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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 27, 2023

  • Kurti seeks support from France, Italy and Germany (Koha)
  • EU won’t allow conditioning of implementation of agreements (Koha)
  • Gervalla and Greenfield talked about the UN role in Kosovo (RTK)
  • Osmani in Skopje: Albanian language law should be implemented (Euronews)
  • Kosovo demands EU condemn Serbia's 'breach' of intl agreement (Euronews)
  • Ruling party, opposition, trade blame about crisis in KEK (Prishtina Insight)
  • Members of European Parliament adopt report on Kosovo (media)
  • COMKFOR briefs representatives of contributing countries on situation (media)
  • Police stops two Serbia Post vehicles, finds large amount of money (Kallxo)
  • Serb Orthodox Church thanks Kosovo Police for swift reaction (Koha Ditore)
  • Report: Serbia's EU membership depends on normalization of relations with Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Kurti seeks support from France, Italy and Germany (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Wednesday the French Ambassador Olivier Guerot, the Italian Ambassador Antonello De Riu, and the German deputy ambassador to Kosovo, Matthias Conrad. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that the meeting focused on the process of implementing the Basic Agreement with Serbia and the Implementation Plan adopted on March 18, as well as the next meeting in Brussels, which will be held on May 2.

"Kurti reiterated his commitment to comprehensive and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement. Meanwhile, regarding the next high-level political meeting, he said he expects constructive engagement that ensures full implementation without delay of all agreed articles. Meanwhile, he emphasized the successive behaviors and actions of Serbia that contradict and violate the Basic Agreement. This agreement has the full support of Germany, France and Italy, along with other EU member states and the United States of America," the press release notes.

Kurti asked the ambassadors that the three countries continue to support Kosovo until the full implementation of the Basic Agreement.

EU won’t allow conditioning of implementation of agreements (Koha)

The European Union has made it clear that they will not allow the conditioning of the Brussels agreement and the implementation annex reached in Ohrid. Following Serbia’s vote against Kosovo’s membership at the Council of Europe, EU officials said on Wednesday that despite the political complexity, the parties cannot avoid the agreements.

Spokesperson for the European Union, Peter Stano, said: “while discussions continue, neither side should set any preconditions as this is not how the implementation of the Agreement works, and it also contradicts what was agreed”.

Stano also said that the chief negotiators from Kosovo and Serbia “failed to reach an agreement on 4 April in Brussels and discussions continue. Therefore, the leaders are expected to discuss this issue at the high-level meeting on 2 May”.

Gervalla and Greenfield talked about the UN role in Kosovo (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Donika Gervalla-Schwarz has met the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Organization in New York, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The Ministry said in a Twitter post that the meeting focused on recent developments in the region, with special emphasis on the role of the UN in Kosovo, as well as in the strengthening of relations between Kosovo and the USA. "Grateful for the unwavering and steadfast support from our U.S. partners," the post notes.

Osmani in Skopje: Albanian language law should be implemented (Euronews)

In her first visit as President of Kosovo to North Macedonia, Vjosa Osmani called on the Macedonian authorities to strengthen the role of Albanians as state-formers and state-builders. In her address at the Parliament of North Macedonia, she called for the precise use of the Albanian language in state institutions. “I hope that it will be seen as a priority, the increase of investments in the settlements where Albanians live, as well as the further strengthening of the local self-government units with capacities and finances. In this way, additional opportunities are created for citizens to be offered the highest quality services, as well as to guarantee the use of the Albanian language in all state institutions,” Osmani said.

Osmani also recalled the achievements of the Albanian community in North Macedonia after the 2001 conflict, such as the universities in Albanian, representation in institutions, and asked to further strengthen their role in the state. “Today in North Macedonia, are several universities that offer study programs in the Albanian language, they guarantee the preservation of identity, while laying the foundations of knowledge that helps in their full integration of Albanians in the society of North Macedonia. Without a doubt, the preservation and cultivation of the Albanian language is a very important element in the development of coexistence,” she added.

North Macedonia President Stevo Pendarovski called for cooperation to prevent influence from third parties who he argued want to destabilize the region. “We support the EU’s decision to liberalize visas for Kosovo. In the meeting with President Osmani, we also talked about the possibilities for advancing the rights of Macedonians in Kosovo, at a time when, unfortunately, some foreign propagandas have been reactivated,” he said.

Kosovo demands EU condemn Serbia's 'breach' of intl agreement (Euronews)

Barely a month after it was hailed as a breakthrough moment in the strained relationship between Kosovo and Serbia, the EU-brokered agreement between the two appears to have run into trouble.

Kosovo has accused Serbia of violating the agreement by voting against its Council of Europe membership. According to the deal and its implementation mechanism approved on 18 March, Serbia will not obstruct Kosovo's entry into international organisations.

Kreshnik Ahmeti, Kosovo's deputy foreign minister, has called on the EU to condemn Serbia's actions on Tuesday, since the union is supposed to guarantee compliance with the agreement.

Read more at:

Ruling party, opposition, trade blame about crisis in KEK (Prishtina Insight)

The opposition and the ruling party have exchanged barbs in parliament over the situation in the Kosovo Energy Corporation following the arrest of its chief, Nagip Krasniqi.

The Kosovo Assembly on Wednesday held a parliamentary debate on recent developments in the Kosovo Energy Corporation, KEK, and on the responsibility of central institutions in the energy sector.

The debate followed the arrest of the head of KEK, Nagip Krasniqi, on April 19, on suspicion of misuse of his position or official authority, exercise of influence and conflict of interest.

A day later, the Court of Prishtina ordered 30 days of detention for Krasniqi, while the corporation’s board suspended him from work.

Read more at:

Members of European Parliament adopt report on Kosovo (media)

In a report approved on Wednesday, the MEPs of the EU's Foreign Affairs Committee have called on the government of Kosovo and representatives of the Serbian community in Kosovo to commit to a decent dialogue.

MEPs have praised Kosovo for its progress in the implementation of reforms related to Europe and at the same time have asked the EU to prepare without further delay an opinion on the merits of Kosovo's application for membership. It should also be noted that Kosovo's membership in the EU depends on the process of normalizing relations with Serbia.

Further, in this report, the MEPs congratulated Kosovo for the achievements in its fight against corruption and organized crime.

Members of the EU Foreign Affairs Commission call on member states that have not yet recognized Kosovo as a sovereign state, particularly Spain, Slovakia, Cyprus, Romania and Greece, to do so without further delay.

"The independence of the Republic of Kosovo is irreversible, say the MEPs, adding that the pace of the membership process will depend on progress in the rule of law and fundamental rights and the normalization of relations with Serbia," the announcement states.

The MEPs have expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the involvement of the Serbian community in Kosovo's institutions is very limited, so they appeal for the two sides to engage in dialogue.

Meanwhile, the basic criticism of the MEPs is about the Judiciary, which, as was emphasized in the Commission's report, continues to be inefficient and vulnerable to unnecessary interventions.

They encourage the Kosovar authorities to implement the existing instruments as effectively as possible to protect the independence, efficiency, and integrity of the justice system.

The report was approved with 44 votes in favor, 8 against and 3 abstentions, while now it remains to be submitted for voting to the European Parliament in the plenary session in May.

COMKFOR briefs representatives of contributing countries on situation (media)

Commander of KFOR peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, met Wednesday with the ambassadors of the contributing nations and senior national representatives of KFOR HQ at Camp Film City, Pristina. A statement issued by KFOR notes that Ristuccia updated the meeting on the overall situation and KFOR’s priorities and thanked them for their support to the mission. “KFOR continues to implement its mandate - based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people living in Kosovo,” the statement notes.

Police stops two Serbia Post vehicles, finds large amount of money (Kallxo)

Kosovo Police stopped on Wednesday two vehicles of Serbia Post on Wednesday on the road to Leposavic. A senior officer of Kosovo Police told the news website that large amounts of money were found in the vehicles. “I cannot say reveal the exact amount of money,” he said, adding that the two vehicles were sent to the Kosovo Customs terminal in Mitrovica South.

Head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, reacted to the news saying that members of special police stopped a driver and two employees of Serbia Post “who were regularly transporting money from the Treasury in Leposavic to Mitrovica”. According to him, the money was intended for regular financial payments.

Serb Orthodox Church thanks Kosovo Police for swift reaction (Koha Ditore)

The daily reports that Serb Orthodox Church representatives thanked the Kosovo Police for their swift reaction in identifying those responsible for damaging the door of the St. Panteleimon church in Prizren. During a meeting of the municipal council for security in community, Jovan Radic, a priest in Prizren, proposed organising tours for pupils at important orthodox churches, being that the suspects behind the incident were juveniles. Radic said: “my proposal is that we should do more in terms of educating children about religious tolerance, as well as organise visits for children at important religious sites in the city of Prizren, so that they don’t see the Orthodox Church as their enemy”.

Report: Serbia's EU membership depends on normalization of relations with Kosovo (Telegrafi)

MEPs call on the EU to reconsider the amount of financial aid provided by the EU to Serbia if support for anti-democratic regimes continues. Stressing that the normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is a priority and a precondition for both countries’ EU accession, MEPs call on both sides to demonstrate leadership and be ready to take necessary decisions that lead to progress. They urge Serbia and Kosovo to engage in the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue in the spirit of compromise to achieve a comprehensive, legally binding agreement based on the principle of mutual recognition in accordance with international law and without further delay. The report was adopted by 43 votes in favour, 6 against and 5 abstentions.

Read the full report here: