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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 19, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 162 new cases, nine deaths (media)
  • Hoti concerned some still do not believe in existence of COVID-19 (media)
  • Hoti and Ramosaj agree to suspend works on the Decan-Plava road (RTK)
  • Government considers Vetevendosje’s accusations low (media)
  • Ramush Haradinaj to meet Hoti tomorrow (RTK)
  • Leaders thank police and doctors on the World Humanitarian Day (media)
  • Naser Sahiti elected rector of the University of Prishtina (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Four new cases of Covid-19, one death registered in Serb areas in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Abbot Sava: It is absurd that monks defend law from institutions (KoSSev, N1)
  • Nora Weller: Kosovo must prove that Serb community and monasteries are protected (KoSSev, N1)
  • Vucic and Dacic on upcoming meetings in Washington and Brussels (RTS)
  • Customs claims Bishop Teodosije returned from Jarinje over phytosanitary certificate; Bishop: They didn’t ask for anything (KoSSev)
  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Export to Kosovo EUR 95 million in first half of 2020 (N1)
  • Four Serbs sent to one-month detention over possession of weapons and shooting (Radio KIM)


  • Russia and China are Penetrating Balkans at West’s Expense (Balkan Insight)


  • Kosovo Road Construction Sparks Row with Serbian Monastery (Balkan Insight)


  • UNDP hands over vouchers for vulnerable families (media)



Albanian Language Media


COVID-19: 162 new cases, nine deaths (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said in its daily report today that 162 new cases of coronavirus and nine deaths were recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours.  122 recoveries have been confirmed over the same time period.

The highest number of new infections has been recorded in the municipality of Prishtina (46).

There are currently 3739 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Hoti concerned some still do not believe in existence of COVID-19 (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, spoke about his recovery from COVID-19. 

He wished all those infected with this virus prompt recovery, while calling for caution and respect of protection measures against COVID-19.

The Prime Minister stressed that it is worrying that there are still citizens who do not believe in the existence of the COVID-19 virus. 

"After two weeks of medical treatment and in isolation, today I returned to office duties fully recovered from Covid-19. I sympathize and wish a speedy recovery to all those affected. I take this opportunity to call on you again, to be careful and to strictly respect the measures for protection from COVID-19. There are still citizens who do not believe that the virus exists and this is worrying. The number of cases with the infected and victims continues to be high, so until the vaccine is discovered, we must show additional caution," Hoti wrote.

Hoti and Ramosaj agree to suspend works on the Decan-Plava road (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti received the Mayor of Decan, Bashkim Ramosaj to discuss the Decan-Plava road.

As announced by the Prime Minister's Office, Hoti and Ramosaj agreed to suspend the works on the Decan-Plava road.

“Assessing once again the importance of the road that connects Decan with Plava, respectively the Republic of Kosovo with the Republic of Montenegro, Prime Minister Hoti reiterated that the legislation in force approved by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo must be respected, but also, the importance of this road for the economy and the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality of Decan and beyond should be taken into account. In order to find an agreed solution with all parties involved in this issue, Prime Minister Hoti and Mayor Ramosaj agreed to suspend the works on the road R108, which runs through a part of the protected area near the Monastery of Deçan," reads the press release.

Government considers Vetevendosje’s accusations low (media)

The Office of the Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti, has reacted after the accusations of the Vetëvendosje Movement (LVV) that this government is dependent on the Serbian List and that it is a puppet of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

Through a photomontage, LVV presented PM Avdullah Hoti making moves as Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic wants, while behind him is Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. 

Hoti’s adviser, Xhavit Beqiri assessed these actions as low. 

“These are very low both from the conceptual and ethical aspect,” Beqiri said. 

“This illegal government started in the manner that Serbia pleased, under its conditions. It was requested to lift reciprocity, the vain government did it. It was requested to stop membership at international organizations; that was fulfilled as well. This governing is terribly dependent on the Serbian List as it accepts orders from Serbia. Kosovo is and should behave as a Republic and as an equal state with the other countries,” LVV announced. 

Ramush Haradinaj to meet Hoti tomorrow (RTK)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj will participate tomorrow (Thursday) at the meeting of the leaders of the governing coalition, where Prime Minister Hoti will also be present.

“We inform you that the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, will participate tomorrow (Thursday) at the meeting that will be held at the government premises, together with the other leaders of the coalition and Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti,” reads a press release issued by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo. 

Leaders thank police and doctors on the World Humanitarian Day (media)

On the World Humanitarian Day, Kosovo political leaders expressed their gratitude to the healthcare professionals and Kosovo Police. 

Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci posted on his Facebook page a video of Kosovo Police and stated ‘each day in defence of law and order. Always serving the homeland and citizens.’

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti expressed appreciation to the healthcare professionals, police and inspectors for their contribution in facing the pandemics. 

“Today, on the World Humanitarian Day, we are grateful to all healthcare professionals, police officers and inspectors, for the extraordinary contribution that they are giving on facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Even after almost six months of work, by risking their own health, they continue to believe and increase their efforts to help the sick,” Hoti wrote. 

Calling them quiet heroes, Minister of Health Armend Zemaj also expressed his gratitude to healthcare professionals. 

Naser Sahiti elected rector of the University of Prishtina (RTK)

The Steering Council of the University of Prishtina has elected Naser Sahiti rector of the University of Prishtina.

The latter received the confidence to be in charge of UP for the next four years.

The Chairman of the Steering Council, Ujkan Bajra said that the whole process has been transparent and that the candidate Sahiti has received seven votes.



Serbian Language Media


Four new cases of Covid-19, one death registered in Serb areas in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

According to the latest information four new cases of Covid-19 infection, one death and three recovered persons were registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, epidemiologist Aleksandar Antonijevic said today in a press conference in Mitrovica North, Radio KIM reports.

Deceased person was from Mitrovica North.

Out of 62 tested samples four came positive. The new cases were registered in northern Kosovo, one in each four northern municipalities, while there were no new cases in the Serb-populated areas south of the Ibar River.

Recovered persons are from Mitrovica North two of them and one person is from Zvecan. No recovery case was registered south of the Ibar River this time.

According to Antonijevic, 329 persons are staying in house isolation, while 49 patients are treated at the Clinical Health Center in Mitrovica North, one in Belgrade, one in Kragujevac and three patients are in Nis.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic a total of 4.535 persons have been tested, and out of this number 944 came positive.

At the moment there are 383 active cases, while 524 persons have recovered.

Out of 944 positive cases since the outbreak of the pandemic, 283 cases were registered in Mitrovica North, 174 in Leposavic, 150 in Zvecan, 103 in Zubin Potok. 234 persons were positive in Serb-populated areas south of the Ibar River.

Up to date 36 persons have passed away in the Serb-populated areas due to Covid-19 complications.   

Abbot Sava: It is absurd that monks defend law from institutions (KoSSev, N1)

The permanent protection of Kosovo Serb cultural heritage must be discussed in Brussels, regardless of political issues. The Diocese of Raska-Prizren is primarily interested in the protection of Serb holy sites and people. There are good laws in Kosovo, but they are not applicable due to the behavior of local institutions and the threats that these laws will be repealed sooner or later, the Abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery, Sava Janjic said in an interview with Belgrade-based N1.

He also commented on the allegations of some Albanian historians who questioned the heritage of the Visoki Decani Monastery. The Abbot pointed out that, with such behavior, Kosovo is “delegitimizing” itself as someone who can “protect Serb cultural heritage”. The Decani monks learned from the media that the Serbian Ministry of Culture wrote to UNESCO regarding the continuation of the road construction in the protective zone. Serb institutions should be more engaged because “it is everyone’s issue, not just the monks of the Visoki Decani Monastery“, Janjic added.

Sava Janjic told N1 that, according to the findings of the monastery, the works on the road within the protective zone are not being carried out.

“At least not in the same intensity because we do not notice heavy machinery passing by the monastery” – he added.

He expressed hope that UNMIK and the OSCE are able to have an insight into the situation in the protective zone.

How much influence does the Kosovo government have on Decani institutions?

Janjic recalled that the mayor of Decani, Bashkim Ramosaj announced that the construction of the road would not be stopped, but also that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, had previously banned the continuation of works.

Commenting on several statements the Kosovo Prime Minister made in the past few days on the issue of the construction of this road, including the one to suspend the works, Janjic says that Hoti is trying to “calm things down“.

The statements are encouraging, Father Sava confirmed, adding that there are indications Hoti could soon visit the municipality of Decani. The Abbot, however, also raised the question of how much influence does the Kosovo government actually have on the institutions in Decani – the Kosovo Police, etc.

“I must note that our reaction is not defined solely by our interests. First of all, it is a violation of the law – because it is a law adopted by the Assembly of Kosovo in 2008. This is the Law on Special Protective Zones, which clearly defines which activities are prohibited – such as the ban on the construction of highways through protective zones. That road would pass practically 50 meters from the church, which would directly endanger this UNESCO and world cultural heritage monument and of course our medieval 14th century monastery”.

According to Janjic, this situation is also an indicator of the state of the rule of law in Kosovo.

“This will be revealed in the resolution of this issue, as well as the issue of registration of our land as per the decision of the Constitutional Court. It is not something that the monastery is asking for, but something Kosovo institutions are obliged to do according to their laws, and also based on what the international representatives in Kosovo constantly insist on – that the rule of law must be respected“.

It is absurd that the monks are defending the law from the institutions themselves

Janjic emphasized that everything started in 2013, when the idea of building a highway was initiated.

“We have said over and over again that we have nothing against the construction of the road and connecting Decani and Plav and infrastructure works. In the first place, it is not our job to do so.

However, if such a road passes next to the monastery and through the protective zone, then it is our business because it will increase traffic, pollution, noise and an entire range of elements that will affect the whole environment“, he said.

He says that damage has already been done by widening the road that passes right next to the monastery, and that it is necessary to urgently find a solution and repair the damage. He confirmed that the section of the road within the protective zone was not paved.

“The existing road through the protective should be local as it was before, and a bypass should be used for the main Decani-Plav road“, the Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery repeated, reminding that the plan to build a bypass was proposed by the international community, and approved by the Kosovo government in 2014.

“At that time, (the former) Prime Minister Thaci was in Washington, I believe he talked with Vice President Biden, who also raised the issue of the importance of protecting Serbian Orthodox churches in Kosovo – which international officials insist on, as it is one of the very important obligations from Ahtisaari’s plan, which is very important for international representatives, since those countries recognized Kosovo at the time based on those promises of the Kosovo government“.

The question “whose monastery it is“ has not been asked until now

Speaking about the allegations of some Albanian historians who questioned the heritage of the Monastery of Visoki Decani, the abbot says that the statements of “quasi-historians“ can often be heard, adding that he does not heed them.

“Such statements are completely irrelevant in world scientific circles because they are not based on facts. Visoki Decani Monastery is a medieval site that has the largest documentation and historical material about its history. Not only from Serb sources, but also from various foreign sources – British travel writers, Turkish sources from the time of the Ottoman Empire and others… It is quite clear that the question ‘whose monastery it is’ has never been asked until recently.”

He claimed that such statements are very harmful, especially since they were broadcast on the Kosovo public service broadcaster – RTK.

“This shows that RTK actually exclusively serves to spread nationalist hatred and hate speech. Which is very dangerous and we haven’t heard a reaction so far. This is a site that should be the pride of all cultural people“, he also said.

With such behavior, Janjic claims, Kosovo is “delegitimizing“ itself as someone who can “protect Serbian cultural heritage“.

Read the full interview at:

Weller: Kosovo must prove that Serb community and monasteries are protected (KoSSev, N1)

University of Cambridge anthropologist Nora Weller told Pristina-based KTV that the status of  Visoki Decani Monastery has become a complex issue because of the behavior of the Kosovo authorities who must prove they can protect the Serb community and its cultural heritage, KoSSev news portal reported on Wednesday.

“The issue of the monastery and its status in Kosovo is very complex and that complexity comes from the time of Marti Ahtisaari but it also goes even deeper since the local authorities never had diplomacy and necessary professionalism in their relations with the Church. Moreover, the central authorities in Kosovo did not tackle church issues with the seriousness it deserves and I don’t know why but the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) is constantly being pushed aside,” professor Weller is quoted as saying.

She said that the issue of SOC and its churches and monasteries will be one of the main issues in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “Because it’s clear that the Church is fighting for its status, even beyond the fact that Ahtisaari’s plan protects it on several levels, the state protects the church by some laws, but not a single public figure or Kosovo public official ever made a comment to leave impression on the international representatives in Kosovo that Kosovo is really taking care of the church,” Weller said.

Weller said that the latest dispute is proof that Kosovo is incapable of implementing its own laws to protect communities as it promised to do leaving the church to do other things which are not within its powers.

Kosovo must prove that Serb community and monasteries are protected

Weller further opined that central and local authorities in particular, in this case Decani municipality should refrain from comments about the monastery.

“Local authorities, in this case Decani, should refrain from derogatory comments I recently read about the church, because by making them they only demonstrate their weakness in relation to the church. In fact, when a foreign ambassador goes out and says – stop the road, it is being stopped. Therefore, a true dialogue must commence and Kosovo, local and central authorities, must prove they are capable to protect the Serbian Orthodox Church, because they defended it for centuries and decades earlier. They must prove that the Serb community, even in this case, is protected as well as that their cultural values are protected”, she added.

Weller also said that comments related to this topic should be avoided. According to her many comments voiced over the last couple of days were inaccurate.

“We must avoid any comments related to history or some recent comments saying it is property of Kosovo and not of Serbia. Such comments are not necessary at all, they are not substantiated in many aspects, and moreover, create an advantage to the church in its final demand that a certain area of extraterritoriality should be created in Kosovo. That is why the smartest way to approach this issue is to verify in a professional, technical manner if there was a real problem that could damage the monastery. It is much better than to enter into deep history which will not be good for Kosovo in the future,” she concluded.

Vucic and Dacic on upcoming meetings in Washington and Brussels (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today with the Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic about upcoming meetings in Washington and Brussels, Vucic announced on his Instagram profile, RTS reports.

Vucic confirmed Belgrade's participation in a meeting at the White House as per invitation of President Trump’s Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on September 2. Pristina representatives were also invited.

Five days later, the dialogue should continue in Brussels under the EU’s auspices.  

Customs claims Bishop Teodosije returned from Jarinje over phytosanitary certificate; Bishop: They didn’t ask for anything (KoSSev)

The Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije was turned back last week from the Kosovo side of the Jarinje crossing point while traveling from the direction of Raska towards Gracanica. The Bishop was transporting two buckets of honey. As the Kosovo customs confirmed for KoSSev, the Bishop was not allowed to transport honey because he did not have a phytosanitary certificate.

“Kosovo Customs considered the case and we concluded that the customs officers returned the person because he did not have a phytosanitary certificate“, Kosovo Customs wrote in a short response to KoSSev, five days after we requested information about this event.

Bishop Teodosije confirmed for KoSSev once again that the customs officers did not demand or ask anything from him and that they turned him back from the crossing point without any explanation.

The KoSSev portal also asked the Kosovo customs about the obligation to respect the measures introduced to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, bearing in mind the allegations of Bishop Teodosije that the customs shift supervisor approached him without wearing a mask or respecting physical distancing measures. However, this question remained unanswered.

In reaction to the statement of customs regarding Bishop Teodosije, Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery Father Sava Janjic wrote on Twitter – Shameful! Instead of sanctioning unprofessional attitude of the customs chief who returned the Bishop without any explanation and didn’t adhere to the protective measures (related to Covid-19) a bizarre story on phytosanitary certificate for two buckets of honey is being opened now as if the Bishop was transporting a truck full of honey. 

See at:

Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Export to Kosovo EUR 95 million in first half of 2020 (N1)

Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) said on Tuesday that the country's companies exported goods worth EUR 95.4 million to Kosovo in the first half of the year but that in June almost twice less goods were placed than two years ago when the 100 percent import tariffs were not in place.

"In June, the export was worth EUR 23.4 million, while in the same month two years ago, it was EUR 40.3 million", PKS told BETA news agency.

The Chamber of Commerce also said that Serbian producers managed to restore 58 percent of its export to the Kosovo market compared to June 2018.

The result is said to be linked to COVID-19 pandemic and Pristina's reciprocity measures that were in place from May 30 to June 6, when the export to Kosovo was on hold.

Meanwhile, Serbia imported EUR 8.2 million worth goods from Kosovo in the first half of this year.  

Four Serbs sent to one-month detention over possession of weapons and shooting (Radio KIM)

The Basic Court in Pec has ordered one-month detention to four Serbs from northern Kosovo over, as it was said, a criminal act of “unlawful use of dangerous means or weapons” they allegedly committed on Mokra Gora mountain in Istok municipality, Radio KIM reports.

Four Serbs, two from Mitrovica North and two from Zubin Potok were arrested on Sunday, in a place called “Savine Vode” following the shooting reported by the citizens.

Pristina-based media first reported on the arrest, saying several weapons and more than one hundred bullets were confiscated because “they were shooting in the mountains of Istok municipality.”

Defense lawyer of the arrested Serbs, Dejan A. Vasic said it remains unclear to him why the Serbs were sent to detention because the law envisages financial fines for this criminal act.

“For criminal acts of unlawful possession and use of weapons, financial fine and not detention was envisaged, and both legally and in practice this fine goes up to EUR 500”, Vasic said.

As the Pec court announced the case was registered on Saturday afternoon. According to unofficial findings the shooting happened during an organized collection of blueberries. 





Russia and China are Penetrating Balkans at West’s Expense (Balkan Insight)

As the West takes its eye off the Balkans, Moscow and Beijing are both rapidly increasing their ‘footprint’ in the region – whose governments seem unaware of the traps they risk falling into, writes Vesko Garcevic, former Montenegrin ambassador to NATO, the OSCE and other international organisations. He is currently a professor at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University.

"Afew weeks ago, a serious environmental incident occurred in Smederevo in Serbia. Hazardous black powder of unknown origin covered the town, orchards and fields, including the vineyards for which Smederevo is known.

"The incident was caused by Smederevo’s steel mill, which China’s Hebei Iron & Steel Group bought several years ago for as little as 52 million US dollars. Described by environmental activists as an example of “ecological terrorism”, the government and the company downplayed the gravity of the incident.

"At almost the same time, a few hundred kilometers from Smederevo in Montenegro, the Tara river has been muddied by tons of gravel, soil and waste released into the river.

This is not the first time that this has happened to the river, known as “the teardrop of Europe” for its crystal-clear, pristine water. These incidents are also associated with China – with its Road and Bridge Corporation, a large state-owned Chinese company that is building the first highway in Montenegro."

Read more at:





Kosovo Road Construction Sparks Row with Serbian Monastery (Balkan Insight)

Construction has continued on a road from Kosovo to Montenegro despite a government decision to suspend it after a row erupted about building such a road in a protected area around a historic Serbian Orthodox monastery.

Construction work has continued on a new road linking the municipality of Decan/Decani with the Plav and Gusinje areas in Montenegro despite an intervention from Kosovo’s Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti to suspend the project.

On Tuesday, Hoti’s media adviser, Xhavit Beqiri, told BIRN that “construction has not been allowed”. However, construction of the road already resumed earlier this week.

Hoti’s government of Kosovo said it would suspend the works on Friday after a row erupted over claims by abbot Sava Janjic of the Serbian Orthodox Visoki Decani monastery that the building of the highway will endanger the medieval monastery and violate Kosovo’s Law on Special Protected Areas.

Janjic told Voice of America that he is not against the road, on which building work started in 2018, but that it should not run past the monastery, which is located in a special protected area.

“By law in special protected areas, such roads are prohibited due to environmental consequences, noise, heavy traffic, pollution and other things,” he explained.

See at:





UNDP hands over vouchers for vulnerable families (media)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo, in immediate response to COVID-19, and in line with its mandate to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities, handed over today vouchers to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare/ Department for Social Policy and Families to be distributed to 2,000 families, beneficiaries of Social Assistance. This support, implemented for the first time in Kosovo, will allow for the families to purchase food, hygiene and other essential items that they most urgently need over the next three months. The support is realized through the direct financial support of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Support is targeted to families in difficult situations, mainly single parent households and other families in vulnerable situations.

Mr. Skender Reçica, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), Ms. Shkipe Deda Gjurgjiali, Portofolio Manager for Sustainable Development at UNDP, Mr. Mentor Morina, Director of Department for Social Policy and Families (DSPF), and MLSW, DSPF and UNDP officials were present at the handover event.

Minister Reçica, who accepted the vouchers to be distributed to the beneficiaries stated: “At these difficult times of pandemic, helping families from vulnerable groups, beneficiaries of social assistance, shows, in the best way possible our engagement and commitment as MLSW to give a helping hand to the citizens who need our support. I want to thank the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the financial support and UNDP for the implementation of the scheme to support as much as possible in fulfilling the needs of the vulnerable groups. For the next three months, they will have additional means to make their life a bit more tolerable”.

Shkipe Deda Gjurgjiali from UNDP emphasized the importance of the pilot scheme which is being implemented for the first time in Kosovo: “The situation of the people who live on social assistance has worsened even more with the pandemic. With this scheme we want to give those 2,000 selected families the option to purchase necessities they need the most and have not been provided through other humanitarian aid. We are grateful to the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the financial assistance and for being our partner throughout these difficult months. I also want to thank the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and Minister Reçica personally, our long-term partners in tackling unemployment and poverty in Kosovo.

Natacha Gomes, Chargée d’Affaires at the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in her statement emphasized: “I am proud that the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has proven, once again, our strong commitment towards helping the people of Kosovo. Throughout these difficult months, we have partnered with UNDP and already provided much needed test kits and mobile ventilators to help fight the pandemic. Our latest contribution, assistance to 2,000 families in need, shows we are doing our best to soften the deep crisis from the pandemic and address the humanitarian aspect of the crisis. I want to thank UNDP for introducing the voucher scheme and for the very successful partnership. Once again, I would like to send a message to all to exercise caution and follow preventive measures in place confident that we will overcome this challenge”.

About the Programme

Vouchers/coupons are provided to three categories:

-          the families with 1-4 members shall be provided with 180 euro for 3 months (60x3)

-          the families with 5-7 members shall be provided with 210 euro for 3 months (70x3)

-          the families with 8 members shall be provided with 240 euro for 3 months (80x3).

This donation was provided as part of the Response to COVID-19 Mitigation of Impact of Health and Humanitarian Crisis Basic social protection to the most vulnerable groups provided by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, , through LuxDev, for a total amount of 1 million EUR.

Currently, around 25,000 families benefit from the Social Assistance Scheme with around 100,000 members. This number varies over the years however, following the COVID-19 pandemic, it is assessed that the number has increased due to the fact that people have lost their jobs.

This activity is implemented  close cooperation with MLSW/ DSPF and  Centers for Social Work (CSW) to temporarily support 2000 vulnerable families that are living in extreme poverty by providing vouchers/coupons that would be used for the period of three months to provide food, hygiene and other essential items. The main target groups of beneficiaries shall be families without incomes, single parent households, families with persons with special needs and poor families living in rural areas.

Working at the heart of UN Kosovo Team, UNDP in Kosovo has been supporting the people and institutions of Kosovo to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic since the outbreak, focusing particularly on the most vulnerable. We have rapidly shifted focus, responding swiftly and efficiently and reorienting our programme to assist Kosovo’s efforts to stop the spread of the virus, helping to protect people from the pandemic and its impacts, respond during the outbreak, and recover from the economic and social impacts in the months to come.

To learn more about UNDP’s work to fight the pandemic, please visit the page: