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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 31, 2022

  • At democracy summit, Osmani underlines NATO's importance for region's security (media)
  • Osmani and Abazovic meet at sidelines of SEE Democracy Summit (media)
  • Osmani urges EU to reflect: Vucic chooses to join war criminal, fund Putin's war (media)
  • Stano: EU expects Serbia not to further strengthen ties with Russia (RTK)
  • Vela reacts to Petkovic's statement on Osmani, Vucic (media)
  • Von Cramon in Belgrade: Kosovo must be part of the EU (RTK)
  • Decan Monastery: Six years since Kosovo is not respecting decision of Constitutional Court (media)
  • Kosovo Detains Two ISIS Suspects Following Repatriation from Syria (BIRN)


At democracy summit, Osmani underlines NATO's importance for region's security (media)

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, took part in the works of the South-Eastern European Democracy Summit and spoke about the need for changing of the security architecture in Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine and the implications of these developments in the Western Balkans.

Noting that there are always active threats to the peace and security of the region, Osmani said that the EU needs to be clear and bold. "Our region and our people need guarantees in terms of integration perspective. We need deeds, not words. We need clarity and a concrete roadmap. "The countries of our region, bar one, have a clear vision for the future: our goal is EU membership because we believe in the values upon which the EU is built," Osmani is quoted in a press release issued by her office.

Osmani raised the need for Kosovo joining NATO. "Kosovo's aspirations for NATO membership are not just a political statement. We look at NATO membership, starting with the Partnership for Peace, from a security perspective and we invite you all to do the same. We see NATO membership as the best guarantee for long-term and lasting peace in the region," she said, adding: "The Republic of Kosovo is ready, as always, to play its role for security, advancement and maintenance of peace and security in the region and beyond."

See the full press release:

Osmani and Abazovic meet at sidelines of SEE Democracy Summit (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani met Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic at the sidelines of the Southeastern Europe Democracy Summit in Budva.

Osmani  said on Twitter after the meeting they reaffirmed firm commitment "to bolstering cooperation between our two countries, advancing our European agenda and aligning our policies against Russia's destabilising efforts in our continent", while Abazovic noted that Kosovo and Montenegro need to work on a number of projects of common interest in the field of economy and transport.

According to a press release issued by Kosovo's presidency, Osmani emphasized the importance of cooperation build on premises of equality and inclusiveness and that Kosovo supports continued cooperation in the framework of the Berlin process.

Osmani urges EU to reflect: Vucic chooses to join war criminal, fund Putin's war (media)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani has reacted to the latest developments regarding the agreement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with that of Russia, Vladimir Putin, on Russian gas.

“Vucic's deliberate decision to side with Russia is a blow to Serbia's prospects of walking the EU path. He has chosen to align with a war criminal and to finance Putin's war, over a united, peaceful and prosperous Europe. EU can no longer ignore the destructive path he has taken,” Osmani tweeted.

Stano: EU expects Serbia not to further strengthen ties with Russia (RTK)

European Union spokesman Peter Stano has said that in light of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the international order, the EU expects Serbia, as a candidate country, not to further strengthen its ties with Russia.

Candidate countries, in the words of Peter Stano, need to progressively align their policies towards third countries with policies and attitudes adopted by the European Union, including restrictive measures.

Serbia is a candidate country that is negotiating full membership with the European Union and is considered a leader in the process. It is also the only country on the European continent that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. European officials regularly appeal to official Belgrade to join its policy of sanctions against Russia.

Vela reacts to Petkovic's statement on Osmani, Vucic (media)

Blerim Vela, chief of staff to president of Kosovo, reacted on Twitter to the head of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo Petar Petkovic's statement that President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani never misses an opportunity to attack President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic because of his engagement for regional peace and cooperation. "These words are unknown in Pristina, they only know the language of hatred there. This is why it is no surprise that they oppose the 'Open Balkan' concept," Petkovic wrote.

Vela commented: "The rest of the region doesn’t have such a short memory like you. So, spare us your lectures. We remember very well Vučić’s 'radical' days when he served 'peace' in the region, which earned him a place in EU’s blacklist in 1999! You can’t whitewash his past, even if you tried."

Prime Minister Kurti meets CoE Commissioner for Human Rights, UK Ambassador (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti received on Monday the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic. They discussed about human rights, rule of law and democracy. Kurti stressed the reforms launched in the judiciary, the rule of law and the fight against crime and corruption.

Highlighting the positive economic indicators, he stressed the commitment of the Government to turn economic growth into increasing well-being for citizens, through social policies that focus on the citizen and social equality. Talking about the government's decisions to increase social equality in Kosovo, Kurti mentioned the increase in the amount of social assistance, the increase of pensions, the program for maternity allowances and child allowances, as well as free studies. He mentioned the commitment to promote gender equality, to close the gender gap in professions, and support the advancement of girls in science, with the allocation of 1365 scholarships, for girls studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - STEM, a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo noted.

Commissioner Mijatovic is said to have expressed her appreciation for the government's program for the admission of 20 journalists from Ukraine, which she said is a valuable initiative that should be multiplied in other European countries. They also discussed transitional justice and  the government's initiatives to address war crimes and to clarify the fate missing persons.

Yesterday, Kurti also had a meeting with United Kingdom's Ambassador to Kosovo Nicholas Abbott. They discussed cooperation and also security issues and challenges stemming from the Russian aggression on Ukraine, a press release issued by the Government of Kosovo said.

Decan Monastery: Six years since Kosovo is not respecting decision of Constitutional Court (media)

Decan Monastery posted on Twitter that it has been six years since the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo confirmed the property of Decan Monastery.

“It's been 6 years since the Kosovo Constitutional Court ruling confirmed the property of Decani Monastery. In Nov 2020, an IMC agreement was signed on a bypass road to Montenegro out of the Decani Protected zone. Despite that Kosovo institutions undermine both decisions.”

Von Cramon in Belgrade: Kosovo must be part of the EU (RTK)

On Monday the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the Member of the European Parliament, Viola Von Cramon. The issue of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and Serbia's relations with Russia were the main topics, the presidency of Serbia announced.

According to Vucic, a compromise agreement must be reached through dialogue. Meanwhile, Von Cramon told Serbian media that Kosovo should be part of the EU. Regarding the issue of sanctions towards Russia, she said that this should be a matter for the government of Serbia.

According to the announcement from the presidency, Vucic said that he expects constructive support for the dialogue and finding a compromise solution, with the implementation of all agreements and above all for the formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities. According to him, Serbia will continue to follow its European path.

MEP Von Cramon stressed that the respect for the rights of Serbs in Kosovo is in the interest of the European Union and the European Parliament and stressed the importance of continuing the dialogue, adding that in the current difficult geopolitical situation it is necessary for both parties to be responsible and refrain from provocations. "I would like Kosovo to be on the same level with Serbia within the EU. This is in the interest of the Serbian people as well, because without resolving this issue, it will be difficult for Serbia to be part of the EU," Viola Von Cramon said.

She also said that the comparison that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic makes between Ukraine and Kosovo, is unacceptable, writes the Serbian daily Danas. She added that Vucic knows that this war is a violation of international law - and that the two agreed on this during a conversation they had.

Kosovo Detains Two ISIS Suspects Following Repatriation from Syria (BIRN)

Kosovo court detains two terrorist suspects, two days after a group of Kosovo and Albanian citizens were repatriated from Syria camps via Pristina airport.

A Kosovo court said on Monday that it had detained two persons suspected of terrorism. Pristina Basic Court said the first person, with the initials H.S., was suspected of “voluntarily and in full conscience” joining Islamic State ISIS terrorist organization in Syria in November 2015.

The second person, with the initials Y.B., is suspected of participation in the Syrian war, also fighting alongside or for ISIS.

Kosovo outlawed participation in foreign armed groups in 2015 after more than 400 of its citizens joined the conflict in Syria, fighting alongside the Islamist terrorist organisations Al-Nusra and ISIS. Tens of those who returned from the Middle East faced trial and were imprisoned.

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