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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 14

  • COVID-19: 71 new cases, seven deaths (media)
  • Kosovo government meets today (media)
  • Kosovo Assembly Presidency to meet today (media)
  • Mustafa: Prime minister guided by Constitution not coalition partners (media)
  • LVV and PDK to oppose Mini-Schenghen with all means (RTK)
  • Borrell: Only Europeans can stabilise the Balkans (FT/Kosovo media)
  • Fabrizi: Next rounds of dialogue, even more difficult (media)
  • Israel's Netanyahu to address Kosovo in remarks from White House (Klan)
  • Serwer: Washington Agreement does not even enable start of economic normalisation (Koha)

Kosovo Media Highlights

COVID-19: 71 new cases, seven deaths (media)

The National Institute for Public Health informed yesterday that of 612 tests carried out in the last 24 hours, 71 tested positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, 163 recoveries and seven deaths have been recorded over the same time period.

There are currently 2,850 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Media also report that the first stage of the new school year is starting today in Kosovo and quote institutional leaders calling for increased awareness and respect for preventive measures.

Kosovo government meets today (media)

Most news websites report that the Kosovo government will meet today at 09:00 but that the topics of discussion are not known.

Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti is scheduled to meet today the new head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog.

Kosovo Assembly Presidency to meet today (media)

Most news websites report that the Kosovo Assembly Presidency will meet today following a several-week break.

The meeting, which starts at 14:00, will discuss remaining points from several plenary sessions in July and August – the vote on the Vetevendosje-proposed draft resolution for the management of the COVID – 19 pandemic and the vote on PDK-proposed recommendations for the management of the COVID – 19 pandemic.

Mustafa: Prime minister guided by Constitution not coalition partners (media)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa said in a social media post that he would like to set the record straight regarding his role and that of coalition partners in the process of dialogue with Serbia.

"As leader of the LDK I do not give instructions to Prime Minister Hoti. I have consultations with the Prime Minister and coalition partners on dialogue and other programmatic issues. I ask and will insist on implementation of the government programme but the dialogue will take place in the framework of principles we have agreed on."

Mustafa said he prefers having regular consultations with coalition partners and the prime minister but that the prime minister should enjoy trust in performing his duties.

"The theses proclaimed by the Minister of Justice that the Prime Minister will be independent in his internal affairs but in external ones will be instructed by the three political leaders constitute, in my view, interference in the constitutional responsibilities of the prime minister and the government and as such are unacceptable," Mustafa underlined. He concluded: "The Prime Minister is guided by Kosovo's Constitution and laws; The Government and the Prime Minister report to the Assembly of Kosovo."

LVV and PDK to oppose Mini-Schenghen with all means (RTK)

Two opposition political parties at the Assembly of Kosovo are harshly objecting change of the position of Hoti’s government on mini-Schengen. Both parties consider that this regional initiative is harmful and does not bring any benefit to Kosovo. Furthermore, the say that they are going to object it with all democratic means.

Member of the leadership of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Arberie Nagavci said the idea of Mini-Schengen comes from Serbia and as such, it should not be accepted.

“It is very unfortunate that despite the initial objections by LDK, during the time they were in opposition in the past legislature, they came o a situation where they are enabling his (Vucic’s) project to dominate in this part of Balkans. This does not bring any benefit to Kosovo,” she said.

Spokesman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Avni Bytyci, also said this is weak point in the future of Kosovo.

“This is a weak point of the Prime Minister and the government of Kosovo , although you that last year all political parties were against mini-Schengen. We believe that integration in the EU should unite us and of course, approach to Schengen zone…the Prime Minister has given up these principles and accepted for Kosovo to be in the Mini-Schengen. However, the PDK was against then, and it will continue to be against in the future. We will object it with all means,” he said.

Borrell: Only Europeans can stabilise the Balkans (FT/Kosovo media)

Several online media outlets highlight the EU Special Representative Josep Borrell's interview with the Financial Times, namely his statement on Kosovo and the Western Balkans.

Borrell described the Balkans as a “powder keg” and said the EU faced a big test in its resolution of disputes in the region, including that between Serbia and Kosovo.

“If we don't stabilise the Balkans, it’s going to be very difficult to be considered a geopolitical power. Because nobody else will do it — only the Europeans.”

See the interview:

Fabrizi: Next rounds of dialogue, even more difficult (media)

Sam Fabrizi, head of the European Union delegation to Serbia, said in an interview to Blic that the momentum of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and that there is no reason to set deadlines.

“We expect the next rounds of the talks to be even more difficult, but both sides are ready to engage in the negotiations and this is positive. As the EU Head of Foreign Policy Josep Borrell and the EU envoy for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak have said, the meeting of leaders in the Prishtina – Belgrade dialogue went well,” Fabrizi said.

Asked if he expects the legally-binding agreement to be signed by the end of Lajcak’s mandate, on March 31 next year, Fabrizi said “there is no need to talk about timelines” but that both Borrell, Lajcak and member states have made it clear that there are no reasons for delays.

Israel's Netanyahu to address Kosovo in remarks from White House (Klan)

Klan Kosova reports that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to deliver a live address to the audience in Kosovo during the ceremonies organised in Pristina to mark the Jewish New Year.

Netanyahu's remarks are expected to be delivered from the White House.

Serwer: Washington Agreement does not even enable start of economic normalisation (Koha)

The U.S. expert on Balkans Daniel Serwer, told the newspaper that the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Washington does not enable start of economic normalisation.

“Thus document only requests implementation of some of the existing agreements on transport and harmonisation of Pristina and Belgrade with the U.S. policy on airport control, Hezbollah, Jerusalem and some other issues,” Serwer said.

He suspects that parties would benefit anything from the given pledges.

“I would look at the discussions sponsored by the European Union for more serious results. The meeting in Washington was a campaign deceit, which failed,” Serwer added.