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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 14, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Von der Leyen: Kosovo and Serbia to fulfill their commitments within dialogue (media)
  • Borrell: I have invested a lot of energy in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Reporteri)
  • Osmani: We have information that Serbia is preparing new attacks, will inform EU leaders (media)
  • Kurti: Kosovo-Serbia agreement must be defended by EU and USA (VoA)
  • Osmani: We will make association if it does not create additional level of governance (media)
  • Bislimi: Association after elements of de-facto recognition are met (RTK)
  • Lajcak in conversation with Bislimi: We agreed on the next steps in the dialogue (media)
  • O'Brien meets Maqedonci: U.S. supports KSF (Koha)
  • Osmani asks Von der Leyen to remove punitive measures against Kosovo (media)
  • KFOR commander goes to Leposaviq, meets personnel patrolling along border line (media)
  • Kurti and Abbott meet, discuss developments during 2023 (media)
  • Bislimi and Blankenborg talk about economy and dialogue (RTK)
  • Indictment filed against four northern Serbs, who threw bombs at offices of CEC (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Brnabic placed a reservation on the EU declaration: No recognition of Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Blic)
  • Vucic: I do not believe that the Kosovo issue will be resolved quickly and easily (Kosovo Online, TV Prva)
  • Serbian PM Brnabic met Orban and Varhelyi ahead of the summit (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Borrell: Both sides in the dialogue are moving slowly, but they are moving (Tanjug)
  • Michel: We expect more reforms from the Western Balkans (KiM radio)
  • CEC received the requests of the president of the Leposavic, North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok municipal assemblies, response in five days (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Goran Bogdanovic: The French-German plan is already being implemented (KiM radio)
  • KFOR Commander Ulutas in Leposavic, visited the church of St. Vasilije Ostroski (KoSSev)
  • Four persons indicted in connection with last year's attack on the premises of the MEC (KoSSev)

International Media:

  • EU-Western Balkans summit, 13 December 2023 (
  • Who Owns the Media? Only 30 Per Cent of Media in Kosovo Reported Ownership, BIRN Finds (Prishtina Insight)
  • Extradition To Kosovo Of Monastery Attack Suspect 'Impossible,' Serbian FM Says (RFE)
  • Vučić received an invitation to the EU-WB Summit, Serbian authorities decided Brnabić will attend (EWB)
  • Countries call on the EU to remove measures against Kosovo (




Albanian Language Media


Von der Leyen: Kosovo and Serbia to fulfill their commitments within the dialogue (media)

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that at the Wednesday EU-Western Balkans summit held in Brussels, Kosovo and Serbia were asked to fulfill their commitments within the dialogue facilitated by the European Union.

"For both Kosovo and Serbia, it is the way forward and the fulfillment of commitments within the EU dialogue. They have made important steps forward this year with the Ohrid agreement, which must now be implemented, and I very much welcome the reduction of tensions in the north of Kosovo, in particular regarding electricity and the preparation for early municipal elections," she said.

Borrell: I have invested a lot of energy in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Reporteri)

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has expressed his appreciation for the recent developments in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. Before the EU-Western Balkans summit, Borrell mentioned the investment of a lot of time in the dialogue process.

"We have invested a lot of time and energy in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. There have been ups and downs, many crises but also solutions. Like the one with license plates, IDs and energy, like the last deal. Great progress with the Ohrid Agreement and the implementation annex. The last few days have been good news. Both sides are moving. Slowly but they are moving, and we must push them to move on this path, since it is the only one for them for a clear European perspective", Borrell said.

Osmani: We have information that Serbia is preparing new attacks, will inform EU leaders (media)

Kosovo President said on Wednesday in front of the media in Brussels on the eve of the EU-Western Balkans Summit that she has information about plans for new attacks by Serbia in Kosovo. She expressed concern and emphasized the importance of taking these alarms seriously.

"I will inform all European leaders today about the information that our security institutions together with partners have collected in this regard, because these are alarms that we all must take very seriously and act as a preventive measure so that Serbia no longer destabilizes our region", Osmani emphasized.

She has mentioned the fact that the time in which this summit is being held is difficult for Europe and the world in general due to global conflicts. However, Osmani added, this summit proves the importance of peace in the Western Balkans.

"Unfortunately, Serbia is still led by people who want to take our region back to the 90s. We must not allow such a logic to triumph, that is why we are working with our partners in the EU in order to increase security in Kosovo and especially the aspect of security around the border with Serbia and the second is to remove the measures against Kosovo, and it is necessary to take measures against Serbia for the act of aggression that was committed on September 24. Unfortunately, so far there has been no action and if it continues without any action or measure against Serbia, it will take this as a kind of incentive," she said.

"When I talk about the measures, I want to be clear that I'm not talking about punishment, I'm talking about prevention and unfortunately history has shown that this is the only language that Serbia understands, not imposing measures on it is an invitation to attack again. Vucic would best understand the financial measures from the EU," Osmani added.

Kurti: Kosovo-Serbia agreement must be defended by EU and USA (VoA)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Wednesday that the agreement on the normalization of relations with Serbia must be protected by the European Union and the United States, while he accused Belgrade of violating it without consequences.

He made these comments during a debate organized by the Atlantic Council, on the topic "Returning to the right path: Unlocking the Euro-Atlantic and developmental future of Kosovo".

Kurti said that the normalization of relations needs the normalization of Serbia in the democratic and European sense of the word.

"And all this not only because Kosovo's membership in international organizations should not be opposed, but because Kosovo and Serbia should be able to live side by side as normal neighbors with good European neighborly relations", he said, emphasizing that for this reason, he had welcomed the letter of American President Joe Biden in 2021, which placed mutual recognition at the center of a future normalization agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

"In the face of the Russian occupation of Ukraine, the Atlantic community sought reconciliation with less. Instead of a final agreement centered on mutual recognition, governments sought an agreement on the road to normalization centered on de facto mutual recognition. Of course, our government is for dialogue, and under any circumstances we commit ourselves only to agreements that further Kosovo's interests and strengthen our citizenship and that do not diminish or damage it," Kurti said.

Prime Minister Kurti did not speak about the Association, but criticized Western diplomacy for "petting" Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

"If there is any lesson to be learned from the war in Ukraine, it is that 'coddling' autocrats never works. They take generosity shown to them as a sign of weakness, fear, or both. They, unfortunately, understand only democratic stability and strength. But instead of sticks, the president of Serbia was offered carrots. The more trouble he causes in the region, the more money he demands and receives from the EU. The more he moves towards Russia and China, the more the European Union runs after him with funds. Meanwhile, since he came to power, Serbia has only returned to autocracy", Kurti said.

However, he said that Kosovo remains committed and constructive in the talks.

"Now we have an agreement that must be protected by those who brought it. A legally binding agreement cannot be broken without consequences. However, Serbia has violated it in many cases without any consequences", added Kurti.

He said that Kosovo is a success story of NATO intervention on the one hand and of democratic state building and socio-economic development on the other.

"Using Kosovo as a precedent to justify intervention elsewhere, as the Kremlin is doing, is nothing but a direct attack on truth, humanity and reason. Such a thing shows a complete disregard for international law and the responsibility to protect, as an international norm that seeks to ensure that the international community never again fails to stop the crimes of mass atrocities of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity", Kurti said.

Osmani: We will make association if it does not create additional level of governance (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani in the presentation to the journalists in Brussels, was asked about the issue of establishing the Association. Osmani said that on October 21, the emissaries proposed a Draft for municipalities with a Serb majority and that the draft should go to the Constitutional Court for verification. 

"Of course, the Brussels Agreement includes the implementation of past agreements. The emissaries proposed a draft charter for municipalities with a Serb majority and it must go to the Constitutional Court. If it is in accordance with the Constitution and if it does not create an additional level of governance, if it does not present any danger for a second Republika Srpska, it will certainly be implemented. Of course, those who drafted it are sure that it does not create any of these, but the Constitutional Court is the only body that can give such a confirmation", Osmani said.

Bislimi: Association after elements of de-facto recognition are met (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi has stated that the steps towards the creation of the Association will come only after there is a decision of the Constitutional Court on the draft statute drawn up by the Western countries as well as Serbia's actions towards de-facto recognition.

"It is the third stage where the government, after the eventual positive decision or modifications of the Constitutional Court, issues its decree and other actions of Serbia follow - at that moment when all the elements of de-facto recognition are guaranteed, then the action for the creation of the Association", Bislimisaid.

He said that the authors of the Association emphasized that it will be in full compliance with the country's constitutionality.

"We think that the authors have taken care of the provisions of our Constitutional Court, but this is not a guarantee that it has not been missed somewhere. But that is what the Court's filter is for, to make sure that there are no constitutional loopholes in it", he further said. 

Bislimi accused the opposition parties saying that "Prime Minister Kurti in many instances has invited the leaders of the opposition to build a unique common voice against the dialogue. There has been hesitation, in fact one of our biggest obstacles in the dialogue in Brussels has been the opposition voice. We had an easy time dealing with Vucic, but when they said that your opposition thinks like Serbia, you think differently. This accusation was said by Lajcak, I did not say it", he said.

Asked if Resolution 1244 was mentioned in the draft submitted by the emissaries and why it had to be mentioned, Bislimi said: "Somewhere in the draft it is mentioned .Those who drafted it are responsible for this.”

Lajcak in conversation with Bislimi: We agreed on the next steps in the dialogue (media)

The EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak announced that he had on Wednesday a conversation with the first deputy prime minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, with whom they agreed on the next steps in the issues of dialogue.

"Today I had a detailed video conference with the first deputy prime minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislim, on a list of dialogue issues. We agreed on the continuation of the dialogue and the next steps", Lajcak wrote on the "X" platform.

O'Brien meets Maqedonci: U.S. supports KSF (Koha)

The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, met on Wednesday with the Kosovar Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci.

We support the Kosovo Security Force as it transitions to a multi-ethnic, professional, NATO-interoperable, territorial defense force, subject to civilian oversight. Great to meet Kosovar Minister of Defense EjupMaqedonci today and reaffirm our partnership with Kosovo,” O’Brien wrote on X platform.

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffry Hovenier also hailed this meeting. 

“Important meeting between Minister Ejup Maqedonci and Assistant Secretary O'Brien today. Our security sector cooperation is fundamental to achieving our goals with Kosovo, including supporting Kosovo's full integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions,” he wrote.

Osmani asks Von der Leyen to remove punitive measures against Kosovo (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, during the meeting she had with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in Brussels, reiterated the need to remove the punitive measures against Kosovo, which were imposed as a result of the government's actions in the North.

Through a post on Facebook, Osmani said that in this meeting she also emphasized the importance of granting Kosovo the status of a candidate for EU membership, "as a clear signal that democratic, freedom-loving and committed to European values have the place in the EU".

Osmani's meeting with Von der Leyen took place on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans Summit, which is being held this Wednesday, where the president is representing Kosovo.

"We welcome the 'Growth Plan', presented by President Von der Leyen, for which Kosovo has already presented the concrete plan for reforms", she concluded.

KFOR commander goes to Leposaviq, meets personnel patrolling along border line (media)

KFOR commander Oezkan Ulutash, visited on Wednesday the municipality of Leposaviq, where he met with the commander of the Notting Hill base in this municipality and with the personnel patrolling along the border line.

"The commander of KFOR, Ozkan Ulutash visited the municipality of Leposavic where he met with the commander of the Notting Hill base and with the personnel patrolling along the border line. He also visited the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Vasil Ostroski, where he was received by Father Milutin Popadic," said the NATO announcement.

Kurti and Abbott meet, discuss developments during 2023 (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo Nicholas Abbott. They talked about bilateral relations, cooperation between the government and the British Embassy in Kosovo, and about current topics, including those related to the dialogue process mediated by the European Union.

Further, the Prime Minister's office announced that Kurti and Abbott reflected and discussed the developments during 2023, the challenges and achievements of the government, the opportunities for strengthening bilateral cooperation for exchange and development, security and peace, and the plans and expectations for the next year.

Bislimi and Blankenborg talk about economy and dialogue (RTK)

Kosovo’s first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, hosted the Special Representative of Norway for the Western Balkans, Haakon Blankenborg.

"Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi expressed his gratitude for the active and important role of Norway throughout the years, and especially for its continuous support to our country. With the aim of intensifying bilateral relations, the possibilities of cooperation and deepening of bilateral relations in various fields were discussed", it is emphasized in the announcement.

According to the announcement, in the meeting with a special emphasis on the field of economy, Bislimi informed the representative Blankenborg with the achievements and successes of Kosovo in the year that we are leaving behind as well as the measures taken by the government.

"Relations with Serbia and the dialogue process were also discussed. In the end, Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi reiterated his appreciation for Norway's support for the Republic of Kosovo and for its continuous contribution to the development and security of the region", the announcement states.

Indictment filed against four northern Serbs, who threw bombs at offices of CEC (RTK)

Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo has filed an indictment in the Basic Court in Pristina, against the four defendants M.M, A.V, D.P and M.V for the criminal offense of "committing a terrorist offense", which is related to throwing bombs at the offices of the CEC and intimidation of the population in the north of Kosovo.

"The Special Prosecutor's Office announces that the defendants M.M., A.V., D.P. and M.V., in the offices of the Municipal Electoral Commission in North Mitrovica on "Kollashinska" street, with the purpose of seriously intimidating the population, of unjustly coercing a public body in this case CEC, in order to make local elections impossible, as well as with the aim of destabilizing or destroying the basic political and constitutional structures of the Republic of Kosovo, while CEC officials, together with police officers, went to open the office, the accused with other persons yet to be identified committed a terrorist attack by throwing two hand grenades and two grenades in the direction of the office of the CEC", it is stated in the announcement of the Prosecutor's Office.

According to the same announcement, one hand grenade and two grenades exploded, as a result of which considerable material damage was caused and the lives of CEC officials and police officers were seriously endangered.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, the defendants have committed the criminal offense of "Committing a terrorist offense" from article 129 paragraph 1 related to article 128 paragraph 1 under paragraph 1.7 related to article 31 of the KPRK.



Serbian Language Media 


Brnabic placed a reservation on the EU declaration: No recognition of Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Blic)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, placed a reservation on the declaration of the European Union, protecting the interests of the Republic of Serbia, according to which the red lines are clear - non-recognition and non-acceptance of Kosovo as a member of the United Nations, as well as a member of the system of UN organizations and agencies, reported Kosovo Online, citing Blic daily.

In the reservation, Serbia made it clear that Kosovo remains an integral part of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations.

"The Republic of Serbia, committed to the process of European integration and negotiations, generally aligns itself, with reservations, with the Declaration 'EU-Western Balkans Summit, Brussels, December 13, 2023' as a political statement and legally non-binding document.

'Agreement on the road to normalization and its annex on implementation', as stated in this Declaration, is considered acceptable only in a context that does not refer to any de facto or de jure recognition of the so-called "Kosovo". The Republic of Serbia emphasizes that harmonization in no way means recognition of membership of the so-called "Kosovo" in the UN, the system of UN organizations and agencies, nor the so-called territorial integrity of the so-called "Kosovo".

The aforementioned document does not constitute a legally binding contract under international law. Further, alignment with this Declaration does not affect the fact that Kosovo and Metohija remain an integral part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia under international administration in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council from 1999," the reservation states, reported Kosovo Online.

At the summit of the leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans, at which Serbia is represented by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the "Brussels Declaration" was published, by which the EU calls for the acceleration of the process of accession of the Western Balkans to that bloc and asks Belgrade and Pristina for rapid progress in the normalization of relations and to fully, without further delays or preconditions, implement the agreements reached, including the agreement on the path to normalization of relations and its implementation annex.

Vucic: I do not believe that the Kosovo issue will be resolved quickly and easily (Kosovo Online, TV Prva)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said last night that he does not believe that the Kosovo knot will be resolved quickly and simply, and said that he is proud of the blockade of Kosovo's admission to UNESCO, reported Kosovo Online, citing TV Prva

Vucic said for TV Prva that he oversaw the action to block Kosovo's admission to UNESCO.

"I am proud of it, because if Kosovo had been admitted to UNESCO, which is a specialized agency of the UN, it would have been the closest step towards full membership in the UN," he explained.

Vucic added that by joining UNESCO, people would start talking about Kosovo's heritage, and everything that is Serbian medieval heritage from Banjska in the north to Decani would suddenly become Kosovo's.

"Then they would bring Albanian priests, as they did to the church in Podujevo, and say that it belongs to the Albanians. That's why I'm proud that we carried out that action," he added.

He said that he accepted the Ohrid Agreement and that he said unequivocally what Serbia cannot and will not do - and that is membership in the UN, and the organizations and institutions of the world organization.

He recalled that he communicated this to the President of France, the Prime Ministers of Germany and Italy, as well as the leaders of the EU at the same meeting.

"With that part, they want to put the Ohrid Agreement in the negotiation framework. If they did, they would send it to the UN and then open Pandora's box, putting it under the nose of countries that do not recognize it to change their attitude. I will fight against it." said Vucic.

Serbian PM Brnabic met Orban and Varhelyi ahead of the summit (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)

Before the start of the summit, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, with whom she said had good meetings.

"It is good that we have the EU-Western Balkans summit because, in addition to the European political community, it is a new format in which we from the Western Balkans can always talk openly, honestly and completely transparently with EU leaders. So, it's a good thing. Conversation is always a good thing," Brnabic told reporters.

On Tanjug's question about what she expects from the summit, she said "good results and good discussions regarding the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans."

"It is an opportunity for us from the Western Balkans to receive additional funds of some six billion euros, of which four billion in loans, and two through grants, i.e. non-reimbursable funds," explained Brnabic.

She added that, as always, it will be in partnership and cooperation with the EU, subject to some reforms.

"We do not run away from reforms; we think they are in the interest of our citizens and the economy. We will continue to pursue reforms and remain committed to the rule of law. So, it's a good day and it's always good when we can talk," said Brnabic.

Borrell: Both sides in the dialogue are moving slowly, but they are moving (Tanjug)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, said that good news is coming regarding the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, that there is progress, reported Tanjug agency.

"Both sides are moving slowly, but they are moving," Borrell told reporters ahead of the start of the EU-Western Balkans summit.

According to him, the EU must continue to push for both sides to continue on that path because that is the only way they can have a clear European perspective.

"We invested a lot of time and energy in the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue. It has gone through ups and downs, a lot of crises. There are also solutions such as license plates, ID cards, energy, which is the last good deal," he said.

When asked by Tanjug whether a meeting at the highest level is planned soon, he said that the dialogue continues and that it is a continuing process.

"The special envoy ( Lajcak) travels from one side to the other. When the moment comes, we will have as many high-level meetings as necessary," Borrell said.

Michel: We expect more reforms from the Western Balkans (KiM radio)

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, said today in Brussels that the European Union - Western Balkans summit confirms the firm commitment of the Union to see the countries of the region as members, but that the countries of the region are expected to speed up the reform process.

"We expect more reforms from the countries of the WB region, especially in the fields of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. And our side will do its part, that's why we started a strategic debate at the level of leaders in order to identify what we need to do," Michel said before the summit.

He added that he wants to see more investments and economic development in order to see the positive effects of integration on the ground as soon as possible.

"The most important thing for the EU is that we remain united. The enlargement process remains based on merit, which we will once again explain to our partners from the Western Balkans. You know my personal position that we must be ready by 2030 and that both sides must make efforts," Michel said.

CEC received the requests of the president of the Leposavic, North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok municipal assemblies, response in five days (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The spokesperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Pristina, Valmir Eljezi, said yesterday that the commission received three separate requests from the presidents of the assemblies of Leposavic, North Mitrovica and Zubin Potok municipalities and that they will respond within five days, reported Radio Mitrovica sever.

"The CEC received three separate requests from the presidents of the Leposavić, Severna Mitrovica and Zubin Potok municipal assemblies at their official address. The content of these three requests is the same. First, three presidents of municipal assemblies asked the CEC to provide official information about the group of citizens who submitted a request for the removal of the mayor, whether they are voters in those municipalities. Second, they asked us to provide them with information on the updated number of registered voters in these municipalities," Elezi told reporters and added that based on the updated voter list, it is calculated how many signatures amount to the 20 percent required for a petition to replace the mayor, reported Radio Mitrovica sever. 

"For these answers, we will also cooperate with the Agency for Civil Registration, since the voting list comes from the extract of the Central Registry," said Elezi. 

When asked what will happen to the municipality of Zvecan, since no request was submitted to the CEC from that municipality, Elezi said that, if a similar request appears, it will be treated like other cases.

Goran Bogdanovic: The French-German plan is already being implemented (KiM radio)

Vice-President of the Social Democratic Party, former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija and candidate for MP on the "Good Morning Serbia" list, Goran Bogdanovic, sent a message to the citizens of Serbia ahead of the upcoming elections and reminded them why the French-German plan is unacceptable, reported KiM radio.

"I am addressing you from the area of Kosovo and Metohija, where I was born, where I grew up and where I still live today. As a candidate for deputy, I want to send you a clear message from this very place, which is why the Franco-German plan is absolutely unacceptable for us. We are against the implementation of this plan, which Vucic, as we all know, has already accepted. That plan has already started to be implemented here in Kosovo unfortunately, starting from license plates, passports, to the electricity sector. However, if you vote for our list, I am sure that we will use all our forces and all our knowledge and experience to prevent the further implementation of that plan. We cannot allow that plan to affect the further existence of the Serbian people in Kosovo," said Bogdanovic.

He warned that one of the main reasons why this plan is unacceptable is that its implementation means Kosovo's membership in UNESCO.

"Thus, all our holy places and cultural-historical agreements would become Kosovo's cultural heritage, and that would be another great frustration for our people and a new source of tension in this area," added Bogdanovic.

He pointed out that visiting Kosovo these days, he could conclude that the emigration of Serbs has intensified.

"It is devastating, and this government is not doing anything to prevent the further exodus of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who are leaving these areas under the terror of Kurti. I also visited the premises that we built from 2008 to 2012. This government boasts that they have done a lot in KiM. However, believe me they cannot paint over what we have built in just four years. We built more than eight kindergartens, three sports halls, three balloon halls, two schools, three health centers, reconstructed several schools and kindergartens, not to mention the built kilometers of roads and streets and the restoration of our cultural and historical monuments, churches, and monasteries, which were destroyed in the 2004 pogrom, etc. We also renovated the seminary where the first seminarians started going to school in 2011. We know what needs to be done and how to ensure a better life for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Therefore, vote for the list "Good Morning Serbia" under number 12," said Bogdanovic in the announcement.

KFOR Commander Ulutas in Leposavic, visited the church of St. Vasilije Ostroski (KoSSev)

The commander of KFOR, Ozkan Ulutas, visited the municipality of Leposavic yesterday, where he met with the commander of the Nothing Hill base, reported KoSSev portal, citing this mission announcement. As part of this visit, he also visited the church of St. Vasilije Ostroski. 

As specified by this mission, Ulua’s began his visit with a meeting with the base commander and KFOR personnel, who patrol along the administrative line.

Then he visited the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Vasilije Ostroski in Leposavic, meeting with Father Milutin Poladi. 

As announced, alutas stated that KFOR is "ready to deal with any situation that could affect the security environment", and that it continues to provide the necessary security framework so that "the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the support of the EU, advances".

"KFOR continues to fulfill its UN mandate in providing a safe and secure environment for all communities in Kosovo and freedom of movement," they stated on social networks - and this time without directly mentioning resolution 1244, which KFOR otherwise conspicuously points out, noted portal KoSSev.

Four persons indicted in connection with last year's attack on the premises of the MEC (KoSSev)

A year after explosive devices were thrown at the premises of the MEC in the northern part of Mitrovica, the Kosovo Special Prosecutor's Office indicted four people. They are charged with the criminal offense of "committing a terrorist act", they announced.

Without revealing the full names of the accused, they stated that they are persons with the initials M.M, A.V, D.P and M.V, and they are accused of having thrown two hand grenades at the offices of the Municipal Election Commission in "Kolasinska" Street.

"In order to seriously intimidate the population, they forced the CEC to make local elections impossible, with the aim of destabilizing or destroying the basic political and constitutional structures of the Republic of Kosovo. When CEC officials together with the police went to open the offices, these defendants, together with several other unidentified persons, conducted a terrorist attack, throwing two hand grenades, one of which exploded, causing significant material damage, while the lives of officials CEC and police officers were seriously threatened," the announcement states.

M.M, A.V, D.P. and M.V. are charged with committing the criminal offense of "committing a terrorist act", the Kosovo Special Prosecutor's Office announced.



International Media


EU-Western Balkans summit, 13 December 2023 (

One year after the 2022 summit in Tirana, EU and Western Balkans leaders met in Brussels for their fourth annual summit. 

The summit was an opportunity to reaffirm the EU membership perspective of the Western Balkans as well as the need for partners’ sustained and irreversible reform achievements, underpinned by EU values and principles.

Read more at:

Who Owns the Media? Only 30 Per Cent of Media in Kosovo Reported Ownership, BIRN Finds (Prishtina Insight)

BIRN's map on media ownership in Kosovo reveals challenges in media transparency. Less than 30 per cent of media in Kosovo disclosed owners and finances. EU urged inclusivity.

A new report by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, in collaboration with the Global Media Registry, has published the largest Monitoring of Media Ownership in Kosovo on Wednesday.

Jeta Xharra, the Executive Director of BIRN, stated that less than 30 per cent of the media outlets responded to BIRN regarding their ownership and financial backers.

“This response should have been very simple, this information should have been available on their website. The challenge has been that we had to go to Macedonia and the Netherlands to track media ownership,” she expressed.

Read more at:

Extradition To Kosovo Of Monastery Attack Suspect 'Impossible,' Serbian FM Says (RFE)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on December 13 ruled out the extradition to Kosovo of Milan Radoicic, a Kosovar Serb politician who has claimed he is the sole mastermind of an armed attack on a monastery in Kosovo in September that left several people dead.

Dacic said it was "impossible" to extradite Radoicic, for whom Interpol has issued an arrest warrant after he claimed that he was the sole organizer of the September 24 raid and did not share his plan with anyone else.

"All court processes will be conducted before domestic courts," Dacic said in a statement to the Beta news agency.

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Vučić received an invitation to the EU-WB Summit, Serbian authorities decided Brnabić will attend (EWB)

BRUSSELS – For the first time, Serbia is presented at the EU-Western Balkans Summit by the Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić. It has been officially confirmed for European Western Balkans portal that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić received an invitation to the summit. It is added from the European Council that the decision of the authorities in Belgrade was for the PM to attend instead of President Vučić.

The reasons for Vučić not being present in Brussels today are linked to the election campaign, EWB learned unofficially. President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić is not a candidate for any position in the December elections, while Prime Minister Brnabić is the second on the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) list for parliamentary elections.

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Countries call on the EU to remove measures against Kosovo (

Twelve countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, are calling on the EU to end its temporary political and economic measures against Kosovo after months of violence led by its ethnic Serb population.

In a letter addressed to the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell and the special representative to the Western Balkans, Belgian, Irish and Croatian officials, among others, point to questions of Serbia's role in the recent months of violence. They wrote: "The quantity and type of weaponry seized after the attack [in Banjska] raise serious questions about what role the Serbian state may have had in supporting the operation," referring to an attack in a village that ethnic Serb gunmen stormed in September.

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