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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 10, 2023

  • Kurti: Drug labs in north were worth more than €100 million (media)
  • NATO, EU, US consult on developments in Kosovo, Western Balkans (NATO)
  • Lajcak on the U.S., NATO and EU meeting: Useful and timely (Klan)
  • Smith: U.S. fully supports EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
  • Visa liberalization Thursday on the agenda in Brussels (Zeri)
  • EU membership, consultations with non-recognising countries a priority (Koha)
  • Kurti and Rizvanolli ask citizens to save electricity (media)
  • MFA reacts to attack on Kosovo bus traveling through Serbia (Reporteri)
  • State Department criticises Vucic’s accusations against Joseph (RFE)
  • Serbs in North and in Shterpce Stage Protests (Prishtina Insight)
  • Rasic says KSF soldier tried to kill two Serb youths near Shterpce (Koha)

Kurti: Drug labs in north were worth more than €100 million (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in a Facebook post on Monday wrote about the government's work against organized crime and corruption during 2022. He claimed that the five drug laboratories that were destroyed in the north were worth hundreds of millions.

"We destroyed five drug laboratories in the north of Kosovo, worth hundreds of millions in substances and equipment, as well as three laboratories for the production of cryptocurrencies, also in the north," Kurti said.

In addition, he listed the arrest of 3,202 people, including 301 public officials, 854 police operations against organized crime and smuggling, and the closure of 16 illegal roads in the north as successes of the government. Furthermore, he has said that 69 criminal groups have been destroyed, more than 1.8 tons of narcotic substances have been confiscated, more than 14 million euros have been frozen under suspicion of misuse and money laundering, and more than 300 thousand liters of fuel have been seized, which he said were not in conformity with the by-laws. "We built four facilities and police stations in the north of Kosovo, as well as extended the optical network in that part of our country, enabling the extension of telephone waves, the Internet network and radio communication," Kurti continued. In the end, he also mentioned the creation of the Border Rapid Intervention Unit, within the Kosovo Police, which is engaged in fighting smuggling, human trafficking and other abuses along the border line.

NATO, EU, US consult on developments in Kosovo, Western Balkans (NATO)

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană welcomed US Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar and the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, Miroslav Lajcak, to NATO Headquarters on Monday (9 January 2023). Their meeting was part of regular consultations on the situation in Kosovo and developments in the broader Western Balkans region.

Deputy Secretary General Geoană highlighted the intensive efforts carried out by NATO Allies and the European Union to defuse recent tensions, especially in northern Kosovo. He also underscored the key support provided by the NATO-led KFOR mission and the EU-led Rule of Law mission (EULEX) in the successful dismantling of roadblocks, which have helped to fully restore freedom of movement across Kosovo.

KFOR remains extremely vigilant and has the capability and personnel to continue implementing its UN mandate fully and on a daily basis, for the benefit of all communities living in Kosovo. This contributes to security in Kosovo and to stability across the region. NATO also continues to support the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina – as the main platform to build lasting peace and security across the region – and all efforts aimed at advancing European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans.

During their visit, Escobar and Lajcak also briefed NATO Ambassadors on their mutually reinforcing diplomatic efforts and engagements with all parties in the region.

Lajcak on the U.S., NATO and EU meeting: Useful and timely (Klan)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said on Monday that he had a useful and timely meeting with the American emissary for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, and with the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoana. "We discussed the latest developments in the dialogue, including the north of Kosovo, the EU-USA-NATO cooperation and the way forward," Lajcak tweeted.

Smith: U.S. fully supports EU-facilitated dialogue (media)

U.S. Ambassador to NATO, Julianne Smith, said on Monday that she met with U.S. envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. “Great to touch base w/Dep. Asst. Sec. Escobar, @StateDept envoy to the Western Balkans, to discuss the situation in northern Kosovo. The U.S. fully supports the EU-facilitated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and is committed to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region,” Smith tweeted after the meeting.

Visa liberalization Thursday on the agenda in Brussels (Zeri)

The Committee of the European Parliament for Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs on Thursday will have visa liberalization for Kosovo on its agenda.

"After the long-awaited agreement with EU member states on the liberalization of visas for Kosovo last December, we will continue with the pace in the European Parliament. Vote in the commission this Thursday!" MEP Thijs Reuten, the negotiator and rapporteur for visa liberalization for Kosovo from the Netherlands, wrote on Twitter.

During the meeting in Brussels in December, the ambassadors of the EU member states have approved the agreement previously reached between the Council of the EU and the European Parliament for the liberalization of visas for Kosovo.

Now, this agreement must be voted in the Committee for Justice and Civil Liberties (LIBE) in the European Parliament, and then in the plenary session.

EU membership, consultations with non-recognising countries a priority (Koha)

The daily reports on its leading front-page story that Sweden’s Ambassador to Brussels, Lars Danielsson, said on Monday that as chairs of the EU presidency they have started consultations with member states about Kosovo’s application to join the European Union. He said that consultations with the five non-recognising member states are a priority. Danielsson also told reporters that the decision for EU membership is both procedural and political.

Kurti and Rizvanolli ask citizens to save electricity (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Economy Minister Artane Rizvanolli, through a video message on Monday, called on the citizens to save electricity in the next two months. "I call and encourage you to continue and intensify energy saving," Kurti said. He explained that so far, the Government of Kosovo has allocated over 95 million euros to subsidize energy bills.

"We have paid over 52 million euros for families and over 37 million euros for businesses, for the bills of the period February-December 2022. Since September, we have given additional subsidies to over 200 thousand families who have saved energy. Since October, we have subsidized the purchase of efficient heating equipment for over 8 thousand families," he said.

Minister Rizvanolli has thanked the citizens, who, according to her, have helped to mitigate the crisis. "After four years of increasing electricity consumption, during the past year, for the first time, household consumption has decreased. Only in November, families spent 15% less electricity compared to the previous year," Rizvanolli stated.

MFA reacts to attack on Kosovo bus traveling through Serbia (Reporteri)

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo Liza Gashi has reacted after a bus with emigrants was attacked in Serbia, on its way to Dortmund, Germany. Gashi said that they are very concerned by this attack and accused the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, of "aggression against Albanians".

"Yesterday, a bus full of members of the diaspora traveling from Kosovo to Germany was attacked with stones while passing through Serbia. Fortunately, no one was hurt. However, we are very disturbed by the attack and condemn the motives behind the aggression," Gashi wrote.

"The Republic of Kosovo opposes any ethnically based threat to its citizens and diaspora. It is clear that Vucic's regime and his preaching of aggression against Kosovo Albanians still continues with potentially serious consequences," she added.

State Department criticises Vucic’s accusations against Joseph (RFE)

The U.S. State Department for Europe and Asia has criticised Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for his accusations against Edward P. Joseph, a lecturer at John Hopkins University.

“Smear tactics against private citizens, like those used against @edwardpjoseph, have no place in democratic societies. Independent voices and civil society organizations promote accountability and transparency. We value those building a peaceful society in the Western Balkans,” the State Department wrote in a Twitter post.

Vucic had earlier alleged that Joseph is an Albanian agent “getting lots of Albanian cash”. Joseph then tweeted in his reaction that “the allegation is completely false. Aleksandar Vucic has no proof to back up his serious charges because such a relationship does not and has never existed. My views are the product of a dozen years on the ground – in all Balkans conflicts, including the war years. My policy advocacy on Kosovo puts the welfare of Kosovo Serbs – not the ‘compensation’ of Belgrade – at the center. Kosovo’s limbo status benefits Belgrade, not the Kosovo Serb community or Serbian patrimony in Kosovo, which are both crucial to preserve for regional stability.”

Serbs in North and in Shterpce Stage Protests (Prishtina Insight)

Shtërpce Serbs protested over the wounding of two youngsters on Friday while Serbs in the north protested against the Serbian President’s ‘treason’.

Serbs in northern Kosovo and in Shtërpcë in the south held separate protests, with different goals, on Sunday.

In mainly Serbian North Mitrovica, protesters denounced the “high treason” of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and “torture of the Serbs and the occupation of the north”, by the Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti.

About 200 citizens gathered in front of the building of the largest party of Serbs in Kosovo, Serbian List.

They held a placard: “Vucic, Kosovo does not want you. You betrayed us. We don’t even want your [municipal] Association. You sold us!”.

One of the organizers, Ivan Miletic, said that during the recent erection of  barricades in the north of Kosovo, they believed that President Vucic would stand behind them, “but this did not happen”.

He also said that the Belgrade-backed Serbian List party no longer represented local Serbs, because its fate was decided by failed businessmen and politicians.

Local Serbs have still not made peace with Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in 2008, and the protesters voiced dissatisfaction with Belgrade’s alleged inaction as well.

Miletic called on Kurti and the international community to withdraw all Kosovo special police from the north and close all bases as well.

UN peacekeepers mobilized in the north of the country after extreme right-wing groups protested on the Serbian side of the border.

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Rasic says KSF soldier tried to kill two Serb youths near Shterpce (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, said on Monday that there is no doubt that the member of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) tried to kill the two Serb youths near Shterpce last Friday.

In an interview with Nova, Rasic said the version of the defence attorney that the suspect shot in self-defence is not important. “The version that he was attacked and surrounded is the story of his attorney and it is not important. As far as I know, from the legal viewpoint, there is no doubt that he shot in the direction of the child and the boy. It is not important whether the shot came from a direct firing or a ricochet. I refer to the indictment that it was an assassination attempt, and it will remain so. What is unclear is the second shot. Before that he shot in the air. I have no doubt that he shot purposefully at children and tried to kill them,” Rasic was quoted as saying.