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UNMIK Headlines 19 January

Headlines - 19.01.2018

  • Haradinaj seeking “justification” to support demarcation deal (Koha Ditore)
  • Veseli: Everyone should be prepared to face specialist court (Koha Ditore)
  • “Tactical retreat” from initiative to abrogate specialist court (Zeri)
  • Police identify car believed to have been used in Ivanovic's murder (RTK)
  • Trajkovic acusses creators of Serbian List for Ivanovic’s murder (RTK)
  • Kosovo leaders condemn language against U.S. Ambassador (media)
  • Vetevendosje’s resigned officials to set up new political party? (Zeri)
  • Meta: Kosovo should ratify demarcation, and not impede Special Court (RTK)
  • British officials left out of commission for appointing Trepca board (Zeri)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Haradinaj seeking “justification” to support demarcation deal (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports on the front page that Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, is seeking some sort of “justification” that he would use to urge MPs to vote in favour of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Sources said the government of Kosovo has even sought the help of Montenegro authorities to this end. “A new situation would be when prime ministers of the two countries would come out with a joint statement pledging to review the border agreement whenever new legal facts appear. It seems there is readiness in Podgorica to find a solution of this nature,” said an unnamed source from the government of Kosovo.

Veseli: Everyone should be prepared to face specialist court (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said in an interview to KTV that although the establishment of specialist court constitutes a major injustice to Kosovo, everyone should be prepared to face it. He said that as head of the Assembly and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), he will not allow any unilateral actions that could undermine partnership with the U.S. and the EU. “We have nothing to hide and we will move forward. Specialist court should not divide the citizens of Kosovo or political parties,” said Veseli noting however that the issue will remain in the agenda of Assembly presidency until a decision on it is taken. “I call on political forces to join the meeting of the Assembly presidency and take decisions in the interest of the citizens and the state of Kosovo as well as in the interest of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Specialist Court will unfortunately go ahead,” Veseli said.

“Tactical retreat” from initiative to abrogate specialist court (Zeri)

The paper reports that Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) MP, Milaim Zeka, has retracted his signature from the initiative to abrogate law on specialist chambers saying the court should not be undone. Meanwhile his fellow-party MP, Zafir Berisha, said he stands by his signature in the initiative and so will other MPs from NISMA. MPs from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) who signed the initiative did not comment on whether they still support it but Rasim Selmanaj from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said the party has not changed position and continues to oppose the specialist court.

Police identify car believed to have been used in Ivanovic's murder (RTK)

Kosovo's Ministry of Interior has announced that the Kosovo Police has managed to identify the car believed to have been used in the murder of Serb political leader, Oliver Ivanovic.  The car in question has been registered since 2009 to an address in Serbia and the police said it has also managed to find out to whom the car was sold in 2017.

Trajkovic acusses creators of Serbian List for Ivanovic’s murder (RTK)

Former Serb MP of the Assembly of Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic, has accused during an interview for Serbian “Happy TV”, creators of the Serbian List for the murder of former Kosovo Serb MP, Oliver Ivanovic. “Unfortunately Belgrade does not allow us to speak. It allows to speak only those who think like Belgrade; And we have to speak only as our negotiator with Ramush Haradinaj thinks, because Ramush Haradinaj has publically said in a recent interview that he negotiates all the agreements for the future of Serbs with Milan Radojcic,” Trajkovic said. “To the international community, this is a non-transparent leader, or to put it harsher, one of the main mafia bosses in Kosovo,” Trajkovic added. “People are afraid. A part of Serbs want to believe that this was done by Albanians to withdraw attention from the Special Court, and a major part, majority of Serbs believe that unfortunately, after this are circles connected to Belgrade,” she said.

Kosovo leaders condemn language against U.S. Ambassador (media)

Kosovo leaders have condemned the language deputy leader of the KLA War Association, Nasim Haradinaj, used against the U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie by calling him “a clown”. President Hashim Thaci said in a Facebook post: “The Republic of Kosovo is a democratic country, where the freedom of speech is guaranteed by Constitution. Free expression of opinion should not be misused and degrade to insults, let alone towards the ambassador of the state with which we have eternal friendship.” Haradinaj’s statement was also condemned by the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli  who said that he believed his former fellow combatant, Nasim Haradinaj, would reflect on what he said against the U.S. ambassador whom Veseli described as "wise, dignified and well-wishing." Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, also condemned Haradinaj’s remarks saying they were damaging for Kosovo.

Vetevendosje’s resigned officials to set up new political party? (Zeri)

Vetevendosje officials who resigned their posts in the party over the recent period are expected to set up a new party of their own, the paper reports quoting sources. The new party could be named Social Democratic Alternative and would be led by former Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri. The new political force, according to the source, would have more than ten current MPs, but will not be established until the internal election process in Vetevendosje is concluded.

Meta: Kosovo should ratify demarcation, and not impede Special Court (RTK)

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, spoke on Thursday during a meeting with Ambassadors in Tirana, about Kosovo’s demarcation of the border with Montenegro and the Special Court. He saud Kosovo citizens deserve to move freely in the EU and expressed optimism that Kosovo authorities will demonstrate the required responsibility by concluding demarcation matter. Speaking about the Special Court, Meta said he expects from Kosovo to show maturity and responsibility on its pledges on the rule of law. Speaking about Oliver Ivanovic’s murder on Tuesday, Meta said the barbarous murder is an assassination of peace, stability and coexistence in Kosovo. As far as the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade is concerned, Meta said that “it is vital not only for the to countries but for the sustainability and European future of the region. 

British officials left out of commission for appointing Trepca board (Zeri)

Officials from the British Embassy have been left out of the commission in charge of appointing members to the Trepca mine board, contrary to a memorandum of understanding signed with the government of Kosovo few months back, the paper reports on the front page. The British Embassy confirmed they are no longer present in the commission, as per the request of the Kosovo government. The MoU stipulated that the British embassy would assist Kosovo institutions with recruitment of senior positions within the civil service and independent institutions to help prevent nepotism and strengthen transparency, meritocracy and good governance.