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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 8, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Von der Leyen: Implementing Association draft statute, great step forward (RTK)
  • Lajcak: I proposed straightforward agenda for meeting in Brussels (media)
  • Osmani: We embarked on a journey of a values-based state building (media)
  • Kurti appoints Hetemi as head of institute for researching war crimes (AP/Koha)
  • Haxhiu: Statute doesn’t offer autonomy for Serb-majority municipalities (media)
  • Kurti, Osmani and Konjufca are preparing genocide lawsuit against Serbia (Klan)
  • Abazi: I have seen the draft statute, points 7 and 10 violate the Constitution (ATV)
  • Osmani received by President of Singapore, “deepening bilateral ties” (media)
  • Hoxha: I expect solution to be found in Kurti’s meeting with Special Unit (Telegrafi)
  • Women police officers in Kosovo, a model in the region (Kosovapress)

Serbian Language Media:

  • European Commission presents Growth plan for Western Balkans (N1)
  • Petkovic met Troccaz: The Albanian side's only goal to cause new tensions and aggravate the situation on the field (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Prominent public figures call public to change reality in Serbia (N1)
  • Usurpation of municipal property in Caglavica – works completed (Radio KIM)
  • KoSSev: Tape on construction site in North means STOP, in Gracanica that procedure is underway
  • City celebration marked in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)
  • Dacic says opposition is not Pro-Europe (Happy TV, N1)
  • Since 2020, 70 Albanians, three Serbs and two Roma employed in Bujanovac municipal administration (Bujanovacke, Danas, BETA)


  • Share Your Experience: Medical Treatment in Kosovo’s Divided Healthcare System (Balkan Insight)
  • Albania-Italy Deal to Set Up Migrant Centres Raises Alarm in Both Countries (Balkan Insight)
  • Key findings of the 2023 Report on Serbia (


  • Konjufca: UN 2030 Agenda brings Kosovo closer to EU and UN membership (AP)



Albanian Language Media  


European Commission publishes progress report on Kosovo (media)

The leading news in the media today is the European Commission’s progress report on Kosovo. Koha highlights that among the key findings of the report is the lack of cooperation between parties and disagreements within the majority in parliament were challenges for reforms. The report mentions the boycotting of the Assembly by the Serbian List. But also notes that in the reporting period were seen several important legal achievements, including sectoral reforms. On the issue of dialogue, it notes that Kosovo remains generally engaged to the normalization of relations with Serbia, but that it needs to prove more serious commitment, invest more time and make progress to push forward the process of normalization of relations with Serbia. Gazeta Express notes in its coverage that the European Commission is asking Kosovo to make more compromises in the dialogue with Serbia. Nacionale highlights that “the EU doesn’t lift the measures against Kosovo, the Progress Report says ‘more work is needed’”. Klan Kosova highlights the part of the progress report which says that the Klan Kosova case can have a negative impact on the freedom of the media. Radio Free Europe notes that the “EC adopts the enlargement package, says Kosovo’s path is impacted by the dialogue with Serbia”.

Read the full report at:

Von der Leyen: Implementing Association draft statute, great step forward (RTK)

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said today that Kosovo has a very clear objective to join the European Union. “Kosovo’s implementation of the draft statute for the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities] will be a great step forward. I think that if we look at Kosovo and Serbia it is important that every country is unique and to move toward the EU,” she is quoted as saying.

Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhely, is quoted as saying that he is ready to give his opinion about Kosovo’s EU application. “For Kosovo, the European path comes through a successful dialogue,” he said.

Lajcak: I proposed straightforward agenda for meeting in Brussels (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, after his visit to Kosovo, said he proposed a straightforward agenda for the meeting of Kosovo and Serbia chief negotiators in Brussels. Lajcak writes in a Facebook post: “I have returned from Kosovo, where I traveled to follow-up on the last visit with the Chief diplomatic advisers of France, Germany, Italy and DAS Escobar and the recent meeting with European leaders in Brussels. I met with Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi to discuss urgent pending issues pertaining to the Dialogue. Our objective was to lay the groundwork for an upcoming meeting of Chief Negotiators, which will take place soon. I proposed a straightforward agenda for the forthcoming meeting in Brussels, aligned with the expectations conveyed by European leaders. The primary focus will be on achieving immediate progress in the implementation of the Agreement, and finding viable solutions to the challenging situation in the northern region of Kosovo. In addition to my discussions with the Deputy Prime Minister, I also briefed the heads of EU diplomatic missions based in Kosovo. Furthermore, I met with Major General Ulutas, the Commander of NATO's KFOR mission. Our conversation revolved around the security situation in northern Kosovo, and I provided him with a comprehensive update on the Dialogue and the upcoming negotiations. I am grateful for our productive cooperation. I wrapped my visit with a meeting with the representatives of Kosovo-Albanian opposition parties. We had interactive discussions about the recent developments, as well as the way ahead in the Dialogue and on Kosovo’s European path.”

Osmani: We embarked on a journey of a values-based state building (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in her address at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, that Kosovo has “embarked on a journey of a values-based state building and have committed ourselves to securing our rightful place in the int'l community. With the ever-rising security threats, cooperation is no longer a choice, it is an imperative.”

Osmani also said that “confronted with a vast demographic shift, we must commit to shaping this new world with inclusivity, gender equality and innovation at its core. Partnerships focused on sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise are crucial for a brighter, more resilient, and sustainable future.”

Kurti appoints Hetemi as head of institute for researching war crimes (AP/Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti appointed today Atdhe Hetemi as head of the institute for researching the crimes committed during the war in Kosovo in 1998-1999. Kurti said the government is engaged to resolve all crimes committed during that period and to assess the damage that was caused. “Today we have made another step to institutionalize, protect and maintain the collective memory that will serve us and also future generations, as we are bringing to life the institute that will address Serbia’s crimes in 1998-1999. Today I appointed Atdhe Hetemi as director of the Institute for crimes committed during the war in Kosovo, and will head the process,” Kurti said at the government meeting today.

Kurti said that Serbia must be held accountable for the crimes committed during the war in Kosovo. “There can be no amnesty for crimes committed by the Serbian occupier and aggressor during the war in Kosovo,” he is quoted as saying in Koha.

Haxhiu: Statute doesn’t offer autonomy for Serb-majority municipalities (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, told reporters today that the draft statute of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities proposed by the EU and the U.S. does not offer autonomy for Serb municipalities in Kosovo. She said that the government will not allow the Association to have any executive powers. Haxhiu did not agree to reveal details of the proposed draft. She said that the government can publish the document but that the international envoys have asked for this not to happen. “[Prime Minister] Kurti is a serious partner who treats with respect and consideration the requests of the envoys. He has his team for the dialogue with whom he shares the documents. He also consults with the President and the Speaker of the Assembly. I am available whenever he needs my assessments as Minister of Justice. At the meeting of the presidency of Vetevendosje, he informed us about the US-EU proposal. He also informed the parliamentary group about Kosovo’s position,” Haxhiu said.

Kurti, Osmani and Konjufca are preparing genocide lawsuit against Serbia (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, said today that Prime Minister Kurti, President Osmani and Assembly Speaker Konjufca are preparing a genocide lawsuit against Serbia. “It is in the government program. Kurti, Osmani and Konjufca are engaged in this regard. Because of the sensitivity of the issue, we cannot disclose details, but I can assure you that we are working on this,” Haxhiu said.

Abazi: I have seen the draft statute, points 7 and 10 violate the Constitution (ATV)

Haki Abazi, independent member of the Kosovo Assembly, said in an interview with ATV that he has seen the draft statute of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities presented by the European Union, and that according to him the draft would have been published if it was in Kosovo’s favor.

“The main question is why should [EU Special Representative] Lajcak come here to talk about the draft statute. The last time Kurti said that Lajcak favors Serbia and that he doesn’t represent the EU. The content of the draft is not important now. If it was in Kosovo’s favor, it would have certainly leaked to the public, but everyone is scared. Kurti came to power with his opposition to the Association,” he said.

Abazi claims he has seen the draft statute and according to him points 7 and 10 are in opposition with the Constitution. “I have seen the European draft statute. Point 7 violates the Constitution of Kosovo. Points 7 and 10 are in opposition with the Constitution,” he said.

Osmani received by President of Singapore, “deepening bilateral ties” (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani was received by the President of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, and said they discussed furthering relations between Kosovo and Singapore. “I thanked the President of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam for the warm reception! I congratulated President Shanmugaratnam on assuming his duty. Our discussion focused on deepening bilateral ties, bolstering economic and trade cooperation, and on our continued efforts to nurture the bonds between our citizens and we also had a substantial discussion on furthering relations between our two countries, especially in economic cooperation,” Osmani said after the meeting.

Hoxha: I expect solution to be found in Kurti’s meeting with Special Unit (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Police Director General Gazmend Hoxha said today he expects a solution will be found in terms of the requests of the special units of Kosovo Police in their meeting with Prime Minister Albin Kurti which is expected to be held next week. “There have been resignations even earlier, and not only now. The situation in the north of Kosovo is fragile, we know that there are criminal groups in that area, but the Kosovo Police is doing its work,” he said.

Women police officers in Kosovo, a model in the region (Kosovapress)

The ceremony of the 10th anniversary of the Association of Women in Kosovo Police in Pristina today highlighted the importance and achievements of women police officers in the service of the citizens of Kosovo. Local and international officials promised continuous support to increase the numbers of women police officers.

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, said he was proud of the achievements of women police officers in Kosovo and that their conditions must be further improved.

OSCE representative Edward Anderson commended the women police officers for their work and said “you keep my children safe”. He also said that women police officers have done a lot and that there is even more to be done and promised them continuous support.

Kosovo Police Director General Gazmend Hoxha highly assessed the work of women police officers and said they are a model for countries in the region in terms of the results they have achieved. Hoxha said they are proud of their work and also highlighted the constant challenges they have faced. He said that 14 percent of police officers are women and that they will work on increasing this number.



Serbian Language Media


European Commission presents Growth plan for Western Balkans (N1)

The European Commission presented its new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans intended to bring some of the benefits of membership to the region in advance of accession, boost economic growth and accelerate much needed socio-economic convergence, reported N1.

A press release said that the objective should be to enable partners to step up reforms and investments to significantly accelerate the speed of the enlargement process and the growth of their economies. “For this, a new €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans has been proposed for the period 2024-2027. Payments will happen only after the fulfillment of agreed reforms,” it added.

The new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is based on four pillars, aimed at: enhancing economic integration with the European Union’s single market, boosting economic integration within the Western Balkans through the Common Regional Market, accelerating fundamental reforms and increasing financial assistance to support the reforms through a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans for the period 2024-2027.

“With today’s adoption of the new €6 billion Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, we are bringing the Western Balkans economies closer to the EU. The potential of this Growth Plan is extraordinary. This Growth Plan could double the economy of the Western Balkans in the next 10 years. With its combination of reforms and investments, it will allow the Western Balkan to benefit soon from key areas of our single market, including free movement of goods, services and workers, the single euro payments area, to transport, energy and the digital single market,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the presentation of the plan.

“The new Western Balkans Growth Plan and the new Reform and Growth Facility built on the €30 billion Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) launched successfully back in 2020. Our new €6 billion Growth Plan is a unique catalyst to accelerate the real socio-economic integration in the region. As we accelerate the implementation of fundamental reforms, we will open our Single Market to the Western Balkans. This will decrease the economic divide between the European Union and our partners, and prepare them for the competition on the EU Single Market so they can reap the benefits of their EU membership from the first moment.” the press release quoted Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi as saying.

“The new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is an important offer to our partners, providing an incentive for achieving progress on relevant fundamental and socio-economic reforms. This offer can also accelerate progress on the path to normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia through the EU-facilitated Dialogue. Each and every one of our partners in the Western Balkans has an opportunity to boost economic growth and eventually gain access to the European Single Market even before enlargement. This is also in the interest of the EU as a whole,” High Representative Josep Borrell said.

Petkovic met Troccaz: The Albanian side's only goal to cause new tensions and aggravate the situation on the field (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, spoke today with the special envoy of the Republic of France for the Western Balkans, René Troccaz, whom he informed in detail about the situation in Kosovo and the compromised security of the Serbian people due to the violent and unilateral acts of Pristina, and the course of the dialogue conducted in Brussels, announced the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

At the very beginning, Petkovic pointed out that Pristina refused the invitation for the dialogue of the main negotiators at the technical level, which was supposed to take place on November 7 in Brussels, while Belgrade confirmed its participation in the dialogue in a timely manner. The meeting was canceled, and in this way, as the director of the Office for KiM said, Pristina clearly confirmed that it is not interested in dialogue, normalization of relations and de-escalation of the situation on the ground, but that it wants to change the situation on the ground through militarization.

Speaking about the position of the Serbian people in the province, Petkovic drew the interlocutor's attention to ''the violence and terror that Albin Kurti's regime perpetuates on the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija every day, and to which Belgrade draws the attention of the international community daily'' it was said among other things in the Office announcement. 

At the end of the announcement Petkovic concluded by saying that ''despite everything, Belgrade remains a constructive side, committed to finding a compromise, for the sake of normalizing relations and building lasting and sustainable peace'', reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

Prominent public figures call public to change reality in Serbia (N1)

A group of prominent Serbian public figures issued a proclamation on Tuesday calling the public to change what they called the unbearable social reality, N1 reports.

The group, which includes actors, academics, university professors, music and film critics, judges, said in their proclamation that Serbia “has become a country of humiliated and privatized institutions, in the shadow of crime linked to the structures of power and with corruption that has become a way of life”.

It warned that Serbia faces isolation and expressed the conviction that all responsible and concerned citizens must face the times, take clear decisions and show readiness to testify about and take part in necessary changes.

Read more at:

Usurpation of municipal property in Caglavica – works completed (Radio KIM)

Radio KIM reported that last night before 18.00 the concreting of the foundation located on a municipal land, that would serve most probably as a fence for the new resident of this village, had started.

Kosovo police and Gracanica municipal inspection officials visited the spot around 18.30 however, the workers carrying out the works and a truck which transported concrete left.

The works on a municipal property started two and a half months ago, when foundation was made in the ground, and then additional works on the upper part of the foundation were done two weeks ago.

Back then following the works, police patrol and Gracanica municipal officials also went to the spot, Radio KIM reported. 

KoSSev: Tape on construction site in North means STOP, in Gracanica that procedure is underway

Construction of several dozens of illegal objects is under way in Gracanica municipality, KoSSev portal writes today. Although the municipality admitted that construction of the objects is illegal, the works continue. It is not the case in Mitrovica North.

Several media outlets, political activists and residents since May this year point out the problem of illegal construction in Gracanica.   

The Serbian National Forum (SNF) claims that 50 such houses are being built in Gracanica.

“Who issued a construction permit to the Albanian company to build a new settlement of 50 houses in Caglavica, or if the houses were built without construction permit, why the construction had not been halted but houses are nearly to be completed”, SNF said earlier this month. After that reactions and accusations from the municipality came in reaction to the SNF statement.

However, the municipality confirmed that dozens of objects are being built without permits.

Director of Gracanica municipal inspection department Aleksandar Kapetanovic told KoSSev portal that 90 percent of newly built objects have permits, while 10 percent of them are under inspection procedure.

He explained that in case of illegal construction the procedure includes assessing the situation on the ground, instruction to launch procedure to obtain construction permit and an immediate stop of all activities.

In some cases the order to halt the works is respected and procedures to obtain permits initiated, while in some cases illegal construction continues.

Speaking of a land parcel in Caglavica that is socially owned, Kapetanovic said the works on foundations were halted and instruction was given to halt the works immediately. He also said the case is sent to the Ministry of Infrastructure as well, given that the plot in question is registered as “roads”.

Former Gracanica mayor Branimir Stojanovic said the municipality is not stopping constructions but only “simulates it is doing its job”.

“In fact they only hide behind certain procedures they formally implement, but in principle they do not stop construction”, he said.

He also warned that works are done contrary to the urban plan and endanger ethnic structure of the municipality. “(...) Where construction is permitted, what is built on (that parcel) is not what it should be. On plots were construction of business premises is permitted, it is not permitted to build residential objects, and what has become the largest business until now, is to build and sell the houses (…)”, he said, adding that if on a land parcel dedicated to business premises, one builds 30 to 40 houses then urban plan is violated and ethnic structure of that place directly affected.

In the north different story

At the same time, in the north of Kosovo a different municipal model is being applied, KoSSev portal further writes. There, the municipal authorities are eager to stop any construction they deem illegal, including the objects whose construction progressed.

Despite the crisis in the north, boycott of elections, assessment that the new municipal authorities in the north are illegitimate for the Serb-majority population, and that municipalities are de-facto led by Albanians, works on around a dozen large residential objects have been halted in a few days only.

Long awaited university building, a school building that was supposed to accommodate several education institutions south of the Ibar River relocated to the north following the conflict in 1999, residential buildings of private investors – are some of the objects whose construction was halted by new municipal authorities.

The works sectretly continued on one object only, after which Kosovo police brought the person in question for interrogation, and halted the works again, the portal wrote. 

City celebration marked in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)

Serbian Orthodox Church marked Saint Dimitrius Day today and the day is also Mitrovica North city celebration, KoSSev portal reports today.  

Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije, accompanied by local priests and monks as well as church choirs Branislav Nusic severed the liturgy this morning.

Large number of people, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Assistant, Milos Terzic, President of Interim Mitrovica Municipal Authority, Ivan Zaporozac, Head of Kosovo-Mitrovica District Vucina Jankovic, former Mitrovica North mayor Zoran Todic and Serbian List officials Zoran Todic, Slavko Simic and Miljana Nikolic attended the ceremony. 

Dacic says opposition is not Pro-Europe (Happy TV, N1)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), said on Wednesday that the opposition parties calling themselves pro-Europe are lying.

He told TV Happy that the opposition DOS coalition that toppled the Milosevic regime in the year 2000 used the same claims of lack of democracy, media freedom and human rights that the pro-Europe opposition is using now. The late FRY President Slobodan Milosevic headed the SPS. “Look at their behavior and you see the cliché”, Dacic said.

Dacic said that the DOS block of parties were not in favor of European integration, claiming that the European Union accession talks were blocked when those parties were in power.

“If anyone has done anything for European integration it was (Aleksandar) Vucic and myself”, Dacic said.

Since 2020, 70 Albanians, three Serbs and two Roma employed in Bujanovac municipal administration (Bujanovacke, Danas, BETA)

Since the Albanian coalition took power in Bujanovac municipality and Nagip Arifi became mayor on July 27, 2020, 75 people were employed in this municipal administration, receiving permanent and fixed term contracts. Out of this number 70 employees are Albanians, three Serbs and two Roma, Danas daily reports citing Bujanovacke informative portal.

According to official information from Bujanovac municipality, during the last three years 75 persons were employed in the municipal administration out of which 93.3 percent were Albanians, the portal writes, adding that according to the last year’s census 62 percent of the population in this municipality are Albanians, and 25.5 percent are Serbs.

Out of five employed Serbs and Roma in this period none of them received permanent working contract but fixed term or time limited contract. Out of 70 Albanians, ten of them received permanent working contacts.

The ruling majority in Bujanovac since 2020 is made of Arifi’s Democratic Party, Party for Democratic Action of Shaip Kamberi and Movement for Democratic Progress of Sqiprim Musliu and they refer to it as “all-Albanian”, the portal said. 

The portal recalled that during this time, Arifi, Kamberi and Musliu often criticized the Serbian state for discrimination against Albnainas, due to, as they said, lack of integration respectively employment of the members of this community in public institutions, enterprises and services.

“The fact that more than 90 percent of employment contracts in the municipal administration over the last three years were given to Albanians, demonstrates discrimination, however, against Serbs and Roma”, the portal said.

Accusations of discrimination against Albanians in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, municipalities in southern Serbia, are often voiced by Pristina top officials as well. 





Share Your Experience: Medical Treatment in Kosovo’s Divided Healthcare System (Balkan Insight)

BIRN would like to hear from Kosovo Albanians and Serbs about their experiences and views of being treated by a medical professional from the other ethnic group for our investigation into prejudice in the healthcare system.

Citizens of Kosovo, both ethnic Albanians and Serbs, have sometimes faced prejudice and distrust when seeking medical treatment from healthcare professionals from the other ethnic group. The issue has its roots in the armed conflict and repression of the 1990s.

For our latest investigation, we would like to hear from, ethnic Albanian citizens of Kosovo who received treatment from Serb doctors, and Serbs in Kosovo who received treatment from ethnic Albanian doctors. This also includes Albanians in Preshevo and Bujanovac in Serbia.

Distrust and fear

Citizens of Kosovo, both ethnic Albanians and Serbs, continue to harbor significant prejudices about and mistrust towards each other when it comes to receiving medical treatment from healthcare professionals of a different ethnicity.

There have been numerous instances in which individuals have refused treatment from healthcare professionals of a different ethnicity, fearing they will receive poor treatment as a result of Kosovo’s troubled inter-ethnic history.

Read more at:

Albania-Italy Deal to Set Up Migrant Centers Raises Alarm in Both Countries (Balkan Insight)

An agreement allowing Italy to run migrant reception centers within Albania to accommodate thousands of migrants and refugees rescued at sea has raised questions about national jurisdiction and the treatment of vulnerable people.

Italy’s plan to build migrant centers in Albania was sharply criticized in both countries where activists and human rights lawyers raised questions about Albania’s capacities on its implementation.

Criticisms were raised against Prime Minister Edi Rama as well, for not talking publicly about it and the lack of transparency after the announcement, since the agreement can not be found on any public website.

An agreement signed on Monday between Rome and Tirana allowing Italy to set up facilities on Albanian territory for immigrants rescued at sea, which could accommodate up to three thousand people, caught many by surprise.

Read more at:

Key findings of the 2023 Report on Serbia (

As regards the political criteria, the Parliament constituted in August 2022 includes the opposition parties that boycotted the 2020 elections. However, political polarization remained in evidence and has further deepened following the tragic mass shootings in early May. A number of peaceful mass citizens' protests - Serbia against violence - have taken place – with support from several opposition parties.

No elections took place during the reporting period. Serbia still needs to address a number of long-standing recommendations by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) and Council of Europe bodies concerning the electoral framework.

Read more at:





Konjufca: UN 2030 Agenda brings Kosovo closer to EU and UN membership (AP)

Kosovo Assembly President Glauk Konjufca said today that Kosovo is ready to become a member of the European Union and the United Nations. In his address at the conference for the Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, Konjufca said that the successful implementation of this agenda would pave the way for Kosovo’s membership in the EU and the UN. “I think this is precisely the objective of the UN 2030 Agenda, solidarity, and joint efforts to promote equality, prosperity, and wellbeing for all without any differences. Even though it is not a member of the UN yet, Kosovo is a signatory of the 2030 Agenda, and has pledged to contribute to joint global efforts for sustainable development,” he said.