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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 20

  • COVID-19: 162 new cases, nine deaths (media)
  • Hoti, Ramosaj agree to suspend works on Decan-Plav road (media)
  • Ramosaj: Decan – Plav road, “will be built or I will build it” (media)
  • U.S. Embassy statement on construction of Decan-Plav road (media)
  • Hoti: I discuss mutual recognition in Brussels, Haradinaj knows this (media)
  • Hoti: Meeting in Washington will focus on the economy (media)
  • Ruling coalition leaders to meet today amid disagreements on dialogue (EO)
  • Hoti: Government is stable, no need for reshuffling (media)
  • EU aims to set up mechanism to monitor implementation of agreements (KTV)
  • Weber predicts difficulties for Avdullah Hoti on September 2 (Express)
  • Shala: Kosovo status, not a topic in dialogue (Express)
  • Two more former KLA members summoned by Specialist Chambers (media)
  • Serb arrested in Mokna, suspect in Enver Zymberi killing (Indeksonline)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

COVID-19: 162 new cases, nine deaths (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said in its daily report on Wednesday that 162 new cases of coronavirus and nine deaths were recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours.  122 recoveries have been confirmed over the same time period.

The highest number of new infections has been recorded in the municipality of Prishtina (46).47 patients with the virus are reported to be in critical condition. The media report quoting the Municipality of Prishtina announcement that since the outset of the pandemic, 35 persons from the municipality have died from coronavirus, the majority of them (24) during the month of July. Of the total number of fatalities in the municipality, ten belong to the 25-34 age group.

There are currently 4,131 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti spoke on Wednesday about his recovery from COVID-19. He wished all those infected with this virus prompt recovery, while calling for caution and respect of protection measures against COVID-19. Hoti also said it is very worrying that there are still citizens who do not believe in the existence of the virus.

Hoti, Ramosaj agree to suspend works on Decan-Plav road (media)

All news websites covered the meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Decan Mayor Bashkim Ramosaj on Wednesday focusing on the construction of the Decan-Plav road.

Hoti’s office issued a press release after the meeting saying that the two leaders agreed to suspend work on the construction of the road.

The press release notes: “Assessing once again the importance of the road that connects Decan with Plava, respectively the Republic of Kosovo with the Republic of Montenegro, Prime Minister Hoti reiterated that the legislation in force approved by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo must be respected, but also, the importance of this road for the economy and the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality of Decan and beyond should be taken into account. In order to find an agreed solution with all parties involved in this issue, Prime Minister Hoti and Mayor Ramosaj agreed to suspend the works on the road R108, which runs through a part of the protected area near the Monastery of Deçan.”

Ramosaj: Decan-Plav road, “will be built or I will build it” (media)

Decan Mayor, Bashkim Ramosaj, said in a Facebook post on Wednesday that the Decan – Plav road will be built or he will build it. “Dear citizens of Decan. I have started today meetings with the Prime Minister, and we will intensify meetings until August 27, when we will have a meeting with all ambassadors! I am confident that the result will be the right solution for Decan. It will be built, or I will build it,” Ramosaj wrote. He also said that he gave Prime Minister Hoti “a reasonable timeline” to resolve the dispute.

Daut Haradinaj, senior member and MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), commented on Ramosaj’s post on Facebook saying “Mayor, you are called to work and not for meetings to agree on meetings. The road must be finished. Mayor, it is for our good and for the good of the Monastery”. Koha and Lajmi refer to Haradinaj’s remarks as new clashes within the ruling coalition.

U.S. Embassy statement on construction of Decan-Plav road (media)

The United States Embassy in Prishtina issued the following statement on Wednesday about developments surrounding the construction of the Decan-Plav road:

“The construction of the Decan-Plave highway is about more than land and access. It is about upholding court decisions, respecting and preserving the rights of all to practice their faith and live peacefully with their neighbors, and valuing Kosovo’s rich heritage and cultural diversity. Collaboration and commitment to solutions that respect the court ruling is the only way forward that leads to a true resolution. The PM’s meeting today with Mayor Ramosaj is a step in the right direction.”

Hoti: I discuss mutual recognition in Brussels, Haradinaj knows this (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti told TV Dukagjini on Wednesday that in the EU-facilitated talks in Brussels with Serbia, he is discussing mutual recognition. “There can be no technical talks. We are not discussing bus lines in Brussels, but mutual recognition. Mr. Haradinaj knows this,” Hoti said in response to recent criticism from his partner in the ruling coalition, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj.

“I engage in dialogue in line with the Constitution and the platform which is part of the coalition agreement. I have no doubt in leading this process. However, it should be clear to everyone that this country has only one Prime Minister. There cannot be several Prime Ministers,” Hoti said. “My delineation is the Constitution of Kosovo. I have faith in myself and in our international partners”.

Hoti also commented on the plans of the Serbian government to open a COVID-19 testing facility in the north of Kosovo saying that the pandemic cannot be fought separately by each country on its own and that the example of the European Union countries should be followed.

Hoti: Meeting in Washington will focus on the economy (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said on Wednesday that the meeting at the White House on September 2 will focus on economic development and that projects worth hundreds of millions of Euros will be discussed there.

Asked to comment on Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti’s remarks that a damaging agreement for Kosovo will be reached in Washington, Hoti said: “Kurti is totally wrong. Historically, he was on the wrong side, including Rambouillet and the declaration of independence”.

Ruling coalition leaders to meet today amid disagreements on dialogue (EO)

The news website reported on Wednesday that leaders of parties in the ruling coalition will meet today to discuss the functioning of the government after disagreements over the resumption of EU-brokered talks with Serbia. Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti was heavily criticised by the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) over his leadership of the talks and for ignoring AAK representatives in the process.

Hoti: Government is stable, no need for reshuffling (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said on Wednesday that there is no need to reshuffle the ruling coalition. He argued that the government is stable and that it does not need the inclusion of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

“The government and institutions are stable. There is no need for a government reshuffling. We have a majority parliament, despite difficulties,” he said.

Hoti also said that unless the proposed indictments are not confirmed, “President Thaci has full competencies, as do the government and the Assembly”.

EU aims to set up mechanism to monitor implementation of agreements (KTV)

The TV station reported on Wednesday that alongside a final and legally-binding agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, the European Union will try to resolve agreements that have been already been reached but not implemented in practice. Koha learns from unnamed sources that Brussels will set up a mechanism that will monitor the implementation of existing and future agreements between the two sides.

Asked to comment on the issue, EU representatives in Brussels said all outstanding issues will be addressed. “The EU, as facilitator of the dialogue, will work with the parties on a comprehensive normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, while addressing all unresolved matters. All issues that need to be discussed in the dialogue are crucial for the comprehensive normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The European Union and the member states expect the parties to implement all previous agreement. Unresolved issues from previous agreements will be addressed in parallel with negotiations for a comprehensive agreement,” an EU spokeswoman told KTV.

Weber predicts difficulties for Avdullah Hoti on September 2 (Express)

German analyst on the Western Balkans, Bodo Weber, commented on the upcoming meeting between the Kosovo and Serbia delegations in Washington at the White House on September 2. He argues that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be willing to sign any agreement that is offered on the table, be it even to maintain good relations with the U.S. administration and hoping that Trump will win the presidential election in November.

Weber said Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti on the other hand should think twice before signing an agreement, unless it is only an agreement for the economy, and to sign it as a tactical move to avoid a clash with Richard Grenell and the U.S. President.

Weber said he is curious to see how Hoti will legitimise any partial agreement signed in Washington, even if it is only an agreement for the economy, following major disagreements in Prishtina after the high-level meeting in Brussels and after demands by all political parties not to resort to a technical dialogue.

Weber said that in his opinion the September 2 meeting in Washington is a photo opportunity to help Grenell advance his career and for Trump to have another advantage to win the November elections. “A meeting to help Trump present himself to the American voter as a dealmaker based on the sole guiding principle of his policy that any agreement is a good agreement,” he said.

According to Weber, the September 2 cannot conclude with an agreement similar to the recent agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates because of crucial differences between the two issues and because there is no chance to secure Kosovo’s recognition by Serbia on September 2.

Weber also said the meeting in Washington will focus fully on economic issues, because he argued that Grenell failed to reach a political deal and is now searching for an easier way to a symbolic success.

Asked about the possibility of President Trump joining the meeting and convincing the parties to sign an agreement, Weber said that even Trump’s political weight would not be enough to push forward a political deal.

“As I have said earlier, the nature of the problem in the Balkans is fundamentally different and the time for a political ‘solution’ led by the U.S. seems to be fortunately gone,” he concluded.

Shala: Kosovo status, not a topic in dialogue (Express)

Blerim Shala, advisor to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, said in an interview with T7 on Wednesday evening that the status of Kosovo is not a topic of discussion in the dialogue with Serbia at the White House on September 2. “This is not the same as the case with Bosnia and Herzegovina, because their situation is more complex,” he added.

Shala said that U.S. Special Envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Richard Grenell, did not think that everything can be resolved with a single meeting at the White House. “His idea was to work on the economy so that Kosovo and Serbia can come a little closer,” he said.

Two more former KLA members summoned by Specialist Chambers (media)

Latif Gashi, former member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and former MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has been summoned by the Specialist Chambers to be interviewed on 27 August.

In a Facebook post, Gashi said he and his former fellow-fighters will prove yet again that the KLA war was just.

At the same time, head of the KLA War Veterans' Association, Hysni Gucati, announced via Facebook that another former KLA member, Nazif Musliu, has been called for interview by the Specialist Chambers in The Hague. 

Serb arrested in Mokna, suspect in Enver Zymberi killing (Indeksonline)

Citing unnamed sources, the news website reported on Wednesday that one of the Serbs arrested recently by Kosovo Police special units in Mokna mountains, was a suspect in the killing of Enver Zymberi, a member of police special units, in the north in 2011. Radomir Kasalovic was arrested in October 2014 by EULEX officers as a suspect in the killing. He was interviewed several times by the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica.