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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 22, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Serbian forces have approached the border, we are observing carefully (media)
  • Kurti: Relations with USA are very good (RTK)
  • Bislimi accuses EU for "failure" of agreement: Serbia is not the only one to blame here (media)
  • Sarrazin on dinar issue: Good work is being done in Brussels (RTK)
  • Robinson on resigned policemen and judges in north: They should return to their jobs (media)
  • Robinson meets President of Constitutional Court (Klan)
  • U.S. Mission to OSCE: NATO intervention in Kosovo was necessary (VoA)
  • Opposition reacts to Kurti’s statement on early elections (media)
  • Serbia thanks Russia for not recognising Kosovo's independence (RTK)
  • Russia initiates Serbia's session at UN for 25th anniversary of NATO's intervention, the West: "You will come in vain" (Klan)
  • U.S. Department of State reacts to the meeting between Dacic and Lavrov (RFE)
  • Krasniqi from Brussels: Kosovo is the most pro-EU country in the region (Reporteri)
  • Haradinaj: We are not interested on dinar, we are interested about NATO (Klan)
  • Mehaj: Vucic's threats are permanent and evidence that Serbia is continuing with hegemonic policy of Greater Serbia (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic: Bakoyannis statement culmination of hypocrisy (Tanjug, KoSSev, media)
  • Bakoyannis: Protection of Serbian and other minorities in Kosovo will improve if Kosovo becomes a CoE member (N1, KoSSev)
  • Dacic: Vital issues for Serbia discussed with Lavrov (Tanjug, media)
  • UNS: It is high time that Osmani stops discriminating journalists, preventing and limiting their work violates right to information (KoSSev, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
  • Vucevic on Kurti’s request that NATO strengthens its presence in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • Djuric: Serbia abhors idea of another regional war (Kosovo Online, WSJ, Danas, FoNet)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti: Serbian forces have approached the border, we are observing carefully (media) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has published a video on Facebook on Thursday evening saying that specialized units of the Serbian army have been observed a few meters from the border with Kosovo, near the village of Banjskain Zubin Potok. 

“Days ago, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, publicly threatened Kosovo, saying that ‘Serbia will wait for the best possible moment and will use the opportunity to act’. 

Today during the day, specialized units of the Serbian army were observed just a few meters away from the border with Kosovo, near the village of Banje in Zubin Potok. Similar movements were also recorded in the village of Oslare in Bujanoc, near the border with Kosovo.

We are aware that the Armed Forces of Serbia are carrying out regular exercises and they are using them as a pretext to cause deliberate provocations near the border with Kosovo.

We are carefully observing whether they will try to cross the border, since even this approach of their military vehicles is not normal,” Kurti wrote.

Kurti: Relations with USA are very good (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in an extensive interview with national broadcaster Radio Television of Kosovo, spoke about the current political affairs in Kosovo and the problems that have appeared with the International Community. He spoke about relations with the United States of America. The subject of the interview was the issue of the Serbian dinar, but also the cases being handled by the Constitutional Court, which he says are selective.

Kurti said that relations with the United States of America are very good. But, as he said, the relationship means both receiving and giving, and on the other hand, it should be a two-way relationship. 

"If in order to have an excellent relationship, the condition and the guarantee, and the opportunity is nothing but servility, those who have gone would be behind them, not me, why did it come to me to become prime minister. Because the people of Kosovo want deeper and broader relations, not with servility, but with the benefit of normality. The people wanted that even with our partners and allies, we as individuals would not benefit, but if the state benefits, we as individuals also lose a little", Kurti said.

He also spoke about the meetings and relations he has with the U.S. special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

"We constantly discuss and agree on most things, but not on everything. Sometimes it seems to us that we have more information for certain details, but these do not represent disagreements that would turn into tension", he said.

Kurti emphasized the delay in the normalization of relations with Serbia, but not because of Kosovo's fault.

"On February 27 of last year, we reached an agreement. That agreement is de facto recognition at the very least. On March 18, we attached an annex and it says that no article is more important than the other. When the progress was seen, Serbia began to systematically violate and not respect 11 articles, 8 of which itprobably violated many times and six sentences in the preamble. Unfortunately, Brussels as an arbiter did not react to these violations. So the non-implementation of the Brussels agreement and the implementation annex from Ohrid have kept the topic of dialogue alive. So there is a lot of talk about dialogue because we have not achieved the desired results", stated Kurti.

According to him, the problems arose when Brussels did not use its power, as an arbiter, to sanction Serbia every time it violated the agreement.

"We cannot implement the agreement until there is a violation of it. Today we are in this not good situation because the referee did not reprimand Serbia for violating the agreement", said Prime Minister Kurti. He said that there are still diplomats in the EU who think that Serbia is not with Russia. 

"It is a kind of concern that if Serbia is reprimanded, it will go with Russia, with the Kremlin, with the despotic president Putin, as if he has already not done this. There are many diplomats in the West who want to believe that Serbia has not yet gone with Russia. The excessive care towards Serbia, which they admit in private meetings, has not been paid for, but the damage has been done", stated Kurti.

Speaking about the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, Kurti said that there are two inherited agreements for this, one in 2013 and the other in 2015. But now Kosovo, according to him, has a new agreement with Serbia which is also in the official documents of the European Union and the European Council where the heads of 27 countries are.

"There is also article 10 which says that all past agreements are valid and legally binding, and article seven says self-management for the Serbian community", he said. Kurti has stated that the basic agreement of February 27 is good, and the Ohrid implementation annex is also good.

"When Serbia saw where it ended up with these two agreements, then it started to sabotage the implementation and commit weekly violations, so that in the end, until yesterday, the Prime Minister of Serbia sent a letter saying that we withdraw from those agreements, because we do not accept either the independence or the seat in the UN, and we do not accept the territorial integrity of Kosovo either. Practically, itreturned us to the point zero and it did not receive punishment from Brussels", said Kurti.

Speaking about the implementation of the CBK regulation, which states that the only currency for exchange in Kosovo is the euro, Prime Minister Kurti said that the government is ready to help where needed during implementation.

"We cannot interfere with the CBK plan for implementation, nor with the Regulation, which has already been approved. As for the dinar, as the government of Kosovo, we have given options that we stand behind. But the government of Kosovo is ready to support the solutions of any factual problem that may appear", said Kurti.

Bislimi accuses EU for "failure" of agreement: Serbia is not the only one to blame here (media)

 Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi said that Serbia is not the only one that has violated and failed the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations with Kosovo, but also the European Union itself, referring to "non-performance of obligations" taken after the Ohrid Agreement for the initiation of procedures for incorporation/inclusion of the Basic Agreement in Chapter 35 of Serbia's negotiations for EU membership. "After one year, the third party has not fulfilled any of its obligations."

"The contract is a contract when signed. This is also clear to the EU. We have been presented with some empowering ideas for formalization. The agreement must be deposited with the UN Security Council. We also agree with one of them, but only when it is signed," he said. "Serbia thinks the basic agreement is a kind of agreement for the establishment of the Association".

Speaking about the dinar issue, Bislimi said that "The CBK regulation was neither discussed nor contested in Tuesday's meeting". Asked about the "concrete and realistic" proposals, which according to Lajcak the parties are expected to submit on Friday, Bislimi said that "we send ideas" and not proposals.

Sarrazin on dinar issue: Good work is being done in Brussels (RTK)

The German emissary, Manuel Sarrazin, in an interview with RTK, emphasized the importance of the Berlin process. He also spoke about the dinar issue, while he did not want to comment on the statements of the U.S.emissary for the disappointment of not only Washington, but also Paris, Berlin and Rome with the government of Kosovo.

Sarrazin said he expects the six countries of the region as well as the government of Kosovo to be constructive and productive within the Berlin process. 

"The Berlin process requires all parties to be engaged. For the government of Kosovo, regional cooperation is important and I hope that together with Serbia and Kosovo and others we will achieve positive developments in this format", he said.

"We want to bring together all the six countries of the Western Balkans so that we have the economy, mobility in the region and that is important for all the citizens of these countries", Sarrazin said.

He also spoke about the dinar issue, saying that a good job is being done in Brussels between Kosovo and Serbia. "We expect both sides to submit their proposals to Brussels on Friday for solving the dinar issue, so that people can act on the ground. We expect both parties to work on the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, to give credibility to this path towards solutions within the dialogue", he said.

Robinson on resigned policemen and judges in north: They should return to their jobs (media)

Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Bureau of International Narcotics and Rule of Law, Todd D. Robinson, has said that the police and judges who resigned in northern Kosovo should return to their jobs.

"Initially we think that it is important for all the institutions of justice, corrections or the police and the courts, we consider that it is important that they are accessible to all Kosovars, therefore it is important that those policemen return. It is important that those judges return to the system. This is also important because of the Euro-Atlantic integrations, but even more important for every citizen to know that they are represented in those institutions, to create a better, safer, more transparent democracy", Robinson said.

He also stated that the main goal of the USA is to help Kosovo to integrate into Euro-Atlantic structures. "The USA is your partner and should be partners in terms of selection. Of course, we understand the importance of Kosovo's broader Euro-integration into Euro-Atlantic structures and we would like to help you get there. This is the main goal", he said among other things.

He also said that the U.S. will help Kosovo in the justice system, as well as in the fight against corruption."Kosovo is still going through transformations at different levels, while some of the institutions, such as those in the justice system, the correctional system, are undergoing important reforms in terms of transparency and good governance, but also the fight against corruption. And we are here to help because we want to help those institutions become better and grow, not because this is good only for the USA but also for ordinary Kosovars," said Robinson.

Robinson meets President of Constitutional Court, mentions commitment of USA (Klan)

The President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, Gresa Caka - Nimani, hosted on Thursday the Assistant Secretary of the United States for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL), Todd D. Robinson.

A communique issued by the Constitutional Court says that Caka-Nimani informed Robinson about the work of the Constitutional Court so far, about the progress achieved in the constitutional judiciary and the protection of basic human rights and freedoms in the country, as well as about the good relations of cooperation with the counterpart courts in region and beyond.

She expressed her gratitude for the valuable contribution and continuous support that the US Government has offered to Kosovo in joint efforts to consolidate law and order in the country.

Robinson thanked Caka-Nimani for the hospitality and emphasized the continued commitment of the United States in support of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and the work it does in strengthening the rule of law and democratic values in Kosovo.

U.S. Mission to OSCE: NATO intervention in Kosovo was necessary (VoA)

The U.S. mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said Thursday that NATO's intervention in the spring of 1999 was a necessary step to end the brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, and the United States is put in place to ensure that period is not repeated

“Twenty-five years ago, NATO launched Operation Allied Force to end the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Kosovo.  After exhausting all diplomatic avenues to put an end to the Milosevic regime’s brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing, military action was the option of last resort.

NATO’s use of force was necessary and legitimate.  The UN Security Council had expressed concerns about the grave humanitarian situation in Kosovo, the mounting number of refugees, and the threat posed to international peace and security.   

We will never forget what happened a quarter century ago.  We remember the thousands of innocent people who were killed or who remained missing, and the hundreds of thousands driven from their homes due to the violence of Milosevic’s ethno-nationalist regime and its forces. 

Recognizing this dark past and determined to ensure it is not repeated, the United States is focused on the Western Balkans’ future and the region’s European integration.

Read the full statement here:

Opposition reacts to Kurti’s statement on early elections (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, during the interview with RTK, stated that the party he leads, Vetevendosje Movement, is ready for elections. He has even challenged the opposition that if they do not have the numbers to lead Kosovo to new elections, he can help them with the votes of his political party.

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdixhiku, who almost at the same time as the broadcast of Kurti's interview on RTK was giving an interview to T7 broadcaster, reacted immediately by inviting Kurti to offer his resignation from his position as prime minister. He added that the LDK is ready for elections ‘starting tonight.’

"If he has surrendered, and it appears that he has surrendered, let him say it clearly, loudly, let him resign. So if he has given up, he should resign. But he should explain to the people why is he leaving them. The LDK is not making a motion to dissolve the Assembly, but is ready for elections from today. It is also ready for governance after the elections' “, Abdixhiku said.

"If he has surrendered, let him resign. He is asking for elections, to become a victim, to say: 'I was overthrown'", he said "Let him resign", Abdixhiku repeated.

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, invited Kurti to start the process of extraordinary elections from the next day.

"Prime Minister, since July of last year I have called and waited for you to dissolve the Assembly and go to the elections as soon as possible. From tomorrow, PDK signatures are ready! Get up, let's go to the elections immediately - if you have courage and have some conscience left after the difficult situation you have brought the country into," Krasniqi wrote on Facebook.

Serbia thanks Russia for not recognizing Kosovo's independence (RTK)

Serbia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic during the meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in Moscow, expressed praise and gratitude for the Russian Federation, for not recognizing the independence of Kosovo.

"We are very grateful to Russia, when it comes to supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. The support you offer us regarding Kosovo is very important for us. And I personally thank you for the understanding and the great help you have offered us, in every situation, when we have asked you for help", said Dacic.

Lavrov on the other hand described the Russian-Serbian relations as exceptional. In the meeting it was announced that it was said that the credit for this alliance belongs to the presidents of the two countries.

Russia initiates Serbia's session at UN for 25th anniversary of NATO's intervention, the West: "You will come in vain" (Klan)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, has announced that a session of the UN Security Council is being planned on the 25th anniversary of NATO's intervention, to highlight this, according to them, "as anillegal action''. Dacic said that he was informed by his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, while he emphasized that Russia initiated such a session, and Serbia is preparing for it.

"We will not go there with any intention to arbitrate the relations of the great powers, but to talk about the bombings, the aggression, our problems, the illegal actions that undermined the United Nations system and the civilians who suffered," Dacic said.

However, he mentioned on the other hand, that there are rumors of announcements from Western countries with the message - "You will come in vain", hinting that the session will probably not take place. 

Meanwhile, Dacic also thanked Lavrov for Russia's firm and principled stance towards Kosovo. "To us this is of vital importance, to know that in the UN Security Council we have a reliable vote that will always be against the independence of Kosovo and for the issue of the territorial integrity of Serbia".

U.S. Department of State reacts to the meeting between Dacic and Lavrov (RFE)

The visit of the Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic to Moscow and the meeting with the Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, has prompted the reaction of the U.S. Department of State.

"We do not believe that any country should provide Putin with a platform to promote or justify the ongoing war against Ukraine," a State Department spokesperson told Radio Free Europe.

Ivica Dacic traveled to Moscow at the invitation of Lavrov, to follow the friendly match between the football teams of Serbia and Russia. Official Belgrade has not respected European Union sanctions since February 2022, when Russia sent troops to Ukraine and authorities in Serbia have not cut off contacts with the Kremlin.

The current head of diplomacy in Serbia, Ivica Dacic, publicly defends the position that Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia as requested by the European Union.

After the meeting, he said in a statement to Serbian journalists that maintaining relations with Russia and China is a "vital state interest" for Serbia. Dacic thanked Russia for its stance and firm support to Serbia when it comes to territorial integrity and sovereignty and the issue of Kosovo. 

Krasniqi from Brussels: Kosovo is the most pro-EU country in the region (Reporteri)

Memli Krasniqi, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has said that the European Union, one and united, is the answer to threats from outside but also from within our region.

According to him, membership of Kosovo and the Western Balkans in the EU, would forever close the door to ideologies and other influences in the countries of the region.

Krasniqi made these statements at the extraordinary Congress of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of Europe (ALDE) and the official opening of the election campaign for the European Parliament in Brussels. 

Haradinaj: We are not interested on dinar, we are interested about NATO (Klan) 

The subject of discussion in Brussels, the new regulation of the Central Bank is seen as a step back. The leader of the Alliance for the Future (AAK)Ramush Haradinaj has said that Kosovo is and should not deal with recycled topics, stating that the government of Kosovo has fallen into its own trap on the subject of the dinar.

On Thursday, one day before the Kurti government completes its 3rd anniversary of its mandate, the former prime minister believes that it will not be remembered for anything good. His coalition partner, the leader of Nisma, Fatmir Limaj, has a similar position. He assessed that a false opinion is being created about the head of the government.

Both of them assessed that since 2021, nothing has moved in Kosovo and that Kosovo has only received blows from the allies.

Mehaj: Vucic's threats are permanent and evidence that Serbia is continuing with hegemonic policy of Greater Serbia (Klan)

The former Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, has made a public reaction, after the warnings of the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, about a military threat to Kosovo. According to Mehaj, these threats are evidence that the Serbian state has not changed but has continued the hegemonic policy of Greater Serbia. 

I remind the Serbian president that Kosovo is many times stronger than in 1998-1999, and above all in building its military capacities. The arming of the latter with the most modern weapons is at least evidence that our country is stronger than it seems at first glance. Likewise, the strengthening of the Kosovo Police and other security bodies shows the maturity and strengthening of the Kosovo’s sovereignty.

I assure all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, that our security is at the best possible level, this is thanks to the increase in the capacities of our Army, our Police and the intelligence services of Kosovo, this increase was made thanks to the support of NATO and the United States of America.

Our citizens should sleep peacefully as my friend and great friend of Kosovo, the American ambassador, Jeff Hovenier, said. Kosovo is lucky that it has close friends from the United States of America and other NATO countries.

The membership of our Republic in NATO is the only way and our effort to reach this Alliance of democratic countries will be unstoppable. Kosovo should be the 33rd member country of NATO. We work for this every day and will continue to work," Mehaj wrote among other things.

Serbian Language Media 

Dacic: Bakoyannis statement culmination of hypocrisy (Tanjug, KoSSev, media)

Outgoing Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday a statement by the Council of Europe (CoE) rapporteur for Kosovo, Dora Bakoyannis, that CoE membership for Kosovo would enable better protection for Serbs in Kosovo was scandalous and a culmination of hypocrisy and double standards, Tanjug news agency reported.

"Until yesterday, Dora Bakoyannis was talking about three conditions being required for her to give a recommendation, the most important one being the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, which has been Pristina's obligation for 11 years now, while now she says registration of land to the Decani Monastery - which I guess has been unquestionable for seven centuries already - is sufficient", Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug.

"That is the deception Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has spoken about, too - that is how Western power-wielders have broken their promise that 'Kosovo' would not join the CoE until it formed the Community of Serb Municipalities", he said. Dacic noted that this was another example of violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and all principles the CoE rested upon.

Bakoyannis: Protection of Serbian and other minorities in Kosovo will improve if Kosovo becomes a CoE member (N1, KoSSev)

“The protection of Serbian and other minorities will improve if Kosovo becomes a member of the Council of Europe“, Dora Bakoyannis, the rapporteur for Kosovo in the Council of Europe said. She added that her report does not reflect any views on statehood, nor does it take any stance on this issue: “There is a strict split of responsibilities between the bodies of the Council of Europe. In other words, it is not up to me to say whether Kosovo is a state or not“, she added, KoSSev portal reported. 

A meeting of Council of Europe ministers is scheduled for March 27, at which a vote could be taken on the report of the rapporteur for Kosovo, on possible membership of Kosovo in the organization. In an interview for N1 yesterday, Bakoyannis says that she is still unsure whether this will come to be because “there are a number of prerequisites that must be met until that report is ready“.

However, she emphasized that she “will recommend supervision for Kosovo by the Council of Europe. A post-monitoring process will follow, which can begin if the Council of Ministers continues with its vote because they are the ones responsible for decision-making“.

Read more at:

Dacic: Vital issues for Serbia discussed with Lavrov (Tanjug, media)

Outgoing Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday his discussions with Russian top diplomat Sergey Lavrov had addressed vital issues for Serbia, such as energy and natural gas supplies, Tanjug news agency reported.

In a press statement from Moscow, Dacic said he had discussed many bilateral affairs with Lavrov and that he had thanked the Russian Foreign Minister again for his firm and friendly position on Kosovo.

"That is vital to us. It is vital to know that we have a secure vote in the (UN) Security Council that will always be against independence of Kosovo and Metohija and that will always support Serbia's territorial integrity", Dacic said.

He noted that Serbia's positions on the Ukraine war, the Gaza conflict, as well as many other topics in the international arena, were well-known. "We have a series of very specific things where we expect help from Russia. Russia has initiated for Monday a Security Council session on 25 years since the bombing of Serbia", Dacic also said. He said it was uncertain whether the session would be held at all because Western countries did not want it to go ahead. Dacic also said Serbia was under great pressure to impose sanctions on Russia. He said it was important to extend a natural gas deal with Russia beyond 2025.

UNS: It is high time that Osmani stops discriminating journalists, preventing and limiting their work violates right to information (KoSSev, Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo (DNKiM) protested yesterday because Media Centre from Caglavica team was not permitted to follow the meeting and press conference of the Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and US Assistant Secretary for the Bureau for the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Todd Robinson, KoSSev portal reported.

The journalists’ associations recalled that by “preventing and limiting the work of journalists the right to information is being violated, which is guaranteed by local provisions and international conventions”. They added that journalists of Serbian media outlets had the same problem one week ago, when they were not allowed to follow the meeting of Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and US Deputy Assistant of State Secretary and Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

As Serbian media reported yesterday the official of Kosovo Presidency did not want to listen to the explanation of Media Centre journalist Sanja Djokic and cameraman Nebojsa Djokic, demanding accreditation from them in Albanian language. The journalists did not have accreditations because as they said every time they try to collect the accreditations from the presidency, for which they submitted request at the beginning of 2023, they receive replay that the official issuing them is not present, is busy and it is goes like that for a year and so. Serbian media also reported earlier that prior to Escobar’s visit they were allowed to enter the presidency and carry out their work as their names were on the list.   

Vucevic on Kurti’s request that NATO strengthens its presence in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Outgoing Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic reacting to the statement of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that NATO should increase its troops in Kosovo said that Serbia is no threat to anybody in the region, adding Kurti’s fears were ungrounded because “it is impossible to carry out invasion on its own territory and the state”, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“The stipulation used by (Albin) Kurti is very dangerous. He underlines that Serbia is some sort of aggressive force ready to carry out invasion of all in the Balkans and that NATO troops are symbolic, respectively that they do not have sufficient capacities, as he interprets it. It is interesting that he emphasized, respectively, calling upon the British to strengthen their presence in order, for God’s sake, to prevent what Serbia is preparing, an invasion of a kind. We are neither preparing an invasion, nor are we getting ready for the wars and conflicts. We are always getting ready to defend our state”, Vucevic said.

Djuric: Serbia abhors idea of another regional war (Kosovo Online, WSJ, Danas, FoNet)

Serbian Ambassador to the US, Marko Djuric in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal said Serbia abhors the idea of another regional war, adding it is an absolute priority for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Government to maintain peace and stability in the Balkans.

Djuric said that during the previous decade Serbia strengthened its economy and is now attracting 65 percent of all foreign direct investments in the Balkans. He added that Serbia inaugurated, promoted and developed initiatives for regional cooperation such as Open Balkans, and nurtured strong relations with all continental partners, including Ukraine.

He also said Serbia is seeking an active engagement of the European Union and the US to prevent Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti from destabilizing the Balkans. 

Read more at: