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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 20, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 158 new cases, 13 deaths (media)
  • Education minister: We are expecting decision on reopening of schools (media)
  • UNDP delivers vouchers to 2,000 families as part of COVID-19 response (KP/Klan)
  • Haradinaj: Kosovo to go to Washington meeting for final agreement with Serbia (RFE)
  • Kosovo ministers meet U.S. Special Representative Palmer (media)
  • Kosovo looks to send representative to U.S. State Department (media)
  • Meeting of ruling coalition leaders rescheduled (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Six new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serb areas in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
  • Vucic: Haradinaj should not waste kerosene to travel to US in hope for final agreement (Kosovo-online)
  • Dacic: EU thinks Belgrade should accept every stance of Brussels (RTV)
  • Vucic received Dodik’s comparability analysis on status of RS and Kosovo? (Tanjug)
  • Abbot Janjic: Suspension of construction encouraging sign by Kosovo government and municipality (KoSSev)


  • ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste’ (Kosovo 2.0)


  • Serbian Labor Minister says no rise in unemployment figures (BETA, N1)



Albanian Language Media


COVID-19: 158 new cases, 13 deaths (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced tha 158 new cases of COVID-19 and 13 deaths have been recorded over the last 24-hour period.

Meanwhile, 245 recoveries were confirmed over the same time period. 

The highest number of new infections is in Prishtina (38).

Education minister: We are expecting decision on reopening of schools (media)

Kosovo's Minister of Education, Rame Likaj, said they are waiting for the announcement of the decision on when the schools are expected to reopen.

In a visit to Gjilan today, Likaj said: "We are looking at three scenarios which will depend on the pandemic situation, the last being distance learning but we will work to ensure learning takes place in schools under protective measures and utmost caution."

UNDP delivers vouchers to 2,000 families as part of COVID-19 response  (KP/Klan)

As part of response efforts to COVID-19, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through funds from Luxembourg, handed over vouchers to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare for 2,000 families, beneficiaries of social assistance.

The support will enable beneficiary families to buy food, hygiene, and other essential items.

The main target groups of beneficiaries shall be families without incomes, single parent households, families with persons with special needs and poor families living in rural areas.

Haradinaj: Kosovo to go to Washington meeting for final agreement with Serbia (RFE)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said in an interview with Radio Free Europe that the Kosovo side should go to the September 2 Washington meeting to reach final agreement with Serbia.

Haradinaj said that the decision of the EU to delegate the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to two officials coming from non-recognising countries - High Representative Josep Borrell and Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak - has "diminished our hope for success." Haradinaj said the EU's approach to Kosovo has been 'slow' and 'inadequate'.

"Seeing this situation, we have realised that the only hope remaining is with Washington," said Haradinaj. He added: "We always trusted Washington but we hoped that the EU would invest more in this process by direct involvement of main capitals like Berlin, through some senior official or France with one of its own."

At the same time, he said, the U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien has all the necessary authorisations and the trust of the parties to secure an agreement. "We need to demand an agreement be reached in this meeting for mutual recognition in existing borders."

"And in order for this agreement to be reached, of course there are topics some of which are ready and some that can be addressed in the future. But I underline, mutual recognition cannot be done after all these issues concerning bilateral relations are closed because they last indefinitely," Haradinaj said. 

Asked to comment on his party entrusting him to lead negotiations on the possible reshuffling of the government and the post of Kosovo president, Haradinaj said that the situation in Kosovo could be faced with an institutional crisis if indictments against President Hashim Thaci and PDK leader Kadri Veseli are confirmed by the Specialist Chambers.

He said the AAK is considering whether to remain part of the government but to condition this with getting the post of Kosovo president. He said that if the PDK decides to join the government, the AAK's power would diminish and it would be outvoted in any situation.  

On the construction of the Decan-Plav road, Haradinaj said the project is necessary for the population of Decan and that it is aimed at bringing people closer. "I believe a solution will be found for the road. I see no reason why such a simple issue would artificially be blown out of proportion and these situations usually happen ahead of major political developments."

Kosovo ministers meet U.S. Special Representative Palmer (media)

Kosovo's Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla and Justice Minister Selim Selimi met in Washington the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia and Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer.

Kosovo officials said that any sustainable agreement between Kosovo and Serbia without coordination with the U.S. is difficult to be achieved. 

"Active role and support of the U.S., as our strategic ally is irreplaceable in closing all open issues with Serbia," said Selimi on Facebook. He noted that the agreement with Serbia should be legally binding and include mutual recognition under existing borders. 

Kosovo looks to send representative to U.S. State Department (media)

Kosovo's Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla said that for the first time in its political history, Kosovo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be able to send a representative to the U.S. State Department. 

"Close coordination of our foreign policy with the U.S. and the professionalism of the Foreign Service based on highest international and diplomatic practices remains our joint commitment," she wrote on Facebook.

Haradinaj-Stublla made the comments after meeting the U.S. Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer.

Meeting of ruling coalition leaders rescheduled (media)

The meeting between leaders of ruling coalition parties originally expected to take place today has been rescheduled for Monday.

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said the meeting will focus on preparations for the September 2 meeting in Washington with the Serbian side. "The goal is to be prepared and able to have success," he said. 

Haradinaj announced that there will also be consultations with leaders of opposition parties ahead of the Washington meeting.



Serbian Language Media


Six new cases of Covid-19 registered in Serb areas in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)

Six new cases of Covid-19 infection were registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo over the last 24 hours, the Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced in a press conference today.

Epidemiologist Aleksandar Antonijevic said that out of 62 tested samples six came positive. Out of six new cases four were registered in Zubin Potok, one in Leposavic and one in Strpce. Meanwhile, 18 persons have been cured.

Total number of recovered persons is 542 out of 950 infected cases since the outbreak of pandemic. A total of 4400 persons have been tested.

There are 371 active cases in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, 317 persons are staying in house isolation, while 54 patients are hospitalized. 49 patients are staying at Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North, three in Nis, one in Kragujevac and one in Belgrade.   

Vucic: Haradinaj should not waste kerosene to travel to US in hope for final agreement (Kosovo-online)

Haradinaj may turn his plane back immediately and waste no kerosene if he goes to Washington for the final agreement, because it won’t be there, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said commenting on the statement of Ramush Haradinaj who said earlier today that Kosovo Albanians travel to Washington for the final agreement, Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic said there could be talks about determined topics only in Washington.

“We go to Washington to discuss determined topics. We may discuss any topic, but that they get everything, and we get nothing and recognize them, they won’t see that happening”, Vucic told TV Pink.

He also assessed the upcoming talks won’t be easy. Commenting on the Serbian holy shrines in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic announced it would be the topic of the talks in Brussels.

Speaking about the new Serbian government, Vuicic said there would certainly be changes and its composition would be known soon. Asked if he was closer to the concentration or coalition government, Vucic responded that he is closer to what the public sees as his second option. 

“There will certainly be changes (in the government). We have more than 100 new, young, quality people in parliament who want to prove themselves and learn. We will face all challenges more easily with them including the fight for Kosovo,” he told TV Pink in a live appearance following a tour of the St. Sava Temple in Belgrade with the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej.

Dacic: EU thinks Belgrade should accept every stance of Brussels (RTV)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today the economy would be discussed at the upcoming meeting of Belgrade and Pristina in Washington on September 2, however, he did not exclude the possibility of (having) some political topics there, Radio-Television of Vojvodina reported.

“It is good, because in Washington there were never talks on compromise, since Americans considered the Kosovo issue resolved,” Dacic said.

He added many European countries are not thrilled because the US would have a role in the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

“Some European states do not wish to help US President Donald Trump in his pre-election campaign”, Dacic said, assessing that half a million votes of the Serbs living in the US may have an important role in the presidential elections.

He also said that serious talks on the future of Serbia are looming and Belgrade would be requested to choose if it would be on the side of Moscow and China.

“The European Union thinks Belgrade should accept every stance of Brussels. If you do so, you would probably have negative reactions from some other states,” Dacic explained, adding that Serbia is no longer weak since it has changed its political position on the international scene.

Vucic received Dodik’s comparability analysis on status of RS and Kosovo? (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today he has received “certain papers” from Republic of Srpska (RS), one of two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding he expects certain decision of the RS Assembly and that he would think of Serbia’s stance towards it, Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic did not elaborate in detail what papers and decisions he had in mind, mentioning it within the context of challenges ahead of Serbia, primarily regarding Kosovo and Metohija issue.

The only “papers” previously announced from Banja Luka concern the statement of Milorad Dodik in a joint press conference where he told Vucic there could be no talks on separation of Kosovo and not to talk about the status of the Republic of Srpska, respectively “if Kosovo stays in Serbia, then RS would stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Dodik told journalists back then Vucic didn’t declare on this thesis, adding he said he would do so once he gets elaboration on the paper.

“I have received certain papers from RS, and certain decisions of the RS Assembly. I need to go through these papers well, and then react to it, to see what and how we will do regarding this issue,” Vucic told TV Pink.

He also said that the Dayton Agreement is a Holy Bible and that Serbia is a guarantor of its implementation.

Abbot Janjic: Suspension of construction encouraging sign by Kosovo government and municipality (KoSSev)

Suspending the construction of the highway Decani-Plav through the special protective zone is an encouraging sign by the Kosovo government and the municipality, the Abbot of the Visoki Decani Monastery, Sava Janjic said after the Kosovo government announced yesterday, following a meeting of the Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti and Decani mayor, Bashkim Ramosaj, that the roadworks are suspended until a joint solution is found, KoSSev portal reports.

The suspension of construction is an “encouraging sign by the Kosovo government and the municipality which indicates that there is a possibility to go back to the bypass road project approved by the government in 2014, avoiding the Monastery area,” Janjic tweeted.

The US Ambassador to Pristina, Philip Kosnett welcomed the Kosovo government’s decision to suspend works on the Decane-Plav road.

“Construction of the Decan-Plave highway is about more than land and access. It is about upholding court decisions, respecting and preserving the rights of all to practice their faith and live peacefully with their neighbors, and valuing Kosovo’s rich heritage and cultural diversity,” Kosnett said.

Kosnett is also the first international official in Kosovo to comment on the latest developments regarding the construction of this road since last week when the Diocese of Raska and Prizren warned the public, as well as international representatives, that works continued again in the special protective zone near the monastery.

See at:





‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste’ (Kosovo 2.0)

By Agon Nixha

Today’s turmoil is an opportunity for Kosovo’s transformational economic recovery.

The COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo, in addition to causing a major public health crisis, has plunged the country into economic calamity, driving many firms to bankruptcy, leaving many others on the verge of collapse, and causing considerable job losses. The International Monetary Fund projects Kosovo’s real GDP to contract by 5% in 2020.

Amid all this chaos, I try to maintain hope and optimism, believing (perhaps counterintuitively) that this crisis, despite its evident downsides, might also constitute a golden opportunity for a remarkable economic transformation.

Bearing in mind that in moments of uncertainty people tend to be more amenable to new narratives and remedies, times of crisis may provide ideal circumstances for reassessing a country’s economic policy.

On a global scale, crises such as the Great Depression in the 1930s, the inflationary crisis in the 1970s, and more recently the global financial turmoil in 2008, though not induced by health-related reasons, have all been — whether for good or bad — veritable laboratories for big ideas followed by transformational shifts.

To understand the opportunities that this current crisis may offer, we first need to understand Kosovo’s current economic structure.

See at:





Serbian Labor Minister says no rise in unemployment figures (BETA, N1)

Serbian Labor Minister Zoran Djordjevic said on Thursday that the number of people who lost their jobs was no higher than it was a year earlier, BETA news agency reports.

Djordjevic told Serbian public broadcaster RTS that almost 7,000 more people were newly-employed people compared to 2019, adding that the rise was mainly caused by the fact that a large number of doctors, nurses and other medical staff got jobs. 

Djordjevic said that pension fund data shows the payment of salary taxes and duties was higher than a year earlier by some two billion RSD (1 EUR – 118 RSD) because, according to the minister, there were fewer people working off the records.