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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 6

  • COVID-19: 713 new cases, six deaths (media)
  • KSC publishes indictment against Thaci and others (media)
  • Osmani delivers statement after assuming functions of Kosovo president (media)
  • Acting president Osmani meets Quint, EU ambassadors (media)
  • Kosovo Government to hold meeting today in light of recent events (media)
  • Germany hails readiness to cooperate with justice (DW/Telegrafi)
  • UK’s Abbott expresses respect for Thaci's resignation, support for Osmani (media)
  • LDK: Present situation difficult, requires maturity and unity (media)
  • Vetevendosje: KLA war was pure, Thaci should have resigned earlier (media)
  • Limaj: All charges contained in indictment have already been tried (Klan)
  • Mustafa: Government will not halt dialogue with Serbia (Gazeta Express)
  • Enver Hoxhaj takes on post of acting leader of PDK (media)
  • Kadri Veseli’s legal representatives issue statement (media)
  • KLA veterans to protest against recent indictments (media)
  • Kosovo Government could fall if it fails to elect new president (Koha)
  • AAK says it has offered solution for new president (Klan)
  • In Vatican, PM Hoti meets Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin (media)

COVID-19: 713 new cases, six deaths (media)

A record-high 713 new cases and six deaths from COVID-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 103 patients have recovered from the virus during this time. The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (324).

There are currently 5,964 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Kosovo's Institute for Public Health said yesterday in a statement that disregard of protective measures against coronavirus has contributed to what it said is a concerning increase of new cases in the last week.

"There is an increased movement of people noted across Kosovo in last days. This is a dangerous behaviour and easing of measures does not imply disregard for recommendations of the National Institute and the Ministry of Health," it said.

The Institute called on citizens, public and private institutions, businesses and the hospitality sector to strictly adhere to anti-Covid measures: "We are working around the clock so help us a little so we can be able to help you more."

KSC publishes indictment against Thaci and others (media)

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers has confirmed Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi were transferred to The Hague on indictment of war crimes of illegal or arbitrary arrest and detention, cruel treatment, torture, and murder, and the crimes against humanity of imprisonment, other inhumane acts, torture, murder, enforced disappearance of persons, and persecution.

The indictment, published with redactions, alleges that the above offences were committed by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the period of March 1998 through September 1999 and took place in several locations in Kosovo as well as in two locations in Albania. The indictment states that these act targeted hundreds of civilians and persons not taking part in hostilities.

Meanwhile, in another press release, KSC announced that the initial court appearance of Jakup Krasniqi will take place on 9 November.

The Specialist Chambers also issued an open call to victims of the alleged crimes contained in the indictment to apply to participate in the proceedings if they can demonstrate that they personally suffered harm, including physical, mental or material harm, as a direct result of alleged crimes contained in the confirmed indictment.

See more at:

Osmani delivers statement after assuming functions of Kosovo president (media)

Vjosa Osmani, Assembly Speaker who assumed the position of Acting President of Kosovo following the resignation of Hashim Thaci, said in a statement:

"Our country is going through difficult times. Kosovo citizens must prove unity and loyalty for our shared project, our republic. Our country has gone through many challenges in history, including the last war therefore we must show maturity in exercising our institutional responsibilities and to strengthen the stability of the state."

Osmani said the actions of the Specialist Chambers are a result of obligations Kosovo has assumed. "The ensuing processes will not damage our project for freedom, which was built on the sacrifices of generations and the blood of the soldiers of our war for liberation. I want to commend all those that have shown determination and have answered the summons of the Specialist Chambers by proving their unwavered trust in justice."

"The battle for state-building is the most difficult political battle. We need to be wise in these times. Strong leadership and a unified state response are needed now. With our country battling a pandemic, we need solidarity and understanding with one another. As acting president, I will commit to exercising my duties with respect for these values. On this path, we will engage on a daily basis for Kosovo to become a country where the dreams of the people come to life, and where equal opportunities are provided in all areas. I will make sure that my voice joins the voice of the people so that it echoes more powerfully than ever before. I call on you as citizens of this country to stand strong by each other."

Acting president Osmani meets Quint, EU ambassadors (media)

Vjosa Osmani, acting President of Kosovo, met yesteday representatives of Quint countries and the head of the EU Office in Kosovo Tomas Szunyog whom she informed about the latest developments in Kosovo and her new role in preserving institutional stability, political unity, as well as maturity.

"She said she will work closely with all country's institutions, political parties, and embassies of ally countries to strengthen further political and institutional life in the country," a statement issued by the Kosovo presidency states.

Quint and EU representatives are said to have assured Osmani of continued support for Kosovo institutions and wished her success in the new responsibilities stemming from the Constitution of Kosovo.

Kosovo Government to hold meeting today in light of recent events (media)

The Government of Kosovo has called a meeting today following the Kosovo Specialist Chambers confirmation of the indictment against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti is expected to give a press conference at the end of the meeting.

Germany hails readiness to cooperate with justice (DW/Telegrafi)

The German Foreign Ministry has commended the readiness of Kosovo leaders indicted by the Specialist Chambers to cooperate with justice authorities. "Shedding light to war crimes is necessary and part of Kosovo's support for a rule of law state," it said.

The German Ministry also underlined the importance of delivering justice for social peace. "There can be no lasting peace in a society without justice for past injustices. Germany is convinced that fighting impunity in many parts of the world through international courts is part of a responsible foreign policy. Germany therefore supports the work of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers financially as well as in the staffing and political aspects. Kosovo is an important partner with whom we cooperate closely and we support its European path."

UK’s Abbott expresses respect for Thaci's resignation, support for Osmani (media)

United Kingdom's ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, has expressed support for Vjosa Osmani as she took on the responsibilities of Kosovo president following the resignation of Hashim Thaci.

"We respect President Thaci’s resignation in the interest of Kosovo and will support Acting President Osmani to protect stability," Abbott wrote on Twitter.

LDK: Present situation difficult, requires maturity and unity (media)

The leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) held a meeting yesterday following recent developments involving indictments raised by the Specialist Chambers.

The party said Kosovo is going through a difficult institutional situation which requires calmness and maturity as well as “unification and responsible political and institutional decisions.”

“The Democratic League of Kosovo strongly believes that the Kosovo Liberation Army fight was pure and used as a last resort to stop systemic violence, repression and genocide of the Serb state in Kosovo.”

LDK further noted that it considers justice should be impartial and independent and called on relevant institutions to apply highest standards for getting to the truth and guarantee a fair and lawful process.

Vetevendosje: KLA war was pure, Thaci should have resigned earlier (media)

The Vetevendosje Movement said in s statement after the Specialist Chambers raised indictment against now resigned President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli saying the charges against the two relate to the KLA war which the party considers to have been righteous and pure.

“As Albanians of course we hope they return innocent. Unfortunately Kosovo today is in no position to defend the KLA with its institutions because bad governance in the post-war decades has resulted in fragile justice institutions which did not win the trust of the citizens and at the same time worsened Kosovo’s relations with international partners.”

Vetevendosje commended Thaci for stepping down but said he should have done so the moment the news about indictment came “and not leave room for thinking he was negotiating his rescue from indictment behind the scenes.”

“Kosovo now needs new and free elections that would give way to a government that enjoys support and legitimacy from the majority of citizens,” Vetevendosje noted.

It further underlined the position that the new president of Kosovo cannot come out of ‘deals at the old Assembly’ but after new elections during which time Speaker Vjosa Osmani should continue exercising the president’s functions.

Limaj: All charges contained in indictment have already been tried (Klan)

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj commented on the content of the indicmtent against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi which also makes reference to him as having been part of the alleged joint criminal enterprise.

Limaj said all cases covered in the indictment have already been tried in the past but lacks a major issue which served as the basis for the creation of the specialist chambers - organ trafficking charges.

"All that's there are cases already tried. KLA members were subject to court proceedings. This is a compilation of all those cases throughout the years and used to accuse three, four persons."

Mustafa: Government will not halt dialogue with Serbia (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa has rejected the request of the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj to halt dialogue with Serbia following the confirmation of indictments against Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli.

Mustafa told Gazeta Express that there is no reason to suspend the dialogue because it is a process that is in the interest of Kosovo and not of Serbia. "There is no reason for our government not to cooperate with the EU in all processes, including dialogue. Dialogue is not happening for Serbia but for interests of Kosovo," he said.

Enver Hoxhaj takes on post of acting leader of PDK (media)

Several media outlets are reporting that Enver Hoxhaj has been named the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) acting leader after resignation of Kadri Veseli.

The official announcement, sources told Telegrafi, is to be made today following a meeting of the party leadership.

Kadri Veseli’s legal representatives issue statement (media)

Spokesperson of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Avni Bytyci issued a statement on behalf of the defence counsel of now former leader of the party, Kadri Veseli, which reads:

“We have been informed by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office that after he has arrived in The Hague and been processed, Mr.Veseli will have an opportunity to speak to his legal representatives Ben Emmerson QC, who is supported in Kosovo by counsel Kujtim Kerveshi. Now that the legal proceedings are under way, there will be no further statements from this office. As he said in his statement this morning, Mr. Veseli is now a private citizen and asks that this status be respected. In those circumstances, we are unable to respond to further enquiries from the media at this time.”

KLA veterans to protest against recent indictments (media)

Representatives of the Kosovo Liberation Army War Veterans' Organisations held a press conference and announced they plan to stage a protest in support of their former fellow fighters who have recently been indicted by Specialist Chambers on war crimes charges.

Acting chairman Faton Klinaku said the date of the protest will be decided in the coming days but underlined it will be peaceful and in line with recommendations of public health institutions. "We are not calling for violent but peaceful protests. The veterans want to protest against injustices inflicted to Kosovo," Klinaku said.

Kosovo Government could fall if it fails to elect new president (Koha)

Kosovo is expected to enter an institutional crisis following the resignation of Hashim Thaci from the post of president, Koha reports.

It adds that the Government of Kosovo could fall if it fails to secure at least 80 votes to elect a new president. The law stipulates that the election of a president needs to win 80 votes in the first two rounds but could on the third round pass with 61 votes in favour on condition that 80 MPs take part in the vote. If in the third voting attempt no candidate is elected President, the Constitution stipulates that the Assembly should be dissolved and new elections be announced within 45 days.

An unnamed source told Koha that ruling partners will try to avoid early elections by having the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) join the coalition. Previous informal talks between the parties mentioned the option of giving the PDK the post of president and three ministries in a government led by Avdullah Hoti. While the PDK has so far denied having been part of such discussions, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has openly put forward its leader Ramush Haradinaj as candidate for president.

At the same time, Koha notes, the Vetevendosje Movement is the only party that insists on heading to fresh elections that would then be followed by election of a president but has so far failed to launch a no-confidence motion against the government.

AAK says it has offered solution for new president (Klan)

Selim Selimi, Minister of Justice and representative of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said in an interview with Klan Kosova that the political parties have six months to agree on the future president of Kosovo.

"The entire political spectrum needs to get together and find a formula. I think it is unfair to enter into political formulas right now but we as AAK have offered a solution," he said. Selimi said the AAK's position is clear. "We think we can contribute with the president."

In Vatican, PM Hoti meets Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti met with the Vatican's State Secretary, Cardinal Pietro Parolin whom he thanked for support to Kosovo.

Hoti spoke in the meeting about the dialogue with Serbia process as well as the need for visa liberalisation and at the same time underscored Kosovo's commitment to fight organised crime and corruption. Hoti also spoke about deepening of cooperation and communication between Kosovo and Vatican that would resulted in valid recognition of common system of values.