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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • No agreement on de-escalation in the north (Koha)
  • Kurti: The police cannot withdraw if the extremists do not (Koha)
  • Osmani calls for unity between institutions and parties to face challenges (media)
  • Stoltenberg: Situation in Kosovo proves NATO’s presence is important (media)
  • Osmani and Hovenier talk about de-escalation of the situation (media)
  • Rama: There is no progress without the release of the policemen (Koha)
  • Court orders 30 days of detention for Serb suspected of war crimes (media)
  • Police publishes a video regarding claims of protester in Gracanica that he was injured by a moving vehicle (Kallxo)
  • BRA suspends business certificate of Klan Kosova again (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic in Brussels: All that applies to Ukraine doesn’t to Serbia (N1)
  • Borrell: Arbitrary arrests unacceptable, EULEX to play more robust monitoring role (N1, BETA, Kosovo Online)
  • Grenell meets Serb political representatives in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online)
  • Serb arrested near Gracanica sent to one-month detention (BETA, media)
  • Visoki Decani Monastery on protests in Gracanica and Ranilug (social media, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
  • Third protest in Gracanica over arrest of Serb called for today (Radio KIM)
  • Hill: Great to see Serbian and American forces working side by side (FoNet, social media)
  • Economy Minister says he is being dismissed for requesting sanctions against Russia (Danas, N1)

International Media:

  • Kosovo-Serbia: Press remarks by High Representative Josep Borrell (
  • No breakthrough as EU's Borrell holds crisis talks with Kosovo, Serbia leaders (Reuters)
  • No breakthrough after EU summons Kosovo and Serbia leaders for emergency talks (AP)
  • EU holds talks with Kosovo, Serbia leaders amid tension (Aljazeera)
  • EU Calls for New Elections in North Kosovo ‘As Soon as Possible’ (Bloomberg)

Albanian Language Media

No agreement on de-escalation in the north (Koha)

Koha reports that a solution was not found to end the escalation in the north of Kosovo during separate meetings that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell had on Thursday in Brussels with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Borrell however said that agreement was reached on the need to hold new elections in the northern municipalities with full participation of the Serbs.

Addressing a press conference after over four hours of talks on the management of the crisis in the north, which did not result in a tripartite meeting, Borrell said the parties were asked to make concrete steps to return to the normalisation process.

“They need to return to the process of normalisation. The EU has been clear, decisive steps are needed, and the U.S. thinks the same. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, so far, all what we have been witnessing is just the opposite.” 

“Today, together with the European Union Special Representative, Mr [Miroslav] Lajčák, we spent the last four hours – more than four hours – first with Prime Minister [of Kosovo, Albin] Kurti, after with President [of Serbia, Aleksandar] Vučić in separate meetings – they were not joint meetings – to try to find a solution or at least a way forward.”  

“We presented to the Parties our clear expectations: 

To Kosovo, to immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo and for the four mayors to temporarily perform their duties in premises out of the municipal buildings.  

For Serbia, to ensure that protestors will withdraw from the municipal building simultaneously with the withdrawal of the Kosovo police.”

Borrell also said that Serbia was asked to immediately release the three Kosovo police officers.

Kurti told reporters after the meetings that he is ready to organise early local elections in the north, but “in line with Kosovo’s legal framework”, while Vucic said he was ready for other talks with the EU facilitators, but that a meeting with Kurti “is meaningless”.

Kurti: The police cannot withdraw if the extremists do not (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Thursday that Kosovo is ready for new elections in the north and for the withdrawal of the Police from municipal facilities in the four northern municipalities, but only after the legal frameworks for them are completed.

"We are open to early elections, but they must have a legal solution. They cannot be outlawed. As the law provides, let's say with the signatures of the citizens, so that the mandate of a mayor can be completed. This is a solution within the law. But we cannot make illegal solutions", Kurti said.

After meeting the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in Brussels on Thursday, Kurti said the Police in the north are staying to react and not to intervene.

Kurti has expressed regret that Serbia has rejected a tripartite meeting. He told the reporters that in meetings with Borrell, he disclosed documents that show where the three Kosovo policemen were kidnapped within the territory of Kosovo, and asked for a reaction from the international community.

"In my opinion, de-escalation should mean the removal of violent extremists, criminal and illegal groups, which would immediately be followed by the reduction of the presence of the Kosovo Police in the municipal buildings. As for the most sustainable solution, we understand that it is important for early elections with a process that is preceded by the rule of law, an open and fair campaign and free and democratic elections. I cannot say that the situation is safe because of the bilateral meetings and we have stable peace, but from the mediator's optimism there are signs that the days ahead are better than the ones we have left behind, but it remains to be seen. I am handicapped because there was no direct meeting", he said.

Kurti also said that the non-signing of the Basic Agreement is one of the culprits for the situation in which the north finds itself.

Earlier, after bilateral meetings, Borrell disclosed the EU's demands. He said that it is required from Kosovo that the mayors of the municipalities in the north exercise their duties outside the municipal facilities and that the Police also withdraw from these facilities. He also said that the protesters should be withdrawn at the same time. According to him, then there should be new elections, with the full participation of Serbs. Borrell has also requested the immediate release of three Kosovo policemen kidnapped by Serbia, as well as an investigation into the treatment of those arrested by Kosovo.

Osmani calls for unity between institutions and parties to face the challenges (media)

A statement to the media issued by the Office of the Presidency after Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani's meeting with the leaders of the opposition parties held on Thursday informs that she has asked for unity between institutions and political parties to face the current challenges Kosovo is going through

"The President has assessed that cooperation and open dialogue between institutions and political parties are essential to face the current challenges and to work together towards achieving common goals that include the protection of territorial integrity, sovereignty and constitutionality as well as international empowerment of the Republic, as well as in the fulfillment of our state priority, NATO and EU membership", the announcement states.

During the morning of Thursday, Osmani held a meeting with the Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, and in the afternoon with the Chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, with whom she discussed the latest political and security developments.

As announced, the president has expressed regret that other opposition parties have rejected the opportunity to give their contribution to issues of national interest, including efforts to strengthen the strategic and existential alliances of Kosovo with partners, and in particular with the United States of America.

Stoltenberg: Situation in Kosovo proves NATO’s presence is important (media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, said during a meeting at the NATO headquarters with the new president of Montenegro, Jakov Millatovic that the current situation in Kosovo is evidence that the presence of the peacekeeping mission of the alliance, KFOR, is important.

“Situation in Kosovo proves that NATO’s presence is important. We will be faithful to the mandate we have under the UN resolution and have increased our presence in Kosovo in response to increasing security challenges. Our presence is to ensure freedom of movement and a safe environment for all citizens in Kosovo. In this regard, we also support the dialogue and invite the parties to refrain from unilateral actions that could escalate the situation”, he said.

Stoltenberg said that after the increase in tensions in the north of Kosovo, NATO has increased its presence and through its peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, is committed to ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

“I invite the parties to reduce tensions and return to the dialogue mediated by the EU. This is key for peace in Kosovo and for the stability of the entire region”, Stoltenberg said.

Osmani and Hovenier talk about de-escalation of the situation (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Thursday with U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, and discussed the latest situation in the north of Kosovo. A press release issued by Osmani’s office notes that she “reiterated the importance of the immediate and unconditional release of the Kosovo policemen who were kidnapped by Serbia within the territory of Kosovo”. Osmani also expressed gratitude for the clear position of the US regarding the release of the policemen. 

Osmani and Hovenier also discussed “the next steps for the de-escalation of the situation and the need for coordination with partners, knowing that Kosovo and the US share the same goal for Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic integration, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.”

Rama: There is no progress without the release of the policemen (Koha)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has repeated through a tweet his call for Serbia to release the three Kosovo police officers being held in Serbia, as according to him, without this being done, there is no space to move forward between Kosovo and Serbia.

"Without the three guys leaving Serbia safe and sound there is no space to make any inch of real progress!Once they will be back home, a firm new action of France and Germany is needed to stop this spiral of absurdity,” he wrote and added in capital letters: But first things first: Free the three policemen!”

Court orders 30 days of detention for Serb suspected of war crimes in Kosovo (media)

The Basic Court in Pristina has ordered a 30-day pre-trial detention measure against suspect Dragisa Milenkovic from the Municipality of Gracanica, upon the request of the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office of Kosovo.

He was arrested on June 21 on suspicion of committing war crimes against the civilian population.

“The judge of the preliminary procedure has approved the request of the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kosovo for the imposition of pre-trial detention measure against defendant D.M., and the same measure of pre-trial detention has been imposed on him for a duration of one month,” said a statement from the Basic Court in Pristina.

Milenkovic is suspected of having systematically committed torture, physical and psychological violence as a former guard at the Pristina and Lipjan Prisons in May and June 1999, and of having treated Albanian prisoners in an inhumane manner.

Police publishes a video regarding claims of protester in Gracanica that he was injured by a moving vehicle (Kallxo)

After Wednesday's arrest of a citizen of Serb nationality - Dragisa Milenkovic, suspected of war crimes - many citizens gathered and blocked the road Pristina - Gracanica. According to the Kosovo Police, this protest was unannounced and some of the participants showed aggressive and violent behavior and actions towards traffic participants, as well as disregarding police orders, which were to clear the road segment and free the blocked cars to move.

According to the Police, one of the protesters claimed that he was injured by a moving car and he received the necessary medical treatment. After these claims, the police immediately started an investigation regarding the circumstances stated by the complainant. According to an official announcement, the investigation carried out so far by the police, related to the circumstances of the event, has highlighted the fact that the complainant was not affected by the moving car but the same with his violent action, with the intention of hitting the car in question has self-injured his leg.

"Therefore, in relation to the case, in order to inform the public opinion as fairly as possible, in function of the truth and to exclude all false information, we also present to the public the footage that resulted from the investigative treatment of the event" - said the Police.

BRA suspends business certificate of Klan Kosova again (media)

Kosovo Business Registration Agency (KBRA) has revoked the decision of June 21, which annulled the suspension of the business certificate of Klan Kosova television.

This decision reinstates the measure of suspending the business certificate of the private television station.

Klan Kosova expressed “surprise with this new decision of KBRA, within less than 24 hours since the first decision, and will take all legal steps to restore legality in this matter”.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) said it has received the news of the annulment of the previous decision by KBRA with concern.

“AJK reaffirms that the new decision demonstrates the effort of the Self-Determination Government led by Prime Minister [Albin] Kurti to target media in Kosovo and to restrict media freedom, sending a warning message to other media outlets in the country,” an AJK Facebook statement said.

Serbian Language Media

Vucic in Brussels: All that applies to Ukraine doesn’t to Serbia (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Brussels that he listened to everything that European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak had to say and that he understood their desire for the situation to de-escalate and for problems to be resolved through dialogue.

Vucic said the biggest problem for Serbia is the fact that Kosovo Prime Albin Kurti’s regime is constantly trying to either expel or arrest Serbs, to frighten them and drive them from their homes.

“The choice of action doesn’t matter, whether it is arrests, beating or fabricating elections and giving legitimacy with a turnout of just a few people or bans for Serbian trucks. I presented today a report on injuries inflicted on arrested Serbs, I gave it to Borrell and Lajcak for them to see the state those people are in, who beat them up and how”, Vucic said.

Asked whether the international representatives asked for a trilateral meeting, Vucic said he has always attended every talk.

“I believe that dialogue is healing, that it is important to talk and that we overcome every problem by talking. I see no reason to talk with a man (Albin Kurti) who provokes on a daily basis and wants to cause a conflict because that is his fanatic ideology and I thought that would cause additional damage and that is why I think it is pointless. I am always ready to talk with European representatives”, he added.

Regarding the EU's understanding, Vucic said there is one thing everyone needs to understand – that for most EU countries “Kosovo is an independent state”.

“It is their child. They looked after it while it was in a cradle, now it is a slightly naughty teenager, but they are still looking after it. Our position is very difficult, all that applies to Ukraine doesn’t apply to Serbia, but that's the right of stronger, that we have to get used to”, he said.

High Representative Borrell and Special Representative Lajcak had Thursday in Brussels separate meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti

Borrell: Arbitrary arrests unacceptable, EULEX to play more robust monitoring role (N1, BETA, Kosovo Online)

European Union (EU) High Representative Josep Borrell said Thursday that arbitrary arrests and maltreatment of detainees are completely unacceptable, adding that EULEX will play a more robust role in monitoring the situation in Kosovo, N1 reports.

Following separate meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Borrell called for a thorough investigation and evaluation of the arrests and for appropriate measures to be taken.

Borell said he pointed to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti accusations related to the unfounded arrests and maltreatment of detainees, requesting from him an urgent investigation and evaluation of the situation, as well as undertaking necessary steps, Kosovo Online portal reports. 

Borrell noted he was clear there can be no impunity for perpetrators of the violence, but the judiciary needs to deal with that in a professional and impartial manner. 

“I also stressed to President Vucic that the three Kosovo policemen held in Serbia need to be released immediately and unconditionally”, Borrell said.

He explained that the meetings held Thursday did not focus on what needs to be done, but on how and when, how to organize new elections in the north of Kosovo in which the Serb community will fully participate.

“We presented to the parties our clear expectations, to Kosovo to immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo, and for the four mayors to temporarily perform their duties in premises out of the municipal buildings. For Serbia to ensure that the protesters withdraw from municipal buildings simultaneously with the withdrawal of the Kosovo police”, the EU foreign policy chief said.

“Here is the core of the problem and the core of the solution – early elections, new elections as soon as possible with full participation, and once the situation on the ground becomes normal, to continue working on normalization through the European Union-facilitated dialogue”, he said.

He reiterated calls to Kosovo to start forming the Community of Serb Majority Municipalities without delay and preconditions.

Borrell and EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak invited Vucic and Kurti to talks in Brussels because of the latest events in the north of Kosovo.

Earlier in the day Borrell wrote on Twitter that the aim of the meeting is to find a way to de-escalate the situation and move forward.

Grenell meets Serb political representatives in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online)

Former US presidential envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Richard Grenell visited Mitrovica North on Thursday and met with Serbs there, Kosovo Online portal reports.

The meeting was attended by the senior leadership of the Serbian List, including its leader Goran Rakic and deputy leader Igor Simic, former mayor of the Zvecan municipality Dragisa Milovic, and directors of health and educational institutions in Kosovo.

During the latest crisis in Kosovo Grenell on several occasions criticized the steps taken by the Kosovo government and Prime Minister Albin Kurti over their persistent refusal to respond to the US and European Union (EU) calls to de-escalate the situation.

“I am frustrated that the international community is not here. Why did the international community not come to listen to those people? Why aren’t they here to see what true problems are? You should listen to those people. I have heard major concerns”, Grenell said.

He also said he believes that people in Kosovo, Serbs and Albanians want peace, good employment opportunities, so their children can stay here and work, and have good lives. It is not much that they ask for, he added.

He also said his interlocutors in Mitrovica North pointed to him all unilateral actions of Albin Kurti.

“International community only a few days ago focused on calling for an end to unilateral actions. The US Government a week ago drew “the red line” and said what has to be done. This is the leadership we need”, he said. 

Goran Rakic said Serbs request withdrawal of Kosovo special police from northern Kosovo, to fill the ‘security vacuum’ with EULEX and KFOR forces, that Serbs arrested in relation with barricades and protests over the previous months are amnestied and to start establishing Community of Serb Municipalities.

He said expiriences of other countries that had crisis situations, such as North Macedonia, could serve as a ground for amnesty. 

The Serbian List said the meeting with Grenell was not announced in advance for security reasons.

Serb arrested near Gracanica sent to one-month detention (BETA, media)

Dragisa Milenkovic, a Serb from Kisnica village, near Gracanica arrested on Wednesday by the Kosovo police was sent to one-month detention, as per decision of the Basic Court in Pristina, Serbian media report.

Milenkovic is allegedly responsible for “the torture, physical and psychological violence, ill-treatment and inhumane and life-threatening mistreatment” of Albanian prisoners in prisons in Pristina and Lipljan in collaboration with other guards.

His defense lawyer Dejan Vasic announced he will file an appeal to the decision on detention measures. 

Following Milenkovic’s arrest, Serbs held protests in Gracanica on Wednesday and Thursday, demanding his release. Protests were held in Stanisor, Novo Brdo municipality on Wednesday and in Ranilug yesterday.

Visoki Decani Monastery on protests in Gracanica and Ranilug (social media, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)

“A peaceful protest took place today in front of the #Gračanica police station, following yesterday's arrest of Dragiša Milenković. According to his defense attorney, Milenković vehemently denies being the individual implicated in the alleged crimes. Hundreds of Serbs convened at the site together with their mayor Mrs. Šubarić to voice their grievances and to rally for justice. From the police station, the protesters then proceeded to the Gračanica Monastery, a short distance away”, Visoki Decani Monastery said in a series of posts on Twitter yesterday.

Zivojin Rakocevic, a writer and journalist based in Gracanica, addressed the gathered people: 

"The fundamental question we asked ourselves and others yesterday is: Who's next? How do you live in a society where you constantly wonder who's next to be arrested? We have a need to live freely. We were driven from the cities; there are only four Serbs living in Prizren, fewer than 15 in Priština. We are crowded into ghettos where people are arrested as if on punitive expeditions”, Rakočević said in a protest.

Read the full post on Gracanica protest at:

Read the full post on Ranilug protest at:

Third protest in Gracanica over arrest of Serb called for today (Radio KIM)

Today at noon a third protest will be held in Gracanica over the arrest of Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica, suspected of allegedly committing war crimes against prisoners in a detention center in Lipljan, before the start of conflict in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

Residents of Gracanica and surrounding villages also extend support to all Serbs from northern Kosovo arrested over the last three weeks, police suspected them of hooliganism and some of them for the violence against journalists.

Protesters yesterday also pointed to ungrounded arrests of Serbs in Kosovo under allegations of committing war crimes. 

Hill: Great to see Serbian and American forces working side by side (FoNet, social media)

US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill said joint exercises like Platinum Wolf strengthen partnerships and help ensure peace and security around the world.

“Great to see Serbian and American forces working side by side and learning from one another. We are stronger together”, Hill wrote on Twitter.

The Platinum Wolf joint exercise is under way at the base South in the vicinity of Bujanovac, southern Serbia.

Participating in the exercise are some 600 members of the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, US, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.

Economy Minister says he is being dismissed for requesting sanctions against Russia (Danas, N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has forwarded to the Serbian Parliament a proposal for the dismissal of Economy Minister Rade Basta, Basta confirmed for Danas.

This was a request by the Socialist Party of Serbia-United Serbia coalition leaders, Ivica Dacic and Dragan Markovic, whose political associate Basta is.

Basta also said his dismissal is sought because he had asked for Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, reported Danas. He added he thinks the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) will not support the request for his dismissal as it goes for debate in a parliament. 

International Media

Kosovo-Serbia: Press remarks by High Representative Josep Borrell (

Thank you. You know very well that, for almost four weeks, we have been witnessing the situation in the north of Kosovo deteriorating unnecessarily with protests and violent clashes. The KFOR troops, journalists, law enforcement officers and normal citizens were injured, and we hear about incidents on a daily basis.  

This is unacceptable, unaffordable, this cannot continue.  

And that is why I asked President [of Serbia, Aleksandar] Vučić and Prime Minister [of Kosovo, Albin] Kurti to come to Brussels today for a crisis management meeting. Again, we are in crisis management mode. Yes, we are dealing with a crisis, and I thank both of them for coming to Brussels and trying to look for de-escalation. 

We have called on Kosovo and Serbia many times to de-escalate tensions and to return to the process of normalisation of relations – and the Member States of the European Union have been very clear in calling for resolute steps, and so the United States has done.

Unfortunately, so far, all what we have been witnessing is just the opposite. 

Today, together with the European Union Special Representative, Mr [Miroslav] Lajčák, we spent the last four hours – more than four hours – first with Prime Minister [of Kosovo, Albin] Kurti, after with President [of Serbia, Aleksandar] Vučić in separate meetings – they were not joint meetings – to try to find a solution or at least a way forward.  

We presented to the Parties our clear expectations: 

To Kosovo, to immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo and for the four mayors to temporarily perform their duties in premises out of the municipal buildings.  

For Serbia, to ensure that protestors will withdraw from the municipal building simultaneously with the withdrawal of the Kosovo police. 

Read more at:

No breakthrough as EU's Borrell holds crisis talks with Kosovo, Serbia leaders (Reuters)

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell proposed steps to end weeks of violence in predominantly Serb areas of northern Kosovo to the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia on Thursday, but there were no signs of an immediate breakthrough.

Violence flared in four northern Kosovo municipalities late last month after ethnic Albanian mayors took office following a local election in which turnout was just 3.5% after Serbs, who form a majority in the region boycotted, the vote.

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No breakthrough after EU summons Kosovo and Serbia leaders for emergency talks (AP)

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo made no breakthrough in EU-hosted emergency talks on Thursday aimed at defusing tensions around their border. The European Union’s top diplomat said they agree on the need for early elections amid fears of a return to open conflict.

Serbia and its former province of Kosovo have been at odds for decades. Their 1998-99 war left more than 10,000 people dead, mostly Kosovo Albanians. Belgrade has refused to recognize Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence.

“I think the two leaders understand the severity of the situation,” Borrell said after hours of talks each with Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The two refused to meet face-to-face in Brussels but held separate talks with Borrell.

Read more at:

EU holds talks with Kosovo, Serbia leaders amid tension (Aljazeera)

The European Union has summoned the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo for emergency talks to try to bring  an end to a series of violent clashes near their border that is fueling fears of a return to open conflict.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday that urgent meetings with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic were under way in Brussels.

Read more at:

EU Calls for New Elections in North Kosovo ‘As Soon as Possible’ (Bloomberg)

Serbia and Kosovo must announce new elections in all four municipalities of Northern Kosovo “as soon as possible,” EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said after separate meetings with leaders of both countries.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti traveled to Brussels on Thursday in a European Union attempt to defuse a crisis that sparked the worst violence in a decade and to find “a way forward,” according to Borrell.

Read more at: