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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 28, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • O'Brien: Causing unrest in the north means confronting NATO (RFE)
  • Kurti: In two and a half years, 58 agreements with Albania have been reached and implemented(media)
  • Opposition criticizes Kurti about Association, government criticizes Serbia for not implementing agreements (Koha)
  • Rama: Kosovo-Serbia issue should be finally resolved with full recognition (media)
  • KFOR commander speaks on the phone with commander of Serbian army (RTK)
  • Gervalla-Schwarz meets with Defense Minister of Gambia (media)
  • PSD with slogan "KLA cannot be tried" opposes visit of Specialist Chambers president (Reporteri)
  • Aliu: Five municipalities in the north of Kosovo now have cadastral offices (RTK)
  • Ibishi: Radoicic still in action, continuing to gather people for another possible act (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • KSF day in Kosovo marked with symbols of “Greater Albania” (KoSSev, media)
  • Serbian List reacts to KSF celebration day with “Greater Albania” symbols, terms it as public promotion of mono-ethnic Kosovo (KoSSev)
  • Petkovic: Militarisation of KSF biggest threat to peace in W Balkans (Tanjug)
  • Starovic, Mijacic on KSF day celebration (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Dusan Obrenovic released on bail, arrived to Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, media)
  • KFOR, Serbian military chief discuss developments, cooperation (N1)
  • CoE warns of polarized election campaign (N1)

Albanian Language Media

O'Brien: Causing unrest in the north means confronting NATO (RFE)

The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, warned Kosovo and Serbia on Monday that causing unrest in the north of Kosovo means confrontation with NATO.

"It is important that both sides understand that, if there is any unrest in the north, it means a confrontation with NATO," O'Brien told reporters.

He said that the north of Kosovo must be calm and safe so that Kosovo and Serbia can make political progress on their way to the European Union.

O'Brien's comments come at a time when NATO is considering increasing its permanent presence in Kosovo through its own peacekeeping mission, KFOR.

O'Brien added that the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will talk about the increase in tensions in the Western Balkans during the two-day meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the NATO countries, on November 28 and 29, at the headquarters of the alliance in Brussels.

Blinken will also represent the United States at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Stoltenberg also spoke about the possibility of a more permanent increase in NATO's presence in Kosovo during a visit to Pristina on November 20. There are currently 4,687 troops in Kosovo within the peacekeeping mission of KFOR.

Last week, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promised that the Western military alliance will do everything to maintain peace in the Western Balkans region. Stoltenberg sent a special message to Serbia and Kosovo to advance in the process of normalization of relations, which is mediated by the European Union.

"We invite Belgrade and Pristina to engage in dialogue, supported by the EU, in good faith, and we also believe that the new proposal for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities can be an important step for dialogue and that this process be more constructive," he said.

During a visit to Pristina on November 20, which was part of a Balkan tour, Stoltenberg said that increasing the military presence in Kosovo by 1,000 troops - the largest deployment in recent years by the alliance - shows how seriously the  alliance takes the violence that erupted in Kosovo in recent months.

"We are really investing in the security of this region, because the security of the people in this region, the stability in this region, is important for our security," he said.

Kurti: In two and a half years, 58 agreements with Albania have been reached and implemented(media)

On the eve of Albanian Flag Day, the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, declared that Albania's investments in Kosovo during 2022 were about 80 million euros. According to him, these investments have increased significantly and that the uncontrolled movement of citizens has helped the growth of tourism. Kurti spoke at the Kosovo-Albania Regional Development Forum, which was held in Gjakova.

"From a total of 184 agreements, only during these two and a half years between the two governments of our two republics, 58 new agreements have been reached and implemented, or almost 1/3 of all agreements. At a rate almost four times faster than during all previous years. Success has value when, instead of complacency, it promotes self-confidence for other successes. In our journey there are successes, we are neither alone nor on untrodden paths. This is the path paved by today's European Union and the former European common market. Therefore, we must move faster towards our common market, towards common systems and mechanisms, towards the customs union, towards any re-unification that serves us and makes us ready to be integrated into the European Union", he declared.

Kurti added that facilitating trade by removing trade barriers and promoting free movement are important steps towards common economic integration.

"Investments from Albania in Kosovo from 2019 to 2022 have increased significantly and expressed in values in 2019 were 15.2 million euros, while in 2022 they reached the figure of 79.7 million euros. The movement of our citizens without any control during the summer season, June-September as well as during the weekends, is another important success of our cooperation. This ease of movement has helped the growth of tourism at the common point of the Morine-Vermice border crossing. Thus, in 2022, about 8.2 million citizens will have crossed only at the joint point of the border crossing Morine-Vërmice", added Kurti.

Opposition criticizes Kurti about Association, government criticizes Serbia for not implementing agreements (Koha)

The Assembly of Kosovo is expected to conclude its work this year without a session where the draft of the statute of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority would be discussed. The opposition parties consider that the government is trying to buy time and postpone the dialogue as much as possible while they have assessed the draft of the statute as dangerous for the statehood of Kosovo. The representatives of the ruling party say that the fault for the delays in the dialogue lies with Serbia, which has warned to implement only parts of the Basic Agreement.

A parallel structure which undermines the statehood of Kosovo, representatives of the opposition have assessed the draft statute of the Association, which has not yet been formalized neither by the government nor by the mediator of the dialogue, Brussels. However, based on the unofficial document that circulated after the last visits of the U.S. Euro-emissaries, according to the PDK, the government has accepted a mechanism that goes beyond the competences given to the Serbs by the Ahtisaari Package.

"For a month now, the entire debate is based on a draft, which has not been denied by anyone. This draft statute, if it places all these extended powers that Serb municipalities have under an umbrella where there is political decision-making, where there is a leader and its headquarters, automatically creates a parallel power. So, the extended powers were only to integrate the Serb community within this constitutional order with extended powers", said the head of PDK MPs, Abelard Tahiri. According to him, associations everywhere in the world do not have a decision-making character, they are advisory. "We are no longer talking about the Association here, as it is a parallel institution with Kosovo in terms of competences. This is the great leap that Albin Kurti has made", he added.

Meanwhile, the head of the AAK parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri, said after the Presidency meeting that Prime Minister Albin Kurti is only trying to buy time in the dialogue.

"Mr. Kurti has bought time in all processes, he has not created any solution. It has accumulated problems and has not made any solutions. AAK, when it supported the Brussels Agreement, saw the issue of security in the country as very problematic. All the security developments that take place in the Western Balkans cannot go without affecting Kosovo, as was the case of the terrorist attack on September 24", Tahiri emphasized.

On the other hand, representatives of the ruling party said that the fault for the delays in the dialogue lies with Serbia.

"The main challenges in the normalization process is the lack of will on the part of Serbia to sign the agreement. As you can see from the discussions and statements made by Vucic, there are two lines of argument. The first says that I will not sign it and the second that they will only implement parts of the agreement. It is outside the principles of the agreements and the agreement we reached in Brussels. Kosovo is ready for normalization and is ready to contribute in the name of peace and European integration", said the MP of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV), Armend Muja.

Referring to the current dynamics of the Assembly, the opposition estimates that there is no time for the association to be discussed in the legislative institution. At the presidency meeting on Monday, it was decided that two sessions will be held on Thursday, where the agenda is the voting of several draft laws, as well as the debate on the European Commission's report on Kosovo. Meanwhile, Friday is the session only with the parliamentary questions of the MPs.

Rama: Kosovo-Serbia issue should be finally resolved with full recognition (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, insists on a complete solution between Kosovo and Serbia.Speaking at the Atlantic Council, Rama said this issue as an "elephant in the room" that continues to create problems, like the case a few months ago in Banjska.

"We have challenges ahead of us and at the same time I am a person who strongly believes in the fact that you cannot think of being better in this region without thinking of making a better region because in this interconnected world we need to learn and work with the strong conviction that what we need to do is to improve our country, the region and the world. We have problems to solve, we still have a big elephant in the room that still does not give us that last piece which is the mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia, and more than once this most difficult piece of politics to date in the region it has shown that it is really a necessity, on the contrary there have been gradual returns and shortcomings which will continue to occur. In the wider context of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas, the effects can be even more negative if we do not work day and night to keep the conflict outside the borders of our region”, he said.

Prime Minister Rama appeals that the issue between Pristina and Belgrade be finally resolved with the full recognition of Kosovo's independence and the establishment of peace. 

"We are a multi-religious region. Albania is a multi-religious country, where Muslims and Christians live in harmony and so far this has been our fantastic asset as a basis for a tolerant society. This is why I believe that the war between Israel and Hamas is really dangerous, because Hamas and others who support Hamas are real agents of chaos, and this chaos they want to spread everywhere, not only in the Middle East, can also affect our region and if we are not fully aware of it and if we do not do things the right way to keep the chaos out before the conflict engulfs us all. This situation, which has improved a lot, since 10 years ago we didn't even talk to each other, should address and resolve this issue between Kosovo and Serbia with a full recognition of Kosovo and practically with the final peace. What happened in the very tragic event a few months ago was absolutely a very strong sign and a real alarm bell of the potential that such an unresolved issue has to become a crucial issue in jeopardizing regional peace and cooperation. The responsibility of not only of the persons directly involved, but also the responsibility of Belgrade, which did not punish him, but declared a day of national mourning in honor of these criminals, is very clear. However, once again, we must not fall prey to confrontations, escalations, but triple the efforts to make peace", Rama said further.

Rama also congratulated Prime Minister Kurti and the government of Kosovo for the new approach by accepting the association of municipalities with a Serb majority.

"I am encouraged by the change in the approach and attitude of the Kosovo authorities, and by accepting in principle the association of municipalities with a Serb majority, the Prime Minister of Kosovo and the government of Kosovo have demonstrated an important will to move forward and seek a solution, not an alibi or to look for the past instead of the future". 

KFOR commander speaks on the phone with commander of the Serbian army (RTK)

KFOR Commander, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, had a phone call with the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia, Milan Mojsilovic. As announced by KFOR on platform X, they have exchanged their views on recent developments and ongoing operations.

"The KFOR commander reiterated that KFOR, as always, will continue to fulfill the mission - at all times and impartially - to ensure a peaceful and safe environment for all people living in Kosovo and freedom of the movement according to the mandate in accordance with its mandate based on the UN Resolution of 1999", it is further stated in the announcement of KFOR.

Their phone conversation comes after Ulutas's visit to Belgrade in October, where he went after receiving his mandate in KFOR. 

Gervalla-Schwarz meets with Defense Minister of Gambia (media)

The Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz met with the Minister of Defense of Gambia, Sergn Modou. They talked about regional and global security challenges.

“Friendly and candid exchange with Serign Modou Njie, Minister of Defense of The Gambia, about regional and global security challenges in a new global era. Increasing global interdependence requires increased coordination to mitigate risks and seize opportunities," Gervalla-Schwarz wrote on the X platform.

PSD with slogan "KLA cannot be tried" opposes visit of Specialist Chambers president (Reporteri)

The Social Democratic Party (PSD), with the slogan 'KLA cannot be tried, has opposed the visit of the president of the Specialist Chambers, Ekaterina Trendafilova, to Kosovo. Her visit is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29.

Activists of this party on Monday in front of the fences of the EULEX facility in Pristina, have written the slogan 'KLA cannot be tried, alluding to the Special Court.

Nol Nushi, secretary of the PSD, told reporters that EULEX is an extension of the Special Court in Kosovo, while he said that most of the interrogations of witnesses and accused in The Hague were held in this facility.

"An unfair process is taking place there. We dare not allow this unfair process to begin to be normalized and to appear as if it is a process that we owe and therefore the KLA is a joint criminal enterprise. This is within the framework of our objections to this Court, but specifically our objections to the visit of Ms. Trendafilova, who is coming to the Sirius hotel the day after tomorrow, Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. in the name of transparency" Nushi said.

He said that there is no transparency in the Specialist Chambers, as according to him, about 75% of the sessions are closed to the public and almost all the texts are edited.

"If you didn't know, the Special Court has spent not less than 350 million euros to date. With this pace of the trial, which does not even finish at least in 5 years, the court will spend more than 1 billion euros. All levels of that court, the prosecutor's office, the appeal court, the constitutional court within it, they are all friends among themselves" Nushi said.

In addition to this action, the Social Democratic Party has also announced a protest in opposition to Trendafilova's visit to Kosovo. According to Nol Nushi, the protest will be held on November 29 in front of the "Sirius" hotel in Pristina, where Trendafilova will stay for a visit. 

Aliu: Five municipalities in the north of Kosovo now have cadastral offices (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Infrastructure, Environment and Spatial Planning, Liburn Aliu has said that from Monday the cadastral services will start functioning in North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zubin Potok and Zvecan.

Through a post on Facebook, Minister Aliu announced that together with colleagues and collaborators, they visited the municipalities of North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zubin Potok and Zvecan, where they met the mayors of the respective municipalities to launch the functionalization of cadastral services, thus opening Municipal Cadastral Offices in each municipality. 

"Citizens of the municipalities in the north will no longer need to come to the counters of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency, but will have the Municipal Cadastral Offices in their function, where they will be able to receive the cadastral services in their municipality, first the Ownership Certificate and the Copy of the Plan, and later also other services", Aliu said.

He said that in the direction of strengthening municipal services, facilitating work, digitalization and providing further support to the citizens of the respective municipalities, in addition to the meeting with the mayors, they met with citizens who were given Ownership Certificates for the first time. 

Ibishi: Radoicic still in action, continuing to gather people for another possible act (Koha)

Nuredin Ibishi, an expert on security issues, on the "Tempus" show on KTV, said that Milan Radoicic is still active and that he continues to gather people for another possible act. Radoicic had led the terrorist attack in Banjska where police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed. 

"In the current situation, we have a calm, stable situation, but always with a warning of tensions from Serbia, that is, with a strong concentration even near the border. And of course, maybe we will talk later about Radoicic's issues, how it was handled, but as you can see, he is still active in the campaign phase of Vucic, who as his extremist is continuing to gather Serbs also for voting issues but also for any possible organization for another act", Ibishi said.

He emphasized that he thinks that Serbia will not rest in this direction, but that with international presence and security institutions, peace will be ensured in Kosovo. 

"Especially in the matter of border protection, I think we will succeed in keeping the peace even for Kosovo, but at the same time to respond to all these challenges that are presented or that are exerted against Kosovo and always with the order of Vucic", he said.

Ibishi said that the Serbian forces concentrated in Medvegja and Bujanoc intend to exert pressure on the Albanians there.

“I think that the increase in NATO's capacities and in general the policy of the United States of America to move faster in terms of the implementation of the agreements and what is being warned now with the very increase in capacities and EULEX, that is, the granting of the authorized representation in the north of EULEX, therefore shows a commitment of both NATO and EULEX, for a coverage, especially the border part, the porous part that can reach to the infiltration of both paramilitary forces and smuggling, whether with weapons or smuggled goods", Ibishi added.

Serbian Language Media 

KSF day in Kosovo marked with symbols of “Greater Albania” (KoSSev, media)

27 November declared by Pristina as Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) day was marked on Monday, KoSSev portal reports. As it was announced KSF premises were opened to the public in Mitrovica South, Gnjilane, Prizren, Urosevac, Kosovo Polje, Istok and Pristina.

In addition to the large number of citizens, who according to the media went to the Adem Jashari barracks in Pristina to tour KSF equipment, Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti were also present, along with KSF leadership. 

What drew particular attention, KoSSev portal continues, were the symbols of “Greater Albania” some KFS members had on their uniforms or attached to the heaving armament as photographed by the media.

“We are proud of you” was inscribed on those symbols, the portal reported. 

The news was also covered by other Serbian media and caused reactions of the Serbian List and Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic, condemning the act. 

Serbian List reacts to KSF celebration day with “Greater Albania” symbols, terms it as public promotion of mono-ethnic Kosovo (KoSSev)

“The story on respecting the rights of the Serbian people and multiethnic character of Kosovo and Metohija has remained only in the official statements of some ambassadors and international representatives. Under (Albin) Kurti’s regime expulsion of everything Serbian from Kosovo and Metohija is underway, but also clear and public promotion of mono-ethnic Kosovo. The latest proof of our claims come from today’s ceremony of “so-called KSF day” whose members along with Kurti celebrated that event with maps of “Greater Albania””, reads the statement of Serbian List, KoSSev portal reported.

The KSF ceremony was attended by Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti. They visited displayed equipment and KSF armament.

What caught particular attention of the public and the Serbian media were the symbols of “Greater Albania” that some KSF members had on their uniforms and on the heavy armament displayed. Those symbols had an inscription “we are proud of you”, the portal added. Also, posters dedicated to KLA and Adem Jashari along with the messages, including “Once KLA today KSF”, were displayed.

“”Greater Albania” was a creation that existed only during the times of the Second World War as a nazi creation including territory of Albania, Serbia, Greece, North Macedonia and Montenegro and which dissolved after 1945 and defeat of nazism and fascism”, Serbian List added in a statement.

They warned that the idea of its resurrection continues to live in the heads of extremists but unfortunately also “of political leaders in Pristina who promote it on institutional level and act in direction of its resurrection on the ground before the eyes of the international community”.

“It is even worse that Kurti speaks about this formation as the successor of the Kosovo Liberation Army whose leaders are at the Court in The Hague”, pending war crimes trials, Serbian List said.

It called upon KFOR, EU, EULEX, UNMIK and Quint representatives to react immediately to “the promotion of nazi creation during whose times thousands of Serbs, Albanians, Roma and other people were killed”.

They also urged all those nurturing anti-fascist ideas and values to react, including non-government organizations, prominent individuals, academia and media workers.

Petkovic: Militarisation of KSF biggest threat to peace in W Balkans (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said that “Monday's so-called "Kosovo Security Force Day" celebrations in Kosovo and Metohija were nothing but festivities of “Greater Albanian” chauvinism and a promotion of the concept of a mono-ethnic self-proclaimed Kosovo”, noting that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, the main affirmator of that policy, had not even tried to hide this.

Petkovic also said that “the lining up of the paramilitary troops - which Pristina is not allowed to have under UNSCR 1244 - along with symbols of the terrorist "Kosovo Liberation Army" and a flag of the so-called “Greater Albania”, was the most open threat to states in the region that were targeted by territorial pretensions by Kurti and “Greater Albanian” chauvinists”.

"For years, Belgrade has been warning that the process of militarizing the 'KSF' is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Western Balkans, and today's phalangist ceremony confirms that very clearly", Petkovic said in an official statement yesterday.

"By clearly designating the 'KSF' as the successor of the 'KLA', Kurti has unequivocally threatened the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with new crimes and pogroms, and Serbia is taking that threat very seriously", Petkovic added.

“We hereby again condemn in the strongest terms any form of support by a part of the international community to that illegal paramilitary organization, whose doctrine comes down to destruction of all those who oppose the materialization of the fascist “Greater Albania” concept”, Petkovic said.

Starovic, Mijacic on KSF day celebration (Kosovo Online, social media)

State Secretary in the Serbian Ministry of Défense, Nemanja Starovic reacting to the celebration of Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) day, during which some KSF members had symbols of “Greater Albania” on their uniforms and armament, in a post on X, formerly Twitter asked “what message is being sent to the members of non-majority communities in Kosovo when armed servicemen carry symbols of “Greater Albania”?”, Kosovo Online portal reported. 

“Would anyone in the international community say a single word now against this blatant promotion of a fascist concept by active members of KSF?”, he added.

Read full Starovic’s post at:

Coordinator of the EU National Convent for Chapter 35 Working Group, Dragisa Mijacic in his reaction on social media said that “once again the ks authorities show that the project of “Greater Albania” is stronger than the one of multi-ethnic Kosovo and peaceful co-existence with its neighbors. Interestingly enough, I haven't seen such a demonstration of "Greater Albania" insignia among Albanian Army Force members”, Mijacic said.

“This is a clear message sent to all countries who train and equip the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF). If not others, I guess 🇬🇷 Minister for National Defence @NikosDendias should pay attention on territorial aspirations towards Greece that are promoted by the Government of Kosovo and KSF”, he added.

Dusan Obrenovic released on bail, arrived to Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, media)

Dusan Obrenovic, arrested on May 29, in Zvecan was released on bail yesterday, his lawyer Predrag Miljkovic told Kosovo Online portal. The lawyer also said Obrenovic arrived in Mitrovica North from the Podujevo prison facility where he was staying over the previous period.

He said the moment of his release was emotional, adding they are grateful for the support people were extending to Dusan and his sister.

Obrenovic was arrested on May 29, prior to clashes erupting in front of the municipal facility in Zvecan on that day. Media further reported that while under arrest he was brutally beaten up by Kosovo police. Rados Petrovic was arrested on the same day along with Obrenovic.

Belgrade liaison officer Dejan Pavicevic said that Obrenovic and Petrovic were arrested despite the evidence that they in no way took part in unrest on May 29 in Zvecan, as KFOR took them away 20 minutes before the unrest started.

Petrovic was released on bail on June 23.

KFOR, Serbian military chief discuss developments, cooperation (N1)

KFOR Commander Major General Özkan Ulutaş discussed over the phone recent developments and cooperation with Serbian Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic, the NATO-led mission said on Monday.

“COMKFOR reiterated that KFOR, as always, will continue to fulfill its mission – at all times and impartially – to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo, and freedom of movement in accordance with its mandate based on UNSC Resolution 1244 of 1999”, reads the post on X and Facebook. 

CoE warns of polarized election campaign (N1)

The Council of Europe (CoE) warned on Monday that the election campaign in Serbia is highly polarized with attacks on the opposition and journalists, N1 reports.

A press release said that CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) “pre-election observers, ending a two-day visit to Serbia, has noted a highly polarized campaign ahead of next month’s early parliamentary elections, marked by an unprecedented level of negative campaigning and fearmongering, attacks against the opposition and journalists and serious issues related to the media”.

Read more at: