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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 5, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti to meet Escobar and Lajcak in the evening (Koha)
  • Kurti: Law enforcement in north is necessary to remove criminal elements (Koha)
  • Kusari-Lila: Police in the north when there is threat and danger to security (Reporteri)
  • Tahiri: Kurti reduced sovereignty to yards of four municipalities (Telegrafi/Kallxo)
  • “Vucic cannot condition Kosovo; elections in north were Kurti’s experiment” (Koha)
  • Stano: EU ready to organise Kurti-Vucic meeting when conditions allow (media)
  • KFOR removes some barbwires in Zvecan (RFE)
  • The Kosovo Police attacked in Zvecan (Koha)
  • Mustafa: Association cannot be formed in these conditions (media)
  • Tahiri accuses govt: KFOR getting stronger in north, sovereignty getting weaker (Koha)
  • Around 20 media have been attacked during tensions in the North (Albanian Post)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Kurti arrests innocent Serbs, we demand the immediate release of Rados and Dusan (Kosovo Online)
  • POKS request from Serbian Government protection for arrested Serbs in northern Kosovo (Novi Magazin, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • Reactivation of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija in Gracanica (KiM radio, KoSSev, Danas)
  • Radio KIM on inaccurate reporting during crisis in northern Kosovo
  • KFOR removed barbed wire in Zvecan (Kosovo Online) 
  • Simic on the RFE article: Fake news that Serbian List has two conditions for participating in the elections (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTV, FB)
  • Kosovo police entered street where people gather in Zvecan (Tanjug)
  • Jevtic: Desecrated "Becir's Church" on the way to the Brezovica Ski Center (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic meets Beyer, tells him Kurti persistently avoids fulfilling Brussels agreement obligations (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Vucic to meet Escobar and Lajcak tomorrow (Kosovo Online)


  • The Pride Week in Kosovo opens today (Paparaci)


Albanian Language Media  


Kurti to meet Escobar and Lajcak in the evening (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will host in a meeting the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the United States for European and Eurasian Affairs and at the same time the special envoy of the States of the United States for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar.

According to the government announcement, the meeting starts at 20:00 hours.

Their visit will be aimed at finding a solution to overcome the current tense situation in the north, which risks damaging everything that the EU considers as success in the dialogue.

In addition to meetings with heads of institutions in Pristina, they are also expected to visit the north of Kosovo.

Kurti: Law enforcement in north is necessary to remove criminal elements (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met today with French Ambassador to Kosovo, Olivier Guerot and German Deputy Ambassador, Matthias Conrad. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that they “discussed the latest developments in the three northern municipalities after the first day of work by the new mayors and the violence against KFOR soldiers, Kosovo Police and reporters by Serb extremist groups”.

“They agreed on the crucial importance of de-escalating the situation. The Prime Minister informed them about the high professionalism and undisputed integrity of Kosovo Police in managing the situation without error or defects,” the press release notes.

Kurti also said that “the full enforcement of the rule of law in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo is necessary to remove criminal elements and also for an open and fair campaign before free and democratic elections in the future. He also emphasised the need for the full, fast, and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement of February 27 and its Annex.”

Kusari-Lila: Police in the north when there is threat and danger to security (Reporteri)

Head of the Vetevendosje parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, after today’s meeting of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency, commented on the Serbian List’s conditions for the withdrawal of the Kosovo Police special unit from the north. She argued that they [the SL] withdrew from Kosovo’s institutions following orders from Belgrade. She also said that Belgrade had ordered Serbs not to take part in elections in the northern municipalities. 

“As far as the conditions of the Serbian List are concerned, I want to reiterate that they left the institutions following a request from Belgrade. Their non-participation in elections also came from Belgrade, and there was also intimidation and a series of different attacks against the citizens there,” she said.

Kusari-Lila said that the Kosovo Police will be in the north, or even the south of Mitrovica, in situations when there are security threats. “The police will be there, be it in the north or the south, in situations when there are security threats, or when their presence is needed,” she said.

Tahiri: Kurti reduced sovereignty to yards of four municipalities (Telegrafi/Kallxo)

Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Abelard Tahiri, said today that Prime Minister Albin Kurti in this period has created chaos in the north. “Unfortunately, if it were really about extending sovereignty and engagement of law enforcement authorities, we would have supported him, and it would have been very good, but you can see that there are no conditions for anything in the north. A person is not free to go to the market to buy something because they are threatened by gangs and some of them have come from Serbia,” he argued.

According to Tahiri, “Kurti has reduced the sovereignty of the state of Kosovo in the yards of four municipalities”.

Commenting on the demands of the Serbian List for the withdrawal of the Kosovo Police special units, Tahiri said they are absurd. “As far as the absurd demands of the Serbian List, the police cannot go beyond the territory of Kosovo. The Special Unit did not go to Serbia, or Nis or Kraljevo, they are in the territory of Kosovo,” he said.

Tahiri said that any action related to the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities] must be in compliance with the ruling of the Constitutional Court. “For us a problem is Point 7 of the Ohrid agreement, and it pertains to the issue of self-management, this is unknown to us,” he added.

Tahiri said that the position of the PDK is to have joint engagement, especially with the United States. “It is painful and unacceptable to have sanctions imposed on us, and to exclude the Kosovo Army from Defender Europe 23, as a result of the immature actions of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. If we create dangerous precedents that supersede our constitutional order, I think in essence we are threatening the statehood of our country,” he argued.

Kallxo news website notes that when asked if the two new mayors in the north, who come from the PDK, will resign, Tahiri said: “I cannot say yes or no. It is important for every action undertaken by our institutions to be in line with our constitutional order. The constitutionality must not be violated. Modalities that will be chosen then are less important”.

“Vucic cannot condition Kosovo; elections in north were Kurti’s experiment” (Koha)

Head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri, told a press conference today elections in the north were an experiment by Prime Minister Albin Kurti and that the objective was not achieved.

Following the meeting of the Assembly Presidency, Tahiri said that neither the Serbian List nor Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic can condition Kosovo “because we have a state, institutions, and a parliament”. “The Serbian List is in no position to condition Kosovo, and neither is Vucic. We have a state, institutions, and a parliament … We, the Alliance, have been very honest with this government. We were the only ones to say ‘Mr. Prime Minister. don’t go ahead with elections because you are entering an experiment that you cannot handle’. What was said happened,” he said.

Tahiri also argued that holding another round of elections in the northern municipalities will have a cost for the Kosovo budget and that “the lesson learned from this process is that there needs to be serious communication on topics related to sovereignty”.

Asked about the motion against the Kurti-led government, Tahiri said the process is underway and that he expects discussions with other opposition parties.

Stano: EU ready to organise Kurti-Vucic meeting when conditions allow (media)

Spokesperson for the European Union, Peter Stano, said today that the EU is ready to organise a high-level meeting in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia but that conditions must be created for this. “Of course, we are always ready to host a high-level meeting in the dialogue between Prime Minister Kurti and President Vucic, when there are conditions, and when they both agree to this. But in this phase, the most important thing is to defuse tensions on the ground and to undertake concrete steps. And precisely for this we have sent EU Special Representative Lajcak. After staying in Pristina and Belgrade, he will report to High Representative Borrell and the High Representative will then inform the member states to decide on further steps,” he said.

Stano also said that Lajcak and the U.S. Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, “are going there to continue the work on the implementation of European and American calls to Kosovo and Serbia to immediately lower tensions and to undertake steps for a sustainable solution. The platform for this sustainable solution is in the EU-facilitated dialogue”.

KFOR removes some barbwires in Zvecan (RFE)

The news website reports that members of the NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, have removed some of the barbed wire they put up a couple of days ago to increase the level of security in Zvecan.

The Kosovo Police attacked in Zvecan (Koha)

The Kosovo Police was attacked on Monday in Zvecan by Serbian protesters, while a car was driving. Police spokesperson, Baki Kelani, told Koha that the official vehicle was obstructed and attacked with hard objects by the protesters.

"We can confirm that a police car which was on official duty patrolling in the direction of the municipality of Zvecan, was obstructed and attacked with hard objects by the protesters. As a result of the attack with hard objects (stones), the glass of the car was broken, which then left the location. There are no reports of injuries, while the case is being investigated," the Police said in its response.

Mustafa: Association cannot be formed in these conditions (media)

Kosovo’s former Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said in an interview with Tirana Live today that the situation in the north of Kosovo is regrettable and that this has given Serbia more points in the international arena.

According to Mustafa, Serbs have now more advantages for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. “The Association has become an issue that was accepted by Kurti and the government both in the Ohrid agreement and earlier in Brussels. Kurti gave his approval for the Ohrid agreement. He accepted it, and in this situation, there will be no more obstacles to the formation of the Association. The dire situation in the north leads to both Serbs and internationals asking more from Serbia. Therefore, I don’t see an Association that was discussed earlier, but one with greater competencies for the Serbs,” he argued.

Tahiri accuses govt: KFOR getting stronger in north, sovereignty getting weaker (Koha)

Kosovo’s former chief negotiator in talks with Serbia, Edita Tahiri, continues to accuse the Kosovo government about the situation created in the north, arguing that the government is to blame for sovereignty getting weaker. “KFOR is getting stronger in the north, sovereignty is getting weaker! In fact, Kosovo is not even asked; this government has brought us to this situation!” Tahiri writes in a Facebook post.

Around 20 media have been attacked during tensions in the North (Albanian Post)

The news website reports that the created situation in the north demanded engagement without any set schedule for journalists, who have not stopped their work, despite the dangers in the field. It further quotes journalist Anduena Bajqinofci as saying that their work is neither easy nor ordinary.

"We stayed during the day, during the late evenings and morning hours in order to reflect the situation. In frequent moments we have found ourselves in a fragile environment and atmosphere of security, but that has not stopped us".

Bajqinofci, who reported for RTV Dukagjini, said that they continued to report despite the insults, hitting with eggs, stones and even under gunshots. 

“The fact that the target of Serbian protesters in the last cases have been mostly journalists, their vehicles, their equipment, even themselves, is worrying,” she said.

“To us beyond the fact that it is work, first of all it is our duty to inform the citizens in their homes more about the situation, apart from some pictures that they can see on the social networks ".

After the unsafe and fragile situation for journalists created in the north, she has only one request for the institutions.

"I think it is high time for the Government, the Ministry of the Interior to act. But we should also have a strategy for the protection of journalists, since at the end of the day the whole goal is fair and accurate information," she said.

In just four days, 20 attacks on the media, again by masked persons, were recorded in this part.

Security expert Avni Islami said that the attacks on journalists in the North show a lot about the tense situation there.

"In the areas where the journalists are attacked, the language of connection is not recognized, but the language of anarchy, the language of criminals who do not want journalism to report the case correctly and as it is. Every attack on journalists is an attack on the freedom of that country," he said.




Serbian Language Media 


Petkovic: Kurti arrests innocent Serbs, we demand the immediate release of Rados and Dusan (Kosovo Online)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic stated on Twitter that photos and videos prove that Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic were arrested before the beginning of the unrest in Zvecan, reported Kosovo Online. 

"Today is one week since Kurti's police kidnapped Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic, while they were sitting peacefully in front of the municipality of Zvecan. The photos and videos taken that day clearly prove that Rados and Dusan were arrested before any riots in Zvecan," wrote Petkovic in a Twitter post.

"It is obvious that Kurti is arresting and prosecuting innocent Serbs. Have Miroslav Lajcak, the head of the OSCE mission Michael Davenport, the head of the EULEX mission Lars Gunnar Wigemark and UNMIK seen this unequivocal evidence? We demand an immediate reaction and the release of the innocent Serbs Rados and Dusan," added Petkovic, and published a video of the moment when the two Serbs were arrested, reported Kosovo Online.

POKS request from Serbian Government protection for arrested Serbs in northern Kosovo (Novi Magazin, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

Serbian opposition Movement for Renewal of Serbian Kingdom (POKS) requested from the Serbian Government to legally and in all other ways protect Serbs arrested in the north of Kosovo last week, including their member Željko Milentijevic, Novi Magazin reports. 

Leader of POKS, Vojislav Mihailovic said in a statement that their member Željko Milentijevic from Zvecan was arrested because of participation in a protest in front of Zvecan municipality.

“Charges against Milentijevic and other Serbs are extremely difficult and without legal aid before courts with a hostile attitude they face danger of receiving long sentences. If the Government of Serbia abandons those people, it would become clear that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija no longer can count on it, same as on their state of Serbia”, Mihailovic said.

KoSSev portal reported that Prime Minister Albin Kurti addressing the Kosovo Assembly on Friday said Kosovo police arrested five persons related to the protests in Zvecan. According to KoSSev their initials are N. E, R. M, Ž. M, I. S, S. J.

On June 1, lawyer Milos Delevic told Kosovo Online portal that two Serbs from central Serbia with initials I.S. and S.J. who were arrested at Jarinje crossing point were sent to one-month detention as per court’s decision under the charges of “preparing terrorist acts against Kosovo constitutional order”, adding that he will appeal the decision as the accusations were ungrounded. 

Reactivation of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija in Gracanica (KiM radio, KoSSev, Danas)

KiM radio reports that a consultative discussion on the reactivation of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija was held in Gracanica. 

"It was decided that, after the disastrous and treacherous policy of the Serbian List and the policy of the authorities in Serbia, which forced the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija into a hopeless position, the independent political leaders from Kosovo and Metohija will initiate the activity of uniting all relevant political factors," reported KiM radio, citing the statement. 

The statement added that it was agreed that the organisation and unification will take place within the framework of the Serbian National Council (SNV) with headquarters in Gracanica.

According to the statement, holding the assembly by the end of June was agreed to adopt new guidelines for political action and to elect a new Serbian National Council leadership. 

The participants of the meeting invite "the political, intellectual and cultural elite and the media in Serbia to help organise this".

"They especially told the Serbs, both those who remained in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the displaced people, that there is no other way but to take their fate into their own hands with the help of all relevant factors in Serbia. The Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija is the last chance," read the statement. 

According to the statement, the following participants took part in the discussion: Dr. Marko Jaksic, Dragan Velic, president of SNV, Slavisa Ristic (MP in Serbian Assembly),  Mica Nikolic, member of SNV, Momcilo Trajkovic, president of the Serbian National Forum, and others.

Radio KIM on inaccurate reporting during crisis in northern Kosovo

The crisis in northern Kosovo over the last week was a cause of a flood of inaccurate news, unverified information, partly accurate statements and announcements that brought the public to the deception, Radio KIM reports.

Pristina-based Albanian portal published the news that COM KFOR General Michele Ristuccia announced that KFOR soldiers will remain in front of the municipality, warning that if protesters do not go home “there will be shooting”, a report massively re-run by portals both in Pristina and Belgrade.

Belgrade-based portal Danas, citing BETA news agency run report with a similar content, adding that General Ristuccia told Serbian List President Goran Rakic that “shooting will occur” if protesters do not move away from Zvecan municipal building. Many portals, including Al Jazeera reported on this.

Radio KIM further says that Goran Rakic indeed negotiated with one of the US KFOR forces commanders, but it was not the main KFOR Commander. Also, KFOR following the several hours of protests, and Serbs’ refusal to disperse issued a warning “that those gathered should return homes” and that KFOR will have to act in order to ensure a peaceful environment for all. Rakic conveyed demands on behalf of the citizens to the KFOR representative who commanded KFOR units deployed in Zvecan on that day.

KFOR also reacted to unfounded media reporting, in particular to the reports that KFOR Commander General Ristuccia issued any warnings or made statements about shooting in Zvecan.

“KFOR Commander and his staff work to mitigate the situation in the north of Kosovo. Media reports on meeting with Goran Rakic, as well as allegations that KFOR Commander issued any warnings about shooting in Zvecan are unfounded”, KFOR said in a statement.

Those disinformation were not the only ones when it comes to the crisis in the north over the last days, the Radio KIM further writes. Kosovapress portal published information from Israel Twitter groups, one of which is “Terror Alarm” that “Wagner terrorist units are moving towards Kosovo”.

KFOR Commander General Michele Ristuccia said there is no evidence of the presence of this group in Kosovo.

Radio KIM recalled that General Ristuccia urged the media on several occasions for caution in reporting.  

Reporting in crisis situations is one of the most demanding forms of media work and must have as an aim precise and accurate reporting. The role of journalism is strong, in a sense of having power to incite and deepen the crisis, therefore the responsibility of journalists and editors is of crucial importance to keep it at the high level, Radio KIM underlined. 

KFOR removed barbed wire in Zvecan (Kosovo Online)

KFOR members removed today around the noon barbed wire placed seven days ago, after Kosovo special police units took over the municipal building in Zvecan and Serbs started protests there.

According to the portal citizens perceive this act as a sign that the situation goes towards de-escalation and easing the tensions.

Metal fences on the streets leading towards the municipal building are still present and the access to the building is not possible.   

Simic on the RFE article: Fake news that Serbian List has two conditions for participating in the elections (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTV, FB)

The vice-president of the Serbian List, Igor Simic, denied the Radio Free Europe report that he stated that SL had two conditions for participating in the elections in the north of Kosovo and pointed out that it was fake news, reported portal Kosovo Online.

In a Facebook post, Simic wrote:

“Fake news

The position of the Serbian List that I sent in a text to the journalist of Radio Free Europe regarding the situation in the north is as follows,

The priority issues that must be resolved in order to de-escalate the situation on the ground, and which are also the request of the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, are that Kurti's special forces leave the municipal buildings in the north, that fake mayors who have no legitimacy and legality do not come to these buildings, because the citizens did not choose them, and to release the unjustly arrested Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic, that is to stop the persecution of our fellow citizens who defended peace and freedom from the onslaught of Albin Kurti's regime at protests in the last two years.

And as far as the elections are concerned, the position of the Serbian List is already known, that Kurti's special forces must first be withdrawn from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, where they are illegally present, and have been harassing Serbs for months and even shoot at them, and that finally, after ten years, the Community of Serbian Municipalities to be formed in accordance with the agreements from 2013 and 2015.

Stop Fake News! 

I call on the responsible and professional media not to fall for the provocations and fabrications posted on the RFE website, and I expect an immediate apology and denial from their editorial office!”

Kosovo police entered street where people gather in Zvecan (Tanjug)

Kosovo police vehicle entered the street where Serbs gather in Zvecan demanding withdrawal of special police units from municipalities and that new Albanian mayors do not come to the municipal buildings in the Serb majority areas in northern Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reports, saying the act was a provocation.

This happened soon after KFOR members partially removed barbed wire around the municipal building. The video that Tanjug published on its website shows a police vehicle standing behind people, most of them with their back turned to the vehicle. 

Jevtic: Desecrated "Becir's Church" on the way to the Brezovica Ski Center (Kosovo Online)

Jevtic wrote in a Twitter post that vandals desecrated the ‘‘Becir’s Church’’. 

''The "Becir's Church'', located on the road to the Brezovica Ski Center, was desecrated by vandals. The "Church" in the forest, in nature, was made by the late Beqir, by placing Orthodox icons, an Albanian from Strpce who accepted the Orthodox faith," Jevtic wrote, reported portal Kosovo Online. 

The portal also reports that the commander of the Police Station in Strpce, Dragan Stevanovic, confirmed that an investigation has been launched into last night's desecration of "Becir's Church", and that the case has been taken over by the Regional Investigation.

Last week, Jevtic also reported in a Twitter post, that a monument in memory of 46 victims, including 12 children, who were shot by the fascists in 1944, was desecrated.

Vucic meets Beyer, tells him Kurti persistently avoids fulfilling Brussels agreement obligations (Kosovo Online, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today member of the German Bundestag and Foreign Policy Board Peter Beyer and discussed with him about the latest developments in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Vucic said that the situation because of constant, unilateral acts and provocations by Pristina unnecessarily escalated.

He also underlined that Albin Kurti persistently avoids fulfilling obligations deriving from the Brussels agreement, particularly the ones relating to the Community of Serb Municipalities.

Vucic added Serbia remains committed to the policy of peace, stability and regional cooperation.

Vucic to meet Escobar and Lajcak tomorrow (Kosovo Online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet tomorrow in Belgrade with the European Union's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, and the United States' special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, announced the Presidency of Serbia.

It was announced that the meeting was scheduled at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be attended by the head of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Emanuele Giofre, and the ambassador of the United States of America, Christopher Hill.

Escobar and Lajcak will meet in Pristina tonight with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, while a meeting with President Vjosa Osmani is also planned for tomorrow, recalled the portal.





The Pride Week in Kosovo opens today (Paparaci)

Today is officially expected to be the opening of Pride Week in Kosovo. Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, and the prime minister Albin Kurti will be present at the opening.

The ambassador of the United States of America Jeffery Hovenier, the ambassador of Sweden Jonas Westerlund, and Frank Power, Director of the Council of Europe office, are also expected to participate.

"Through the slogan 'I love you the way you are' in this edition, we want to convey a supportive message to everyone who is facing the challenges of stress, anxiety, and depression that are a direct consequence of systematic homophobia and transphobia from the state, society, and family. With 'I love you as you are' we want to remind everyone that they are not alone. Love, acceptance and the construction of safe spaces, in addition to professional help, is more than necessary, if not essential, for the prevention and overcoming of mental health challenges," announces Prishtina Pride.

According to Prishtina Pride, the psychological and emotional well-being of LGBTQI+ people should be a priority of institutions and policy-making. This Pride Week reminds us that the lives of LGBTQI+ people matter.