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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 11, 2021

  • COVID-19: 562 new cases, two deaths (media)
  • Kurti calls on diaspora to register for voting in October 17 elections (media)
  • Godfrey: Don’t put demands on table without being ready to compromise (media)
  • Rama criticises Kosovo leaders; says Open Balkans leads to recognition by Serbia (media)
  • Pacolli: Kosovo, Albania leaders to reduce tensions (media)
  • Open Balkan initiative doomed to fail as agreement in case of natural disasters fails to materialize (Euronews Albania)
  • KPC: Deputy Minister Sallahu’s accusations, ungrounded (media)
  • Kurti receives Head of Mission of ICRC in Kosovo (RTK)

COVID-19: 562 new cases, two deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 562 new cases with COVID-19 and two deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours. 78 persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 2,640 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Kurti calls on diaspora to register for voting in October 17 elections (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, and leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti called on Tuesday the Albanian diaspora to register to vote in the local elections.

In a video address, he called the participation in the October 17 elections of great importance, saying that the diaspora vote has many times been decisive in determining the political and development course in Kosovo.

"The deadline for registration to vote from abroad is August 18. Hurry up, register, and help and encourage others to do so. Therefore, do not postpone it to the next day or the last day. Apply as soon as possible and enter the technological flow that will guide you with instructions until the voting day. The city and the neighborhood, the community and the family, the better living conditions and our opportunities for development are first of all related to the local level. Therefore, let us acknowledge the real importance of the October 17 elections," Kurti said.

Godfrey: Don’t put demands on table without being ready to compromise (media)

The U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, in an interview for the Serbian media "" spoke about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

He said that the parties cannot come to the negotiating table with demands and not be ready to compromise. Godfrey has said that any agreement requires compromise from both sides. He confirmed U.S. support for the dialogue and said he expects Kosovo and Serbia to make progress on the road to the European Union.

"We all agree that there should be a productive dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and that people cannot come to the table with demands and not be willing to compromise. Any agreement between Belgrade and Pristina will require compromise from both sides and there must be mutual willingness to talk. The U.S. supports the dialogue facilitated by the European Union. We expect it to move in the direction of Belgrade and Pristina making progress on the road to the EU," Godfrey said.

As for the "Open Balkans", Godfrey said it is in the best interest of the region.

"I am pleased to have recently seen additional steps towards greater regional economic integration, to show people that better cooperation in the region contributes to their good, that their future is brighter, and they have a stronger economy to work efficiently."

Rama criticises Kosovo leaders; says Open Balkans leads to recognition by Serbia (media)

Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has reacted through a long Facebook post answering criticism of Kosovo Albanians for supporting the launch of the Open Balkan initiative jointly with Serbia and North Macedonia, Gazeta Express reports. Kosovo has boycotted the invitation to join this regional initiative.

Answering to critics Rama said that internationals are losing patience with Kosovo. He even said that Open Balkan should be seen as a path which brings recognition of Kosovo by Serbia.

Posting the long statement under a photo with the Kosovo’s Judo Olympic champions, Rama said that Kosovo is returning the dialogue with Serbia into a monologue adding that this is causing anger among Kosovo’s strategic allies.

When speaking about Open Balkan, Rama said that it is a great opportunity towards recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and reiterated that this initiative makes Kosovo-Albania border invisible.

Pacolli: Kosovo, Albania leaders to reduce tensions (media)

New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) leader Behgjet Pacolli said on Tuesday that leaders from Kosovo and Albania must reduce tensions and set aside personal disputes for the common good of both countries. “Without any political tendencies, support, criticism or preference for any of them, I find it really necessary to call on the institutional representatives of our countries (Albania and Kosovo) to reduce tensions, set aside personal disputes and interests and start working together to harmonise and coordinate all political actions at a time when Kosovo absolutely needs political support from Albania,” Pacolli said.

Open Balkan initiative doomed to fail as agreement in case of natural disasters fails to materialize (Euronews Albania)

As Albania was engulfed in flames, the agreement signed in Skopje a few weeks ago under the framework of the Open Balkan initiative seems not to have translated into real action. Rama, Vucic, and Zaev vowed to help one another in case of natural disasters, but it seems that the only country that really came to the rescue during the dire situation was neighbor Kosovo.

Since in its first test, when a real need arose for the implementation of what was agreed by the three Wester Balkan leaders, did not yield any efficient results.

At the summit held in Skopje, Edi Rama, Aleksandar Vucic and Zoran Zaev signed 2 memorandums and 1 cooperation agreement.

Apart from the two memorandums aimed at facilitating trade and employment among the three states, the only agreement signed was over the protection and rescue in case of natural catastrophes.

Right after the vows were put into the paper, came the time when Albania needed this agreement to be put into action.

As it battled with flames across the flames, firefighter squads needed help from their neighbors. However, the aid did neither come from Serbia, nor from North Macedonia.

As in North Macedonia, even Kosovo struggled to tackle some minor wildfires, which they were able to put down. While in Serbia, there have been no reports of any fire outbreaks.

Although opposing the Open Balkan initiative, on August 9 the government of Kosovo signed an order to send 43 firefighters to extinguish the flames near the Kalimash tunnel. Their troops joined forces with the aid previously arriving from the European Union.

KPC: Deputy Minister Sallahu’s accusations, ungrounded (media)

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) through a clarification for the media informed the public opinion that it has never made payments to forensic experts illegally, as it was said Tuesday at a press conference by the Deputy Minister of Justice Blerim Sallahu.

“Today's conference, organized by the Ministry of Justice, is a continuation of the efforts to denigrate the independent constitutional institution, in this case the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC).

In order to clarify this to the public opinion, the Prosecutorial Council requests from the executive bodies, specifically from the Ministry of Justice, not to blame the KPC for the non-fulfillment of its legislative obligations.

The applicable Law on Forensic Medicine, of 2016, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, has provided in Article 13, paragraph 1, as follows: “Employees of the Institute, who directly or indirectly participate in forensic examinations, due to the nature of work, have the right to a supplement to personal income in accordance with applicable law.

Also in article 19, paragraph 2 of this law, it is stated that "until the issuance of bylaws according to paragraph 1 of this article, bylaws which are in force, if they are not in conflict with the provisions of this law, are applied," it is said in the press release which further brings details ‘for the sake of accurate and fair information of the public opinion regarding the payments of forensic experts.’

“Although it was emphasized at the press conference that "with the entry into force of this Law, all bylaws that were based on the previous law were repealed," this finding does not stand and it reveals the basic, legal and professional ignorance of the Deputy Minister of Justice, misinforming the media and the opinion, because in Law no. 05 / L-060 on Forensic Medicine of 2016, no provision repeals any sub-legal act,” was also said in the extensive press release.

Kurti receives Head of Mission of ICRC in Kosovo (RTK)

The issue of missing persons during the war in Kosovo was the main topic of the meeting between the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Head of Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Kosovo, Mr. Agim Gashi.

Prime Minister Kurti reiterated the government's commitment to advancing institutional policies, through which there will be meritorious treatment for the families of the missing through violence, with priority given to illuminating the fate and whereabouts of the missing and establishing justice.

Also, Prime Minister Kurti thanked the International Committee of the Red Cross for the continued support given to the government of Kosovo and in particular for the support of the families of missing persons.

Among the issues discussed was the database of Albanians arrested in Serbia and the need for cooperation between the government of Kosovo and the International Committee of the Red Cross for prison reform in Kosovo.

Also present at the meeting were Mrs. Martina Fava, Chair of the Working Group on Missing Persons, Mrs. Saranda Bogujevci, Deputy Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo and member of the Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons, Victims of Sexual Violence of War and Petitions in the Assembly of Kosovo, and Mr. Andin Hoti, Chairman of the government Commission for Missing Persons, at the same time chairman of the Kosovo delegation for talks on the issue of missing persons within the working group on missing persons.

US Congress Resolution: Solving the Bytyqi brothers’ case a determining factor of US-Serbia relations (Express)

Progress in resolving the case of murder of the Bytyqi brothers, or the lack thereof, should remain a significant factor determining the further development of relations between the United States and the Republic of Serbia, this is one of the points of a resolution proposed for approval in the US Congress on 29 July 2021.

US Congressman from New York, Lee Zeldin, has proposed a resolution to the Congress condemning the the execution-style murders of United States citizens Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi in Serbia in July 1999. The resolution has been proceeded to the Committee on Foreign Affairs for approval and return to the Congress for voting, Gazeta Express reports.

The five-point resolution asks the House of Representatives that those responsible for the murders in July 1999 of United States citizens Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi in Serbia should be brought to justice. Also, in this resolution is stated that it is reprehensible that no individual has ever been found guilty for executing the Bytyqi brothers, or of any other crimes associated with their deaths, and that no individual is even facing charges for these horrible crimes.