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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 17, 2022

  • EU: Kurti-Vucic meeting for normalization of relations between parties (media)
  • Kurti to meet NATO Secretary General today (Koha)
  • Prior to Brussels meeting, Kurti talks to Chollet and Peach (media)
  • Kurti meets the Quint ambassadors, talked about meeting in Brussels (RTK)
  • KFOR increases its presence in Jarinje and Bernjak (Koha/Kosovo Online)
  • Serbia, Kosovo war talk part of battle for favour on world stage (BIRN)
  • Szunyog: Kosovo belongs in EU; our relations will grow and deepen (media)
  • Begaj: There is risk of escalation of situation in north of Kosovo (media)
  • Number of new positive cases with COVID slowly drops in Kosovo (BIRN)

EU: Kurti-Vucic meeting for normalization of relations between parties (media)

The European Union has issued the agenda of the meeting on August 18 between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, mediated by EU High Representative Josep Borrell and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak.

A press release issued by the EU notes that the high-level meeting will start on Thursday at 10:30 and will focus on the way forward in dialogue and reaching a comprehensive normalisation agreement. “It will also address current issues and aim at mitigating current tension on the ground. The High Representative will also hold separate meetings with each leader,” a press release adds.

Kurti to meet NATO Secretary General today (Koha)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will hold separate meetings today in Brussels with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. His meeting with Vucic is scheduled to start at 15:30, followed by the meeting with Kurti at 17:00. Press conferences will be held after both meetings.

Prior to Brussels meeting, Kurti talks to Chollet and Peach (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo announced that he held talks with the adviser of the U.S. State Department Derek Chollet, as well as with the United Kingdom’s special envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach, where the topic of discussion was the dialogue with Serbia.

"A fruitful telephone conversation with the adviser of the US Department of State, Derek Chollet, regarding many issues, including the dialogue with Serbia, emphasizing the importance of an agreement centered on mutual recognition. He conveyed Secretary Blinken's greetings after our wonderful meeting in Washington last month," Kurti wrote on Twitter.

In another tweet Kurti informed about his conversation with UK’s special envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach.

"Before the discussions in Brussels, I had a productive phone call with Britain's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Mr. Stuart Peach, emphasizing the need for an agreement focused on mutual recognition and good neighborly relations," he wrote.

On Wednesday, Kurti will meet in Brussels with the secretary of NATO, while on Thursday at 10:30 am, he is expected to hold a meeting with Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, mediated by the EU.

Media report that both Chollet and Peach discussed on Tuesday also with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.

Kurti meets the Quint ambassadors, talked about meeting in Brussels (RTK)

On the eve of the meetings in Brussels, the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, together with the Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi, met the Special Representative of the European Union in Kosovo and the ambassadors of the QUINT countries.

During the meeting, the commitment to the continuation of cooperation and coordination between the government of Kosovo and the representatives of the European Union, the United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy was emphasized.

As announced in a press release, they discussed the future meetings in Brussels, as well as the processes and issues related to the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

KFOR increases its presence in Jarinje and Bernjak (Koha/Kosovo Online)

KFOR has increased its presence at the border points in Jarinje and Bernjak, as well as patrolling activities in the north. KFOR representatives told Kosovo Online that these measures were taken to enable quick reaction to all security challenges. “We want to assure everyone that KFOR is ready to intervene, if necessary,” the KFOR Media Office said in response to questions about increasing the presence in Jarinje and Bernjak. KFOR also said that based on its mandate, which stems from UNSC Resolution 1244, it will provide a safe environment and freedom of movement for all citizens of Kosovo.

Serbia, Kosovo war talk part of battle for favour on world stage (BIRN)

The war of words between Serbia and Kosovo is reaching fever pitch, but far from heralding outright conflict, it is more likely part of a battle for favour on the diplomatic stage.

On August 10, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti warned of the risk of Serbia’s “aggressive” policies towards its former southern province turning into a full-blown “assault”.

“We are vigilant, but not afraid,” Kurti told Reuters.

A day later, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic cautioned Kosovo against any attempted “liquidation” of “alleged criminal structures” in a mainly Serb slice of northern Kosovo. “I warn them not to try something like that,” he said.

Such rhetoric hardly bodes well for face-to-face, European Union-mediated talks between the two men in Brussels on Thursday following separate meetings with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday.

But rather than a sign of looming conflict, experts say such words are more likely part of a propaganda campaign by both sides to undermine the other on the international stage, with the hope of scoring points in the EU-led dialogue.

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Szunyog: Kosovo belongs in EU; our relations will grow and deepen (media)

European Union Office in Kosovo chief Tomas Szunyog said on Tuesday that Kosovo belongs in the European Union and that relations will only continue to grow and deepen. At a meeting with the media and EU family representatives, Ambassador Szunyog said: “It was a good opportunity to exchange views on a variety of topics and developments relevant to #Kosovo and the region. The EU remains Kosovo’s reliable partner, the largest provider of financial assistance, and the biggest trading partner. Kosovo belongs in the #EU, and our relations will only continue to grow and deepen.”

Begaj: There is risk of escalation of situation in north of Kosovo (media)

President of Albania Bajram Begaj said on Tuesday at the end of his visit to Kosovo that there is a risk of escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo, adding that the criminal structures there can provoke this.

In an extensive interview for public television, Begaj said that calm must be maintained.

"There is a risk of escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo. There are criminal structures supported by state elements that can compromise security. What I can say is that we should keep calm and take every incident calmly and report it to the media, don't let Serbia misinform about certain events," Begaj said.

He stressed that Albania will stand by Kosovo by all means. However, he added that dialogue is the right way to achieve permanent peace in the region. "We are in the time of modernism, where only through dialogue can we solve the problems that may arise. And Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic path is inevitable, inalienable and right, so with the help of the USA, the EU and other allies, the dialogue must be advanced further," he said.

Begaj also said that Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday, as well as the meeting on Thursday with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels within the framework of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, are meetings of particular importance.

Number of new positive cases with COVID slowly drops in Kosovo (BIRN)

After a worrying increase of the number of new covid cases in Kosovo, with its peak in the first week of August, the number of new cases and hospitalizations has slowly dropped. However, hospitals remain worried about the low number of staff, in case of another increase.

At the end of the summer season, a decrease in the number of people infected with COVID-19 was observed in Kosovo. On August 10, within 24 hours, 1,197 positive cases were registered, while on August 13, two people died from COVID-19. While on August 17, there were 413 positive cases of COVID-19 and no deaths in the last three days.

However, during the recent days there has been a drop in the positive cases. Data on the 7-day average number of positive cases per million people shows that Kosovo has entered a downward trend.

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