Andrej Milovic, met with Kosovo's ambassador to Montenegro, Ariana Zherka Hoxha, and on that occasion proposed the signing of a bilateral agreement on extradition between Montenegro and Kosovo, as a key step towards improving mutual legal cooperation, reported Kosovo Online, citing RTCG. 

"He emphasized that the cooperation so far has been good, expressing the expectation that it will become even better in the future, and contribute to regional stability," the announcement states.

Hoxha praised, as stated, the cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo so far, but she expressed disagreement with the decision of the previous Minister of Justice that Montenegro would not hand over two wanted persons to the judicial authorities of Kosovo.

"She reminded that Kosovo extradited one person to Montenegro last year and is currently in the process of considering the request to extradite another one, after the end of the appeal process. In addition to the bilateral extradition agreement proposed by Minister Milovic, Ambassador Hoxha suggested signing two additional agreements between Montenegro and Kosovo, the first of which is an agreement on mutual enforcement of court decisions, as well as an agreement on mutual legal assistance, in order to strengthen legal cooperation between the two countries," the announcement states.

The meeting concluded with an agreement on further steps in strengthening cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo in the field of justice.

Vucic, Nurtleu discuss Serbia-Kazakhstan cooperation (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Kazakh Deputy PM and FM Murat Nurtleu in Belgrade on Wednesday and noted that Serbia was firmly committed to development of comprehensive cooperation with Kazakhstan.

Vucic said he was pleased Kazakhstan had since 2019 had an embassy in Serbia, which he noted was making a significant contribution to bringing the two countries closer, the presidential press office said in a statement.

Vucic thanked friendly Kazakhstan for supporting the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and for the commitment to the principles of international law demonstrated in that way.

The parties also discussed cooperation in investments, the energy sector, defence and the defence industry, agriculture, tourism and other areas of mutual interest.

Nurtleu said Serbia was a close partner to Kazakhstan but that there was still untapped potential for cooperation in various fields.

Vucic accepted an invitation from his counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to visit Kazakhstan.

Vucic and Nurtleu also discussed various global affairs, the statement said.






Not the same, but nothing new either (KoSSev)

By Dusan Janjic

It is a commonly accepted adage that so much history is produced in the Balkans that its citizens cannot digest it. In principle, this understanding could be applied to the latest events, but also to the editors’ decision to continue the years-long correspondence between Shala and me – “Na +38…”.

Be that as it may, KoSSev, Shala, and I are returning to the old – new year of 2023 in the hope that it is the “Third Time’s A Charm” and that this will not be a return to the future. I would like to paraphrase a few messages from the “Happy Return to the New Year (2023)” column, dated December 17, 2022:

First of all, our correspondence confirms that hope springs eternal. The hope that the leaders will hear, that is, read the call not to subjugate their citizens to the frenzied war paint, with which the “big” mark the lines of their spheres of interest;

Secondly, what we called an „emergency“ at the end of 2022, and at the end of 2023 is a visible result of the policies applied so far in the management of the normalization process;

In the end, unfortunately, the absence of “a little (political) will and sand” that was necessary and sufficient to put out the “small fires” of dissatisfaction and conflict was confirmed. The “already seen dangerous game” continued to be played. The game that preceded the wars on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, and the last act, for now, took place in Banjska.

Inspiringly and accurately, this act was reviewed by Misha Glenny with the following sentence: “Absurd affair in Banjska I think could bring the two sides closer”.

Read more at:






How Swiss participation in Kosovo peace mission lays bare the neutrality debate (

The Swiss Armed Forces take part in the NATO-led international peacekeeping force in Kosovo. This Swisscoy mission is key to understanding the neutrality debate in Switzerland – and what role NATO plays in it.

Few countries are more significant for Swiss neutrality than Kosovo. The controversy over whether Switzerland was jeopardizing its neutrality in Kosovo began ten years before Europe's youngest state declared its independence.

Read more at:

Letter: Is Kosovo a model for a post-conflict Gaza? (

To stabilize the Gaza Strip, Israel and its western allies should instead take steps to demilitarize Hamas. The Islamist group is deeply embedded in Palestinian society. It is also widely supported politically. Recent polls found that a majority of Gazans would vote for the leader of Hamas in a presidential race against Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority.

Read more at: