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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, 18 July

  • COVID-19: 137 new cases in Kosovo (media)
  • Thaci returns to Kosovo (media)
  • Hoti: I did not go to Brussels to take pictures with Vucic (T7, media)
  • Viola Von Cramon values highly work of the Specialist Chambers (RTK)
  • Hoti cannot predict if PDK is to join the government (media)
  • Assembly aims online sessions after increase of COVID-19 cases (Koha)
  • Gucati: The Hague Special Court is biased (RTK)
  • Crowds Welcome Kosovo President Returning From Questioning (NYT)

COVID-19: 137 new cases in Kosovo (media)

137 new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Kosovo. This numbers were announced during a press conference organized by Kosovo’s Ministry of Health, on Friday at 15:00 hours.

459 samples were tested on Thursday. Six new fatalities reported, increase the total number in Kosovo to 124, while 95 patients were recovered.

The General Director of the Kosovo Police, Rashit Qalaj, said at this press conference that 4,000 police officers are engaged in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Thaci returns to Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci returned on Friday evening from The Hague, where he was questioned by the prosecutors of the Special Court. According to RTK, thousands of citizens waited for the President at Morine, (Kosovo-Albanian border crossing), chanting KLA-KLA. Thaci came out of his vehicle to greet the crowd.

"A heartfelt appreciation to you brothers and sisters, that in this difficult time not only because of the pandemic, you have welcomed me today with open arms as always. Gratitude and thanks to all the citizens of our proud Kosovo. Always with you! HTH,"  Thaci wrote on Friday.

He also informed that he will speak about the days at The Hague on Sunday, at 20:00 hours.

Hoti: I did not go to Brussels to take pictures with Vucic (T7, media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti, said that during his meeting with Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, he has requested opening of all Serbian state archives related to the missing persons, as well as return of economic debts and obligations.

He said he will not allow to sit at the table and argue about issues that should be part of the agreement with Serbia, instead he will keep the discussions at the level of principals for normalization of the relations between the two countries.

“I demanded for all archives in Serbia to open, to have justice and caution for the families of the missing. The second issue that was discussed is all financial issues, debt between the two countries, to move then to the current economic cooperation. The obligations such as children’s allowances that were not paid, bank savings, taken band assets. When it comes to economic cooperation, we have proposed to pursue four basic principles: freedom of movement of the people, free movement of goods, etc. then infrastructure, such as railway and motorway and above all, lifting of economic barriers between the two countries. These are the issues that will become part of the final agreement, where material damages during 1998-99 will be included,” he said.

“I did not go to there from a will to take pictures with Vucic, and neither for the words that he spreads up and down, but because it is a state obligation,” Hoti added.

Viola Von Cramon values highly work of the Specialist Chambers (RTK)

The European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola Von Cramon, said the Specialist Court in the Hague is doing incredible work and they should continue with it.

“Today had a long-planned visit in The Hague at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers & the Specialist Prosecutor's Office. Important institutions to bring justice in #Kosovo & to hold accountable those individuals who are believed committed war crimes, regardless their nationalities,” Von Cramon wrote on her Twitter account.

“I learned a lot about their incredible work. As part of the Kosovo judicial system, relocated to The Hague, they should continue their work there, to ensure impartial and secure proceedings for everybody, including victims and witnesses,” she continued in another tweet.

“KSC and SPO are cornerstones of Kosovo fulfilling its international obligations and building up the rule of law,” she added.

Hoti cannot predict if PDK is to join the government (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti said he cannot currently predict if the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) will join the current governing coalition.

“If a new situation is created where the President has to resign, which I would not want to happen, then there are two possibilities: either the forces come together to elect the president or the country goes for new elections,” he said, adding that he does not have any preferences in this respect.

He added that it is inhuman to discuss the president, while Hashim Thaci is still at the Office of the President.

Assembly aims online sessions after increase of COVID-19 cases (Koha)

The increase of new cases of infected with COVID-19 among the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo, has led the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to initiate a request to amend the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.

MPs are seeking to enable the holding of online sessions and voting.

This process requires two thirds of the votes of the deputies. LDK, PDK and AAK are in favor of this process, but Vetëvendosje, on the other hand, has its hesitations, reports Koha Ditore.

Gucati: The Hague Special Court is biased (RTK)

Hysni Gucati, leader of the KLA war veterans’ organization, with many other comrades in armes and citizens, waited at Friday at the Kosovo-Albanian border return of the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci.

He told RTK that the Special Court in the Hague is biased and racist. He also expressed confidence President Hashim Thaci and PDK leader Kadri Veseli as well as all his comrades in arms “who are target of this Court” will come back victorious and proud.

Crowds Welcome Kosovo President Returning From Questioning (NYT)

A cheering crowd welcomed Kosovo's president on Friday upon his return from The Netherlands, where he was questioned by prosecutors at a special international court on alleged crimes during the 1998-1999 war that led to his country's independence from Serbia.

Hashim Thaci's supporters gathered at the Morine border crossing to neighboring Albania included hundreds of former members of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, who hailed their former commander holding flags, blasting patriotic songs and chanting Thaci's name.

A visibly moved Thaci spoke briefly to supporters and soon returned to his car, waving. Many cars tried to follow his convoy.

Thaci came by plane to neighboring Albania before driving to Kosovo after four days of questioning at The Hague by prosecutors at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. The court, which has international staff working under Kosovo’s law, is mandated to look into allegations that KLA members committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“I assure you that no one can re-write our history,” Thaci wrote in his Facebook page upon landing at the Albanian capital of Tirana.

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