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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 16

  • Kosovo MFA: Visa liberalisation not connected to dialogue with Serbia (media)
  • Kurti meets Hahn in Brussels (media)
  • Mustafa: Demarcation with Montenegro a done deal, Kosovo loses nothing (EO)
  • D'Addario: KFOR's role is also to enable dialogue (Koha)
  • Specialist Chambers investigating Kosovo government office (RFE)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kosovo MFA: Visa liberalisation not connected to dialogue with Serbia (media)

Kosovo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the visa liberalisation process should not be connected to that of dialogue with Serbia and that the attempt of certain new officials in Brussels to connect the two are wrong.

"Such an idea is a flagrant violation of the right to free movement and is also confusing two issues, two processes that cannot and should not be intertwined," the Ministry said.

"Dialogue as the only way to maintain sustainable peace and security in the region between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia is aimed at building the foundation for establishing good neighbourly relations."

"Dialogue should run its own course and cannot be obstructed by ideas aimed at changing the context of solution of problems accumulated from the Republic of Kosovo - Republic of Serbia conflict into a regional context or processes Kosovo has towards Brussels."

The Ministry further noted that the citizens of Kosovo do not deserve to be kept 'hostage' to 'ill-advised' ideas. 

Kurti meets Hahn in Brussels (media)

Leader of Vetevendosje Albin Kurti met in Brussels the outgoing European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn and Kosovo's cooperation with EU as well as dialogue with Serbia.

"We discussed cooperation between Kosovo and the EU, challenged of our future governance particularly on justice and employment, relations between countries in the Balkans and the perspective of dialogue with Serbia," Kurti wrote on Facebook.

In Brussels, Kurti also met Deputy Managing Director Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey of the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst.

Mustafa: Demarcation with Montenegro a done deal, Kosovo loses nothing (EO)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa told Ekonomia Online news website that the border demarcation process with Montenegro is a finished matter and that it is too late to reverse it.

"The agreement has been ratified in the Assembly of Montenegro as it stands as well as in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo. The agreement is now ratified but if there is readiness on the Montenegrin side to review it, that's another matter. However, from the legal standpoint, the agreement is concluded," Mustafa said.

He said he believed the demarcation agreement is fair and that Kosovo loses no territory through it. "I think there were no mistakes because the border was placed on the line that separated the province of Kosovo with Montenegro and we had full assurance that not an inch went through the other side."

Mustafa also said that there is agreement with Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) to have the import tariff on Serbia remain in force as part of reciprocity measures. "If Serbia lifts some non-tariff measures that it applies against Kosovo, gives up preventing Kosovo exports to Serbia through the origin of goods, gives up campaign for derecognising Republic of Kosovo, implements agreements we have signed in Brussels, like the energy agreement and many others, of course we will also act accordingly, in a reciprocal way."

D'Addario: KFOR's role is also to enable dialogue (Koha)

KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D'Addario said that the security situation in Kosovo is calm and stable but that political circumstances and unresolved issues in the region remain a factor that is seen as a possible threat to stability.

Speaking to KTV, D'Addario said KFOR's role is also to create circumstances that would enable a political process take place between Kosovo and Serbia.

"Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is a very important part as it would unblock many situations and ensure Kosovo is able to gain full benefits from what it is offered as member of the international community. It would be a perfect situation which, in my view, brings other things. I know the majority of concerns people have are directly related to economy and others but as a member of the international community I see that things are mainly related to security because no doubt the absence of a political solution has an impact on economic factors," he said.

Specialist Chambers investigating Kosovo government office (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that the Specialist Chambers are investigating the role of the Kosovo Government's office for legal protection of possible indictees which functions within the Ministry of Justice and led by Driton Lajci.

Lajci is also reported to be a subject of investigation on suspicion of obstruction of justice and intimidation.

Lajci has already been interviewed by prosecutors in The Hague in October and decided to use the right to silence but he was not told on what charges he is being interviewed.

The Specialist Prosecutor's Office meanwhile said in a reply that it is investigating the role of the office for legal protection of possible indictees within the government of Kosovo as well as Lajci for violation of the Criminal Code of Kosovo.