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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 11

  • Thaci implies he will sidestep Vetevendosje on PM candidate (Koha)
  • Nagavci: No new government without winner of elections (media)
  • Health Institute confirms 23 new cases of coronavirus (media)
  • IMF approves US$56.5 million in support to Kosovo to address COVID – 19 (media)
  • First case of Covid-19 within KFOR – no details on patient’s condition (Express)
  • Djuric: All movement restricted in weekends in Zvecan and Mitrovica North (media)
  • Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian cemeteries damaged in Rahovec (media)
  • Four former ministers charged for “giving away” four hydro-power plants (Koha)

Thaci implies he will sidestep Vetevendosje on PM candidate (Koha)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has implied on Friday that he will sidestep the winner of the October elections, the Vetevendosje Movement (VV), in the process of nominating a Prime Minister candidate to form the new government, the paper reports.

Thaci did this in a letter to VV leader and acting Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, saying that as President his constitutional mandate obliges him “to guarantee the democratic functioning of institutions”.

Thaci had earlier sent a letter to the VV asking on them to propose a candidate for the new Prime Minister following the no-confidence motion against the Kurti-led government. The VV has yet to propose a candidate and its representatives have argued that the Constitution foresees new elections following a no-confidence motion. Thaci on the other hand believes Kosovo needs a new and a broad-based government.

Nagavci: No new government without winner of elections (media)

Vetevendosje presidency member and Vice President of the Kosovo Assembly, Arberie Nagavci, in a Facebook post today commented on the second letter that President Hashim Thaci sent to VV leader and acting Prime Minister Albin Kurti asking him to propose a new PM candidate that would form a new government. Nagavci said Kurti and his government are maximally engaged in managing the situation with the COVID – 19. She accused the Democratic League of Kosovo, a junior partner in the outgoing government, of coordinating with the PDK, AAK and NISMA to bring down the government. She said a new government cannot be formed without the winner of the October parliamentary elections. She also argued that LDK, PDK, AAK and NISMA cannot win an eventual new general election “because they are irresponsible”.

Health Institute confirms 23 new cases of coronavirus (media)

Most news websites reported on Friday that Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health reported on 23 new cases of coronavirus in Kosovo. 18 of the cases are from the municipality of Ferizaj. Media outlets are reporting today that two COVID – 19 patients at Prishtina Hospital are in critical condition.

IMF approves US$56.5 million in support to Kosovo to address COVID – 19 (media)

Several news websites report that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved US$56.5 million financial assistance for Kosovo to address the COVID – 19. Below is the statement issued by the IMF:

The COVID-19 pandemic will hit hard on Kosovo’s economy, which is projected to contract by 5 percent in 2020. To address Kosovo’s urgent balance of payments need, the IMF approved US$56.5 million (Euro 51.6 million) financial assistance under the Rapid Financial Instrument. The immediate challenge is to respond effectively to COVID-19 by strengthening health care and mitigating the effects on the sectors and households most affected by the crisis.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today approved SDR 41.3 million (around US$ 56.5 million or Euro 51.6 million, 50 percent of quota) in emergency support for the Republic of Kosovo under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) to meet urgent balance of payment needs stemming from the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The RFI provides rapid and low-access financial assistance to member countries facing an urgent balance of payments need, without the need for a full-fledged economic program or reviews. It can provide support to meet a broad range of urgent needs, including those arising from commodity price shocks, natural disasters, conflict and post-conflict situations. Financial assistance under the RFI is provided in the form of outright purchases.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated containment measures have severely weakened Kosovo’s economic outlook. The economy is expected to contract by 5 percent in 2020 as tourism receipts, remittances, exports of goods, and FDI will decrease due to travel restrictions and the effect of COVID-19 in trading partners and remittance-originating countries. The deteriorated economic outlook is expected to result in external and fiscal financing gaps.

The authorities’ policy response to the shocks has been timely and appropriate, with a temporary loosening of fiscal and financial policies. Fiscal actions so far target the sectors most affected by the shock and aim at supporting social and health spending.

Following the Executive Board discussion, Mr. Tao Zhang, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, issued the following statement:

“The global COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected Kosovo, creating an urgent balance of payments need. Externally, travel restrictions and the global recession have imposed a heavy toll on tourism, export of goods, remittances, and FDI. Domestically, heightened uncertainty and movement restrictions have disrupted supply and further constrained demand.

“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities reacted quickly and put in place strict containment and mitigation measures to provide relief to the most impacted businesses and households, as well as created room in the budget for increased health spending. The Central Bank of Kosovo suspended loan repayments through end-April for sectors and individuals most affected by the crisis.

“As a result of these measures, the budget deficit is expected to widen and the debt likely to increase. The authorities, however, remain committed to macroeconomic stability; as long as these measures are temporary and the fiscal rule reinstated once the pandemic recedes, it is expected that the public debt will remain sustainable.

“The Fund stands ready to support Kosovo to combat the pandemic and help the economy to recover.”

First case of Covid-19 within KFOR – no details on patient’s condition (Express)

KFOR in Kosovo announced the first positive case of coronavirus of its personnel.

A press release said that a member of KFOR was affected by Covid-19 without giving further details about the condition of the infected person.

"Today, the first case of positive COVID-19 testing among NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) personnel is confirmed," the statement said.

The statement further read that KFOR will continue to take preventive measures in coordination with Kosovo institutions and the international community to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Djuric: All movement restricted weekends in Zvecan and Mitrovica North (media)

Marko Djuric, senior member of the Serbian Government, said that Serbia has decided that all movement is restricted during weekends in the two northern municipalities in Kosovo, Zvecan and Mitrovica North, Gazeta Express reports.

Djuric wrote in an Instagram post: “Starting from April 10, traffic movement is restricted from 12:00 to 06:00 in the municipalities of Mitrovica North and Zvecan for the next 14 days. All traffic movement is restricted during weekends.”

Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian cemeteries damaged in Rahovec (media)

The cemeteries of the community, Roma, Ashkali and Egypt in the municipality of Rahovec have been damaged by persons still unidentified by the law enforcement, Gazeta Express reports.

The Mayor of Rahovec/Orahovac, Smajl Latifi has reacted and called on the rule of law mechanisms to put a light on this act, which he called inhuman.

He has demanded that the perpetrators of this shameful act be brought to justice.

"We strongly condemn the damage to the cemetery of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in the municipality of Rahovec. We stand together and stand in solidarity with the communities in Kosovo to condemn this low act of vandalism and desecration. We clearly distance ourselves from such criminal acts. Kosovo is our common homeland, of harmony and coexistence, so we strongly condemn any act of violence and disregard for human integrity ", Latifi wrote on Facebook.

Four former ministers charged for “giving away” four hydropower plants (Koha)

The news website reports that two former members of the previous government, a member of the Kurti-led government and an MP, will have to appear before court on corruption charges. Besim Beqaj, Mimoza Kusari-Lila and Dardan Gashi were charged on Friday by the Special Prosecution of Kosovo in the cases of four hydro-power plants. Another 15 state officials are charged in the cases. The court’s decision comes after four years of research by Koha Ditore newspaper which had revealed that during the privatisation of the KEK distribution at around €26 million, another four hydro-power plants were “given away” and their value was not included in the privatisation prices. Mimoza Kusari-Lila, at the time Minister of Trade and Industry, reacted to the charges saying the court process will reveal the truth in the case.