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UNMIK Headlines 2 April

  • Haradinaj: Mogherini has derailed dialogue, inflicted political trauma (media)
  • Haradinaj: Number of employed increased after decision on tariff (Klan Kosova)
  • Apostolova: Kosovo’s tariff on Serbia, against SAA spirit (Koha)
  • Ministry: Half of ERA priorities have been met (Zeri)
  • German MPs: We support dialogue, not land swap (media)
  • Analysts: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to resume after EU elections (Zeri)
  • Hoxhaj: EU’s support, key for successful conclusion of dialogue (Bota Sot)
  • Pacolli accuses Interior Minister of threatening national security (Koha)
  • Thaci and Zannier discuss about minorities (Epoka)
  • Role of women in dialogue to be discussed in Pristina conference (Telegrafi)
  • Serbian PM Brnabic complains about human rights (Kosova Sot)

Haradinaj: Mogherini has derailed dialogue, inflicted political trauma (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said yesterday at an event marking the third anniversary of the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU that the High Representative Federica Mogherini has made the implementation of the European agenda difficult “for the fact she has derailed the dialogue into exchange of territories.”  “Federica Mogherini has inflicted political trauma internally and in the region. Unfortunately, part of my energy and governance had to be put into opposing such an issue,” Haradinaj said.

Koha Ditore on the front page says Haradinaj has picked up on his accusations against EU officials and that his statements against Mogherini followed those of the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, who reiterated calls for lifting of the import tariff on products from Serbia and Bosnia.

Yesterday, Kosovo prime minister also spoke about Kosovo’s European integration process saying Kosovo is not only geographically part of Europe but also shares the same political ideology with the EU. Haradinaj said however that the inability of citizens of Kosovo to travel freely to Europe is “an open wound” in Kosovo-EU relations. “Kosovo exports neither refugees nor crime. There is rule of law here, there are free media. We hope the Romanian Presidency shows understanding but if not, I believe liberalisation will happen during Finnish presidency of the EU,” Haradinaj said.

Haradinaj: Number of employed increased after decision on tariff (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said on Monday that the decision for 100-percent tariff on Serbian products has had a positive impact on local economy. He said that after this decision, the number of the employed has increased significantly.

Haradinaj refused to answer the question about the position of the German MPs, on the idea of correction of the borders between Kosovo and Serbia. “I am not their spokesperson. From my perspective, the idea of correction of the border has always been dead,” Haradinaj said.

Apostolova: Kosovo’s tariff on Serbia, against SAA spirit (Koha)

On the third anniversary of the Stabilization/Association Agreement, the EU Head of Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, opposed Kosovo’s import tariff on Serbian and Bosnian goods. “Regrettably, there are decisions that go against commitments in the Stabilization/Association Agreement, namely the tariff on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The 100-percent tariff is not only a violation of the CEFTA agreement, but it is also against the very spirit of the SAA. It will weaken the competition path and it makes Kosovo less attractive to foreign investors,” Apostolova was quoted as saying. "We understand the 100-percent tariff, however, the time has come to see what is more important for Kosovo. We call on the Prime Minister to reconsider the tariff, to look at the bigger picture so that dialogue can be finalized as soon as possible".

With regards to visa liberalisation: “Kosovo has made a lot of effort in fighting organised crime. The process now has to take place in other institutions, and it is in the hands of the Council to decide. But do not be disappointed as the process does not go with the speed everyone expected.”

Ministry: Half of ERA priorities have been met (Zeri)

Officials from the Kosovo’s Ministry for European Integration said that fifty percent of priorities set out in the European Reform Agenda, known as ERA, have already been implemented. “The report into the implementation of this document covering the period from November 2016 to end of January 2019 indicate that 11 out of 22 priorities have been fully implemented,” the Ministry said in a written response to the paper.

At the same time, Minister Dhurata Hoxha said yesterday on the third anniversary of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement that she was pleased with the progress Kosovo has made in implementing SAA. “The progress in these three years is closely linked to the life and wellbeing of each and every citizen of the Republic of Kosovo,” Hoxha said adding however that there is still work to be done in order for Kosovo to fully become part of the European family.

German MPs: We support dialogue, not land swap (media)

Peter Bauer and Christian Schmidt, members of the German Bundestag said yesterday after meeting Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, that they support dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia but not the idea of land swap. "Germany has a very clear position on this matter. We are against the idea. You cannot solve problems by creating new problems. He who thinks that he can solve the problem with this idea should be aware that this would create new problems not only for Kosovo but for the whole region,” Schmidt said. “My colleague and I are here on an official visit to the Prime Minister. This is not our first visit, it is one of many visits in your country. Our readiness for Kosovo to join the European family is still there and we will continue working in that direction”. Bauer was quoted as saying, “We are not here only on an official visit, but we are here among friends, because the people of Kosovo are friends of Germany. We have discussed future processes, and the process of dialogue, and we think it must continue. We have also addressed the issue of land swap and we oppose it in every aspect”. Haradinaj thanked the German MPs for their visit and said Kosovo is willing to further its cooperation with Germany. “We talked about the progress of bilateral cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia. I confirmed my readiness to further our cooperation. I also expressed my appreciation for Chancellor Merkel. We are Kosovo, and we want to join Europe,” Haradinaj said.

Earlier, the German MPs also met with a group of officials from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). After the meeting, LDK leader Isa Mustafa said: “The senior German representatives reconfirmed their position on dialogue and borders which is fully in line with that of the LDK.”

Analysts: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to resume after EU elections (Zeri)

The paper quotes on the front page political analysts saying that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is unlikely to resume before EU elections in May, especially when considering that the process has stalled for months now with the last meeting between Kosovo and Serbia presidents having taken place in November of last year.  Furthermore, the Serbian side has made it clear it will not return to the dialogue for as long as the import tariff imposed by Kosovo government is in place.

Imer Mushkolaj said he sees the chances for an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia to be reached this year as being very slim. “The mentioned timeline for an agreement by June is impossible to be attained and the international community knows this because of the stalling of dialogue in the last months. Therefore the pressure from the European Union to resume dialogue has ceased,” he said.

Hoxhaj: EU’s support, key for successful conclusion of dialogue (Bota Sot)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj met on Monday with Janina Hrebickova, Special Envoy for the Western Balkans from the Czech Foreign Ministry. Hoxhaj said Kosovo was committed to conclude its state-building process, to reach a final settlement with Serbia that would include mutual recognition and a UN seat for Kosovo. “Support from the Czech Republic and EU member states is exceptionally important for the successful conclusion of this process,” Hoxhaj said after the meeting.

Pacolli accuses Interior Minister of threatening national security (Koha)

The paper reports in one of its front-page stories that Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli sent a letter to Interior Minister Ekrem Mustafa accusing him of threatening national security for not declaring Graham Philips, a controversial British blogger, persona non grata in Kosovo.

During his stay in Kosovo in early March, Philips had published over ten videos on YouTube claiming Kosovo is a failed state, accusing the former Kosovo Liberation Army of committing atrocities and ridiculing the pro-American sentiments of Kosovo Albanians.

Pacolli had called on the Interior Minister to declare Philips persona non grata and to deport him from Kosovo, but Mustafa did not obey his request. Pacolli then alarmed Prime Minister Haradinaj and Kosovo’s National Security Council.

In a two-page letter, which the paper claims to possess, Pacolli argued that Mustafa’s failure to take action constitutes a dangerous precedent and failure to take legal and institutional steps toward a person that threatened Kosovo’s sovereignty and integrity.

Thaci and Zannier discuss about minorities (Epoka)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci received on Monday the OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, Lamberto Zannier. Thaçi said that Kosovo remains committed on enhancing the harmony between communities and strengthening peace and stability.

“I continuously monitor with care the human rights situation in Kosovo and I am pleased with the progress. We have built a legal framework that supports community rights,” Thaci stated.

They also talked about the importance of the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

“The Preparatory Team for the establishment of this commission has been established, which is preparing the legal and technical framework. The Preparatory Team is conducting a public consultation campaign, with support from the OSCE mission. I am grateful to the OSCE mission that has given full support to the initiative and the work of the Preparatory Team,” Thaci said.

Ambassador Lamberto Zannier welcomed the commitments for advancing the legal infrastructure for community rights and expressed readiness to provide support for further improving relations between communities in Kosovo.

Role of women in dialogue to be discussed in Pristina conference (Telegrafi)

The Kosovo-based Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA) is hosting a conference in Pristina today on the role of women in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. The conference will focus on several issues relating to the dialogue including the fact that there is no women in the recently established negotiating team.

Serbian PM Brnabic complains about human rights (Kosova Sot)

Serbia’s Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she does not expect anything positive from the fact that Kosovo courts took over cases of war crimes, which were competency of EULEX until now. “I do not expect anything good while Pristina has political leaders who deny Serbs’ human rights,” Brnabic said.

Officials from the Special Prosecution of Kosovo already confirmed for Radio Free Europe that three prosecutors are already working on cases.