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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 25, 2022

  • U.S. Ambassador Hovenier interview with Klan Kosova
  • Kurti: No time for small ambitions, it’s time for big steps (media)
  • Abbott welcomes agreement; “time for Serbs to return to institutions” (media)
  • Kosovo PM expects final deal with Serbia early next year (Reuters)
  • Krasniqi: I told Kurti, you cannot tell the U.S. “No” so often (T7)
  • Albanian PM: I don’t agree with attacks against Albin Kurti (media)
  • Osmani: Our bond with U.S. is stronger than ever (media)
  • Serbia Claims ‘KM’ Plates Remain Valid in Kosovo Despite Deal (BIRN)
  • Wages law will be in force one month after published on official gazette (Koha)
  • Kosovo Faces Fresh Judicial Strike Over Draft Salary Law (BIRN)
  • Szunyog surprised by decision to reduce salaries in judicial system (media)
  • Peci on Berlin agreements: Serbia was pressured by a powerful EU state (KTV)
  • SL List, 13 parties won’t take part in extraordinary elections in north (Kallxo)
  • Albanian Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo today (media)
  • Pupovci on his resignation as Deputy Minister of Education (Kallxo)

U.S. Ambassador Hovenier interview with Klan Kosova

United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, in an interview with the TV station on Thursday, commented on the latest agreement between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Brussels.

Hovenier said: “One of the things that I am thankful for and the whole U.S. Embassy and the whole U.S. Government is thankful for is the fact that an agreement was reached yesterday under EU facilitation between Kosovo and Serbia to do two really important things, one was to avoid progressed escalation and to take steps that reduce escalation which has happened after the implementation of a licence plates regime. And the second commitment was that there is a matter of urgency to take up this proposal on onormalisation of relations that was presented by the EU and is supported by France and Germany to get going on this really important issue. We see this as a major success and a major step forward and I want to acknowledge that the government of Kosovo yesterday engaged in a manner that was both constructive and helpful and helped get us where the entire international community wanted to see us in. That is my view of what happened yesterday, a very significant step forward for both countries and an ongoing effort to work towards a normalisation of relations and de-escalate some of the issues that were getting in the way of being able to work on those important strategic issues.”

Asked about a timetable for a full agreement, Hovenier said: “it’s always challenging setting a timetable for a negotiation, particularly when you aren’t a participant. It depends on the parties themselves. But one of the important commitments made by both sides in yesterday’s agreement was to and I’ll quote ‘fully concentrate as a matter of urgency on the proposal on normalisation of relations’. The document itself also lays out some specific EU-led meeting for which there is an aim to work towards, to present results. But the EU has to talk about when those meetings are scheduled. But this is on a fast track, this is on a timeline that shows the urgency of the issue”.

Watch the full interview here:

Kurti: No time for small ambitions, it’s time for big steps (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti took to Twitter on Thursday to thank U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, for his role, support and dedication to the accordance reached in Brussels on Wednesday. “No time for small ambitions, it’s time for big steps. Yesterday's accordance paves the way for intensive talks on the full normalization of relations with Serbia based on the EU's Proposal supported by France, Germany and the U.S. Thankful to @USAmbKosovo Hovenier for his role, support & dedication,” Kurti tweeted.

Abbott welcomes agreement; “time for Serbs to return to institutions” (media)

UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, welcomed the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels on Wednesday. “I welcome an important agreement that removes a source of tension and congratulate all sides for the compromise they have shown. The agreement on licence plates will, in particular, be a relief to those in the north of Kosovo. We now need to see Kosovan Serbs return to the institutions, in the interest of their jobs, their families and the rule of law,” Abbott wrote in a Facebook post.

Kosovo PM expects final deal with Serbia early next year (Reuters)

Kosovo and Serbia will reach a final deal to normalise relations before spring 2023, Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti told parliament on Thursday, a day after the European Union brokered a deal to end a car licence plate dispute.

Following Wednesday's accord, Kurti said talks for a deal with Serbia would start within days under EU mediation and supported by Washington. The licensing deal, Kurti said, had established both parties would "negotiate and agree on an EU proposal, supported by France and Germany, in order to reach the (final) deal as soon as possible". "This means before spring of 2023. It can be earlier, but it cannot be later than that," he said. Kurti told parliament the licensing issue would become irrelevant once a final deal has been reached.

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Krasniqi: I told Kurti, you cannot tell the U.S. “no” so often (T7)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, said in a debate on T7 on Thursday that he asked Prime Minister Albin Kurti not to reject too often the requests and advice from the United States of America. He argued that Kurti was late in heeding the U.S. requests and that this is the reason why now he is not able to justify the agreement on licence plates reached in Brussels. “I asked the Prime Minister to heed the U.S. advice. I told him, you cannot tell the U.S., our main partner, ‘NO’ so often. You cannot tell NO the Secretary of State two times in a year.”

Krasniqi also argued that he does not believe any Kosovo Albanian political party will vote in favor of the current version of the French-German plan. “Giving up on mutual recognition is like giving up on Kosovo’s statehood. In its current form, the French-German plan will not be accepted by anyone,” he said.

Albanian PM: I don’t agree with attacks against Albin Kurti (media)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted to this week’s talks between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels which concluded with an agreement on Wednesday. Rama said he does not agree with the criticism against Kurti.

“I do not agree at all with the attacks against Albin Kurti after the right agreement which fortunately closed the reopened path of unpredictable developments! To attack Albin because he behaved as a Prime Minister is the same as holding him accountable for not thinking and speaking the same way when he was in prison,” Rama wrote in a Twitter post.

Osmani: Our bond with U.S. is stronger than ever (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said on Thursday that the bond between Kosovo and the United States of America is stronger than ever. “At Camp Bondsteel, we joined U.S. soldiers for a special Thanksgiving lunch. The people of Kosovo are thankful for the selfless service, support and assistance of every American that has served in our country and alongside us over the years. Our bond is stronger than ever,” Osmani wrote in a Twitter post.

Serbia Claims ‘KM’ Plates Remain Valid in Kosovo Despite Deal (BIRN)

Serbian and Kosovo leaders give very different interpretations of the deal on license plates brokered by the EU on Wednesday night.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said existing “KM” number plates issued for Kosovo Serbs in the northern town of Mitrovica, and used throughout Serb-majority northern Kosovo, will remain in use despite the agreement reached between Serbia and Kosovo with EU officials on Wednesday night in Brussels.

“KM plates, as far as new cars are concerned, there are up to 90 of them per year, and as far as renewals are concerned, they run normally and there is no obligation anywhere in this regard,” Vucic told media in Belgrade on Thursday.

Vucic said that there are around 7,000 such vehicles in Kosovo and some 2,000 in Serbia and that their owners will “continue to drive those cars without any problems and without any fines”.

EU Foreign Affairs chief Josep Borrell on Wednesday stated that the deal between Serbia and Kosovo means “that Serbia will stop issuing licence plates with Kosovo cities’ denominations, and that Kosovo will cease any further actions related to re-registration of vehicles”.

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Wages law will be in force one month after published on official gazette (Koha)

The Law on Wages, which was adopted by the Kosovo Government on Wednesday, will enter into force only one month after it is published on the official gazette, if the Assembly adopts it fast, and not eight months as foreseen in the draft law, a spokesman for the Ministry of Interior Affairs, Bardhyl Dobra, told KTV on Thursday.

The government send the draft law for approval to the Assembly on Wednesday and Dobra said he was confident the MPs will adopt it soon. If the draft law is adopted, it is then sent to the President for approval and afterwards it is published on the official gazette. Once published there, the law will enter into force after one month.

Kosovo Faces Fresh Judicial Strike Over Draft Salary Law (BIRN)

Kosovo judiciary announce strikes, demanding that Albin Kurti's government revokes a draft law on salaries in the public sector which they fear could lead to paying cuts.

Months after facing teachers’ protests over pay, the Kosovo government is on the brink of dealing with another public sector strike, by staff in the justice system.

Judicial officials have announced strikes if the government does not revoke a draft law on public sector salaries, saying they will not accept any cuts in salaries.

Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu, however, told a press conference on Thursday that if public sector pay is legally levelled, salaries in the judiciary will in fact increase.

“The purpose is to reform the public administration and not have differences in salaries; the law levels the salaries of the judges and prosecutors,” Haxhiu told the media, explaining that Wednesday’s government decision repeals a decision by former PM Ramush Haradinaj. “Former PM Haradinaj had increased his salary and had not thought of the issues in the future,” Haxhiu said.

Haxhiu claimed that under the new draft salary law, the salaries of judges and prosecutors will rise.

Read more at:

Szunyog surprised by decision to reduce salaries in judicial system (media)

European Union Head of Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, said on Thursday that he was surprised by the government’s decision to reduce the salaries of judges and prosecutors. Szunyog wrote in a Twitter post: “I am surprised by the decision of the Kosovo Government to significantly reduce the salaries of judges and prosecutors.  Adequate funding and independence of judicial institutions are cornerstones of the rule of law system and fundamental requirements of the EU integration process.”s

Peci on Berlin agreements: Serbia was pressured by a powerful EU state (KTV)

Executive Director of the Pristina-based research institute KIPRED, Lulzim Peci, said in a debate on Thursday that Serbia was threatened by a powerful European country about Kosovo and to sign the three latest agreements within the Berlin Process.

“As far as I know there was pressure on Serbia about Kosovo and the Berlin agreements, where a powerful European state told Serbia you can freely go with Russia and China, in the sense that if they don’t sign the agreements of the Berlin Process, they can go with Russia and China,” Peci was quoted as saying.

According to Peci, Serbia’s cooperation with Russia can continue as long as it does not damage the interests of the West. “Until it does not damage the interests of the West, they will tolerate it,” he said.

Commenting on a final settlement between Kosovo and Serbia, Peci argued that autonomy for the north would be more dangerous than the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities “because the Association as such is not dangerous”.

“Serbia has asked for an Association only for the north, not for the other municipalities. This proposal was not accepted by the Kosovo side … The Association today has no theoretical chance of creating a territorial autonomy and to move toward unification with Serbia. I don’t see a great threat in this, the fact that it is not compact in a territorial, this is a great advantage for us.”

SL List, 13 parties won’t take part in extraordinary elections in north (Kallxo)

Fourteen political parties, including the Serbian List, have officially declared that they will not participate in extraordinary mayoral elections in the four municipalities of Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Zvecan.

The news website reports that Ilir Gashi, a member of Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC) has asked to know what are the possibilities of certifying entities that have declared they will not participate in the elections. Vesa Xharra from the office of political parties said they cannot reverse the process. She said that the parties that do not want to participate must be declared in advance and are documented. “We can’t go back,” she said.

Albanian Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo today (media)

Albanian Foreign Affairs Minister Olta Xhacka will visit Kosovo today and meet with her Kosovo counterpart Donika Gervalla. The two ministers are scheduled to hold a joint press conference after the meeting.

Pupovci on his resignation as Deputy Minister of Education (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Education, Dukagjin Pupovci, confirmed on Thursday that he will resign his position and that he has informed Education Minister Nagavci and Prime Minister Kurti. He said the reasons for his resignation are personal. “Even after my withdrawal from my current position I will remain active in the area of education,” Nagavci said.