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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 7, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Sanctions awaiting Kosovo if Kurti says no (Albanian Post)
  • Murati: If sanctions were to be discussed, they should be against Serbia (Koha)
  • Ceku: Kurti will very soon have an answer for all (Koha)
  • Stoltenberg: Violence is setting back Kosovo and the entire region (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: We have votes to initiate motion against Kurti government (media)
  • Abdixhiku to Abbott: Kosovo’s clash with allies, strategic deviation (media)
  • Selimi: Lajcak, Escobar to report if Kosovo approved de-escalation plan (media)
  • Peci: See you in isolated and bankrupt Kosovo (media)
  • Raci: Hard to believe Kurti will be on list with Radoicic, Dodik (media)
  • Fried: The government of Kosovo abused the trust of the USA (RFE)
  • Unknown assailants attack two persons in their vehicle in Zvecan (media)
  • Govt adopts Sovereign Fund bill; Kurti: The core of our economic sovereignty (Telegrafi)
  • Rasic says not whole state of Serbia should be blamed for war crimes in Kosovo (Koha)
  • LVV’s Atic meets PDK’s Peci: Northern municipalities will become citizens’ (Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo, Albania governments to meet on June 14 (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Citizens in northern Kosovo continue protesting (Radio KIM)
  • Lajcak: A long conversation with Vucic, an urgent political solution to the current crisis needed (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Lawyers of two Serbs arrested at Jarinje on May 31 file appeal against detention measure (KoSSev)
  • North Macedonia FM submits to OSCE plan for normalisation of situation in N. Kosovo (Beta, N1)
  • Liturgy in Leposavic: Bishop Teodosije called for peace; Gazeta Express: Inspires Serbs to violence (KoSSev)
  • Dacic: Unity and political stability top state and national interest (Tanjug)
  • Serb from northern Kosovo in detention in Belgrade, charged with urging Serbs to leave Kosovo (KoSSev)
  • Petkovic meets Gori, discusses situation in northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online)


  • Kosovo president open to new elections in Serb-majority municipalities (Reuters)
  • Kosovo Eyes Consequences as Deadline for US, EU Demands Approaches (BIRN)
  • US, EU considering sanctions against Kurti if situation in north escalates (
  • Behind the Renewed Troubles in Northern Kosovo (  



Albanian Language Media  


Escobar: Vucic would use his influence to convince Serbs to participate in elections (RFE)

The special envoy of the United States for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that the situation in the north of Kosovo should be deescalated immediately and that he does not want to wait until July for new elections.

"The mayors should not use the [municipal] buildings, the Kosovo Police should withdraw from the area around [these] buildings and the protesters should leave."

"We hope there will be new elections and we want the Serbs to participate in them without preconditions," he said.

Escobar made the comments to journalists in Belgrade, where he travelled together with the European Union envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

Escobar, who a day earlier severely criticised Kurti for "lack of cooperation" in descalating the situation, said that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has assured him that he would use his influence to convince the Serb community in the north of Kosovo to participate in the eventual elections.

"The biggest challenge for Serbia now is to convince the Serbs to return to [Kosovo's] institutions," Escobar said.

"That's where I think we're aligned with Serbia. We need to make sure that those who participate in the elections and the Serbs who return to the institutions are welcome," the senior U.S. official said.

Asked by journalists if there is any answer from the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, regarding the proposal of the international community for the de-escalation of the situation in the north, Escobar said that the discussions between the government of Kosovo and Lajcak will continue even after the departure of the latter today from Belgrade.

"I don't know if there has been any concrete response from the government of Kosovo. I hope that the government of Kosovo understands that what we are trying to achieve is a sustainable and mutually beneficial result for both countries," Escobar said, adding that he did not give any deadline to Kurti.

He emphasised that the partnership of the USA, the EU and the United Kingdom with Kosovo "is open". But, if the government of Kosovo, he added, takes unilateral steps and leaves the partnership with the transatlantic community, "this itself is a consequence".

"The association will happen with this or the next government"

Escobar said that Kosovo and Serbia should return to dialogue for the normalisation of relations, because "if they turned their backs on it, they would turn their backs on Europe". He emphasised that the US is committed to helping both Kosovo and Serbia resolve this crisis in a way that benefits both sides. He repeated that the formation of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority is a "legal requirement" for the government of Kosovo.

"At some point, if Kosovo wants to move forward with its integration, it must form the Association. The question is whether this will happen with this government or with the next government", Escobar said.

Sanctions awaiting Kosovo if Kurti says no (Albanian Post)

Albanian Post has learned from diplomatic sources that the sanctions - both on a personal level for Kurti and one of his ministers, and on the state level for Kosovo - will be harsh and unprecedented in the history of Kosovo.

A non-grata prime minister and minister, return of the North to the pre-2004 state where KFOR takes full control, blocking of funds from the U.S. and the EU, passivity towards Serbia's campaign for de-recognition, blocking of integration processes and the eventual exclusion of Kosovo from some international organisations where it is already a member. These are some of the sanctions divided into two phases that may follow from the trans-Atlantic community for Kosovo, if Prime Minister Albin Kurti refuses to give a positive answer until Friday.

"In the event that the situation on the ground worsens and leads to a serious endangerment of general security, including the endangerment of KFOR troops, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla can be declared non-grata with the justification that pose a risk to security and peace", international sources close to the developments and the negotiation process told the Albanian Post.

This, however, is a final stage, which is currently only hypothetical, and the international community hopes that there will be no need for a development of this drastic nature.

The transatlantic community, the source clarified, has a vital need not to allow a centre of crisis behind the wings of the contact line with Russia. Because, as Escobar also said on Tuesday in a meeting with a journalist, only Russia benefits from a crisis centre in Kosovo.

The international (trans-Atlantic) community was caught completely by surprise, or as Escobar clarified, "in perplexity", because with the launch of the Franco-German plan there was a belief that problems would arise with the Serbian side, as a stubborn and non-constructive side.

"No one expected that it will be the government of Kosovo that, with its own actions, will promote insecurity and fuel crises and conflicts", said the source who told AP about the sanctioning measures divided into two phases (if the need arises).

What has already become clear is that the Western (transatlantic) community has run out of patience.

"Is it or is it not a partner of the transatlantic community? Being a partner and consumer of the national security that the transatlantic community offers and keeps alive, means unconditional fulfilment of all obligations," said the source adding that the first phase will begin with the freezing of funds from the European Union.

Murati: If sanctions are discussed, they should be against Serbia (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, said in a press conference today that sanctions are discussed, then they should be against Serbia for continuous violations of the agreements reached in Brussels. Asked to comment on media reports about a list of sanctions against Kosovo if the leaders do not heed the requests of the U.S. and EU, Murati said he is not aware of such a list or “about the credibility of such lists”.

Murati also said that the Kosovo government is committed to upholding democratic values and constitutionality throughout Kosovo.

Ceku: Kurti will very soon have an answer for all (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrullah Ceku, said today that Prime Minister Albin Kurti will very soon have an answer for the international community, media, and the citizens after the recent requests following tensions in the north of Kosovo.

Ceku said that the Vetevendosje Movement holds regular meetings and that they have discussed many issues, including tensions in the northern municipalities. “This is the government building, and I would not like to talk about issues related to the party. Prime Minister Kurti will very soon have an answer for the international community, for the media, and for the citizens,” he told a press conference.

Stoltenberg: Violence is setting back Kosovo and the entire region (Koha)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with the Montenegrin newspaper "Pobjeda", spoke about the situation in the north of Kosovo.

"NATO strongly condemns the recent unprovoked attacks on KFOR troops in the north, in which nearly 40 peacekeepers were injured. Such attacks are unacceptable and must be stopped. We have sent to Kosovo about 500 more soldiers from the operational reserve for the Western Balkans and we have put an additional battalion on standby, so that they can also be deployed, as needed. These are measures to ensure that KFOR has the strength and capability it needs to fulfill its mandate. Our KFOR mission will take all necessary actions to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo. We will continue to act impartially, in accordance with our United Nations mandate, based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999," Stoltenberg said.

Haradinaj: We have votes to initiate motion against Kurti government (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, told reporters today that they have the required number of votes to initiate a motion against the Kurti-led government. “The motion is the right solution. We are a democracy, and this would certainly be useful for the whole political landscape, including the majority. The votes are there, the opposition has the required votes to initiate the motion and there are also many MPs that do not agree with the head of the government for going too far,” Haradinaj told reporters.

Haradinaj said that Kosovo has already accepted the three requests of the U.S. and the EU to de-escalate the situation. “The three requests that were presented, have been accepted by Kosovo in a way. As we know the President and the Prime Minister have already talked about holding elections in the north. They have also accepted the possibility of withdrawing the special units from the municipal buildings in the north. The Kosovo Government has also accepted all previous agreements, both in the Ohrid and the Brussels agreement. I think these three issues have been agreed, and the government must act now, in time. These are not ultimatums, they are not new requests, but expectations from Kosovo to start acting,” he added.

Abdixhiku meets Abbott: Kosovo’s clash with allies, strategic deviation with consequences (media)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lumir Abdixhiku received the British Ambassador to Kosovo Nicholas Abbott, with whom he discusses the political developments in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the tense situation in the north.

According to the announcement of the LDK, Abdixhiku informed Ambassador Abbott about the party’s position on the tensions in the north, as well as the need that in moments of tension and provocation from Serbia, joint action with the allies to face a crisis is a must.

“At this moment, Kosovo needs all its friends; the clash with them is a strategic deviation and a diplomatic failure with long-term consequences,” Abdixhiku reportedly said.

He has thanked Ambassador Abbott and Great Britain as a strategic partner for its role and contribution in strengthening and consolidating the state of Kosovo.

Selimi: Lajcak, Escobar to report if Kosovo approved de-escalation plan (media)

Kosovo’s former Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, writes in a Twitter post today that “Kosovo media reporting of a ‘deadline’ today. I don't think there's a hard deadline for Kosovo gov. Lajcak and Escobar will report to their institutions whether Kosovo approved the de-escalation plan. Then EU and US will decide whether and what ‘consequences’ this actions merit.”

Peci: See you in isolated and bankrupt Kosovo (media)

The current director of the KIPRED Institute, and former ambassador of Kosovo in Sweden Lulzim Peci, said that the chapter of support and partnership of the key Western countries with Kosovo is now almost closed.

"It seems to me that we are not aware of the seriousness of the situation in which we are. Words and arguments do not work! The chapter of support and partnership of key countries of the West with our country is now almost closed! See you in the isolated and bankrupt Kosovo! Reached the bottom, we’ve got what we asked for" Peci wrote.

Raci: Hard to believe Kurti will be on list with Radoicic, Dodik (media)

Political commentator, Gazmir Raci, reacted to reports in some media today according to which sanctions could be expected against Kosovo and Prime Minister Albin Kurti. “The spreading of news that Albin Kurti will be included in a U.S. black list in case the international plan is refused, is concerning. It is hard to believe that the main political leader in Kosovo, who is fighting crime in the north, will be on the list with Radoicic, Dodik, etc,” Raci tweeted.

Fried: The government of Kosovo abused the trust of the USA (RFE)

The quarrel with the Americans damages the interests of Kosovo, says Daniel Fried, former assistant to the US Secretary of State, in an interview for Radio Free Europe.

According to him, the USA has never been so angry with the Government of Kosovo and such a thing is "quite disturbing".

Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his team "have taken American support for granted. They have abused the American trust in a way that will be difficult for them to fix," Fried says.

The reaction comes after the harsh criticism made by the special envoy of the USA for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, in the address of Kurti, whom he blamed for the lack of cooperation in the extension of the situation in the north of Kosovo.

Unknown assailants attack two persons in their vehicle in Zvecan (media)

Kosovo Police said in a report today that two unknown assailants used baseball bats, metallic rods, and rocks to attack two Kosovar persons inside their vehicle with local licence plates in Zvecan. Material damage was inflicted, and no injuries were reported. Police are investigating the case.

On the same day, in Mitrovica North, two suspects attacked a Kosovar victim “causing bodily injuries”.

Indeksonline covers the police report under the headline “Groups of masked persons are attacking vehicles in Zvecan”.

Govt adopts Sovereign Fund bill; Kurti: The core of our economic sovereignty (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that the Sovereign Fund is being created and that “our public enterprises together with 24,000 other assets will be transferred from the government to the Sovereign Fund”. He argued that this will increase investment opportunities and improve their management. “In doing so, the government will become smaller, but the state will become stronger and richer. The Sovereign Fund will put us on the map of global financial markets, and it will be the core of our economic sovereignty,” he added.

The draft law on the Sovereign Fund was adopted with a majority of votes in government today.

Rasic says not whole state of Serbia should be blamed for war crimes in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic, voted today against the proposal-decision for establishing “the Working Group that will draft the conception of the Museum that will document and present the crimes of the former Yugoslavia and Serbia against the Kosovo Albanians”. Rasic did not agree with blaming a whole country for the war crimes. “I think that it is not right to categorise or generalise a whole country for the crimes. And above all, when mentioning the issue of future generations, I don’t think we should make such a categorization, by making a whole state criminal. I certainly agree on the part that needs to be told, so that such crimes don’t happen again and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. But I don’t think we should generalise crimes and put the blame on an entire country,” Rasic said, adding that the text should be corrected.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that respective authorities will address the issue of the text, and that the people should not be blamed because this does not correspond with a progressive government.

LVV’s Atic meets PDK’s Peci: Northern municipalities will become citizens’ (Telegrafi)

The mayor of the municipality of Mitrovica North Erden Atic received in his office the mayor of the municipality of Zvecan, Ilir Peci.

"Today in my office I received the Mayor of the Municipality of Zvecan, Ilir Peci. I congratulated Peci for his mandate as mayor of Zvecan and wished him good work. Together we discussed the challenges and problems faced by the citizens of our municipalities and talked about the solutions to those problems. In these municipalities, no one thought about the citizens and public services have been left far behind", wrote Atiq.

The mayor of northern Mitrovica also emphasized that the municipalities will belong to the citizens.

"Our municipalities will become citizens' and they will be habitable places where life will develop normally as in all the municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo", Atic wrote on Facebook, among other things.

Kosovo, Albania governments to meet on June 14 (media)

The governments of Kosovo and Albania will hold a joint meeting next Wednesday (June 14) in the city of Gjakova. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today this will be the ninth joint meeting of the two governments. He also said they are expected to sign agreements in the area of justice, education, healthcare and defence.



Serbian Language Media 


Citizens in northern Kosovo continue protesting (Radio KIM)

Serbs continue gathering in front of the municipal buildings in northern Kosovo today as well. Residents, and Serbian List representatives Goran Rakic, Igor Simic and former Zvecan mayor Dragisa Milovic are present in the near vicinity of Zvecan municipality, Radio KIM reports.

Employees of the local administration continue signing in to the book of attendance, in a symbolic gesture as if attending their working places. The night went peacefully and KFOR members are still located at the same locations, as well as five access roads to Zvecan town.

Serbs continue voicing the same demands – Kosovo special police units to withdraw from municipal buildings and northern Kosovo and that newly elected Albanian mayors, they deem illegitimate, do not come to the municipal buildings.

They also requested the release of Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic, arrested on Monday, May 29 in Zvecan.

The situation is similar in two other northern municipalities, Leposavic and Zubin Potok where people for the tenth day protest peacefully and voice the same demands. 

Lajcak: A long conversation with Vucic, an urgent political solution to the current crisis needed (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The special envoy of the EU for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, announced on his Twitter account that yesterday, together with the special envoy of the USA for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, he had a long conversation with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the complex situation of the Serbs in Kosovo.

Lajcak said that violence was not acceptable and that a political solution to the current crisis was urgently needed.

"Escobar and I had a long conversation in Belgrade with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the complex situation of the Serbs in Kosovo. Violence is never acceptable and a political solution to the current crisis is urgently needed. We appreciated his willingness to contribute to that," said Lajcak.

Lawyers of two Serbs arrested at Jarinje on May 31 file appeal against detention measure (KoSSev)

Two Serbs from central Serbia arrested at Jarinje crossing point on May 31, who as police said had “illegal equipment for violent acts” in their vehicle were sent to one-month detention, lawyers Milos Delevic and Ljubomir Pantovic confirmed to KoSSev portal.

The lawyers said their clients are charged with three criminal acts: “preparation of terrorist acts against Kosovo constitutional order”, “illegal possession of weapons” and “participation in a group carrying out criminal acts or hooliganism”.

The lawyers added they had filed an appeal to the Court of Appeals over the decision.

Delevic said he expects prosecution to swiftly conduct an investigation, adding he requested to take part in all investigative acts.

Pantovic said the acts their clients are charged with can’t endanger “Kosovo constitutional order” as Special Prosecution claims.

“What prosecution charges them with is not a criminal act, none of the three, apart eventually from unlawful possession of weapons, but they had cold weapons and by this you certainly can not endanger constitutional order and security in Kosovo, as Special Prosecution claims”, Pantovic told the portal.

He also said arguments of prosecution were illogical as it charges them with participation in violent clashes that took place on May 29 in front of the municipal building in Zvecan, while they were arrested at Jarinje on May 31 two days later in an attempt to enter Kosovo, adding they were not even in Kosovo when the clashes on May 29 occurred.

Pantovic also opined there were no grounds for detention measures.

North Macedonia FM submits to OSCE plan for normalisation of situation in N. Kosovo (Beta, N1)

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bujar Osmani said that his roadmap for the de-escalation and normalisation of the situation in northern Kosovo has been submitted to the OSCE missions in Belgrade and Pristina, “which are to communicate and operationalize it”, reported N1. 

He said the nine-step roadmap, which he published over the weekend, “is not an OSCE plan, because this international organisation makes decisions by consensus, but a plan by the Republic of North Macedonia and him as the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.”

“My role as OSCE chairman is to offer a solution for de-escalation. OSCE is basically a platform for dialogue, communication, and conflict management. We have two large operations, one in Pristina and the other in Belgrade,” Osmani said in an interview with the North Macedonian Telma TV.

He said his proposal is a complementary attempt, in addition to those of other international organisations and bodies, to de-escalate and normalise the situation in northern Kosovo and for the two sides, Belgrade and Pristina, to “return to the dialogue established in Ohrid.”

OSCE Chairman-in-Office and North Macedonia Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani published on June 3 a nine-step roadmap for de-escalation and normalisation of the situation in north Kosovo.

His Ministry said this plan “is aimed at achieving lasting peace and stability in the north of Kosovo and the return of Kosovo Serbs to institutions and democratic processes.”

Liturgy in Leposavic: Bishop Teodosije called for peace; Gazeta Express: Inspires Serbs to violence (KoSSev)

Bishop Teodosije's speech, at the liturgy held this week in Leposavic, faced Gazeta Express accusations, with allegations that he incited Serbs to violence. And while the Diocese of Raska-Prizren, broadcasting part of the speech, emphasises that the bishop actually called for peace, this media claims that he "inspires Serbian nationalists", KoSSev portal reported today.

According to KoSSev, Gazeta Express published news yesterday morning with the headline - "Liturgy of Teodosije incites Serbs to violence."

The portal reported that the text actually talked about the liturgy in Leposavic, which was served by the bishop on Monday, on Holy Trinity Day.

According to KoSSev, this Pristina based media started the text with a quote from a sermon by Teodosije: "Who we are, what we are, how strong we are, everything depends on whether, like our ancestors, we will manage to preserve everything that God has given us", drawing the conclusion that it is about incitement to violence.

"The man of God Teodosije, who is obliged to call for peace between people, and in this case also for the relaxation of relations between Serbs and Albanians, incites Kosovo Serbs to violence," Express wrote, reported KoSSev. 

KoSSev reported that they specify that the arrival of Bishop Teodosije  on the occasion of the Holy Trinity holiday was "more political than religious", and they refer to the new crisis in the North of Kosovo.

"Like Teodosije's visit to Leposavic with the aim of inspiring Serbian nationalists, such visits were also made during the war by Serbian church leaders who 'blessed' and encouraged Serbian criminals to commit crimes against the Albanian population in Kosovo," added Express, according to KoSSev. 

Express notes that Serbia has continuously "used" the Serbian Orthodox Church to "stir up hatred among the peoples of the Balkans".

Later in the day Gazeta Express removed the article from their website. 

About the same liturgy, as well as the bishop's sermon, the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren announced in a completely different tone, that is, with the title "At the Liturgy in Leposavic, Bishop Teodosije called for peace and preservation of what God has given to us."

At the same time, the Diocese published a quote, controversial for Gazeta Express, which omitted the parts in which it calls for calmness, tolerance, and love.

"Who we are, what we are, how strong we are, how calm and patient we are, how much love we have... From it all depends on whether we, like our ancestors, will manage to preserve everything that was given to us by God: both this land and these holy places," the announcement stated.

They indicated that a large number of believers, especially children, attended the liturgy.

"Spiritual Monday brought us together to first find peace in our souls. We pray to God to instill peace in our hearts and souls, and to pass it on to our families and our society. It is the peace that comes from the One who is the source of living water, the source of peace, love, and every good thing," the bishop told the faithful.

He blessed all the inhabitants of Leposavic to "persevere and survive", with the message - "we are here on our own".

"What we are obliged to do is to defend our country, our people and our sanctuaries," the bishop said.

The Decani Monastery said in a Twitter post yesterday that ''the Serbian Orthodox Bishop in Kosovo, Teodosije, who served a liturgy at St. Basil's Church in Leposavic, has been subjected to a brutal attack by the Kosovo Albanian portal Gazeta Express.'' Read the Decani Monastery post at:

Dacic: Unity and political stability top state and national interest (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister and Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday he had had a good conversation with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic earlier in the day and that unity of the people and political stability were the top state and national interest.

"A very good discussion with President Aleksandar Vucic", Dacic remarked in an Instagram post.

Earlier, Vucic said he had had a good conversation with Dacic about Serbia's future and joint plants, programmes and measures.

"Tomorrow evening, we will present a part of what we have been working on hard for weeks now", Vucic announced in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account.

Serb from northern Kosovo in detention in Belgrade, charged with urging Serbs to leave Kosovo (KoSSev)

The Higher Prosecution in Belgrade submitted the indictment proposal to the Higher Court in Belgrade, against D.T. (31) from Zubin Potok over, as it was said, justified doubt that he “urged citizens from Zubin Potok to leave the territory of Kosovo if they do not want to be part of Kosovo institutions”.

He is charged with the criminal act of “inciting violent changes of constitutional order”. The prosecution requested detention of D.T. be extended so he could not “carry out the same criminal act again”.

The indictment reads that “on March 18, 2023 in Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo and Metohija D.T. called for violent changes of the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia. D.T. escorted by several unknown persons approached citizens of the Serb ethnicity in Zubin Potok and handed over pamphlets with the following content to them – If you do not want to be in Kosovo institutions leave Kosovo then. Hush to Serbia (a command used for dogs in a derogatory manner in Serbian) – and – Change the licence plates, take personal identification documents, participate in elections or go back to Serbia”.

According to the prosecution he was also telling “whoever recognizes the Republic of Kosovo may stay on this territory, and those who do not, can go to Serbia”.

D.T. is the only one from four Serbs from northern Kosovo arrested in central Serbia in April to remain in detention.

Petkovic meets Gori, discusses situation in northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Office for KiM Director Petar Petkovic met today with Italian Ambassador to Serbia, Luca Gori and discussed with him the situation of the Serbian people in Kosovo and the latest crisis in the north, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Petkovic informed Italian Ambassador about endangered safety of Serbs in Kosovo and latest unilateral acts of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti “who violently and unlawfully brought illegitimate mayors and special police forces to the Serb facilities in the north, leading to new tensions and crisis on the ground that suit no one, but authorities in Pristina that this way wanted to avoid establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities”, Office said in a statement.

Petkovic recalled the ungrounded arrest of Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic despite irrefutable evidence of their innocence, wounding of Dragisa Galjak by Kosovo special police forces, and continuation of “bare violence of the Pristina regime against the Serbs” in Kosovo.

Petkovic also expressed sorrow for the wounded KFOR soldiers and wished them speedy recovery. He added Serbs in the north will continue voicing the same demands because of which they protest there and it is that Kosovo special police units leave municipal buildings, Albanian mayors not to come to the municipal facilities, and Dusan Obrenovic and Rados Petrovic be released from detention. 





Kosovo president open to new elections in Serb-majority municipalities (Reuters)

Kosovo could trigger new elections in Serb-majority municipalities rocked by violent protests if 20% of voters sign a petition asking for them, the president told Reuters.

In an exclusive interview in her office, President Vjosa Osmani said she believed a petition was the most "democratic way" to proceed to new elections.

"In this way, I think we would ensure the participation of Serbs because the request would have come from them to begin with, from citizens," she said.

Violent protests erupted in four northern municipalities after Kosovo installed ethnic Albanian mayors who were elected into offices on a turnout of just 3.5%. Serbs, who form a majority in the region, boycotted the local polls.

Osmani said removing mayors through a voter petition would be "sort of a referendum" which would open the way for a second vote to be held to elect new mayors. She said the entire process could be done within a few months.

It was unclear, however, if local Serb voters would participate in a petition.

Read more at:

Kosovo Eyes Consequences as Deadline for US, EU Demands Approaches (BIRN)

Kosovo must decide soon whether to accept US and EU demands for ‘de-escalation’ measures and new local elections after violent unrest in Serb-majority municipalities or face ‘consequences’ from Washington and Brussels.

Kosovo is facing an impending decision about whether or not to accept US and EU prescriptions for the ‘de-escalation’ of tensions in the Serb-majority north of Kosovo after recent violent unrest, with envoys  due to report back to Washington and Brussels with Pristina’s response to their demands by the end of the week.

The requests from Washington and Brussels include holding new local elections with the participation of Kosovo Serbs and the implementation of an agreement that will see the establishment of an association representing Serbs’ interests in northern municipalities.

The demands have been conveyed in person this week during visits by the EU envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, and the US envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

Read more at:

US, EU considering sanctions against Kurti if situation in north escalates (

The United States and the European Union are considering two phases of measures against Kosovo unless it complies its obligations and does not deescalate the situation in the north, including sanctions against Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Interior Minister Xhelal Sveçla, according to an internal US government text, seen by Euronews Albania.

The first phase of sanctions would see the freezing of EU funds, the visa liberalization process, the membership process for the Council of Europe, US funds, and other Western-funded projects.

Phase two would see Kosovo’s allies taking a passive attitude towards Serbia’s derecognition campaign against Kosovo, reorganization of the international military presence and a serious reduction of the American contingent, and exclusion of Kosovo from certain international organizations.

Read more at:

Behind the Renewed Troubles in Northern Kosovo (

In late May, violent protests broke out in Kosovo’s four northernmost municipalities, where Serbs form the majority. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Marko Prelec explains what caused the unrest and what should be done to defuse tensions.

On 26 May, the Kosovo government took control of municipal buildings in four northern Serb-majority cities, sparking violent protests and prompting KFOR, the NATO-led peacekeeping force, to intervene. Days later, on 29 May, ethnic Serb protesters armed with clubs and stun grenades clashed with KFOR troops in Zvečan, one of the northern municipalities, leaving dozens injured, some seriously, on both sides. The U.S. and European Union (EU) blamed the Kosovo government for escalating tensions while faulting the Serbs for attacking the peacekeepers. On 30 May, Washington imposed a set of sanctions on Kosovo. NATO ordered its operational reserve of 700 troops into Kosovo, beefing up its presence on the ground. 

These clashes are the latest flareup in a long-running dispute that was a major driver of conflict in the Balkans in the 1990s. Fighting ended at the close of that decade with NATO intervention and the separation of Kosovo (with its ethnic Albanian majority) from Serbia. While most EU member states worked with the U.S. to bring about Kosovo’s declaration of independence in 2008, Belgrade and Pristina have never normalised relations with each other. Their relationship is plagued by two major issues. One is Serbia’s persistent refusal to join over 100 other countries (including all but five EU member states) in recognising Kosovo’s independence. The other is the question of how to integrate Kosovo’s minority Serb population into its government architecture, particularly in the four northernmost municipalities where Serbs form the majority.

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