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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 30, 2021

  • Kurti recaps 2021 in end-of-year press conference (media)
  • No referendum of Serbia will take place in Kosovo, Kurti says (Klan/G. Express)
  • Vucic reacts to Kurti's remarks on referendum (Telegrafi)
  • Assembly fails to elect two Constitutional Court judges (media)
  • Kosovo Ministry confirms being in touch with Spanish authorities (G. Express)
  • Woman charged for joining a terrorist group (Kosovapress)
  • COVID-19: 33 new cases, no deaths (media)

Kurti recaps 2021 in end-of-year press conference (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that the government is happy to be closing this year with what he said was a successful handling of the pandemic and of the vaccination process which includes 1.65 million administered doses "without ever considering the option of vaccines from the east and north-east."

Speaking at an end-year press conference yesterday, Kurti noted that another achievement concerns "a two digit" economic growth. "We have formalised a total of 10,000 new jobs and the Tax Administration of Kosovo has collected over 588 million euros which is more than a quarter compared to last year, more than 1/8 compared to 2019 and 28 percent compared to 2018," Kurti said.

On the fight against crime and corruption, he said that 509 operations were conducted in 2021 and 799 indictments raised while another major development, according to him, included Kosovo army's deployment alongside the U.S. in Kuwait and participation at the Defender Europe 21 exercise.

No referendum of Serbia will take place in Kosovo, Kurti says (Klan/G. Express)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that no referendum organised by Serbia will be taking place in Kosovo and that apart from sovereignty issues, this will not be allowed due to the timing, Klan Kosova reports.

"They could not have come up with any worse timing to organise this referendum in Kosovo," Kurti said, adding that 15 January marks the anniversary of the Recak massacre while 17 January is the anniversary of the murder of three Kosovo Albanian activists in Germany (Kadri Zeka, Bardhosh Gervalla, Jusuf Gervalla) as well as that of the Kosovo Serb political leader Oliver Ivanovic.

Serbia has scheduled to hold a referendum on 16 January on constitutional amendments regarding appointment of judges and prosecutors.

Vucic reacts to Kurti's remarks on referendum (Telegrafi)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has reacted to the statement of Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti that the Serbian referendum will not be allowed to take place in the territory of Kosovo, Telegrafi reports quoting B92.

Vucic said that he would reach out to the international community, primarily the EU and the U.S., "and all those who more or less support independence of Kosovo concerning Pristina's refusal to allow Kosovo Serbs to take part in the future referendum on constitutional changes."

"What are they going to do, send tanks to the polling centres or, since they don't have those, send armoured vehicles," Vucic said, adding: "Our job is to be with our people, preserve peace and respect our Constitution."

Assembly fails to elect two Constitutional Court judges (media)

The Assembly of Kosovo voted unsuccessfully three times to elect two judges to the Constitutional Court as none of the candidates managed to receive two-thirds of necessary votes to be appointment to the posts.

Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca said since none of the candidates won the required votes, the vacancy announcement for the posts will be re-advertised.

Kosovo Ministry confirms being in touch with Spanish authorities (G. Express)

Gazeta Express reports that while Spain maintains an unchanged position towards the independence of Kosovo, there are contacts between authorities in Pristina and Madrid.

The media office of the Kosovo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora confirmed that there are contacts with Spain but that the Ministry ""never comments on processes of such nature."

Spanish Foreign Ministry meanwhile said the country understands the importance of keeping in touch with both Kosovo and Serbia. "In any case, our approach is very constructive," said Patricia Tortosa from the Spanish diplomacy information office. She added that the two sides should reach an agreement that respects international law.

Woman charged for joining a terrorist group (Kosovapress)

Special Prosecution of Kosovo filed an indictment with the Basic Court in Pristina against a woman suspected of having joined a terrorist group.

In a statement to the press, the Special Prosecution said the woman travelled to Syria, alongside her husband, in an attempt to join terrorist organisation, ISIS.

COVID-19: 33 new cases, no deaths (media)

33 new cases with COVID-19 were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. 12 persons recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 371 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.