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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 6, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • EU missions in Kosovo: We strongly support Specialist Chambers (media)
  • Hoti: Crucial to maintain stability of Kosovo institutions (Telegrafi)
  • Interior Minister: Kosovo Police has stepped up readiness (media)
  • Government: We will not suspend the dialogue (Koha)
  • Osmani in Prekaz: This is where the proof of Serbia's genocide lies (media)
  • Thaci to appear before court on 9 November (media)
  • Search operation carried out in residences of Thaci, Veseli, Selimi (media)
  • Minister Selimi demands government suspend dialogue with Serbia (Koha/Klan)
  • EU recalls Kosovo has pledged to continue dialogue with Serbia (Klan)
  • No quorum to vote economic recovery draft law (media)
  • AKR leader Pacolli calls for roundtable of political parties (media)
  • COVID – 19: 12 deaths, 728 new cases (media)
  • Kosovo could go into lockdown this weekend (Radio Free Europe)

Serbian Language Media:

  • SPO charges Kosovo's Thaçi and other of at least 98 murders (N1)
  • Antonijevic: Increase in number of infected persons expected next week (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Dacic: Washington agreement remains regardless of who wins US presidential elections (Tanjug)
  • The acting president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani on ''peace'' and ''genocidal state'' (KoSSev)
  • Mihajlovic: Change of generations in Kosovo, there will be no big drama about indictments (N1)
  • Serwer: Serbia should not be afraid if Biden wins (Kosovo Online)
  • Natasa Kandic: Serbia soon will have to answer where are the bodies of killed Albanians (Danas)
  • Trial of Nenad Arsic continues (Radio KIM)


  • Confirmed indictment of Kosovo’s President for war crimes brings victims one step closer to long-awaited justice (Amnesty International)
  • Week in Review: Fake News and Hard Realities (Balkan Insight)
  • 'We need a fresh start in the US, in the Balkans, in Europe, and in the world' (N1 Sarajevo, Atlantic Initiative)
  • Albanians Praise ‘Just War’ after Indicted Kosovo President Resigns (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media 


EU missions in Kosovo: We strongly support Specialist Chambers (media)

The Heads of Mission of the EU and of Member States in Kosovo have issued a joint statement taking note of the resignation of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. 

“We appreciate the cooperation with the Specialist Chambers shown in recent days by President Hashim Thaçi and former PDK leader Kadri Veseli as well as Mr Rexhep Selimi and former Speaker of the Assembly Jakup Krasniqi. Moreover, we appreciate the addresses to the public yesterday by Mr Thaci and Mr Veseli, calling for respect of the judicial process.

“This reflects Kosovo's responsibility and determination to respect the rule of law and hold individuals who may have engaged in unlawful acts to account. It should be recalled that under the law, the indicted individuals are innocent until proven guilty and their legal rights should be respected. Kosovo needs to remain committed to the process.

“For the EU and its Member States, the respect of Rule of Law, democracy and Human Rights is the most crucial priority. For this reason we have strongly supported the establishment of the Specialist Chambers, an integral part of Kosovo's Rule of Law system, and will continue to do so until the Chambers’ mission, which Kosovo has also committed to, is fulfilled. This is essential for the consolidation of Kosovo's European perspective.”

Hoti: Crucial to maintain stability of Kosovo institutions (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti said at the meeting of the government today that it was important to maintain the stability of Kosovo institutions in face of recent developments following the Specialist Chambers indictments against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

"We need to demonstrate maturity and vision to overcome this situation." 

Hoti said the Government of Kosovo will cooperate with all institutional leaders and the international community. "The Government expects everyone to continue demonstrating high political culture," he said.

Hoti said the people of Kosovo fought to defend their doorsteps and that Serbia was the aggressor. He also commended the cooperation of the accused with judicial authorities. 

"All these developments have once again put the state of Kosovo to a test. Allow me to commend their readiness to cooperate with justice. Hoping that the work of justice institutions be only guided by professionalism, it will be proven that the war was pure and righteous. The people fought for freedom, independence. The people of Kosovo did not fight in a foreign land but in their own backyards. Serbia was the aggressor."

Interior Minister: Kosovo Police has stepped up readiness (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs Agim Veliu said today that this ministry and Kosovo Police have stepped up their readiness following the latest developments surrounding the Specialist Chambers. Veliu said the operational plan includes measures aimed at protecting areas with mixed population in the event of possible incidents. “We have drafted a plan that includes all possible scenarios that can threaten public order … Kosovo Police can use all means and resources to respond to any possible situation,” he added.

Government: We will not suspend the dialogue (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti will not heed the request of the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), a main partner in the ruling coalition, to suspend the dialogue with Serbia after recent developments related to the Specialist Chambers. Minister of Justice and AAK member, Selim Selimi, made the request during the government meeting today.

A political advisor to Prime Minister Hoti told the news website that the dialogue will continue. “In the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels, the Republic of Kosovo takes part to fulfill its own interests and not the interests of Serbia,” the advisor said. “Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti believes that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has no reason to suspend cooperation with the institutions of the European Union. Prime Minister Hoti pledges to work with commitment and honesty to meet the constitutional obligations and responsibilities. The Government of Kosovo will cooperate with all heads of institutions and the international partners”.

Osmani in Prekaz: This is where the proof of Serbia's genocide lies (media)

Acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani visited Prekaz memorial site today, the resting place of KLA Commander Adem Jashari and his family, and also laid wreaths at the grave of the late President of Kosovo Ibrahim Rugova.

"In challenging times that our country is going through it is important to bow to the people that laid the foundations of our country," Osmani said.

Osmani said Prekaz is the place where one can find the most powerful symbol of freedom, sacrifice and resistance. "At the ame time, we can also see direct evidence against humankind and the genocide committed by Serbia. Two-thirds of the victims are women, children and elderly which speaks volumes about the genocidal and exterminating mindset that existed and Serbia still doesn't apologise."

During the visits, Osmani refused to comment on Specialist Chambers activity stating: "Legal actions do not require political comment."

Thaci to appear before court on 9 November (media)

Former President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci will make his first appearance before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers courtroom on 9 November. 

"The indictment against Hashim Thaci was confirmed on 26 October 2020. He was arrested by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office on 5 November 2020 and transferred to the Detention Facilities of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague on the same day.

"The indictment charges Hashim Thaci, under various forms of criminal responsibility, with war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law," KSC said in an announcement.

Search operation carried out in residences of Thaci, Veseli, Selimi (media)

A search operation was reported this morning to have begun in the homes of Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, and Rexhep Selimi, accused of war crimes and transferred to detention in The Hague yesterday.

Meanwhile, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers issued a statement noting: "The Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) is conducting ongoing operations in Kosovo. The operations of the SPO are being supported by the Kosovo Police and the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). More information will follow in due course."

Minister Selimi demands government suspend dialogue with Serbia (Koha/Klan)

Kosovo's Justice Minister from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Selim Selimi said today at the meeting of the Government that Kosovo should halt the dialogue with Serbia following the indictment against Hashim Thaci and other political leaders.

Selimi said the confirmation of the Specialist Chambers' indictments is a major blow to the people and institutions of Kosovo. "These allegations have more than just a legal effect and they are producing political consequences to our international standing and we cannot sit idle. As Minister of Justice, as a citizen and as AAK representative in dialogue, I consider the Government of Kosovo should immediately suspend the dialogue."

He argued that the Government of Kosovo ought to demand more transparency from the Specialist Chambers.

EU recalls Kosovo has pledged to continue dialogue with Serbia (Klan)

Peter Stano, spokesperson for the EU foreign policy, did not directly comment on the statement of Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) officials demanding Kosovo suspend dialogue with Serbia but did say that Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti has pledged to continue the process. 

"The EU facilitates the dialogue and we are focused on this role. We are not commenting on public observations of the different officials from one side or the other. The dialogue, following its resumption in July, is ongoing and making progress with meetings at the level of experts and the highest political one. Leaders on both sides - President Vucic and Prime Minister Hoti - confirmed they give great importance to EU integration and continuing efforts on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue," Stano told Klan Kosova.

No quorum to vote economic recovery draft law (media)

There was no quorum at the Kosovo Assembly session today to enable a vote on the draft law for economic recovery.

On behalf of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Arben Gashi requested the bill be put to vote at another session, on 11 November.

Earlier today, the Assembly's legislative committee passed the economic recovery draft law with five votes in favour and one abstention. 

AKR leader Pacolli calls for roundtable of political parties (media)

New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader and former Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Behgjet Pacolli, made several recommendations today for the political parties following the developments related to the Specialist Chambers. “Political parties must reduce tensions, set aside disagreements and bring out their very best. Therefore, I call for a joint roundtable of political parties on: a) a common and unified approach toward the Special Court, b) to set a date for the election of the President, c) a consensual election reform, d) to set the date for elections in autumn 2022, e) to continue the dialogue with Serbia, f) to implement constitutional reforms so that the President can be elected by the people in the future, g) implement the election reform,” Pacolli said.

COVID – 19: 12 deaths, 728 new cases (media)

12 deaths and 728 new cases of COVID – 19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (316). 60 patients have recovered from the virus during this time. 

Kosovo could go into lockdown this weekend (Radio Free Europe)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Health decided today that starting from today at 20:00 hours until 05:00 hours on Monday, businesses, trade centers, recreational centers, restaurants and bars will be closed, as part of efforts to stop the further spread of COVID – 19. The decision provides that bakeries, pharmacies, small stores and gas stations will remain open during this time. Kosovo Police will be obliged to carry out “strict controls” to see if the measures are implemented. The decision enters into force only after it is signed by Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti. 



Serbian Language Media


SPO charges Kosovo's Thaçi and other of at least 98 murders (N1)

The Specialist Prosecutor's Office (SPO) for the former Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, war crimes indicted its ex-leaders Hashim Thaçi, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi for crimes committed in 34 illegal KLA detention camps in Kosovo and Albania against at least 407 detainees, of whom at least 98 had been killed from March 1998 September 1999.

The indictment charges Thaçi and the others in ten counts of persecution on political and ethnic grounds, imprisonment, illegal arrests and detention, other inhumane acts, cruel treatment, torture (two counts) and murder (two counts).

In five counts, those crimes are qualified as crimes against humanity and war crimes.

According to the redacted indictment, Thaçi and the others bear both individual and command responsibility for those crimes, i.e., failing to act to prevent or punish the perpetrators.

See the redacted indictment at:

Defendants have a 30 days deadline after the first appearance before the Court to plead.

See at:

Antonijevic: Increase in number of infected persons expected next week (Kontakt plus radio)

Epidemiological situation in northern Kosovo and Serbian areas south of the Ibar River is slowly becoming concerning, given the increase in the number of newly infected people. We expect an increase in the number of positive cases during the next week, epidemiologist from Mitrovica North Public Health Institute Aleksandar Antonijevic told Kontakt plus radio.

He also said the current figures are not alarming yet, in order to tighten the measures aiming to prevent the spread of coronavirus, adding the respective authorities consider the epidemiological situation as being under control.

Antonijevic noted the increase in positive cases happened due to two reasons.

“Relaxation of people and not adhering to the measures following a calm period and celebration of family holidays (slava) that were not marked within the family only, as recommended by respective authorities…..As soon as situation gets serious – people start wearing masks, keeping distance, and this is negative about our people…”, Antonijevic said.

The best preventive measures include wearing personal protective equipment, keeping physical distance and avoiding massive gatherings, Antonijevic added.

He urged all those having symptoms of respiratory infections to stay home, and call Covid-ambulance in order to schedule examination and testing.

“Such cases should not leave homes and endanger others. The major problem is that also Covid-positive persons walk around the town, have coffees outside and behave nonchalant”, Antonijevic warned.  

Dacic: Washington agreement remains regardless of who wins US presidential elections (Tanjug)

Serbian Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic said last night the Washington agreement would remain if Joseph Biden wins US presidential elections, the US is strategic partner to Serbia, adding Serbia signed that document regardless of who is the president of the United States, Tanjug news agency reports.

Commenting on the indictments against former KLA leaders, Dacic said Serbia could only welcome the fact that the court started to work on the obligation it has – to prosecute crimes KLA committed against the Serbs.

He added there was strong pressure from Pristina over the last year to abrogate the court and relocate it from The Hague to Pristina, while Serbia remained constructive in the investigation of the war crimes regardless of who had committed them.

Dacic also said there are five mass grave sites in Kosovo and Metohija that Serbian investigative bodies were pointing out, however, no one reacted.

“Crimes against Serbs should be punished. We should not rejoice, but to leave it up to the prosecution and the court do their job”, he said.

Dacic also noted that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, if a change in US administration occurs, would find a way so Serbia would have good relations with the US.

The acting president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani on ''peace'' and ''genocidal state'' (KoSSev)

The Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly, Vjosa Osmani, has officially taken over as Kosovo President.

Hashim Thaci resigned as Kosovo’s president this morning after the Specialist Chamber in The Hague confirmed the indictment of the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office.

She took over the duty from Thaci’s advisor, Ardian Arifaj.

She took office in accordance with Article 90 of the Kosovo Law on the President, according to which she can perform the role for a maximum of 6 months.

The President of Kosovo is elected by members of the Kosovo Assembly, which is why their election is a matter of political agreement between the parliamentary parties.

The candidate for this seat must first provide 30 signatures of deputies, and then a two-thirds majority of votes from all deputies, i.e. 80 votes in the assembly in the first two rounds of voting, or the majority of votes (61) in the third round.

If no candidate is elected in the third round of voting, the Assembly is dissolved, and new elections are called within 45 days.

Vjosa Osmani met with the ambassadors of the Quint countries and the head of the EU office, and with the commander of the KSF. She also had her first public address in the new capacity.

Following Thaci’s and Veseli’s public address earlier in the day, Osmani repeated their alerts that Kosovo is facing difficult days, underlining that people must show unity and loyalty to our republic”. She also recalled, as did Veseli and Thaci, the 1999 war, which she described as a struggle for freedom.

Osmani welcomed the fact that the indicted responded to court summons, confirming that this is an international obligation. She emphasized the need for stable institutions, but also that ''the national project for freedom built on victims of generations and the spilled blood of the soldiers of our liberation army '' will not be put into jeopardy.

''The battle for state building is the most difficult political battle, and right now we need wisdom and prudence – the characteristics of our tradition. This time requires strong leadership and a united state response. Today, when our country is also facing a pandemic, we need solidarity and mutual understanding. As the acting president, I will dedicate myself to performing the function by promoting these values,'' she stated.

''During this journey, as I did before, I will strive every day for Kosovo to become a state in which the dreams of our citizens are realized, where equal opportunities are created for all in all spheres. I will do my best to make my voice join the voice of the citizens and resonate louder than ever.'' 

She, however, delivered a portion of messages addressed against what she perceived as the ''genocide state '' of Serbia.

''Serbia murdered over 13,000 people in Kosovo – 1,133 children from our families, more than in all the wars waged in the former Yugoslavia, per capita. Sustainable peace in the region thus requires that victims and aggressors are not equated. We, Kosovo Albanians, were victims of hegemony, a genocidal state, while Serbia was the state that committed these crimes. We have to say this out loud every time, here and in every other country, '' the acting president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani announced tonight.

Although this was Osmani’s first public address as the new acting president of Kosovo, such a message sent by the most popular female politician in Kosovo, as many people have assessed, is nothing new.

While speaking about the criminal role of Serbia, Osmani often uses the term ''genocidal state''.

In early October, the current President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dacic posed a rhetorical question on the “Cirilica” talk-show on TV Happy on what should be done with Serbs who reveal the locations of mass graves of Albanians in Serbia. Osmani was one of the first Kosovan politicians who reacted on the occasion. She shared a clip from that talk-show, alleging that Serbia is still led by ''genocidal minds''.

Also, during her guest appearance on the show ''Rubikon''  on TV Klan Kosova, while commenting on Thaci being questioned in The Hague at the end of June, she said: ''Unfortunately, we did not manage to talk openly about the crimes of the genocidal state.'' 

At that time, Osmani also shared a comment, via her Facebook page, on the Specialist Chambers’ announcement that the indictment against Thaci and Veseli has been sent for confirmation. The President of the Assembly of Kosovo said that Serbia ''has not yet been held accountable for the horrific crimes against innocent civilians in Kosovo.'' 

''Serbia is a genocidal state. And we have to say that today and every day in Kosovo, in the United States, in Europe and everywhere in the world,'' she wrote on her Facebook page.

Osmani also sent similar messages during the election campaign.

In addition to holding the post of the president of the assembly, she is one of the most popular politicians among Albanians in Kosovo. Osmani is also a university professor.

A link to her first public address as the acting president, without Serbian translation, was sent in a press release from the Kosovo president’s office.

Data on the number of killings in Kosovo

According to the findings of the Humanitarian Law Center from the ''Kosovo Book of Remembrance'' project, from January 1st, 1998, to December 31st, 2000, 10,093 civilians lost their lives or went missing in Kosovo – 8,645 Albanians, 1,013 Serbs, 262 Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, 84 Bosniaks, and 203 members of other ethnic groups. During the armed conflict in Kosovo from January 1st, 1998 to June 14th, 1999, and after the arrival of international forces in Kosovo until December 2000, a total of 13,421 people were killed or went missing in Kosovo – read the HLC data.

In its reaction on the International Day of the Missing last year, the RECOM coalition assessed that ''the issue of missing persons in connection with the war in Kosovo is extremely politicized'', while ''politicians and leaders of victims’ associations are snowballing the number of missing persons from their ethnic community, and pro-regime media are increasing the belief that only one side is the victim while the other is the ‘criminal’ and the civilizational perspective and the humanitarian dimension of the problem of missing persons have been completely lost''.

See at:

Mihajlovic: Change of generations in Kosovo, there will be no big drama about indictments (N1)

The indictments against Kosovo officials will seriously shake up political life and should lead to a "generational change" in Kosovo, journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic told regional broadcaster N1.

He adds that he does not believe that there will be "such a great drama" regarding the arrest, as it was assumed.

Former KLA members Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli and Rexhep Selimi, accused of crimes against humanity in Kosovo and Albania, have been placed in custody by the KLA crimes court in Scheveningen, the court said. Jakup Krasniqi will appear in the courtroom of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo in The Hague on Monday, November 9.

"The court has published a 68-page redacted indictment, which shows why they will be held accountable. It is a bit confusing that some other names of KLA commanders are mentioned on that paper of the Special Court and will most likely be found at the indictment bench at some stage," Mihajlovic said in the N1's Novi Dan morning show. 

According to him, it seems that the indictment was "seriously done".

"I assume that the court and the prosecution have serious witnesses, that they have done a lot to protect them. I think that this process will shake the Kosovo political scene, and in my opinion, will lead to a change of government in Kosovo," he stressed.

Mihajlovic sees Albin Kurti at the head of the Kosovo government, whose popularity, he says, is constantly growing.

"There will be many earthquakes, there are many people from the top of political life in Kosovo on paper, former ministers, MPs, directors of some companies...There is a change of generations, Pristina analysts say that a new era is coming. And I don't think it will be so big dramas about these arrests, as it was assumed", stated Mihajlovic.

On the other hand, he adds, there have been attempts to compromise the Special Court for KLA Crimes.

"You know that those packages with files were passed, it was an unprecedented attempt to intimidate witnesses and compromise the court...The court tried to push the whole story into regulatory flows. This paper mentions that they will be tried for crimes in Kosovo and Metohija, but also in Albania, so it is likely that the court has evidence of allegations of organ trafficking, since northern Albania is mentioned," Mihajlovic added.

When asked whether the accused will be convicted, he says that it depends on several things.

"It will depend on how much evidence the prosecution has gathered and protected witnesses. The court last night called on the victims to go to court, and that could have an impact. On the other hand, these are people who have ruled Kosovo for 20 years, have enormous wealth, they can pay expensive lawyers, it is about tens of millions of euros, and lawyers will surely try to prevent their clients from being convicted",  says Mihajlovic.

Commenting on the elections in the USA, Mihajlovic says that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will not be interrupted, whoever becomes president.

"Dialogue is in the interest of the West, the United States has taken that baton of dialogue, the EU is trying to bring it back to general, everyone has their own interests. They said that companies from the United States do not give up their intention to build a thermal power plan, Kosovo has lignite, and because of that, a dispute is being made about Gazivode. Everyone has their own interest here," said the N1 interlocutor.

Serwer: Serbia should not be afraid if Biden wins (Kosovo Online)

Whether Donald Trump will win a second term in the White House, or Joe Biden will become the new American president, will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. In an interview for portal Kosovo Online, Professor Daniel Serwer states that in his opinion Biden won, but that we should still wait.

"Biden didn't declare victory, Trump did, too soon. I believe Biden won, but let's wait and see," says Serwer.

How do you view the complaints that Trump filed, regarding the counting of votes?

-How would you look at a politician who complains about all votes being counted.

Are you afraid of riots in the United States?

-Personally, no. I am afraid of groups that are Trump supporters, and armed groups attacking places where votes are counted.

Is there a reason for Serbia to be afraid of Biden coming to power?

-No. He is honest with Serbia and once disagreed with me at the hearing on whether it would be better for Belgrade to enter the accession process (his position) or to first insist on meeting higher democratic standards (my position).

What can Kosovo expect if Biden becomes president?

-Biden was clear about what Kosovo could expect. Support for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as mutual recognition with Serbia and entry into the UN.

Natasa Kandic: Serbia will have to answer where are the bodies of killed Albanians soon (Danas)

The founder of the Humanitarian Law Center Natasa Kandic told Belgrade based daily Danas that the indictment against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli and other high-ranking KLA representatives was expected to be confirmed.

- It is certain that the indictment will not be published before Thaci's first appearance before the court. It remains to be seen what acts and victims are covered by the indictment. It is probably a joint criminal undertaking, that Kosovo's public will interpret as an accusation against the KLA, and that will create problems. As for the victims, there are serious indications that the prosecution, due to lack of credible evidence, did not deal with the "Yellow House and the removal of human organs", but will certainly open forbidden topics in Kosovo - killings of Albanians, Roma and Serbs, and that the court will draw conclusions which will demystify the path from the order to the commission of the crime - Kandic points out for the daily. 

As he explains, almost nothing is known or talked about in Kosovo about the camps in Lapusnik, the prison in Jablanica, Drenovac, although a large number of facts were established in the Haradinaj and Limaj trials, and their release was interpreted as release from responsibility of all members of the KLA from crimes committed.

- I believe that the prosecution will prove the crimes that the public accepted as "he was a spy" and "all Serbs and Roma participated in the killing of Albanians". However, these indictments do not bring relief to Serbia and its institutions. The debate in the Kosovo parliament, which lasted for two days, focused on the secret mass graves that Serbia is hiding. Just in connection with the trials of Thaci and other KLA commanders, Serbia will have to answer very quickly where the bodies of the killed Albanians are in Beleg, where the bodies of the remaining killed in the village of Kraljane, the bodies of the remaining killed in Izbice. In all the mentioned places, the Prosecutor's Office of the Hague Tribunal determined that PJP (Special Police Units) and VJ (Yugoslav Army) units were present, but there is still no political will in Serbia, and the Prosecutor's Office is not politically free to apply the law and prosecute generals celebrated by the Serbian government - Natasa Kandic told daily Danas.

Trial of Nenad Arsic continues (Radio KIM)

Special department of the Basic Court in Pristina will continue the main hearing today in the case of Nenad Arsic from Caglavica, accused of committing a war crimes against civilian population, lawyer Dejan A. Vasic told RTV KIM.

Vasic said a special prosecution witness relating to the circumstances of the identification of the defendant would be interviewed today, He also expressed hope that events related to The Hague and current epidemiological situation would not impact further course of the proceedings.

Arsic is accused of inhuman treatment of Jakup and Skender Shala at Pristina settlement Esmir, as he allegedly beat them, mistreated them, forced them to drink rakija and sing Serbian patriotic songs. 





Confirmed indictment of Kosovo’s President for war crimes brings victims one step closer to long-awaited justice (Amnesty International)

Following the Hague-based Special Prosecutor’s Office confirmation of the indictment against Kosovo’s president Hashim Thaçi and nine other commanders of Kosovo’s Liberation Army (KLA) for their alleged responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity, Amnesty International’s Balkans Researcher, Jelena Sesar said:

“The indictment brings hope for thousands of victims of the Kosovo war who have waited for more than two decades to find out the truth about the horrific crimes committed against them and their loved ones. Charges, which are the first for the Special Prosecutor’s Office, show that senior officials are not above the law.

See at:

Week in Review: Fake News and Hard Realities (Balkan Insight)

In this week’s selection of Premium stories, we look at how the region is both producing and consuming fake news and clickbait content, as well as topics such as corruption, renewable energy and, not least, the US Presidential election.

See at:

'We need a fresh start in the US, in the Balkans, in Europe, and in the world' (N1 Sarajevo, Atlantic Initiative)

Almost two months after Kosovo and Serbia signed their economic normalization agreement, echoes of the much-touted “historic deal” have faded. Almost no one mentions it anymore, and everyday Balkan political life has turned to new topics. So, will the spirit of the agreement be maintained? And what is its importance to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina? Indeed, what is its weight, if any?

Edward P. Joseph, interviewed by Indira Ćatić, spoke to the Atlantic Initiative on these issues. Joseph teaches at Johns Hopkins University and served for over a dozen years in the Balkans, including as Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, as well as in wartime Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedonia.

See at:

Albanians Praise ‘Just War’ after Indicted Kosovo President Resigns (Balkan Insight)

Political leaders in Albania and Kosovo rallied around to praise the Kosovo Liberation Army’s “just war of liberation” after Kosovo President Hashim Thaci stepped down to face war crimes charges in The Hague.

Ethnic Albanian politicians and President Hashim Thaci’s former Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA comrades-in-arms eulogised the KLA’s 1998-99 war against Serbian forces on Thursday after Thaci announced he was resigning because an indictment charging him with war crimes has been confirmed.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama wrote on Twitter that Thaci has “all the support and solidarity of Albania in this next battle for Kosovo and for the inviolable justice of the Liberation War”.

“His absurd trial will eventually seal the purity of the KLA and the inability to rewrite its history,” Rama said.

Albanian President Ilir Meta said on Twitter that “the KLA’s war was just and heroic”, and that he appreciates Thaci’s decision to resign.

See at: