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UNMIK Media Observer, September 22, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Gervalla meets Blinken: Kosovo and USA with deep ties (media)
  • Kurti meets with representatives of minorities in Serbia (media)
  • EU does not indicate whether it is in line with US on Association (RFE)
  • Hovenier: Establishment of Association, one of initial steps for Kosovo (RFE)
  • Lajcak meets Begaj, appreciates his views on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan)
  • Begaj defends Kosovo at UN: Time has come for it to be fully recognized (media)
  • Rama simply "speechless" after Kurti's criticism of Lajcak (Albanian Post)
  • Osmani meets president of Latvia, talk about deepening bilateral relations (Klan)
  • One month detention for three Serbs suspected of war crimes (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic to UN General Assembly: Attempt to break up Serbia ongoing (RTS, N1)
  • Pantovic: Court in Pristina ordered one-month detention to three arrested Serbs contrary to law (Tanjug)
  • Djoric: My brother Dragan Milovic arrested after he legally reclaimed his usurped property (Kosovo Online, Novosti)
  • Vucic discusses with Lajcak situation in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • KFOR conducts ROBUST RAM Exercise in northeast Kosovo (N1)
  • Vucic: Serbia one of few countries able to speak truth (Tanjug)
  • Fake 2 Euro coins flood Kosovo (N1, Hina)
  • Serbian opposition announces big protest rally for Saturday, September 23 (N1, media)

International Media:

  • War Crimes Arrests of Three Kosovo Serbs Anger Belgrade (Balkan Insight)


Albanian Language Media

Gervalla meets Blinken: Kosovo and USA with deep ties (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, met with the U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken and the Canadian Foreign Minister, Melanie Joly. She wrote on X platform on Thursday that the connection between Kosovo and the United States of America (USA) was shown in the "short but essential" meeting.According to Gervalla, Kosovo is proud that Canada is also an ally and friend of Kosovo.

 "As always, the deep connection between Kosovo and the US was evident in our brief but essential exchange. Thank you for your trust and honesty," she wrote.

 During Thursday, President Vjosa Osmani met with the President of the USA, Joe Biden.

 Kurti meets with representatives of minorities in Serbia (media)

 The principle of reciprocity and symmetry of the rights of national minorities in the Western Balkans is the right formula for achieving a stable and long-term peace in the region, it was said in the meeting that Prime Minister Albin Kurti had on Thursday with Albanian and Bosniak political representatives in Serbia.

As announced in a press release from the Prime Minister's Office, Kurti met the chairman of the Democratic Action Party in Shanxhak (SDA), Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin, the Albanian MP in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi, the Bosnian political representatives in Serbia, Esad Salihovic, Selma Kucevic, Ado Kameniscanin, and the chairman of the Albanian National Council in Serbia, Nevzad Lutfiu.

"At the meeting, it was discussed about the concerns and violations that are constantly experienced by both the Albanian minority and the Bosnian minority in Serbia, and what can be done together to improve this situation," the announcement states.

According to the communiqué, Kurti informed the representatives of the communities in Serbia about the meeting he had with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in Brussels on September 14.

Other topics of discussion were guaranteed mandates, guaranteed institutional representation, passivation of residence addresses, violation of minority rights and difficulties in using language and symbols, it is stated at the end of the announcement.

EU does not indicate whether it is in line with US on Association (RFE)

The European Union has reiterated its calls for Kosovo to start immediately and without delay the work on the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority. But the spokesperson of the bloc, Peter Stano, did not answer directly whether the statute of this Association should be in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo.

"The issue of how to do it, in what way, how it will look, how it will operate, what the statute will be, should be discussed in dialogue", Stano said.

The United States, but also EU countries such as Germany, have previously announced that the Association must be in accordance with the decision of the Constitution and with the letter that the high representative of the EU, Federica Mogherini, had sent to the then Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, where it was said that the Association should not have executive powers.

Stano was asked several times if the EU’s position is that the Association should be in accordance with the Constitution of Kosovo, but during the answer he focused more on the call for Kosovo to start work on its establishment.

"When it comes to the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority, the position of the EU is very clear. It has been continuously repeated in several conclusions of the Foreign Ministers and finally in the declaration of the 27 member states on the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The EU and the member states demand that the establishment of the Association be launched without additional delays and without preconditions, and each party knows very well what it must do, because it is not the first time that this issue is on the table", Stano said.

Asked if the EU continues to maintain the position expressed by the former high representative, Mogherini, on what the Association should look like, Stano said that the process of establishing the Association should start without delay and that its shape will be decided during the process. 

Hovenier: Establishment of Association is one of the initial steps for Kosovo (RFE)

United States Ambassador to Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier emphasized in an interview with Radio Free Europe that the United States expects Kosovo and Serbia to fulfill all their obligations and commitments outlined in the Ohrid Agreement for normalizing relations.

According to him, Kosovo should take the initiative to advance the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities, considering it as one of the initial steps.

"We believe it must fully comply with Kosovo's current Constitution and the Constitutional Court's decision. We do not believe it should possess authorities or executive competencies," Hovenier articulated.

The American Ambassador acknowledged that Serbia appears to have a different perspective, but this should not deter Kosovo from progressing with an association that addresses the concerns of Kosovo's Serb community.

"Serbia may seek more concessions, but ultimately, the United States and the international community are prepared to view this as acceptable," Hovenier affirmed.

He expressed optimism that Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti will collaborate with European Union representatives to achieve this "strategic goal". Hovenier cautioned that there would be consequences if he does not take such action.

"We are deeply committed to Kosovo's advancement, but our commitment cannot exceed that of the Kosovo government," Hovenier underlined.

The American Ambassador also underlined the strong trust that the United States has in European mediators facilitating the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

See the interview here:

Lajcak meets Begaj, appreciates his views on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan)

EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajçak met with the President of Albania, Bajram Begaj.

"Very pleased to meet with the Albanian president, Bajram Begaj. Appreciated his views on the region, the Dialogue on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and what will follow in the European integration of the region. Looking forward to continuing our discussion", Lajcak wrote on X platform.

Begaj defends Kosovo at UN: Time has come for it to be fully recognized (media)

The President of the Republic of Albania, Bajram Begaj, stated at the UN Assembly that Albania remains sensitive to the integrity and prosperity of Kosovo. He said that Kosovo has managed to heal many deep wounds from the tragic past and requested that the independence of Kosovo be recognized.

Begaj used his speech to emphasize that the rights of Serbs in Kosovo reflect European norms and values, and the same should apply to the Albanian minority in the Presheva Valley, in the south of Serbia.

"Kosovo is still waiting for recognition of its independence from many countries. I hope that these countries will soon recognize Kosovo's contribution to a fairer, more peaceful global community and will give Kosovo the recognition it deserves".

He emphasized that both Albania and Kosovo have constantly defended peace over tensions and conflicts, and remain committed to this path.

In this context, Begaj said that he supports the ongoing difficult dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia facilitated by the careful mediation of the European Union and the strong support of the United States.

"Small country, big arena" he said among other things.

Rama simply "speechless" after Kurti's criticism of Lajcak (Albanian Post)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, in an interview for the Albanian program of the international news network "Abc News", was "speechless" after the series of criticisms that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has made towards the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, positioning him on the side of Serbia and against Kosovo.

"These are things that leave you speechless and they are things that damage even more what it is claimed that they are trying to repair, because raising a conspiracy theory about a cooperation that you discovered between Serbia and the special envoy of the entire EU is not something advisable to do", Prime Minister Rama said on Thursday.

"I repeat, I do not doubt Albin's great and good desire to do the best for Kosovo, but great desire and good will are never enough. Strategic clarity is needed to achieve the goal, which I do not see", added the head of the Albanian executive.

Osmani meets president of Latvia, talk about deepening bilateral relations (Klan)

Kosovo President, Vjosa Osmani, who is in New York where the 78th session of the United Nations Assembly is being held, has met the President of the Republic of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevics.

The president's office announced that Osmani congratulated Rinkevics on his election, expressing commitment to continue joint efforts to deepen bilateral relations between Kosovo and Latvia, which, as it is said, have their foundations in shared democratic values, as well as their elevation to the level of strategic partnership.

In addition to bilateral relations, the meeting also discussed the latest developments in Kosovo, the region and beyond, in which case the head of state reiterated that Kosovo remains committed to long-term peace and security.

President Osmani thanked President Rinkevics for Latvia's continued support for Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic path and membership in international organizations.

One month detention for three Serbs suspected of war crimes (RTK)

At the request of the Special Prosecutor, the Basic Court in Pristina has decided on one month detention for the three Serbs, Dragan Millovic, Illija Elezovic and Zoran Kostic, suspected of war crimes in the Vushtrri area during 1999.

The Special Prosecutor's Office and the Police of Kosovo issued a joint communique on Wednesday where they announced that three Serbs were arrested on suspicion of the criminal offense "War crimes against the civilian population".

"The Special Prosecutor's Office announces that the three (3) arrested persons are charged with the criminal offense of 'War crimes against the civilian population, actions sanctioned according to Article 142 and 22 of the Criminal Code of the RSFJ, currently penalized by Articles 31 and 153 of the KPRK. ..", it was said in Wednesday’s announcement of the Special Prosecutor's Office. 

 Serbian Language Media

Vucic to UN General Assembly: Attempt to break up Serbia ongoing (RTS, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the UN General Assembly that attempts to break up Serbia are ongoing, adding that the aggressors are saying don’t look back, N1 reports citing Serbian public broadcaster RTS.

The attempt to break up my country, started formally in 2008 with the unilateral declaration of the independence of Kosovo, is still ongoing. The trampling of the UN Charter in Serbia’s case was one of the visible precursors to the many problems we are facing today, surpassing the borders of my country or the region I come from, Vucic said in his speech to the UN General Assembly.

Serbia respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all UN member states and it’s hard to understand why Serbia’s right to respect for its territorial integrity is not respected. By safeguarding our borders you are safeguarding yours, Vucic said, adding that everyone who committed aggression against Serbia are lecturing the world about the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He said that Serbia respects Ukraine’s territorial integrity despite the centuries of traditional friendship with Russia.

“When we ask about the territorial integrity of Serbia and what was done to my country, the answer is what all you representatives of a small country have heard countless times – don’t look back at the past, look to the future because that is the only way for your country to achieve progress”, he said.

He accused the western power of violating the UN Charter and Security Council Resolution 1244 and recalled that a German minister said her country would never give up on the UN Charter and UN documents. That would be nice if it were true. Almost all the great Western powers brutally trampled on the UN Charter and Resolution 1244, denying the very principles they are defending today and that happened 24 years ago and again 15 years ago, he said.

According to him, 19 of the most powerful countries decided without the UN Security Council to attack a sovereign European country to prevent, as they said, a humanitarian catastrophe. They weren’t laughing when the Russian President used their very words to justify the assault on Ukraine. They forgot that they used the same narrative, same words and explanations, Vucic said.

He added that 70 percent of the Kosovo Serbs have left their homes and that there are 300,000 more Albanians in Kosovo than ever before.

Read full President Vucic’s address to UN GA at:

Pantovic: Court in Pristina ordered one-month detention to three arrested Serbs contrary to law (Tanjug)

The special department of the Basic Court in Pristina ordered a one-month detention for three Serbs, Ilija Elezovic, Dragan Milovic and Zoran Kostic, arrested two days ago, Elezovic's defense lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic said, Tanjug news agency reported.

He emphasized that the prosecution is charging them with alleged war crimes.

"The court accepted a confused, bad, empty and unprofessionally drafted request for detention, prepared contrary to the law, without facts, without evidence, without proof. I want to take this opportunity to say that unfortunately, the Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina, which is responsible for prosecuting war crimes, does not have enough strength or perhaps the desire or will to conduct these proceedings in accordance with the law", Pantovic said.

He added that “the court didn’t accept the request that the stay of Ilija Elezovic in detention, given his condition, would drastically endanger his health, I can say it will endanger his life. Medicine said he should not be put in detention, but the court decided as it decided”, Pantovic added. 

Djoric: My brother Dragan Milovic arrested after he legally reclaimed his usurped property (Kosovo Online, Novosti)

Gordana Djoric, sister of Dragan Milovic, arrested two days ago in Zvecan by Kosovo police told Novosti daily that her brother was never aggressive, have Albanian friends, adding if her brother had committed any crime how come police didn’t arrest him earlier given that he was working for the Kosovo police for a decade.

Djoric, who is also the head of the Business Women Association Avenija in Laplje Selo, said although Pristina prosecution accuses her brother of allegedly mistreating Albanian citizens, the essential reason was a judicial proceeding ruled in favor of her brother in relation to his property usurpation in the village in Srbica municipality.

“In a court proceeding Dragan reclaimed 18 hectares of property that had been usurped by Albanians, and once the usurper was supposed to vacate the property so that Dragan could register it as his own, he was arrested”, Djoric said.

She added it is “the easiest thing” to accuse Serbs in Kosovo for the war crimes, under which they include various acts, and “find fake witnesses” for those cases.

She added her brother lived with his family in Pristina until 1999, and after expulsion from there found shelter with his wife and three children in Mitrovica North. He was working for Kosovo police for ten years in the north, and left the service in November last year as part of collective resignations of Serbs there from all Pristina’s institutions.  

Vucic discusses with Lajcak situation in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who is attending the 78th UN General Assembly session, spoke on the margins of this event with EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak, Radio KIM reports.

In a post on his official Instagram account Vucic said he informed Lajcak about the situation in Kosovo and expressed deep concerns over the security situation facing the Serbian community there on a daily basis.

“I have requested greater engagement of the EU in order to preserve the peace, and our people be able to remain at their home places. I underlined Serbia will make every diplomatic and political effort to protect its people and its country”, Vucic said. 

KFOR conducts ROBUST RAM Exercise in northeast Kosovo (N1)

KFOR said on Thursday that its Joint Logistic Support Group (JLSG) would be conducting the ROBUST RAM exercise in the northeast of Kosovo until September 27, N1 reports.

The exercise is being conducted to test operational readiness during freedom of movement operations in support of the local population, the press release said.

The exercise will include Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) troops and a Freedom of Movement Detachment (FOM-D) deployed to clear roadblocks in the Camp Novo Selo area. “PSYOPs, Reconnaissance and KFOR air assets will also be deployed throughout the exercise”, it added.

“KFOR seeks to ensure minimal impact to the civilian population throughout this activity”, it said.

Vucic: Serbia one of few countries able to speak truth (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday after addressing the UN General Assembly that Serbia was one of the few countries that were able to speak the truth and say how things really stood, Tanjug news agency reports.

"Our duty was to speak the truth so that it goes down in history, and so that it is a source of pride for our people, that we are one of the few countries and one of the few peoples that were able to speak the truth and say how things really stand", Vucic told reporters in New York.

He noted that the position of those who invoked international law only when it suited them would not change.

He said he was proud of Serbia's independent policy, adding that "different times are coming" and it could be felt from the speeches heard at the UN General Assembly session.  

Fake 2 Euro coins flood Kosovo (N1, Hina)

Kosovo has been flooded with so many fake 2 Euro coins that waiters are no longer checking to see if they are real or not, N1 reports citing Zagreb-based Hina news agency.

A waiter in Pristina told the Hina news agency that he used to hold the coins up to the light or throw them on a table to see if they are real or fake but no longer bother. Kosovo is not part of the Euro zone but the currency is in use there.

Experts in Pristina found more than 30,000 fake Euro coins in the first half of this year with one expert saying that the quality ranges from very bad to very good forgeries.

The police reported 804 cases of forgery in 2022 and 486 cases in the first six months of 2023. A man and a woman were arrested in April after they brought 10,600 fake 2 Euro coins into Kosovo from North Macedonia. Kosovo residents have been offering fake coins for 10 to 20 percent of their face value on social media. 

Serbian opposition announces big protest rally for Saturday, September 23 (N1, media)

The opposition parties organizing the Serbia Against Violence protests said that a big protest rally has been scheduled for 6 pm Saturday, September 23, outside the Serbian Parliament in Belgrade.

A big stage will be set up to welcome all the people who spoke at the protest over the past few months, all those who are victims of the system – they will present themselves, so we continue to fight for an orderly society, People’s Movement of Serbia leader Miroslav Aleksic said.

He said the protesters will march from the Serbian Parliament to the Serbian public broadcaster RTS building “so we send out a message that the RTS is a service of all Serbian citizens who are paying for it, that it is their duty to report objectively”.

International Media

War Crimes Arrests of Three Kosovo Serbs Anger Belgrade (Balkan Insight)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called on foreign diplomats to intervene after police in Kosovo arrested three Serbs suspected of committing war crimes against civilians during the 1998-99 conflict.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday demanded international intervention to free three Serbs who were arrested in Kosovo on suspicion of committing war crimes.

“We invite all international representatives to react, to do everything in their power so that Serbs can survive on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, so that people who are not guilty of doing anything to anyone are released to their homes,” Vucic told media on Wednesday night during a visit to the United States.

He vowed to raise the issue of Kosovo, where arrests of Serbs on various charges in recent months have angered Belgrade, at the UN General Assembly in New York on Thursday.

Read more at: