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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 27, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell: Kurti and Vucic were not ready to agree - they set conditions for each other (media)
  • Kurti insists on signing the agreement, Vucic on implementing what was signed (RFE)
  • Michel: The normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations is essential (media)
  • OSCE Chairman: I welcome resumption of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia (Klan)
  • Konjufca: New draft proposed for Association, quite different from those we have criticized (Klan)
  • Gervalla: Serbia refused to normalize relations with Kosovo (Klan)
  • Kurti's advisor: Serbia does not want normalization or self-management for Kosovo Serbs (media)
  • Bajrami: Kurti accepted complete Brussels package, unfortunately Serbia refused (Klan)
  • Rama: I congratulate Prime Minister of Kosovo for accepting EU proposal (media)
  • Svecla: Sanctioning Serbia prevents repetition of attacks (RTK)
  • KFOR and Serbian army talk about border line with Kosovo (Reporteri)
  • Civil society in Kosovo and Serbia calls for normalization of relations (Koha)
  • Palokaj: In the EU, there is greater optimism for reaching an agreement (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic says Belgrade if favor of agreement implementation, but can not accept Kosovo independence and membership to UN (Tanjug, N1, media)
  • Charles Michel: Normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations essential (FoNet, N1)
  • Meloni: We asked Vucic, Kurti to implement reached agreements (N1, media)
  • Grenell: EU must not allow Osmani and Kurti ignore previous agreements (media, social media)
  • Soil with mortal remains from old Orthodox cemetery in Mitrovica North taken to landfill (RTS, Tanjug, media)
  • KM Church Committee files criminal complaint over destruction of old cemetery (KoSSev)
  • Kryeziu says government not responsible for decision on construction of road that went across Orthodox cemetery (KoSSev)

Albanian Language Media

Borrell: Kurti and Vucic were not ready to agree - they set conditions for each other (media)

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, were not ready to agree on the "new plan " of the EU for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, setting conditions for each other.

Referring to the "modern European proposal" for the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority in Kosovo, the chief European diplomat said that the EU insisted that the parties take advantage of this opportunity, which, according to him, would be a big step forward towards the normalization process of relations and avoiding new cycles of violence in the northern part of Kosovo.

"The parties were not ready to agree to this, without preconditions that were unacceptable to the other side. In the end, we asked the parties to engage sincerely in the normalization process, which can only be done within the framework of dialogue - dialogue is the only way to advance on the European path", said the head of European diplomacy.

Read Borrell’s press remarks following meetings at: 

Kurti insists on signing the agreement, Vucic on implementing what was signed (RFE)

Without any agreement, Kosovo and Serbia concluded a marathon of meetings on Thursday in Brussels.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said that only the signing of agreements with the neighboring country guarantees their implementation, while the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, insisted on the implementation of "what has been signed".

According to a communique of the Government of Kosovo, issued after the meetings that Kurti held with European leaders, he reiterated that he is ready to sign the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations with Serbia, as well as the draft offered by Western diplomats for the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority, but that the other side is not.

"The President of Serbia, Vucic, has refused to sign an agreement with Kosovo and has requested that a side letter be accepted, with which he practically nullifies three principles of the Basic Agreement, of the Implementation Annex, as well as of the draft proposed by the five emissaries on October 21, 2023," the communique said.

Kosovo and Serbia reached the Basic Agreement for the normalization of relations in February in Brussels, while the Annex for its Implementation was agreed in March in Ohrid.

The parties have not affixed their signatures to any of the documents.

Kurti said that even then he was ready to sign.

Kurti and Vucic were hosted on Thursday in separate meetings by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, and EU Special Representative in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

The meetings were described as an attempt to revive the dialogue for the normalization of relations, after the armed attack in Banjska.

On the discussion table was the implementation of the Basic Agreement, and the draft for the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, offered by five Western diplomats, during their stay in Pristina and Belgrade, last weekend.

Vucic: Ready for the Association in accordance with the proposals

Addressing journalists after the meetings, Vucic said that Serbia wants to implement all the agreements signed with the Kosovo authorities.

He said that, on October 21, when he received Western envoys in Belgrade, he received a letter that was "a good basis for the future."

He said that it refers exclusively to the formation of the Association, but that he cannot talk about the details, because the agreement is such that it is not discussed.

"We are fully ready for the formation of the Association in accordance with the proposals we have received", Vucic told reporters.

But, he added, Serbia "cannot accept Kosovo's membership in the United Nations or Kosovo's independence",steps that, in a way, the Basic Agreement requires.

"There was no question of signing or not signing anything", but "of the implementation of what was signed once, or what was agreed in the meantime", said the Serbian president.

Vucic added that no one in the meetings mentioned the "sanctions against Serbia", which would be related to the attack in Banjska.

For the attack on September 24, which left a Kosovar policeman dead, Kurti held Serbia responsible and on Thursday also asked for its "sanction and punishment", so that such attacks "do not happen again".

For two consecutive days, the European leaders will discuss the developments in the world, including the tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, which culminated in the attack in Banjska.

In the conclusions expected to be approved by the leaders of the 27 EU member states, the parties will be asked to fulfill all obligations from the agreements reached, "without delay and without preconditions".

Also, through them, it is expected that the attack in Banjska will be condemned, while Serbia will be asked for cooperation in its investigation.

Michel: The normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations is essential (media)

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has stated that the return to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is essential.

"Together with the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell and EU colleagues, I met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and then with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. The de-escalation and return to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is essential", wrote Michel on the X social network.

He said he expects the European Commission to discuss this topic further.

OSCE Chairman: I welcome resumption of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia (Klan)

The Chairman of the OSCE, Bujar Osmani, said that he welcomes the resumption of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

Osmani said that dialogue is the only way for peaceful coexistence.

"The OSCE is ready to help," he said.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, held meetings in Brussels with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.

He also had meetings with the head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrel, and the EU emissary for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

Kurti then again returned to the meeting with Borrell and Lajcak.

After this meeting, the government of Kosovo announced that the Kosovar side was ready to sign the basic agreement of Ohrid and its annex, but that was rejected by the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

Konjufca: New draft proposed for Association, quite different from those we have criticized (Klan)

The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, has spoken about the draft document proposed by the European Five for the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority.

In the Special Edition of Klan Kosova, he emphasized that this time the internationals tried to make the proposal in accordance with the Constitution of Kosovo.

"The draft that I saw, but I didn't have the opportunity to analyze it deeply, because the prime minister immediately continued from there, we could not analyze it in details, the government has probably analyzed it, but I, as the speaker of the parliament, have not. They tried to write in accordance and in the spirit of the Constitution of Kosovo".

Asked if it coincides with drafts or proposals of government organizations earlier, Konjufca said that the current proposal is different.

"No, it's quite different, we were very critical of them, we even automatically and immediately rejected them", Konjufca said.

"I think these will last, the main part of them will not be part of the negotiations with Serbia, I think there will be discussions with the international community, we have nothing to discuss with Serbia, it's an internal issue, Kosovo has no way to secede from an international obligation that they have made".

 "We don't like it and we have criticized it, now we have to find a way for it to be established and not do any harm, I think it's not an easy matter, everyone admits that, you can't write a document and it's over, it is not done like this, it will be a long process, until all doubts are cleared, I think it is not easy, it will take time", Konjufca said.

Gervalla: Serbia refused to normalize relations with Kosovo (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, has stated that once again Serbia has rejected the normalization of relations with Kosovo. Gervalla said that the European Union should sanction Serbia for the aggression of September 24.

"Serbia once again rejected an attempt to normalize relations with the Republic of Kosova. We urge the European Union to sanction Serbia for the act of aggression against Kosova on September 24th 2023. Any delay will only serve to fuel further escalation.," said Gervalla-Schwarz.

Kurti's advisor: Serbia does not want normalization or self-management for Kosovo Serbs (media)

Jeton Zulfaj, political adviser to the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, reacted after the refusal of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to sign the Basic Agreement (Brussels, February 27 and Ohrid, March 18), including the "modern European proposal" for the statute of the Association of Municipalities with Serbian majority in Kosovo.

"It is clear that Serbia does not want normalization of relations with Kosovo, nor self-management for the Serbs of Kosovo", wrote adviser Zulfaj on the "X" platform, referring to the communiqué of the Government of Kosovo that Prime Minister Kurti insisted on signing the agreements reached within the dialogue for the normalization of relations with Serbia.

Bajrami: Kurti accepted complete Brussels package, unfortunately Serbia refused (Klan)

The Ambassador of Kosovo in Brussels, Agron Bajrami, wrote in "X" platform that Prime Minister Albin Kurti has accepted the complete package from Brussels.

"The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, today accepted the complete package of Brussels, proposed by the EU and U.S. envoys, proposed the immediate signing, as final evidence there will be full respect and implementation of all parts of agreements, previous and new. Unfortunately, Serbia refused," he wrote.

Rama: I congratulate Prime Minister of Kosovo for accepting EU proposal (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has congratulated the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, for accepting the proposal of the European Union to determine an unblocking solution regarding the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority.

“I commend the Prime Minister of Kosovo for accepting the EU proposal to advance firmly towards a deblocking solution on ASM through self-management instruments as a framework for upcoming negotiations. This is indeed an important milestone. The leaders of Kosovo and Serbia should demonstrate leadership and work closely with our Western partners to promptly implement the Basic Agreement on the normalization of relations, without any further delays. Our region deserves peace, stability, and cooperation for a shared, better future, rather than conflicts, blame games, and setbacks that harm us all,” Rama wrote.

Svecla: Sanctioning Serbia prevents repetition of attacks (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, participated in the Forum of Ministers of the Interior, which was held under the organization of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia. He requested the sanctioning of Serbia to prevent attacks like the one in Banjska on September 24 from repeating.

In a post on Facebook, Svecla wrote "in my speech, I emphasized the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in the fight against violent extremism and terrorism, especially recognizing the fact that our institutions and our officials, for more than two years, have been faced with consecutive terrorist attacks in the north of our country".

He reiterated the importance of sanctioning Serbia to prevent attacks like the one in Banjska on September 24 from repeating.

"Welcoming the Resolution of the European Parliament condemning the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska in Zvecan where Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku lost his life, I reiterated the importance of sanctioning Serbia as a prevention that such attacks do not happen again. I emphasized that thanks to the commitment and professionalism of our Police, a disaster was prevented on September 24 and the lives of citizens, other police officers, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our Republic were protected," Svecla wrote on Facebook.

"I reconfirmed our full readiness for cooperation and advancement of policies aimed at security, peace and justice for our countries and for our region", Svecla wrote among other things.

KFOR and Serbian army talk about border line with Kosovo (Reporteri)

The border line with Kosovo was the subject of discussion between the NATO mission in Kosovo and the Serbian army.

“In the framework of the periodic cooperation meetings, provided for by the directions for implementation of the temporary operating procedures agreement, today at Camp Villaggio Italia, a Commander Level Meeting was held by a delegation of the Regional Command West and East of KFOR and a delegation of the Serbian Armed Forces.

The focus of the meeting is to coordinate and plan future Synchronized Patrols and discuss any problems along the Administrative Boundary Line.

KFOR is always committed to supporting peace, cooperation and progress for all people living in Kosovo, as its mandate is based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, contributing to the maintenance of a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo,” KFOR informed.

Civil society in Kosovo and Serbia calls for normalization of relations (Koha)

Civil society in Kosovo and Serbia has reiterated its commitment to work actively towards the normalization of relations throughout the region, in particular building ties and cooperation in accordance with the terms and spirit of Article 6 of the latest road map for normalization, through which the parties have agreed to deepen future cooperation in a number of fields.

A media statement signed by 19 organizations said that divisive narratives "deriving from within politics, the media and elsewhere are fueling tensions, especially between the very communities that bear the burden of the conflict".

"The memories of the past are being brought back to memory through the realities of the present", they said.

Organizations have highlighted the impact the tension is having on communities living in the north and beyond.

"No development is possible when people feel insecure or when they have uncertainty about their future; when there are doubts and hesitations about what will happen tomorrow. We must build strong foundations on which a prosperous future can be built. While there will be doubts and hesitations about the futility of such a course, we firmly believe that there are few alternatives."

The civil society has further said that armed conflict resolution should not be an alternative to dialogue.

"We call on the authorities at all levels to support the steps to build ties and cooperation within and between the people of Kosovo and Serbia, in accordance with the terms and spirit of the latest road map for normalization - especially Article 6 , through which the parties have agreed to deepen cooperation in the future in various fields".

Palokaj: In the EU, there is greater optimism for reaching an agreement (Koha)

Koha’s Brussels based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, said that in the European Union on Thursday there was greater optimism for reaching an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

Palokaj said in KTV's "60 Minutes" that the possibility of a meeting between the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, was not excluded, although he added that it is not necessary to have a joint meeting to agree on the details.

"The Kosovar side has accepted the draft in question, although it is being argued that it has been accepted as a good basis for negotiations. There may be an opportunity for things to be clarified in detail. It remains to be clarified what will be done with some requests that Kosovo has submitted. I have understood from diplomatic sources that Kosovo requires some things that do not depend only on Serbia, but also on the EU and the international community, which are related to the advancement of Kosovo in international programs, programs related to Kosovo's security, such as membership in NATO's Partnership for Peace, there should be movement towards the Council of Europe, as well as in relations with the EU", said Palokaj. "However, compared to the previous meetings, this time the optimism seems greater in the EU".

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic says Belgrade if favor of agreements implementation, but can not accept Kosovo independence and membership to UN (Tanjug, N1, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday evening after a series of meetings with European officials in Brussels that Serbia, in line with its policy, had said clearly it wanted all agreements signed in the dialogue with Pristina implemented, from a fundamental agreement from 2013 to agreements later reached in Brussels and Ohrid.

"We kept pointing out only one thing, which was always reiterated - that Serbia cannot accept UN membership for Kosovo or independence for Kosovo and, based on those positions, we said we are ready to implement all that has been agreed", Vucic told reporters.

Vucic said “paper” that the “big five” brought to Belgrade on October 21 is a good foundation for continuing to work in the future, but with reservations about Kosovo UN membership, recognition of it and its territorial integrity, which he said he told the German Chancellor, French President and Italian Prime Minister.

“We are fully prepared for the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities in line with the proposals that we have received. I think it is clear to everyone today, this is not a matter of signatures, but has to do with the implementation of what has been signed or agreed upon”, Vucic said. 

He noted that Kosovo was previously supposed to fulfill its obligations, but that Belgrade is now ready to start implementing what has been signed. “But I know they will not fulfill that,” stressed Vucic. He also said that Serbia acted in a completely responsible and serious manner. 

Vucic also said it is not a problem that NATO and KFOR expand their mandate and increase the number of their members as it is in line with UN SC Resolution 1244, but they can not support creation of the so-called Kosovo army as it runs in contradiction with above mentioned Resolution. 

Charles Michel: Normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations essential (FoNet, N1)

President of the European Council Charles Michel said de-escalation and return to normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is essential, FoNet news agency reported.

Together with European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and EU colleagues, I met with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Michel said in a post on X.

He said de-escalation and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is essential and added that he expects the European Commission to discuss the matter further.

Meloni: We asked Vucic, Kurti to implement reached agreements (N1, media)

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that, at the meetings with Belgrade and Pristina leaders held Thursday in Brussels, she, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron asked for the implementation of the already reached agreements.

We asked both leaders to take steps forward in implementing the agreements reached in the recent years and months, Meloni said following separate meetings of European Union (EU), French, German and Italian leaders with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

Grenell: EU must not allow Osmani and Kurti ignore previous agreements (media, social media)

Former US presidential envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Richard Grenell said that the European Union must stop letting Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti ignore previous agreements.

“The EU is weaker than (President) Biden’s team. They must stop letting Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani ignore previous agreements”, Grenell wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

He added implementation of what had been agreed is needed, and not more meetings and negotiations. 

Soil with mortal remains from old Orthodox cemetery in Mitrovica North taken to landfill (RTS, Tanjug, media)

The soil with mortal remains excavated from the old Orthodox cemetery in Mitrovica North during a macadam road reconstruction leading towards Albanian houses, to be reconstructed as part of Kosovo government project, had been taken to a landfill near the main bus station in this city, Tanjug news agency reported citing Radio KiM.

"It is necessary to urgently return the soil with the remains of the deceased to the cemetery, and then physically secure the plot. It is a cemetery that is at least 300 years old, so I expect the professional services to go out on the field, carry out conservation and make a decision on placing the cemetery on the list of cultural heritage", Professor Mitra Reljic, who is documenting Serbian Orthodox cemeteries across Kosovo, said.

According to the findings of Radio KiM, and after inspecting the land documentation, it is also clear that some of the residential objects were built on the cemetery plot.

KM Church Committee files criminal complaint over destruction of old cemetery (KoSSev)

The president of the town Church Committee from Mitrovica North, Nesko Milanovic, filed a criminal complaint with the Kosovo police yesterday against an unknown person, over the desecration of the old town cemetery, he confirmed for KoSSev.

The Kosovo authorities started building a road leading to destroyed Albanian houses earlier this month, the reconstruction of which was recently launched as part of a program that was announced for the return of Albanians to the Brdjani and Mikronaselje settlements in North Mitrovica.

In Mikronaselje, the road to these houses leads through the now dug-up old town cemetery, where tombstones that could be several hundred years old are situated. The section of the site where the heavy machinery was situated has already caused considerable damage.

Several tombstones were destroyed and damaged, and graves were dug up to such an extent that human bones were also excavated. Part of the human bones were found by members of the town Church Committee in the rubble, which the construction company was throwing out next to the Ibar River and near the Vojni Remont site in Mitrovica North.

Read more at: 

Kryeziu says government not responsible for decision on construction of road that went across Orthodox cemetery (KoSSev)

Even though almost all local government representatives in Mitrovica North made claims that official Pristina is behind the construction of the road planned to pass through the old Orthodox cemetery in North Mitrovica, the Kosovo government denied these allegations. “There is no government decision or ministerial decision of that kind“ – the spokesman of the Kosovo government, Perparim Kryeziu, confirmed for KoSSev.

Read more at: