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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 31, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Von der Leyen: Kosovo to accept Association, Serbia de facto recognition (media)
  • Osmani: EU should open its doors to Kosovo, lift measures (RTK)
  • Kurti pointed out to Von der Leyen the need for extradition of Radoicic to Kosovo (media)
  • Haxhiu: Our reform journey in justice will continue (Klan)
  • Specialized Chambers confiscate materials from Shala’s and Smakaj’s properties (media)
  • CDHRF: Specialized Chambers causing psychological violence (media)
  • Deadline for registration of cars with RKS license plates postponed until December 1 (media)
  • Indictment for Bislimi, Beqa, Haxhiu and Lushtaku’s fight in the Assembly (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian gov't proposes dissolution of parliament, calling of elections (Tanjug, media)
  • Vucic to receive von der Leyen in Belgrade Tuesday (media)
  • Vucic says he will discuss all important issues with von der Leyen (RTS)
  • Von der Leyen to Osmani: EU accession only after normalization with Belgrade (N1)
  • Lawyer: Detention of Dusan Obrenovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online, KoSsev, media)
  • Montenegrin Minister of Justice refuses to extradite another Serb Pristina accuses of alleged war crimes (Kosovo Online, media)
  • “State-building opposition” negotiations fall through (N1, media)

International Media:

  • Faced with Growing Discontent, Kosovo’s Kurti Reinstates Police Hazard Pay (Balkan Insight)
  • What of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Post-Banjska Kosovo? (Balkan Insight)
  • Videos Show Kosovo Serb Politician Being Followed Before Murder (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

Von der Leyen: Kosovo to accept Association, Serbia de facto recognition (media)

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has said that Kosovo should accept the draft for the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority, while Serbia should accept the de facto recognition of Kosovo.

This is what she expressed in the joint conference with President Vjosa Osmani, after their meeting held on Monday at the President's Office. According to her, dialogue is the only way to move forward.

"We have a new investment plan and this plan is working very well. If it works for the EU member states, it will also work for the countries of the Western Balkans. This plan has the potential to double your income within a decade. All these successes can only be achieved if Kosovo and Serbia normalize their relations. Kosovo must accept the draft for the Association, whereas Serbia must accept a de facto recognition and the EU dialogue is engaged in talks. This is the only way to get ahead," she said.

Von der Leyen also spoke about the liberalization of visas, which she said is the only way to bring people together and strengthen relations between Kosovo and the EU.

"At first I want to talk to you about visa liberalization, I remember very well last year when we both made a strong call for visa liberalization at a press conference. Now this year I must say that we almost succeeded because this is an advanced step, from January 1 Kosovo will be able to enjoy free movement in the European Union. On the other hand, we know that this is a fantastic way to bring people together and is an important cornerstone in strengthening our relationships. This comes as a result of a lot of work over the years," she said.

Osmani: EU should open its doors to Kosovo, lift measures (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has asked for the support of the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in Kosovo's European path, while she has asked for the removal of the measures that have been imposed on Kosovo.

"Our meeting today focused on the new growth plan for the Western Balkans, which was presented by President Von Der Leyen, in addition, I had the opportunity to inform her about the latest developments in the country as well as the daily commitment of our institutions to integrate Kosovo in the EU. The comprehensive plan presented today, based on four pillars, marks an important step towards our integration into the European common market. Among other things, this plan foresees EU support through increased financial assistance for reforms which must be undertaken in the integration process. At the meeting, I expressed my gratitude to the European Commission and in particular to President Von der Leyen, as the mechanisms that gave the final epilogue to the liberalization of visas for the citizens of Kosovo", President Osmani emphasized in the joint conference after meeting with the president of the European Commission.

She highlighted Kosovo's achievements in the path of reforms, as well as the rise of 20 places in the anti-corruption index. "All these achievements prove that Kosovo is ready to take the next step towards the future for which it is working every day - full integration into the Euro-Atlantic institutions. For us, the future in the EU and NATO is not only a goal, it is the fundamental motive that shapes the daily actions of our institutions. As proof of this, guided by the will of our people, the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo officially submitted the application for EU membership in December 2022. In this regard, we count on your support, President, to obtain the status of a candidate country in it the near future in accordance with the strategic goal of the EU to open the doors to all the countries of the Western Balkans based on a merit process", Osmani said.

Osmani asked the president of the European Commission for the removal of the measures imposed on Kosovo by the EU, as she said that the "address of obstacles" for holding elections in the four municipalities in the north remains in Belgrade.

"Our institutions throughout the past months have shown not only concrete commitment to de-escalation of the situation, but also full commitment to continuous cooperation and coordination with our allies and partners. At the same time, our institutions have taken the necessary steps to guarantee new and free elections, but unfortunately the address of these obstacles continues to remain in Belgrade", Osmani said.

She said that in addition to the global collective challenges, during the meeting with President Von der Leyen, she pointed out that the complex challenges that Kosovo is going through are the result of Serbia's destabilizing efforts.

"Only in the last few weeks we have witnessed these destabilizing ambitions which resulted in the act of aggression against the Republic of Kosovo on September 24, which was carried out by the paramilitary terrorist groups of Serbia. We are united to reject violence as a means to achieve malicious ends, which undermine the very values on which the EU is built. Kosovo is committed to respect its Constitution, which provides the most advanced rights for non-majority communities not only in the region but throughout our continent and at the same time to work with international partners to ensure the rule of law in all parts of our country", she underlined.

She further emphasized that the terrorist and paramilitary group involved in the September 24 attack must face justice in Kosovo. "We will continue to apply the highest standards for a fair trial and call on Serbia to extradite all individuals and officials who were part of the planning, financing and organization of this act of aggression against our Republic".

In the end, she said that despite the constant challenges that Kosovo is facing, "our determination to look towards the future remains unwavering. In this journey we are together with our partners and allies to contribute towards a more prosperous and safer Europe for all of us", concluded Osmani, who thanked the president of the European Commission for the work, support and friendship towards Kosovo.

Kurti pointed out to Von der Leyen the need for extradition of Radoicic to Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has thanked the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for her commitment to the European agenda of Kosovo.

During the meeting with Von der Leyen, Kurti spoke about the September 24 terrorist attack in Banjska, where police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed, it was said in the Prime Minister's announcement.

"Welcoming them to the government building and the capital of the Republic, Prime Minister Kurti thanked the President of the European Commission, von der Leyen, for her commitment to the European agenda of Kosovo, as he informed her of the results of the government so far, the latest developments in the country, the October 26 meeting with European leaders and Kosovo's position in relation to the EU and U.S. proposal for the implementation of Article 7, related to Article 10 of the Basic Agreement. He also informed about the various infrastructure projects, including those that already have the financial support of the European Union, but also other projects that can benefit from the support, such as the one of the Pristina-Durres railway. In relation to the terrorist, paramilitary and criminal attack of September 24, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the importance and necessity of Milan Radoicic's extradition to Kosovo, where he would face a fair and just trial for his actions, and at the same time the necessity of sanctions towards Serbia so that such attacks are not repeated", the announcement said.

The meeting also discussed the EU Development Plan for the Western Balkans, as well as the Common Regional Market.

Haxhiu: Our reform journey in justice will continue (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, said she was pleased to be at the twelfth meeting of the Steering Committee of the EU Program for the Justice Sector in Kosovo - EUKOJUST.

Through a post on the Facebook social network, she stated that she thanked the representatives of the EU and EUKOJUST for the useful 3-year cooperation and for their support in the internal reform of the Ministry, but also of the entire justice system during these years.

"In particular, the EUKOJUST Program played an important role for professional support in some of our important reform initiatives in the civil and criminal fields, but also in the administrative field".

"Our reform journey will continue and our partnership with the EU and relevant programs remains very important in achieving our reform objectives for easier access to justice, accountability and transparency in the system," Haxhiu said.

Special Court confiscates materials from Shala’s and Smakaj’s properties (media)

The Specialized Prosecutor's Office, with the permission of the Specialized Chambers, raided the residence of Blerim Shala and the house of Bashkim Smakaj, both former advisers to the president Hashim Thaci. Lawyer Artan Qerkini said that in Smakaj’s property, by order of the Court, materials were confiscated that, according to the Court, are related to the obstruction of the administration of justice.

"This raid is also part of the series of raids ordered by the Special Court, in an investigation that they have been conducting for some time regarding the obstruction of justice, but I think that the Court is very easily issuing the orders for raids, because it is known that with these orders the constitutional rights of the person are violated, the inviolability of the apartment is violated, privacy is violated", Qerkini said.

The action started in the early hours of the morning, first against Thaci's former political advisor, Blerim Shala, which according to his lawyer was a short action, as it ended in the morning. Regarding the raid on Shala's property, he said that he cannot speak, since he could not follow it to the end. But the control operation of Thaci's former adviser on security matters, Bashkim Smakaj, who previously held the position of the general director of the KIA, lasted much longer. This, according to lawyer Qerkini, is unusual, since he did not even have the status of a suspect.

Four family members of Smakaj have arrived from Klina to Pristina to see the raid up close. They said they were worried when they heard the news about the intervention of the Specialized Chambers.

"These are untrue accusations with false witnesses, and they assume that there is something, but there is nothing," declared Bashkim Smakjat's uncle, Hetem Smakiqi.

CDHRF: Specialized Chambers causing psychological violence (media)

The Council for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms has accused the Specialized Chambers of The Hague of causing psychological violence through unannounced raids in Kosovo, adding that the opponents of this court are being targeted.

In a press release, the CDHRF said on Monday that the members of the Assembly of Kosovo must urgently deal with this phenomenon and the disregard that the Special Court shows to the country.

"In this manner, all those who in one way or another are opposing this court are being targeted, as well as those who have been in a working relation with the leaders of the KLA and the state institutions of Kosovo, in any capacity. Also, those who thanks to their post in the past have been in positions where there was sensitive information whom the SC is also targeting under the threat of criminal prosecution, trying to secure (information) from these people, who have no obligation to cooperate with the SC ", reads the reaction.

According to the Council, the Special Court's disregard for Kosovo has not been registered in any country in the world, and this "represents a dangerous precedent of legal arbitrariness with the clear intention of interfering in political problems and processes".

"For all these deeds of this Court, after the fog of disinformation is removed, the main responsibility will be addressed to the Assembly of Kosovo and its MPs due to their opportunistic attitude, some of whom have turned into active players against those that are being judged, ignoring the fact that this will ultimately be addressed to the state of Kosovo. The KMDLNj informed those who will be raided in the future that they have no legal obligation to provide the password of mobile phones or other electronic devices unless they do so voluntarily and with their consent", it is further stated.

The CDHRF has called the Specialized Chamber racist, adding that it relies almost entirely on Serbian testimony.

Deadline for registration of cars with RKS license plates postponed until December 1 (media)

The government of Kosovo has decided to postpone the deadline for the owners of vehicles with the denominations "PR", "KM", "PZ", "GL", "UR", "PE", "DA" or "ĐA" registration with financial benefits for "RKS" license plates until December 1, 2023.

The government has said that the deadline has been extended after the recent increased requests for registration of vehicles with RKS license plates. With the decision of October 28 of last year, the deadline was until April of this year.

The government announced that the new decision foresees that after December 1, 2023, owners of vehicles equipped with "PR", "KM", "PZ", "GL", "UR", "PE", "DA" or "ĐA" license plates from June 10, 1999 to April 21, 2022, will no longer have the opportunity to register these vehicles with RKS license plates, enter or move in and through the territory of Kosovo.

Indictment for Bislimi, Beqa, Haxhiu and Lushtaku’s fight in the Assembly (media)

The Basic Prosecutor's Office in Pristina has filed an indictment against Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and MPs Hajdar Beqa, Mergim Lushtaku and Bekim Haxhiu, regarding the physical fight in the July 13 session.

According to the indictment, Bilsimi, Lushtaku and Haxhiu are charged with the criminal offense of "Assault", while Beqa is also charged with the criminal offense of "Destruction or damage to property".

Through the communique, it is also announced that, in this criminal case, for MP Haxhiu, there is a well-founded suspicion that he has committed the criminal offense of "Slight Bodily Injury".

"On the occasion of the indictment, the State Prosecutor has proposed to the Court that the defendants be declared guilty and punished according to the law for the criminal offenses they are charged with", the announcement states.

Serbian Language Media 

Serbian gov't proposes dissolution of parliament, calling of elections (Tanjug, media)

The Serbian Government on Monday proposed to the President Aleksandar Vucic to dissolve the parliament and call parliamentary elections, Tanjug news agency reported.

In the proposal, the government said holding new parliamentary elections in the present circumstances would ensure a higher level of democracy, a reduction of tensions emerging between opposing factions in society and a rejection of exclusivity and hate speech and affirm the right to free expression of opinions and positions on certain political, economic and other matters, including further affirmation of European values, the Serbian Government said in a statement.

Also, the cabinet members adopted a decision to dissolve the City of Belgrade Assembly and establish an interim authority in the city, and the same decisions were adopted for 64 other cities and self-government units across Serbia.

Vucic to receive von der Leyen in Belgrade Tuesday (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will receive European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Belgrade on Tuesday.

After a welcome for von der Leyen at the Nikola Tesla Airport, scheduled for 1.15 pm, Vucic and the EC president will hold a tete-a-tete meeting at the Palace of Serbia, the presidential press office announced in a statement.

The tete-a-tete meeting is due to be followed by a meeting with members of delegations of the two sides and Vucic and von der Leyen will speak to reporters at 2.05 pm.

Vucic says he will discuss all important issues with von der Leyen (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said ahead of his meeting with the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that they will discuss all important issues. He said there will be many difficult situations and decisions.

"But we know what we can do, how long we can do it, we know what we can't do. And it's important that the country moves forward", he pointed out.

Vucic also said they are trying to preserve the interests of Serbia, but at the same time improve the economy and economic growth.

He said when it comes to Kosovo there will always be pressure from abroad.

"Will we always be under that pressure? Well, we will be. For 10-11 years, I heard how I recognized Kosovo independence. And you forget that Kosovo declared independence in 2008. And you forget that these are not the same conditions as before 2008. If we endured for eight months, we ought to receive the Nobel Prize for endurance, and not for 11 years or more than 11 years", he added. 

Von der Leyen to Osmani: EU accession only after normalization with Belgrade (N1)

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in Pristina on Monday that she supports Kosovo accession to the European Union but added that this is achievable only if Belgrade and Pristina normalize relations, N1 reports.

Speaking after her meeting with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, Von der Leyen called on Pristina to start the procedure to form the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (CSM) and Belgrade to accept de facto recognition of Kosovo. According to her, de facto recognition of Kosovo will be one of the topics of discussion when she meets with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade later this week.

She added that both sides have to invest effort to de-escalate the situation. Normalization of relations and peace are conditions for EU accession, she said and condemned the armed incident in Banjska village, northern Kosovo.

She also said the authorities in Pristina should do more to reform the judiciary.

Lawyer: Detention of Dusan Obrenovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online, KoSsev, media)

Lawyer Predrag Miljkovic told Kosovo Online portal that detention of his client, Dusan Obrenovic, arrested in Zvecan on May 29, had been extended for two more months, adding that this makes the fourth extension of his detention and that the court should have accepted requests and approve release on bail or some other mitigated measure. He announced filing an appeal to this latest decision. 

Obrenovic was arrested prior to violence breaking out in front of Zvecan municipal facility on May 29, under accusations of attacking members of KFOR and Kosovo police.

Back then, Serbian media reported that while in arrest he was brutally beaten up by Kosovo police, and upon decision on detention sent to a prison facility in Podujevo and remains there.

KoSSev portal reported that Obrenovic faced a difficult family and financial situation from early childhood. Several humanitarian actions have been organized to provide him with assistance, and the portal has reported about him in the past. According to video recordings provided by Radio KIM in the aftermath of the clashes between a group of Serbs and KFOR on May 29, Obrenovic can be seen calmly sitting in the first rows, showing passive resistance, when KFOR soldiers pulled him out of the crowd.

Belgrade liaison officer in Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic said earlier that Obrenovic and Rados Petrovic were arrested despite evidence that they did not take part in any way in the clashes in Zvecan on May 29, because KFOR pulled them out of the crowd before everything started.

Petrovic was released on bail pending trial on June 23. 

Montenegrin Minister of Justice refuses to extradite another Serb Pristina accuses of alleged war crimes (Kosovo Online, media)

The Montenegrin Ministry of Justice did not approve a request from the Pristina judiciary to extradite Zivko Vuksanovic accused by Pristina for allegedly committing war crimes, Kosovo Online portal reports citing Montenegrin Dan media outlet.

Vuksanovic was arrested in Montenegro on October 1, and sent to detention. As Dan learnt unofficially, Minister of Justice, Mirko Kovac assessed that in this case it could be “about abuse of rule of law for political purposes”, as it was the case with Momcilo Vukotic whose extradition has also recently been rejected.  

According to unofficial findings as Dan reported due to bad relations between Belgrade and Pristina, lack of direct cooperation, the fact that acts Vuksanovic is accused of were not presented concretely nor were they substantiated by evidence, political dimension was present in this case and eventual extradition would violate the Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

“State-building opposition” negotiations fall through (N1, media)

At a meeting that lasted over five hours, representatives of the “state-building opposition” failed to reach an agreement on joint participation in the coming elections.

Sources from the leadership of one of the parties in the talks confirmed for N1 that they were a step away from reaching an agreement when Stefan Stamenkoviski of the Oathkeepers party showed up at the meetings and refused to allow the signing of the document.

N1 learns that the meeting was held at the offices of the New Democratic Party of Serbia (NDSS) in Belgrade, and that the document on official cooperation was initially proposed by this party’s leader Milos Jovanovic. The document was then allegedly finalized by People’s Party (NS) leader Vuk Jeremic, and, as such, it was agreed upon by the NDSS, the Dveri Movement, Oathkeepers – POKS (Block for the restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia) and People’s Party.

International Media

Faced with Growing Discontent, Kosovo’s Kurti Reinstates Police Hazard Pay (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo’s political leaders are never short of praise for the police, but officers themselves complain they are woefully compensated for their service.

Faced with rising discontent among police officers, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced on Friday the reintroduction of hazard pay for the police force, citing the “tense situation” in the north of the country.

Kosovo’s Police Union has submitted a petition setting out a raft of demands on hazard pay, wage supplements, pensions, and insurance, arguing that police officers are not compensated properly for their service.

Read more at:

What of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Post-Banjska Kosovo? (Balkan Insight)

In the wake of an armed clash in northern Kosovo in late September, political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina have much to answer for. Where will it all end?

During the tragic events of Banjska in late September, amid the pictures and videos circulating on social media and the contradictory reports from Pristina and Belgrade, the truth was lost between sensationalist headlines and ‘hero’ worship. 

That morning, as Kosovo police confronted Serb gunmen barricaded inside Banjska monastery in northern Kosovo, I was at a wedding in central Serbia. It should have been a happy day, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I couldn’t shake the feeling of deep unease and anxiety.

Read more at:

Videos Show Kosovo Serb Politician Being Followed Before Murder (Balkan Insight)

Videos allegedly showing Kosovo Serb opposition politician Oliver Ivanovic being followed before he was killed in 2018 were shown in court during the trial of four people accused of involvement in his murder.

Security camera footage that allegedly shows Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic being followed while going to his party offices in the city of North Mitrovica just before he was shot dead in January 2018 was shown at Pristina Basic Court on Monday.

In the footage, shown on the request of the lawyer for one of the defendants, Marko Rosic, two unidentified individuals and two cars can be seen allegedly following Ivanovic as he left his apartment building and went to his party offices.

Rosic’s lawyer, Mahmut Halimi, said the footage shown in court on Monday shows that his client was not following Ivanovic the day he was assassinated, contrary to the prosecution’s claims.

Read more at: