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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 30, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID – 19: 539 new cases, 11 deaths (media)
  • Osmani: Kosovo proved it is capable organizing democratic elections even in times of pandemics (media)
  • Hoti: We will increase the economic recovery package (media)
  • PDK reacts after LVV’s rally in Podujeve (RTK)
  • Aliu criticizes Hoti for not reacting to Rakic’s statement (RTK)
  • KFOR ready to act in case of tensions after Special Court indictments (media)
  • Kosovo Parliament lacks quorum to pass important laws (Express)
  • Kurti: Albanians do not want to act as told by those who grow rich (Koha)
  • LDK chairmanship convenes after losing mayoral elections in Podujeva (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 92 new cases of Covid-19, one death, 18 recoveries registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Kontakt plus radio)
  • CEC: Milan Radojevic new Mitrovica North mayor (Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)
  • Szunyog praises organisation of elections in Podujevo and Mitrovica North (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Dimitrijevic: Observers assessed election process as successful and professionally done (Kosovo-online)
  • “Expected victory of Milan Radojevic” (Radio KIM)
  • EU’s Várhelyi hails Serbia’s move to revoke decision on Montenegro’s envoy (N1)
  • Vucic: State has to pay salaries and pensions (BETA, N1)
  • Epidemiologist: Coronavirus in Serbia may calm by New Year if measures respected (N1)


  • EU Urges Montenegro to Revoke Expulsion of Serbian Ambassador (Balkan Insight)


  • 'Serbian-Albanian Friendship' website – contribution to regional reconciliation (Beta, N1)
  • Air pollution issues extend to Peja (Prishtina Insight)




Albanian Language Media 


COVID – 19: 539 new cases, 11 deaths (media)

539 new cases of COVID – 19 and 11 deaths from the virus have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 574 patients have recovered from the virus during this time. There are currently 13.579 active cases of coronavirus in Kosovo.

Osmani: Kosovo proved it is capable organizing democratic elections even in times of pandemics (media)

Acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani congratulated all the citizens of Podujeva and those of North Mitrovica for the maturity shown in the election process. 

Osmani through a statement to the media said that Kosovo proved that it is capable of organizing free, fair and democratic elections.

"I congratulate all the citizens of Podujeva and those of North Mitrovica for the maturity shown during this whole process, despite the fact that it took place during a pandemic. I congratulate the Central Election Commission and all the others engaged for the work and great commitment with which the organization of the elections was achieved according to democratic standards. I also thank the representatives of the civil society for their commitment in observing these elections as well as the media for reporting from these two municipalities," Osmani wrote.

Hoti: We will increase the economic recovery package (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Abdullah Hoti said that he believes that the economic recovery fund for 2021 will be increased even more during the two readings in the Assembly. He also said that they are discussing with donors to bring together all the funds in function of economic recovery.

Hoti made these comments during the contract signing ceremony for the grant schemes, the economic recovery program, which was organized by the Ministry of Regional Development. 

"I hope that this measure, as symbolic as it may be, is a relief especially for small and medium-sized businesses and it is of interest that the specifics of different regions in terms of regional development have been taken. As you know, we have other measures of business support ... This measure is not the last, we are obliged to foresee next year a fund for economic recovery which we made part of the budget in the amount of 182 million, but which will increase. I believe that during the two readings in the Assembly we will increase it further and we are also discussing with donors, our development partners to bring together all the funds for the purpose of economic recovery. Our entire focus during this period has been to help families, to help businesses stay in the market in some way," he said.

PDK reacts after LVV’s rally in Podujeve (RTK)

The spokesman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Avni Bytyci, reacted after the rally held by the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti with the citizens in Podujeve.

Bytyci criticized Kurti, saying that he organized protests even as prime minister. 

"The joy of political victory does not justify the political dilettantism of Albin Kurti and the Vetëvendosje Movement in the Municipality of Podujeva during the pandemic. On average, over 13 citizens per day are dying as a result of coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2),” Bytyci said. 

"It is understandable that for Albin and the Vetevendosje Movement the lives of citizens are of little importance, the government is important. With the style of the virus does not exist, nor the state, when LVV is in opposition, Albin and his party, with this completely unacceptable behavior, are also responsible for the current situation with the pandemic, and unfortunately also the large number of deaths," he wrote on his Facebook profile.

Aliu criticizes Hoti for not reacting to Rakic’s statement (RTK)

Vetevendosje Movement MP, Liburn Aliu spoke about Sunday’s statements of the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Goran Rakic, who while calling on citizens in Mitrovica North to vote for the candidate of the Serbian List, said that the President of Serbia supports this entity.

Aliu in today's session of the Assembly of Kosovo said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti had to react to this statement, which as he said, is in contradiction with the Constitution of Kosovo.

He added that Rakic ​​is not an ordinary citizen, so his statement implicates the government of Kosovo.

"This Deputy Prime Minister violated the law by calling for a candidate of a certain entity to be voted and the same acted in violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo when he stated that Serbia and its president support this candidate. On the other hand, no reaction from Avduallh Hoti who is supposed to be his boss. It should have been expected and normal that the dismissals have already taken place. How is it possible that someone who calls himself Prime Minister like Avdullah Hoti allows such illegal and anti-government attitudes, against constitutional order, to become normal by his subordinates," Aliu asked. 

He added that the Hoti government is not legitimate and it should be changed as soon as possible.

KFOR ready to act in case of tensions after Special Court indictments (media)

New KFOR commander, Franco Federici, during an online press conference with Kosovo media spoke about the security situation after the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in the Hague has confirmed the indictments against former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commanders.

Asked by Koha if there are indications of tension or protests after filing of the indictments, Federici said that currently the security situation appears calm, adding however that KFOR is ready to act in case of any tension.

“We have no indication that the situation will change. We are convinced that all will act in a moderate way. Allow me to emphasise that KFOR is not involved in the Special Court. This is a topic completely out of our mandate. KFOR does not conduct investigations. Nevertheless, we are following the situation and we are cautious. We are ready to act if there are tensions and protests after filing of the indictments,” quotes Federici as saying.

Talking about the dialogue with Serbia, he said that KFOR does not deal with politics. “As the Secretary General has stated, NATO supports the dialogue. But of course, KFOR welcomes any step forward. We welcome every step which strengthens co-existence between communities, and we will play our role helping in this process,” he said.

Kosovo Parliament lacks quorum to pass important laws (Express)

Kosovo’s Parliament lacked quorum on Monday to vote draft laws including the Law on economic recovery, the news portal reports.

Only 45 MPs were present during the plenary session on Monday. Opposition MPs during parliamentary questions continued criticising Avdullah Hoti’s government for failing to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. They asked reimbursement for all citizens infected with COVID-19 due to high prices of the therapies they used. Minister of health, Armend Zemaj, said that authorities will review their capacities and will decide on whether to reimburse citizens or not. Zemaj said that all patients who asked for help in public health institutions, were given the necessary therapy provided by the Ministry of health.

Kurti: Albanians do not want to act as told by those who grow rich (Koha)

The leader of the Vetvendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti, thanked the citizens of Podujeva for the victory of Vetevendosje in the municipal elections that were held on Sunday in this municipality. He said that Albanians want to change political representation and reform themselves.

Kurti wrote that his compatriots once emigrated outside Kosovo ‘because of the evils of the Serbian occupying state.’

"But it has been some time that Albanians have been moving because of our bad governments. However, recently they have begun to experience this as an escape from themselves, as a deformation from elongation. If in the twentieth century, grandfather and father were ‘gastarbeiters’, should now their son and nephew have the same fate in the 21st century?"

"Albanians want to change their look in the mirror, to change their political representation, to reform themselves. So, they want to make themselves,  to comprise institutions, and not to do as told from those high and far, who get enriched while pledging. People want to stay, while seeking justice and work, now and here," he wrote. 

"We have lost a lot of valuable time, dear citizens. Acceleration is necessary. Congratulations to all, the victory in Podujeva and the uplift in Mitrovica, and, thank you to each of you! ” Kurti wrote. 

LDK chairmanship convenes after losing mayoral elections in Podujeva (media)

A day after the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) lost mayoral elections in the municipality of Podujeva, the chairmanship of the party will convene to discuss losing an election in this municipality which is considered as the “stronghold” of the LDK.

Chairman of the LDK, Isa Mustafa, called an urgent meeting of the highest body of the party today at 14:00 hours. LDK candidate Nexhmi Rudari was defeated by the Vetevendosje candidate Shpejtim Bulliqi in the early mayoral elections held Sunday. This is the first time the LDK lost an election in Podujeva.

After preliminary results late on Monday, Mustafa pledged to win again in the local elections which will be held in October 2021. He said the LDK should reconsider its approach and adjust the needs of the voters, especially young people in order to win this municipality next year.




Serbian Language Media


92 new cases of Covid-19, one death, 18 recoveries registered in Serbian areas on Saturday (Kontakt plus radio)

92 new cases of Covid-19 infection, one death and 18 recoveries were registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced on Saturday, Kontakt plus radio reports.

Deceased person was from Zvecan.

Out of 211 tested samples positive cases were registered as follows: 31 in Mitrovica North, 13 in Zvecan, 13 in Zubin Potok, eight in Leposavic, eight in Gracanica, six in Priluzje, six in Strpce, four in Gnjilane and one each in Pec, Prizren and Kamenica.

Recovered cases were registered as follows: six in Gnjilane, seven in Mitrovica North, two in Zvecan, two in Leposavic and one in Zubin Potok.

At the moment 62 patients are hospitalized at the Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North, and one patient is in Nis.

A total of 896 people are staying in-house isolation. There are 959 active cases.

A total of 1.234 people have recovered so far.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic 54 people have died in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo.  

CEC: Milan Radojevic new Mitrovica North mayor (Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)

Central Election Commission (CEC) President Valdete Daka said last night that based on preliminary results of the municipal mayoral elections in Mitrovica North and Podujevo, Milan Radojevic and Shpetim Buliqi have won elections, Radio KIM reports.

Milan Radojevic, Serbian List candidate received 89 percent of votes. Daka also said the electoral process went normally and there were no reports on irregularities during the voting process.

There were seven polling centers in Mitrovica North, including 27 polling stations.

Radojevic: I will justify trust of citizens

Serbian List candidate for Mitrovica North mayor thanked the citizens of Mitrovica North and promised he would justify the given trust.

“First of all I want to thank the leadership and presidency of the Serbian List for their trust, Republic of Serbia and its state leadership, for the huge support we have received so far during electoral process, and of course the largest gratitude goes to the citizens of Mitrovica North”, Radojevic said.

He added he “would work hard to justify their trust, the best I can, and I have no doubts that I would have a strong support of the president and all Serbian List members, as well as the entire team that worked so far, in doing this”.

Milunovic congratulated Radojevic and wished him success

Dusan Milunovic who ran as an independent candidate at Mitrovica North mayoral elections congratulated today Milan Radojevic for his victory and wished him lots of success in running the city.

“I congratulate my counter-candidate Milan Radojevic for his victory and wish him lots of success and happiness as a mayor”, Milunovic told Kosovo-online portal.

He also expressed gratitude to all citizens who did their civic duty and turned out to vote. According to him, the electoral process went without problems.

Petkovic congratulates Radojevic

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic congratulated Milan Radojevic on his election as Mitrovica North mayor.

Petkovic noted that Serbian people in Mitrovica North by this “confirmed their unwavering willingness to stay and survive in Kosovo and Metohija, in which they would be supported in every way by the President Aleksandar Vucic and the Government of Serbia."

“By voting for the Serbian List candidate our compatriots in Kosovo and Metohija have also confirmed support to the idea of Serbian political unity in Kosovo and Metohija, by recognizing Serbian List as an umbrella political force in the province”, Petkovic further said in a statement.

Petkovic added Mitrovica North “remains the single urban area in Kosovo where Serbs make up the majority today, and as such is a crucial political center as well as the center of the Serbian educational and health systems, and it shall continue to be so”.

Szunyog praises organisation of elections in Podujevo and Mitrovica North (Radio Mitrovica sever)

Tomas Szunyog, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative praised the organisation of mayoral elections in Mitrovica North and Podujevo, Radio Mitrovica sever reports.

“Appreciate voters who participated in Podujeva/Podujevo and Mitrovica North E-Day affected by #COVID19 restrictions. Active citizens' involvement is important for a credible election process and democracy. Good work done by @KQZKosova”, he wrote on Twitter Radio Mitrovica sever reported. 

Dimitrijevic: Observers assessed election process as successful and professionally done (Kosovo-online)

“Today’s election day in the municipality of Mitrovica North passed without major problems, according to the information I received from CEC, everything was in the best order”, Municipal Election Commission Chairman Slobodan Dimitrijevic said last night, Kosovo-online portal reports.

“At 7 pm exactly all polling stations in the municipality of Mitrovica North were closed”, he added.

He pointed out that the observers assessed the election process as successful and professionally done without any mistakes.

Dimitrijevic also thanked the citizens for going to the polls en masse and performing their civic duty despite the pandemic, as well as for everyone who participated in the election process.

He emphasized that during the election process, all epidemiological measures were respected and that the two mobile COVID teams did their job professionally.

“Expected victory of Milan Radojevic” (Radio KIM)

Unlike previous election campaigns in Mitrovica North this one didn’t include insults or “harsh words” directed against the opponents. However, there was no giving up on one thing, and it was the collective vote of Serbian List members, Radio KIM reports today.

The campaign and mayoral elections in Mitrovica North were marked by a coronavirus pandemic, so the question of Radio Belgrade journalist Tanja Vujisic was – why were elections held at all under such an epidemiological situation and why was collective vote allowed?”

“At one moment there was a collective vote of people working in the budget-financed companies. I think this could have been done differently. I guess it is normal that people vote as per their free will, so they could come individually and not collectively to vote”, she told RTV KIM.

Miodrag Milicevic from non-governmental organization Aktiv said the results of elections in Mitrovica North were fully expected. He opined that unlike in 2013 and 2017 the Serbian List this time didn’t face strong competition, and it was the main reason why the campaign went peacefully.

“The opponents in no way could hamper the leading candidate of the Serbian List, therefore the campaign was far more peaceful, without any tensions. It was expected in advance that the Serbian List candidate would win the highest percentage of votes and this is the only reason for such a peaceful campaign”, Milicevic said.

“If we compare it with the 2013 elections, there were clear indicators. At that moment, Oliver Ivanovic was the most serious candidate, who could potentially be elected as Mitrovica North mayor. This time, with my due respect to Dusan Milunovic, he was not somebody who could compete with the candidacy of Milan Radojevic, therefore the outcome of this election was rather clear”, Milivojevic added.

On the other hand, Vujisic said it was a positive thing that an independent candidate (Dusan Milunovic) took part in elections, adding there should be more of them in the future, in order to enable a normal election campaign.

“I would love if mayoral candidates would understand that they should deal with local topics, that their stances on global politics are not relevant at all, but to deal with local issues, in order to advance every day life of people”, she said.

Speaking about the winner of the elections, Milan Radojevic she said “he was a good choice of Serbian List”.

“I have not heard any bad thing about him, not even from the people who do not support the Serbian List, so this is probably one of the reasons why everything went peacefully”, Vujisic said.

The previous 2017 election campaign was marked by heavy insults directed against the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) candidate Oliver Ivanovic voiced by Serbian List and its supporters.

A video aired on TV Most and TV Pink depicting Ivanovic as a traitor will also be remembered. Several months after the elections, Oliver Ivanovic was murdered in front of his party premises in Mitrovica North, Radio KIM recalled. 

EU’s Várhelyi hails Serbia’s move to revoke decision on Montenegro’s envoy (N1)

The European Union Commissioner for Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi welcomed late on Sunday Serbian Government decision to unilaterally withdraw the decree to expel Montenegrin ambassador to Belgrade made as a response for Podgorica’s declaration of Serbian ambassador as persona no grata in the coastal republic, N1 reports.

The Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Ministry cited “long and continuous meddling in the internal affairs of Montenegro” as the reason and asked Serbian Ambassador Vladimir Bozovic to leave the country.

Belgrade responded in a “reciprocal manner.” Serbia media reported that Montenegrin Ambassador Tarzan Milosevic was asked to leave Serbia within 72 hours, but soon the decision was reversed upon President Aleksandar Vucic's advice.

Later on Sunday, Várhelyi called on Montenegro to follow suit.

“I welcome Serbian Government decision to withdraw expelling of Montenegrin ambassador. I call on Montenegro to do the same. Respect for good neighbourly relations&regional cooperation are cornerstones of #EUenlargement & Association and Stabilisation Process”, Varhelyi wrote on Twitter.

His call drew criticism from Montenegro’s ambassador to Vatican Miodrag Vlahovic who told Várhelyi his statements about mutual expulsion of Belgrade and Podgorica diplomats “compromises and deeply undermines the seriousness and objectivity of the EU policy towards the Western Balkans”.

See at:

Vucic: State has to pay salaries and pensions (BETA, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that the authorities will accept every decision taken by the pandemic Crisis Staff but added that the state "has to pay salaries and pensions", BETA news agency reports.

"If we shut down everything in Serbia, I don't know how we'll be able to pay anything", he told reporters during a tour of the construction site of a new hospital in the city of Krusevac (central Serbia).

He said that the government is considering added aid for the hospitality and tourism industries which should be defined over the next few days. "We will find ways to help some more, whether by paying out minimum wage or something... Even when we say we have nothing, we always saved something for dark days", Vucic said.

Epidemiologist: Coronavirus in Serbia may calm by New Year if measures respected (N1)

Branislav Tiodorovic, an epidemiologist and a member of Serbian anti-epidemic Crisis Team, said on Monday the flattening of the epidemiological curve in the country might be expected by December 10, and then decline by the New Year, providing the measures to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus were fully respected, N1 reports. 

He added that such a prognosis is optimistic, but "if we are responsible, we could reduce the number of sick people".

He also said that the 'Black Friday' crowds in shopping malls and other gatherings, came at the worst possible time when the numbers of infected and fatalities were on the rise.

"The consequences will be seen in five to seven days", Tiodorovic added.

See at:





EU Urges Montenegro to Revoke Expulsion of Serbian Ambassador (Balkan Insight)

The European Enlargement Commissioner has urged Montenegro to revoke its decision to expel the Serbian ambassador – which took place only days before a new, more pro-Serbian, government is due to take office in the country.

The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhely, has called on Montenegro to reverse its decision to expel the Serbian ambassador, as political tensions continue between the two neighbouring countries.

Montenegrin authorities on November 28 declared ambassador Vladimir Bozovic persona non grata, citing allegedly unacceptable statements about the history and statehood of the country.

Serbia initially then withdrew hospitality to the Montenegrin ambassador, Tarzan Milosevic. However, a day later, on November 29, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic cancelled that decision, saying Belgrade wanted to extend “the hand of cooperation and friendship”.

On Sunday, Varhely urged the Montenegrin government to make the same gesture. “I call on Montenegro to do the same. Respect for good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation are cornerstones of EU enlargement and the Association and Stabilization process,” Varhely wrote on Twitter, referencing the EU membership ambitions of both states.

See at:





'Serbian-Albanian Friendship' website – contribution to regional reconciliation (Beta, N1)

The website 'Serbian-Albanian Friendship' was launched on Monday, supported by the European Movement in Serbia and the European Fund for the Balkans.

During the online presentation of the new website  as a part of the initiative 'Towards Policy of Serbian-Albanian Friendship,' the president of the European Movement in Serbia, Jelica Minic, welcomed the website, saying it would "help many, especially young people, learn about the good sides of Serbian-Albanian relations, about which little has been known."

She added that the project, in a broader sense, had made a modest contribution to better understanding and reconciliation in the region.

The initiative marked the final phase of the 'Democratisation and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans' project implemented in six countries in the region by the European Movement in Serbia, the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade, New York University in Tirana, the Institute for Central and Eastern and Balkan Europe (Italy), The University of Dubrovnik and the School of Science and Technology of the University of Sarajevo, with the support of the European Commission.

The website contains a database of the extensive knowledge of Serbian-Albanian relations in Serbian, Albanian and English.

The database includes books, video material, media material and archives, material, like documentaries or feature films and information on publications and theatre performances links to other projects.

"We want to offer examples of friendship, cooperation, alternative relations, realised or unfulfilled political projects, which characterise the Balkan region and tell alternative stories to those who are too often nurtured in the media, education and scientific discourse," the website said.

One of the authors of the website, Aleksandar Pavlovic, thanked everyone who contributed to its realisation and prominent intellectuals and NGO activists who shared views on how to improve Serbian-Albanian friendship.

See at:

Air pollution issues extend to Peja (Prishtina Insight)

Lying in the shadow of the Accursed Mountains and sitting at the mouth of the Rugova Gorge, Peja has a reputation as a green city. However, despite its lack of industry, air pollution levels in the city have hit extremes in recent days. 

On Saturday, the Air Quality Index listed Peja as Kosovo’s third most polluted city, as it recorded unhealthy levels of air pollution for the third day in a row. 

Shkumbin Shala, an air quality specialist at Kosovo’s Hydro-Meteorological Institute, tells BIRN that the Institute has received a lot of questions regarding pollution levels in Peja.

Shala explains that the main causes are fumes emitted by vehicles and the use of coal to heat homes in the city. “The combustion process is not carried out with special or sophisticated equipment, and there is a lack of ventilation as well as discharges of gases and smoke,” Shala explains.

The air quality specialist adds that these factors increase levels of PM10 and PM2.5, extremely fine particulate matter which causes health issues, especially among those with breathing difficulties.

The number of people with trouble breathing in Kosovo is growing rapidly. According to data provided to BIRN by the National Institute of Public Health, in 2018 more than 10 percent of over 50s in Kosovo suffered from diseases affecting the respiratory system.

See more at: