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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 6, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani meets Escobar and Lajcak (media)
  • Krasniqi: I’ve never seen such concern among internationals (Telegrafi)
  • Abdixiku: Kurti to reflect, Kosovo at a critical moment (Koha)
  • Escobar: U.S. is waiting for Kosovo to present draft on Association (media)
  • OSCE Head of Mission: Strong support for EU call (media)
  • Gervalla: Elections in north should be held, but preliminary actions are required (Koha)
  • Svecla: Person who threatened Leposavic deputy mayor, arrested (Koha)
  • Isufaj confirms investigations about tensions in the north (Nacionale)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti is in love with the plan for Kosovo’s partition (Telegrafi)
  • Hoti: Kosovo losing friends and allies because of Kurti and Osmani (media)
  • Gashi: Opposition leaders concerned that internationals are concerned that Serbia is concerned (Nacionale)
  • Sheholli: Albanians over 30 in Medvedja getting military service summons (Demokracia)
  • The CEC says it is ready for new elections in the north (Koha)
  • Hoxha: Advertisement for police officers in north closed, sufficient number applied (Kosovapress)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Lajcak and Escobar met Serbian List representatives (Kosovo Online)
  • Andric Rakic about the meeting with Lajcak and Escobar (KiM radio)
  • Crisis in northern Kosovo day 12, citizens continue protesting, envoys to meet Vucic (KoSSev)
  • Drecun: Escobar and Lajcak have a wrong view of the situation in the north of Kosovo (NMagazin, Danas, RTS, N1)
  • Davenport meets Lajcak, emphasises importance of all communities participation in elections and institutions (KoSSev)
  • DefMin: Serbian military still on high alert (N1)
  • The EU Council extend the EULEX mandate until 2025 (RTS)


  • Why is there trouble in Kosovo again? (The Economist)
  • Serbia backs ammunition shipments to Ukraine in westward pivot (Financial Times)
  • Richard Grenell: If Kurti’s mayors are duly elected then why is the EU calling for new elections? (The Pavlovic Today)
  • Joseph: Failure of the Serbia-Kosovo agreement would be a failure of Brussels and Washington (EWB)


  • Kosovar Artist’s Work in Amsterdam Art Week (Prishtina Insight)
  • CAN Europe: Western Balkans took little to no action in preparing NECPs (



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani meets Escobar and Lajcak (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met today the U.S. special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar and the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak.

“In the meeting, Osmani expressed her full commitment to work together with the international partners for the law and order to rule in the north of the country and the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo to be preserved.

According to President Osmani, punishing criminal groups and individuals who used violence against the police, journalists, members of KFOR, EULEX and citizens, is the only way for sustainable and long-term stability. Therefore, she emphasised, we expect the law enforcement institutions to do their job, in accordance with the law, so that the criminal groups responsible for the violence face justice,” informs a press release issued by the Office of the President.

President Osmani stressed that the new elections in the municipalities in the north can be organised in accordance with the current constitutional and legal framework and in this context, she added that the democratic participation of the citizens living in these four municipalities should be ensured.  

In the meeting with the two emissaries, President Osmani stressed the importance of strengthening the alliance with the U.S. and the EU, in fulfilling the common goals for the Euro-Atlantic path and strengthening the international subjectivity of Kosovo. 

Krasniqi: I’ve never seen such concern among internationals (Telegrafi)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, said that the meeting with U.S. and EU envoys, Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak, focused on recent developments in the northern municipalities. “We heard the American and European positions, which are known, and we also repeated our position. There is great concern that there is no movement forward. There is a situation that is damaging Kosovo and its relations with allies. We expressed our readiness to play a role in safeguarding relations with the United States,” he said.

Krasniqi said that the meeting did not discuss a solution or something concrete. “There were no requests except for information about the situation. I have never seen such concern among the partners. It is not easy to hear them expressing such deep disappointment. The solution is with the government, the responsibility lies with the government and the President. For the last two years, we have had just crises. It is unreasonable for the President to remain silent. She is the supreme commander. She also needs to talk about the ending of the dream of our 1,000 soldiers. The requests are public, we know them,” Krasniqi said.

Abdixiku: Kurti to reflect, Kosovo at a critical moment (Koha)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lumir Abdixhiku stated that Kosovo is in a critical moment, and for this, according to him, Prime Minister Albin Kurti is responsible.

He told the media on Tuesday that it remains to be seen what consequences Kosovo will endure from the delegations of the United States of America, the European Union and NATO that are currently in Kosovo.

"We are in a worrying and moreover unclear situation for the Republic of Kosovo. Worrying because of the state of relations that Kosovo has with its allies, and unclear because of the lack of a plan and the readiness of the prime minister of Kosovo to agree with the allies. At this stage, Kosovo remains to see the consequences that may come from such a delegation, from the US, EU and NATO. We find it difficult to accept such a situation as LDK, as an opposition political party with a limited number of MPs in the assembly. Our actions will be public...I hope the same (Prime Minister Kurti) will reflect", he added.

He emphasised that the president Vjosa Osmani should also be more vocal and clearer about Kosovo, while he said that the LDK is not interested in political battles.

"We are not interested in political battles, we are concerned about the situation in the north and we are concerned about the path we must take together with the allies".

Escobar: U.S. is waiting for Kosovo to present draft on Association (media)

U.S. Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said in an interview for Die Presse that the U.S. is waiting for Kosovo to present a draft on how the Association of Serb-majority municipalities should look like. He said the Association is mentioned in the Brussels Agreement, the conclusions of the European Council and also in the Ohrid agreement.

“The Association of Serb Municipalities will be formed. The question is: what will it look like? Kosovo doesn't want a Republika Srpska, so it has to give us an idea of what it wants. They told us what they don't want. Now we need to know what it wants. We are waiting. Kosovo must move quickly and provide a draft-statute, since Ohrid is also dependent on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities,” Escobar said.

Read full interview at:

OSCE Head of Mission: Strong support for EU call (media)

OSCE Head of Mission, Michael Davenport, met today with the EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak. Davenport tweeted after the meeting: 

“With Miroslav Lajcak today emphasised the importance of progress in EU-facilitated Dialogue and full participation of all communities in institutions and elections – OSCE Kosovo stands firmly alongside NATO KFOR and EULEX Kosovo in fulfilling our respective mandates in Kosovo.”

“Strong support for the EU call for de-escalation and the holding of inclusive elections in the northern municipalities. OSCE Kosovo will support Kosovo institutions, including the Central Election Commission, to deliver integration and dialogue involving all communities.”

Gervalla: Elections in the north should be held, but preliminary actions are required (Koha)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Donika Gervalla Schwarz started today an official visit in the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavsky.

 Gervalla-Schwarz, has said that Kosovo is open to any possibility of holding early elections in the northern municipalities, but as she said, other steps must be taken before that.

After the meeting with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavsky, Gervalla said on Tuesday that Kosovo needs a commitment from Serbia so that they no longer threaten Kosovo Serbs "to not participate in the elections".

"Yes, we are open for elections in these four municipalities, but to have new elections we need steps in between," she said.

According to the announcement, the main topic of the discussions during this visit will be bilateral relations and advancing of Kosovo’s integrating agenda in the European Union.

Except for the meeting with Minister Lipovsky, Gervalla will meet the Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvorak and firs deputy of the Chamber of MPs of the Czech Parliament Vera Kovarova.

Gervalla will also meet students and professionals from Kosovo diaspora there and participate in the activities organized on the occasion of her visit. 

Svecla: Person who threatened Leposavic deputy mayor, arrested (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said in a Facebook post today that a person that threatened the deputy mayor of Leposavic municipality, Dragana Miletic, has been arrested. 

Isufaj confirms investigations about tensions in the north (Nacionale)

Chief prosecutor of the Special Prosecution of Kosovo, Blerim Isufaj, confirmed today to the news website that investigations have been launched about the recent situation in the north of Kosovo. He also said that he does not deal at all with statements made by government officials. The news website recalls that Minister of Culture, Hajrullah Ceku, said in a Facebook post on Monday that “criminals in the north are now known. They have names and surnames. The security institutions are doing an outstanding job to identify them. Now it is the Prosecution’s turn”.

Isufaj said: “Very briefly and simply: I don’t even comment on what the government or anyone says, we work according to the law. We make no comments during the phase of investigations … For your information and the government’s information, I don’t care what they say. Certainly we have initiated the investigations, but we don’t comment”.

Haradinaj: Kurti is in love with the plan for Kosovo’s partition (Telegrafi)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, argued in a debate on TV Dukagjini on Monday that Prime Minister Albin Kurti “is in love with the plan for the partitioning of Kosovo”. “Kurti must have some difficulty because he is trying to incite a war somewhere, or it could be the fact that he has fallen in love with the plan for the partitioning of Kosovo. There is a doubt that in order to save himself from the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities] he wants to divide Kosovo,” Haradinaj was quoted as saying.

Haradinaj also argued that neither politicians nor criminal gangs can divide the north of Kosovo. “On the division of the north, I am telling Kurti again that the north cannot be divided by politicians. It is a matter of security. No one, neither the criminal gangs, could divide it,” he said.

Hoti: Kosovo losing friends and allies because of Kurti and Osmani (media)

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, said in a Facebook post today that “Kosovo is losing friends and allies” as a result of wrong policies by Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani. “Kosovo today is at the lowest point of support from the allies in three decades … From a country with the biggest American support in the region, these unskilled have turned Kosovo into a centre of criticism and blame by the allies. We are already suffering the consequences – Kosovo has been excluded from ‘Defender 2023’, which was a dream for KSF soldiers. What are the next consequences?!” Hoti argues.

Gashi: Opposition leaders concerned that internationals are concerned that Serbia is concerned (Nacionale)

Political commentator and former advisor to Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Shkelzen Gashi, said in a Facebook post today that he does not understand how leaders of opposition parties in Kosovo are concerned.

“Serbia wants: (1) the special police to withdraw from the north of Kosovo; (2) the mayors of municipalities in the north not to enter the municipal buildings, and (3) the formation of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. International mediators are bringing Serbia’s requests to Kosovo. The Prime Minister of Kosovo is refusing these requests because they are against the interests of Kosovo. Serbia is concerned. The international mediators too. It is understandable because they protect their interests, but it is not understandable for leaders of opposition parties in Kosovo to be concerned that the international mediators are concerned that Serbia is concerned,” Gashi writes.

Sheholli: Albanians over 30 in Medvedja getting military service summons (Demokracia)

The office of the Institute for the Affirmation of Interethnic Relations (IAMN) in Belgrade reported today that Albanians over 30 in Medvedja municipality in Serbia, who did not complete the military service, are now getting summons to report for completing military service in Serbia. 

IAMN Executive Director, Fatmir Sheholli, said the aim behind the summons is for Albanians from Presevo Valley who are living in Kosovo to be stripped of their Serbian citizenship, “because it is paradoxical to send summons for completing military service after 30”. “The IAMN expresses deep concern over the initiative by the Serbian state which is aimed only at intimidating and assimilating the Albanians in Presevo Valley,” it noted.

The CEC says it is ready for new elections in the north (Koha)

Not even two months after the April 23 process, the extraordinary elections in the four municipalities of northern Kosovo have begun to be discussed at the most senior levels.

If this will happen, the spokesperson of CEC Valmir Elezi said, the CEC is ready to perform its duties arising from the Constitution of Kosovo.

“The Central Election Commission, as a permanent constitutional institution, has as its main task the organisation of elections whenever they are announced. As always, as we have said in the past, the CEC is ready to fulfil the duties arising from the Constitution and the laws in force,” he said.

Asked about the possibility that the OSCE mission in Kosovo will take on a role in helping CEC in these eventual elections, Elezi said that this institution does not comment on political developments.

“The CEC has proven that it is an institution that fulfils its constitutional duties. From several election processes, since 2009, the CEC as the only institution, has successfully performed its duties in these four municipalities as well. Therefore, as the CEC, as we have done in the past, we express our readiness to carry out our duties,” Elezi said. 

Hoxha: Advertisement for police officers in north closed, sufficient number applied (Kosovapress)

The director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, said that the advertisement for police officers in the north has ended. He did not give details about the number of candidates who applied for but said that it is a sufficient number. 

He announced this after the end of the security and defense committee, where the situation in the north was discussed behind closed doors.

At the beginning of the report in front of the members of the committee, the director of the Police requested for the discussion about the north not be open to the media.



Serbian Language Media 


Lajcak and Escobar met Serbian List representatives (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Online portal reports that the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, and the EU Special Envoy for Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, met today in Pristina with representatives of the Serbian List.

According to the portal, Lajcak and Escobar spoke with the President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic, and the Vice-President, Igor Simic, at the premises of the EU in Pristina. There were no statements after the meeting.

Earlier today, Escobar and Lajcak met the leaders of the Albanian opposition parties, as well as President Vjosa Osmani.

Last night they also had a meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. 

The president of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, said today, after the meeting with Lajcak and Escobar, that he had never seen international representatives so worried, as they were on the current situation in the north of Kosovo, recalled Kosovo online.

Andric Rakic about the meeting with Lajcak and Escobar (KiM radio)

KiM radio reported that Milica Andric Rakic from the New Social Initiative said after the meeting of representatives of civil society with the EU's special representative for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and the special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in Pristina that they conveyed to the emissaries "the high level of frustration and dissatisfaction that exists in the Serbian community".

- We just tried to convey the high level of frustration and dissatisfaction that exists in the community; To explain that participation in the elections will require a serious process of negotiations with Serbian political representatives, primarily when it comes to the request related to the withdrawal of special units of the Kosovo Police from the north of Kosovo, and to emphasise again, not only from the municipalities but also from the control points and bases that were built on expropriated land. Those were some of the messages, we tried to explain that the situation is very serious, that people are very frustrated, and that the announcement of elections is a step away from the problem, but that it must include serious negotiations with all the political culprits, not only Serbian List, said Andric Rakic. 

She stated that Lajcak and Escobar were very open about the plan to solve the crisis in the north. 

"The proposal of the EU and the USA is to withdraw the police from the municipal buildings and their vicinity, for the mayors to work from premises in some alternative locations and to call for new elections. In this sense, nothing new was said, they reiterated that the results of the talks with the Government of Kosovo yesterday were not entirely satisfactory, but they stated that there are certain developments, that is, that the Government of Kosovo is ready to call for new elections".

In addition to Milica Andric Rakic, the director of the New Social Initiative Jovana Radosavljevic and the director of the Center for Advocacy of Democratic Culture (ACDC) Dusan Radakovic spoke at the meeting with the two international officials, reported KiM radio.

Crisis in northern Kosovo day 12, citizens continue protesting, envoys to meet Vucic (KoSSev)

The day in Zvecan municipality started with the presence of several dozens of citizens on one side of the fence and KFOR soldiers on the other side. Kosovo special police units are still in the municipality, KoSSev portal reports.

KFOR removed part of the barbed wire in Zvecan yesterday, the portal recalled.

Apart from a minor incident in Zvecan in which citizens blocked for couple of minutes a vehicle of Kosovo police, and then KFOR let them pass, entire day yesterday was peaceful.

Serbs protest against violent intrusion to the municipal buildings in northern Kosovo by special police units and arrival of mayors, whom they deem illegitimate.

KFOR forces still secure the premises in the three municipalities, and in Zvecan KFOR is deployed at several roads, as per request of the Serbian List.

Despite numerous calls to withdraw from the municipal premises, Kosovo special police units are still present there.

EU Special Representatives for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak and US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar are due to meet Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade this evening.   

In Leposavic citizens are gathering for the tenth day, and yesterday they marked an opening of the “Workers’ Games” traditional manifestation taking place in this municipality.

They took part in football, volleyball, chess and dart competitions, in front of barbed wire placed earlier by KFOR in front of the municipal builidng. 

Today, some KFOR members also joined the games. They competed in a rope pulling game with local Serbs, KoSSev portal reported. While KoSSev reported that according to the video the victory was claimed by local Serbs, Kosovo Online said it was KFOR that claimed the victory with a score 2:1. 

Drecun: Escobar and Lajcak have a wrong view of the situation in the north of Kosovo (NMagazin, Danas, RTS, N1)

The President of the Committee of the Serbian Assembly for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun, assessed today that the special envoys of the USA and the EU for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak, have a wrong view of the situation in the north of Kosovo, because they are only partially trying to remove the causes of the crisis, reported Serbian media.

"There is talk of the withdrawal of special parapolice units from three municipalities in the north of Kosovo. There are four municipalities there. The main problem is not that they just withdrew from those buildings, but to generally withdraw from the north of Kosovo. If this is not discussed, you do not completely remove the causes of the crisis," Drecun told RTS.

He said that he did not know what Escobar and Lajcak agreed on Monday in Pristina with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, but that "it seems to him that there was no progress" regarding the de-escalation of the situation, as well as regarding the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM).

Drecun said that it was not clear to him Escobar's statement that the CSM will be formed "with or without Kurti", because the government in Pristina must form the CSM, that is, without the "first man of the government" it is not possible.

Davenport meets Lajcak, emphasises importance of all communities participation in elections and institutions (KoSSev)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Michael Davenport met today with the EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks, Miroslav Lajcak who is visiting Kosovo. Amid the crisis in northern Kosovo, where possibility of new elections has been mentioned as a step towards de-escalation, Davenport said the OSCE offers strong support to such an EU call, KoSSev portal reports.

He also emphasised the importance of full participation of all communities both at elections and in institutions.

“With @MiroslavLajcak today emphasised importance of progress in EU-facilitated Dialogue & full participation of all communities in institutions & elections - @OSCEKosovo stands firmly alongside @NATP_KFOR & EULEXKosovo in fulfilling our respective mandates in #Kosovo”, Davenport wrote in a post on Twitter.

“Strong support for #EU call for de-escalation and the holding of inclusive elections in the northern municipalities. @OSCEKosovo will support Kosovo institutions, incl the Central Election Commission, to deliver integration and dialogue involving all communities”, he added.  

DefMin: Serbian military still on high alert (N1)

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday that the Serbian military is still on high alert based on daily security assessment, a week after being ordered by President Aleksandar Vucic following the start of the crisis in northern Kosovo, N1 reports.

“This is not the first time. This is the third time in 8-9 months that the Serbian military has had to raise its activity level over the situation in Kosovo”, Vucevic told TV Happy. He said that he preferred to see all issues linked to Kosovo resolved in diplomatic talks, not military operations.

“I think this is primarily a job for politicians and the military is there as the last defence or the strongest shield we have for our citizens, regardless of where they live”, he said.

According to Vucevic, “centres of power” don’t like seeing a stable Serbia. He added that events in Belgrade do not help resolve the open question of Kosovo. “That’s not a conspiracy theory… It’s political or geo-political reality”, he added.

Vucevic said that he does not mean that all the people who see Kosovo as an independent state are undermining Serbia but that he is sure that some of them are glad about or encourage “our misfortune”.

The EU Council extend the EULEX mandate until 2025 (RTS)

The Committee for Political and Security Affairs of the Council of the European Union has agreed to extend the EULEX mission in Kosovo until June 14, 2025, reported RTS.

In the Committee for Political and Security Affairs of the Council of the European Union, it was agreed that, in addition to the implementation of previously established responsibilities, EULEX is tasked with assisting the Pristina law enforcement services in order to develop their own capacities for the exchange of information with related services, at the regional and international level, in the sphere legal assistance and cooperation in the fight against criminal activities.

The decision of the Committee for Political and Security Affairs of the Council of Europe should now be formalized with the signatures of the President Vjosa Osmani and EU High Commissioner for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell.






Why is there trouble in Kosovo again? (The Economist)

The north, where almost the entire population is part of the Serbian minority, has never accepted the country’s independence

On may 29th, when a Serb mob attacked nato troops guarding a town hall in Zvecan in northern Kosovo, alarms sounded in the chancelleries of Europe and in Washington. At least 80 people were hurt, including 30 nato peacekeepers. By the next day the mob had vanished. But disaster was only narrowly averted: if nato troops had killed any of the Serbs, the situation would have quickly turned from a nasty scuffle in a Balkan backwater to an incident that Russia and its bots would have exploited, accusing the peacekeepers of killing unarmed civilians. (In fact, the men responsible for the attack were armed and almost certainly belonged to an organised group.) Violence in Kosovo can escalate quickly. Why is the country so fractious, and what prompted the latest unrest?

Read more at:

Serbia backs ammunition shipments to Ukraine in westward pivot (Financial Times)

The Serbian president said he is not opposed to his country selling ammunition to intermediaries who ship it to Ukraine, in a sign that Russia’s staunch Balkan ally is pivoting westwards.

Aleksandar Vučić has traditionally backed Moscow and refused to align with western sanctions on Russia after its full scale invasion of Ukraine. But in a change of tack, the Serbian president said he was aware of US government reports that Serbian ammunition has ended up in Ukraine via intermediaries and that he had no plans to stop that.

“Is it possible that it’s happening? I have no doubts that it might happen,” Vučić told the Financial Times. “What is the alternative for us? Not to produce it? Not to sell it?”

The pipeline funnelling Serb ammunition to the Ukrainian front has been a crucial factor in a noticeable shift as the US, Nato and the EU recently backed Serbia in a recent flare-up of ethnic tensions in Kosovo, according to three western diplomats in the region.

Asked if it was a deliberate step to win the approval of western capitals, Vučić maintained that Belgrade sought to act in a “neutral way”.

“But I’m not a fool. I am aware that some of the arms might end up in Ukraine.”

Read more at:

Richard Grenell: If Kurti’s mayors are duly elected then why is the EU calling for new elections? (The Pavlovic Today)

Speaking to The Pavlovic Today, Richard Grenell voices his apprehensions regarding the mandate of mayors in Northern Kosovo. “If they are duly elected then why is the EU calling for new elections?”

KFOR Commander General Ristuccia has strongly criticized Prime Minister Kurti, highlighting a series of continuous setbacks over the past two years.

In an interview with the Corriere della Sera, Ristuccia stated, “The NATO mission cannot and must not be considered the umbrella under which to take shelter after unilateral actions.”

In response to Ristuccia’s statements, Richard Grenell, the former Special Presidential Envoy for Kosovo and Serbia under the Trump administration, characterized the accusations against Kurti as serious. Grenell expressed his disappointment, stating, “The people of Kosovo deserve better.” According to him, “Kurti has managed to completely isolate Kosovo.”

Speaking to The Pavlovic Today, Richard Grenell voiced his apprehensions regarding the mandate of mayors in Northern Kosovo.

“If they are duly elected then why is the EU calling for new elections?,” asked Grenell.

Read more at:

Joseph: Failure of the Serbia-Kosovo agreement would be a failure of Brussels and Washington (EWB)

During the past month, Belgrade and Pristina first accepted the European plan in Brussels, and then on March 18 they agreed on an Annex concerning its implementation. European officials hailed the deal as a historic step forward, and now all eyes are on implementation.

About the current relations between Belgrade and Pristina, the implementation of the agreed obligations and the role of the USA and the EU in that process, we talked with Edward P. Joseph, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Joseph has 12 years of experience in the Balkans, including as Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. 

Read more at:






Kosovar Artist’s Work in Amsterdam Art Week (Prishtina Insight)

An exhibition by the contemporary Kosovar artist Jakup Ferri brought in Amsterdam for a whole week the art of mixing the traditional techniques and modern designs.

Amsterdam Art Week brought together art lovers, collectors, art professionals, and artists for a whole week, until Sunday, in the Dutch capital.

Jakup Ferri, a Kosovar artist, was one of the 150 artists who presented his exhibition in one of the galleries. Called “Many Names,” the exhibition showcased a diverse palette of colors in a single room.

Unrestricted by one medium, Ferri transforms his ideas into different materials. Drawings are translated into tapestries, carpets, or embroideries. These works are created in collaboration with craftswomen from rural areas of Albania. “Many Names” also refers to the cooperative aspect of Ferri’s work.

“As soon as you start exploring the details, you realize that there is not only humor but also a questioning of classic art concepts like representation and reality,” said Zachary.

Read more at:

CAN Europe: Western Balkans took little to no action in preparing NECPs (

The deadline to submit draft integrated national energy and climate plans (NECPs) to the Energy Community Secretariat for review is expiring in less than a month. But the contracting parties in the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, took little to no action, according to an analysis published by nongovernmental organization Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

Read more at: