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UNMIK Media Observer, October 24, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • UN Security Council discusses situation in Kosovo (media)
  • Albanian-American community protests at UNHQ against Serbia’s acts (media)
  • Palokaj: Kurti and Vucic have by Thursday to respond to requests (KTV)
  • Rohde calls on PDK and AAK to end blockade of international agreements (media)
  • KSF field exercise on Wednesday, announces movement towards Gjakova (media)
  • Elezi: Around 150-200 Serbs are being trained in Serbia to enter Kosovo (media)
  • Court annuls govt decision to lower salaries of prosecutors and judges (Koha)
  • Serbian opposition wants explanations for Serbia’s role in Banjska (RFE)
  • Ziv: Israel not fighting Palestinian people but Hamas terrorists (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Brnabic tells UN SC: Pristina using systematic violence against Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
  • Ziadeh: Shared responsibility, concerted action and compromise, the only route to progress (KoSSev, media)
  • What did ambassadors say at UN SC session on Kosovo, from “fleeing to third country” to return of Monastery’s land (KoSSev, social media)
  • Dacic: No recognition or UN admission of Kosovo (media)
  • EU urges Belgrade, Pristina to de-escalate, calls for elections in north Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
  • Raska-Prizren Eparchy sends letters to EU, EULEX, OSCE and Quint over deportation of Abbot Fotije (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian List to hold Assembly session today (Kosovo Online, media)

International Media:

  • International Investigation Underway on Banjska Terrorist Attack, Says British MP (BIRN)
  • Kosovo Imam Seeks 40,000 Euros Over 2016 Article’s ‘Wahhabi’ Claim (BIRN)

Albanian Language Media

UN Security Council discusses situation in Kosovo (media)

The leading news on most news websites on Monday evening was the United Nations Security Council session on Kosovo. UNMIK chief Caroline Ziadeh said in her statement to the Council that highlighted the urgent need for concerted action and compromise to address the deteriorating security environment and to ensure peace and stability in Kosovo. Briefing on recent developments and security challenges, SRSG Ziadeh emphasized the critical importance of constructive engagement and de-escalatory measures.

Ziadeh reiterated UNMIK’s condemnation of the serious security incident that took place near the Banjska/Banjskë village in Zvečan/Zveçan Municipality in northern Kosovo on 24 September and the tragic loss of life, calling for restraint. "It is essential that the investigations currently underway provide the opportunity to factually document these events and hold perpetrators accountable," she added.

Noting that the High-Level meeting on 14 September in Brussels produced no consensus, the Head of UNMIK said: "This was an opportunity missed to engage constructively towards a programme for the implementation of the parties’ respective commitments under the agreements made in Brussels and Ohrid earlier this year."

She expressed hope that the outcome of EU-US led meetings held separately in Belgrade and Pristina on 21 October will place the dialogue back on a forward path, with firm commitment by both sides to take de-escalatory steps and act upon proposals set forth during the meetings.

"The current political impasse, with its impact on the security and well-being of the population, can only be overcome through compromise that should be worked out in the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," SRSG Ziadeh noted.

Underlining the vital interlinks between peace and sustainable development, SRSG Ziadeh stressed the significance of regional cooperation and integration initiatives in contributing to a more productive dialogue.

SRSG Ziadeh emphasized the need for clear communication with the public on issues affecting their livelihoods and human rights, urging the work of rule of law institutions be firmly “anchored in the human rights framework”.

She welcomed recent legislative developments, including the adoption of a law regulating the application process for the status of conflict-related sexual violence survivors and the Constitutional Court's ruling on the Human Rights Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Reflecting on the 5th anniversary of the implementation of UNMIK's trust-building agenda, SRSG Ziadeh reaffirmed UNMIK's unwavering commitment to fostering communication and understanding among people from all communities in Kosovo.

“Doing so nurtures the ground for acceptance of the difficult but essential compromises necessary to achieve progress in the dialogue at the leadership level,” the Head of UNMIK said.

She commended the resilience of local actors, including UNMIK partners, in their tireless efforts to promote trust and dialogue, emphasizing, "We will continue our trust-building work, even though we often hear that 'trust is at its lowest level' at this moment. But if not now, when?"

In conclusion, SRSG Ziadeh reiterated UNMIK’s support for the EU-facilitated dialogue and emphasized the imperative for inclusive and sustainable dialogue to achieve lasting peace and stability in Kosovo.

“Dialogue is the only way forward,” she said.

Read Ziadeh’s full statement here:

Read the Secretary General’s report here:

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in her statement to the Council that “Kosovo has risen from the ashes of war to a country where democracy, human rights and the rule of law take center stage”.

Osmani argued that “we should never fall into the trap of bothsideism. It risks to lead to a fallacy that undermines the very essence of democracy. When we fail to unequivocally call evil by its true name, we risk to create space to moral equivalence between right and wrong, virtue and vice.”

Osmani said that Kosovo’s authorities would “not allow any setbacks that put at risk the hard-won freedom that we have achieved together with many democracies around the world.”

“As we all know, democracy and freedom always prevail. No matter how hard the hurdles, no matter how thorny the road, no matter how painful the sacrifice, the people of Kosovo will never ever give up on their freedom,” she said.

Commenting on the September 24th attack in the north of Kosovo, Osmani said that “Kosovo wants peace and Serbia proved on September 24 that it wants war. But we will not allow this to happen”.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic claimed that “Belgrade and its security structures were never involved in this event [Banjska] and we are ready to offer evidence to the international community to confirm this”. She also argued that the events in Banjska were “a logical consequence of the terror that Pristina carried out against the Serbs”.

U.S. representative to the UN, Robert Wood, called for full accountability based on the law for the perpetrators involved in the September 24 attack in the north of Kosovo. “Persons that fled to a third country must be extradited or criminally prosecuted,” he said.

Wood also said that the United States are working closely with the European Union and NATO partners to help the north of Kosovo – inhabited by Serbs – to be calm. He also called on the parties to return to the EU-facilitated dialogue and to make concrete steps forward. “It is important for the parties to make progress on all agreements reached in the dialogue,” he said.

Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, in his statement, accused Kosovo of oppressing the Serbs and said that this could bring back an armed conflict. “We have many questions about the Banjska events. First, why were international representatives not involved. In similar events in the past, EULEX patrolled the area and KFOR went there immediately to stop the fighting parties. Now the whole situation was left in the hands of Kosovo Albanians and led to this tragic ending. The west did not wait for the conclusion of investigations, but immediately called it a terrible attack,” he argued.

China’s representative to the UN said Beijing supports a sustainable solution between Kosovo and Serbia, but also accused Pristina of heightened tensions in the north. “We oppose the unilateral actions of Kosovo’s authorities that led to heightened tensions and we call for return to dialogue and consultations,” he said, adding that Kosovo needs to immediately establish the Association of Serb-majority municipalities.

UK Ambassador James Kariuki said in his statement to the Security Council that “the United Kingdom is a long-standing supporter of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. We welcome the Government’s continued progress on important issues such as the rule of law, transitional justice and tackling organised crime and corruption.”

He said the UK fully supports the Declaration on Missing Persons endorsed by both Kosovo and Serbia, and that this is a priority issue that should not be politicised.

“We also echo the Mission’s call for the Government of Kosovo to implement the 2016 ruling of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo regarding the Dečani monastery’s property. This would send a positive signal to minority communities and demonstrate Kosovo’s commitment to an inclusive, multi-ethnic future.”

“President, we also remain deeply concerned by the immediate security challenges in the north of Kosovo. We strongly condemn the attacks on international personnel in May and Kosovo Police on 24 September. It is vital that those responsible are brought to justice. We call on Serbia to cooperate fully with the investigations underway, and to take steps to address cross-border organised crime and arms smuggling.”

“Kosovo must be able to implement the rule of law across the whole of its territory, in close coordination with EULEX and KFOR. We are proud to have deployed approximately 600 UK soldiers to Kosovo in response to a request from NATO, to help fulfil KFOR’s mandate to maintain a safe and secure environment in Kosovo.”

Read his full statement at:

Albanian-American community protests at UNHQ against Serbia’s acts (media)

Several hours before the UN Security Council session on Kosovo, the Albanian-American community representatives protested in front of UN Headquarters against what they called “Serbia’s terrorism and war-mongering acts”.

Albanian-Americans called on the United States of America and the international community to use all means to force Serbia to stop and refrain from actions and policies that are undermining Kosovo’s stability.

Palokaj: Kurti and Vucic have by Thursday to respond to requests (KTV)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj said in an interview with the TV station on Monday that the European Union is not very optimistic that a meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic can happen anytime soon.

Palokaj said that after their visit to Kosovo and Serbia last Saturday, the five international emissaries told Kurti and Vucic to respond to their requests by Thursday. “In the EU they are not very optimistic, but they do say that this time both Kosovo and Serbia have received short deadlines to respond and if the plan of some EU member states is realized, then Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Aleksandar Vucic could come to Brussels on Thursday, when the EU summit of leaders takes place,” he added.

Rohde calls on PDK and AAK to end blockade of international agreements (media)

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde said in a post on X on Monday that he is “concerned by the ongoing non-adoption of international agreements in the Assembly that could bring millions in benefits for Kosovo citizens. Bilaterally alone, huge German-Kosovo energy and agriculture projects are at stake. Constructive approach by all stakeholders needed; opposition should end blockade”. In a follow-up tweet Rohde said that the “LDK is not part of the opposition's obstructive behaviour I mentioned!”

KSF field exercise on Wednesday, announces movement towards Gjakova (media)

The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) announced on Monday that it will conduct a field exercise called “Iron Wolf” from October 25-27 within the framework of its planned activities. The KSF said in a statement that during this period there will be movement of convoys from KSF barracks towards the Gjakova region, specifically toward the Gjakova Airport and the military polygon in Babaj te Bokes. 

Elezi: Around 150-200 Serbs are being trained in Serbia to enter Kosovo (media)

Kosovo-based security expert Bedri Elezi said in an interview with Euronews Albania on Monday that 20 kilometers away from Kosovo in Serbia’s territory, around 150-200 Serbs are receiving military training in two different bases to enter Kosovo. He said these people would then enter Kosovo with the alleged mission of protecting Serbs in Kosovo and would receive a monthly salary of €5,000. “It is believed that the group that fled Kosovo on September 24 are part of this number which is constantly growing,” he said.

According to Elezi, the information “is also in the possession of U.S. intelligence services, who together with the NATO intelligence and KFOR brigades that operate especially in the north of Kosovo are treating this information”.  

Court annuls govt decision to lower salaries of prosecutors and judges (Koha)

The Administrative Department of the Basic Court in Pristina approved in its entirety the complaint of the Association of Prosecutors of Kosovo and annulled a government decision to lower the salaries of prosecutors and judges in November last year. The court’s decision notes that the salaries of prosecutors and judges are guaranteed by law and need to be in compliance with their profession and weight of responsibility. The court also said that their salaries cannot be lowered during their mandate unless in exceptional situations of dire economic conditions.  

Serbian opposition wants explanations for Serbia’s role in Banjska (RFE)

At the Serbian Parliament’s first session in autumn on Monday, some opposition MPs raised the issue of the Serbian leadership’s role in the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo. “Let us ask now [director of the Security and Information Agency – BIA, Aleksandar] Vulin, [President of Serbia, Aleksandar] Vucic, and [Minister of Interior Affairs Bratislav] Gasic, how is it possible that you did not know what Radoicic was doing in Banjska with people armed with heavy machine guns, a weapon that no citizen of Serbia is allowed to have privately,” said Nebojsa Zelenovic, co-head of the opposition party Together, in his address to parliament.

Meanwhile, head of the Serbian Progressive Party’s parliamentary group, Milenko Jovanovic, responded saying that Zelenovic blames Serbs for everything, without looking at the responsibility of the other party. “He says it is terrible that Aleksandar Vucic did not know anything, but for him it is not terrible that three Serbs died. He never said that” Jovanov said.

Part of the opposition in Serbia asked for an urgent parliamentary session on October 3, and the formation of an inquiry committee that would determine the responsibility of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the role of Milan Radoicic in the Banjska events, but the proposal was not accepted. 

Ziv: Israel is not fighting Palestinian people but Hamas terrorists (media)

Israel’s Ambassador to Kosovo, Tammy Ziv, said in a post on X on Monday that Israel was not fighting the Palestinian people, but Hamas terrorists. “Nothing can justify the unimaginably barbaric killings of innocent children, women and the elderly. Nothing can justify using Palestinians in Gaza as human shields. Almost 600 Hamas rockets launched at Israel fell in Gaza, including in Al-Ahli hospital, killing innocent Palestinians. The whole world must stand up to condemn Hamas terrorists,” Ziv wrote.

Serbian Language Media

Brnabic tells UN SC: Pristina using systematic violence against Serbs in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told the UN Security Council on Monday evening that Pristina authorities were carrying out a campaign of systematic violence and denial of the fundamental rights of Serbs in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reports.

"What we see in Kosovo and Metohija today is comprehensive political, legal, institutional and physical violence against Serbs", Brnabic told a UN SC session on the latest report on UNMIK, the UN Mission in Kosovo.

"We have been continuously and repeatedly expressing concerns about the dangers that may arise from Pristina’s refusal to fulfill the obligations undertaken in the dialogue with Belgrade, facilitated by the EU. The current situation on the ground is an inevitable consequence of a series of more than a dozen unilateral actions by Pristina", she said.

Brnabic also noted the necessity of establishing a Community of Serb Municipalities and holding new elections in the north of Kosovo as soon as possible as part of efforts towards de-escalation.

"The situation in the last two years, especially in the last twelve months, became so grave that we all need to try and understand not as politicians but, first and foremost, as human beings, what is happening and where to go from here in order to provide at least a glimpse of hope to those in Kosovo and Metohija who suffer every day, at least a glimpse of hope that stability and long-term peace is, in fact, possible“, she said.

From what we can all see on the ground based on numerous examples in the past twelve months, the officials in Pristina, the administration in Pristina, regrettably, I have to say, to put it in the simplest form, have only three, or three key messages for Serbs, other non-Albanians and the international community, and all that we are seeing in these reports, and all that is happening every day on the ground, can be summed up in these three key messages.

Read the full article on Brnabic’s address at:

Ziadeh: Shared responsibility, concerted action and compromise, the only route to progress (KoSSev, media) 

Special Representative of the Secretary General (SPGS) and Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh during the UN Security Council session on Kosovo emphasized the urgent need for concerted action and compromise with the aim to address deteriorated security environment and ensure peace and stability in Kosovo, KoSSev portal reports.

She also stressed the critical importance of constructive engagement and de-escalation measures. 

She reiterated UNMIK’s condemnation of the serious security incident that took place near the Banjska village in Zvecan Municipality in northern Kosovo on 24 September and the tragic loss of life, calling for restraint. "It is essential that the investigations currently underway provide the opportunity to factually document these events and hold perpetrators accountable", SRSG Ziadeh added.

Noting that the High-Level meeting on 14 September in Brussels produced no consensus, the Head of UNMIK said: "This was an opportunity missed to engage constructively towards a programme for the implementation of the parties’ respective commitments under the agreements made in Brussels and Ohrid earlier this year."

"The current political impasse, with its impact on the security and well-being of the population, can only be overcome through compromise that should be worked out in the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina", SRSG Ziadeh noted.

SRSG Ziadeh emphasized the need for clear communication with the public on issues affecting their livelihoods and human rights, urging the work of rule of law institutions be firmly “anchored in the human rights framework”.

Reflecting on the 5th anniversary of the implementation of UNMIK's trust-building agenda, SRSG Ziadeh reaffirmed UNMIK's unwavering commitment to fostering communication and understanding among people from all communities in Kosovo.

What did ambassadors say at UN SC session on Kosovo, from “fleeing to third country” to return of Monastery’s land (KoSSev, social media)

The United Nations Security Council held a session on Kosovo on Monday and discussed the biannual report of the UN SG Antonio Guterres on the work of the UN Mission in Kosovo. As KoSSev portal reports all western powers’ representatives condemned the attack on Kosovo police in Banjska and called for those responsible to be prosecuted.

The US representative said Washington “strongly condemns the violence of armed attackers” on Kosovo police in the village of Banjska, killing one police officer, and called for full responsibility of the perpetrators of the attack. He also said “that individuals who fled to third countries should be extradited or prosecuted”.

The American diplomat said that UNMIK “fulfilled a long time ago” its mandate and that the US called upon the Security Council to make a decision on ending this mission.

The Russian Ambassador to the UN assessed that the security situation in Kosovo has significantly deteriorated over the last months and blamed Pristina authorities for that. He also said that UN SC Resolution 1244 is the only framework to find a solution to the Belgrade-Pristina dispute, adding it has no alternative.

He also said that the work of UNMIK “was very much needed” given the situation in Kosovo.

The UK representative said that London “was deeply concerned” over security challenges in the north of Kosovo, pointing out that it was “of crucial importance” to bring to justice those responsible for the attack in Banjska. He also urged both sides to commit to the dialogue in order to find a mutually acceptable solution.

He also said that parties should refrain from unilateral acts and rhetoric that would diminish prospects of reaching agreement on normalization of relations.

Commenting on the ongoing session at UN SC, Visoki Decani Monastery in a post on X (formerly Twitter) said that, among the various topics raised and the comments from UN Security Council members, the Visoki Decani monastery was brought up twice.

“The UK representative highlighted Kosovo's obligation to implement the 2016 Constitutional Court decision which recognised the monastery's property rights 7 years ago”, the Monastery said in a post.

“Later, PM Brnabić addressed the avoidance by the Kosovo President of using the constitutionally accepted name of the #Serbian #Orthodox #Church (SOC). She also pointed out the non-implementation of the Kosovo Constitutional Court decision and highlighted that the monastery is the only religious site globally under 24/7 military peacekeepers’ protection for the past 25 years. Earlier the PM raised the issue of abbot Fr. Fotije who was forcefully deported from Kosovo three days ago. This difficult situation underscores the challenges the Serbian Orthodox Church faces in Kosovo”, the Monastery added in a second post.

Read the full Visoki Decani Monastery’s post at:

Representative of France said Paris “condemns unacceptable attack” on Kosovo police in Banjska and that those responsible must be prosecuted. She also said that Serbia and Kosovo must “return to the dialogue unconditionally” in order to find a solution.

She also said it was necessary to implement all agreements reached, which includes establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

The China representative said the position of Beijing was clear – support to the parties to find a mutually acceptable solution in line with the UN SC Resolution 1244 through the dialogue and consultations.

“Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Serbia should be fully respected”, a Chinese diplomat said.

He also pointed out that China opposes “unilateral acts of Kosovo authorities that raised the tensions” and urged Pristina to return to the dialogue. He also said Pristina should fulfill all obligations undertaken in the dialogue with Belgrade.

He added that Beijing supports the UNMIK Mission in carrying out its mandate as per UN SC Resolution 1244. 

Dacic: No recognition or UN admission of Kosovo (media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in the parliament on Monday the Serbian state leadership's policy on Kosovo was clear and that there would be no recognition or UN admission of Kosovo.

"I would like to refute any claim the current Serbian leadership has undertaken anything that is below national and state interests. Our policy is clear and firm, which means that there is no recognition of Kosovo as independent or UN admission, because that would mean they are recognised as a state", Dacic said in response to MPs.

He noted that Serbia would be implementing only what was in line with its state policy.

He also said 28 countries had derecognised Kosovo and that it now had fewer than 84 votes in the UN compared to around 110 a decade ago.

EU urges Belgrade, Pristina to de-escalate, calls for elections in north Kosovo (Tanjug, media)

Belgrade and Pristina must continue constant efforts to de-escalate the situation, especially when it comes to the soonest possible holding of fresh elections in the north of Kosovo with active Serb participation, say draft conclusions to be adopted at a Brussels EU summit to be held on Thursday and Friday.

In the document, seen by Tanjug, the European Council expressed regret that the parties were not carrying out an agreement on the path to normalization and an annex on its implementation as well as other agreements reached in the EU-facilitated dialogue.

The Council called on Belgrade and Pristina to implement them without delays or conditions.

That includes the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, the draft conclusions said, adding that normalization of relations was a substantial condition on both parties' European paths and that they risked missing major opportunities amid a lack of progress. The European Council voiced deep concerns over the security situation in the north of Kosovo and condemned in the strongest terms the September 24 attack on Kosovo police.

Raska-Prizren Eparchy sends letters to EU, EULEX, OSCE and Quint over deportation of Abbot Fotije (Kosovo Online)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy sent letters to the heads of EU Office in Pristina, EULEX and OSCE, as well as to the Quint states ambassadors aiming at protection of Abbot of Devine Vode Monastery, Father Fotije who had been deported by Pristina authorities to North Macedonia after spending 13 years in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal said it learnt.

The letter emphasized that Abott Fotije, who had been serving in this position for the last 13 years, despite respecting the legal procedure to extend stay and obtain Kosovo documents had been deported.

The Eparchy will also sent complaints to all respective bodies over discrimination, violation of the Law on religious freedoms, violation of the Law on use of languages during the process of receiving documentation and deportation as well as for not providing any explanation on the decision to reject extension of stay to Abbot Fotije nor about decision to annul previous decision on his stay or about decision to forcefully deport him. 

Serbian List to hold Assembly session today (Kosovo Online, media)

Session of the Serbian List Assembly will be held today, starting at midday, this party announced, Kosovo Online portal reports.

As the Serbian List said the session will take place at the seat of this party at King Petar Prvi Street in Mitrovica North. Media are invited to cover the introductory part of the session, and the statement with adopted decisions will be circulated after the session. 

International Media

International Investigation Underway on Banjska Terrorist Attack, Says British MP (BIRN)

During her visit to Kosovo, British MP Alicia Kearns disclosed that an international investigation is underway to probe the terrorist attack that occurred in Banjska, Zveçan, on September 24th.

Kearns confirmed this development in an interview with investigative journalist Jeta Xharra on Sunday.

“I will wait for the conclusion of the international investigation. I think it’s very important that it happens very soon […] I understand that one of the international countries, is doing an international investigation is doing the investigation themselves and that will be published and of course the Kosovo government themselves they are still concluding their investigation as well, “ she added.

Kearns did not reveal which state is leading the investigation.

“I’m not sure if that’s publicly known, so I will avoid commenting at this point,” said the MP.

Several months ago, Kearns had issued a warning about Serbs transporting weapons in ambulances to churches in the northern regions of Kosovo, highlighting the potential danger of this situation.

“I wanted to see for myself exactly what kind of weapons were found, because obviously I’d warned about it in advance.” she said on the Kallxo Pernime TV show.

Read more at:

Kosovo Imam Seeks 40,000 Euros Over 2016 Article’s ‘Wahhabi’ Claim (BIRN)

Enes Goga, an imam from the western Kosovo town of Peje/Pec, has demanded 40,000 euros in compensation from a journalist and a media outlet over an article published in 2016 that linked him with the hard-line Islamist Wahabi movement.

The article, “Imams suspected of terrorism are preparing denigrating campaigns against moderates”, was published in 2016 in Zeri, a Pristina-based news portal.

“Enes Goga is leader of the Wahabist movement in Peje/Pec region, a movement linked with organised crime, drug trafficking, extortion to businesses, blackmail, brutal beatings etc,” the article said.

Goga, who seeks 20,000 euros each from the author and the outlet, told the court on Monday that the article written by Arbana Xharra “contains lots of untruths, which I am convinced have been intentional”.

“This journalist [Arbana Xharra], since 2012, has continuously dealt with the institution where I work [the Islamic Community], with me and my family. Her reactions, articles and comments have stirred reactions and hatred from others towards me,” Goga said.

Read more at: