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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 7

  • COVID-19: 12 deaths, 728 new cases (media)
  • Hoti: Political forces decide if Kosovo heads to fresh elections (RTV21/Klan)
  • Mustafa: President’s post belongs to PDK (media)
  • PDK says situation 'difficult' after KSC indictments against Veseli and Thaci (media)
  • Haradinaj insists on halting dialogue with Serbia (Klan)
  • Legal experts find fault with the use of term "Catholics' in KSC indictment (Telegrafi)
  • KLA veterans call off protest amid spike in COVID-19 cases (media)
  • Thaci reduced prison sentences to five convicts prior to being indicted (Kallxo)
  • Prishtina and six other municipalities quarantined (Prishtina Insight)


COVID-19: 12 deaths, 728 new cases (media)

12 deaths and 728 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo while 60 patients have recovered from the virus during this time.

The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (316).

There are currently 6,620 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Hoti: Political forces decide if Kosovo heads to fresh elections (RTV21/Klan)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti said in an interview with RTV 21 that whether Kosovo will head to new elections in light of indictments against Thaci, Veseli and others, is something that the political parties represented in the Assembly can determine.

"It depends on the mood of political forces in the Assembly and whether a solution to overcome this situation can be found," he said.

Hoti said the Constitution of Kosovo is clear on the steps that need to be followed in such circumstances. "What I can request is necessary institutional and political maturity to face such situations that are truly difficult."

Hoti said he hoped Kosovo will not have an acting president for a long time and that as someone with a legal background, Vjosa Osmani should know well the constitutional competencies in exercising the post. "It is important for her and everyone else to understand the situation we are in and exercise powers, in this case of the president, in line with the Constitution in order to enable a transition of power."

Mustafa: President’s post belongs to PDK (media)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa said that the post of president should go to PDK as the third largest party in Kosovo.

“We have not explicitly discussed the issue of the president in decision making bodies of LDK. We consider that a smooth division of highest state responsibilities is good for the country and the democracy. The post of Assembly Speaker according to the Constitution belongs to Vetevendosje as the party with one MP more than LDK in elections of 6 October 2019, the LDK has the post of prime minister and the President’s post would have to go to the next largest party in the Assembly,” Mustafa said in an interview with Syri TV.

He however said that anything can change with a broad agreement that ensures active participation of two-thirds of votes in the Assembly.

Asked whether LDK would accept Vjosa Osmani as a possible consensual candidate for the post of Kosovo President, Mustafa replied: “No. We will not make the same mistake twice.”

PDK says situation 'difficult' after KSC indictments against Veseli and Thaci (media)

Acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj said in a press conference yesterday that the confirmation of the indictment against now former party leader Kadri Veseli and president Hashim Thaci puts Kosovo in a difficult situation.

"I am convinced that they will return triumphant. We, the associates of Veseli and Thaci, are proud of their achievements and excellent behaviour," Hoxhaj said.

He said Kosovo should not slide into a political crisis as a result of new developments. "At this time we need to show maturity, wisdom, unity. We should not allow an institutional crisis. The difficult pandemic and economic situation don't need to be accompanied by another crisis caused by us."

Hoxhaj briefly commented on the post of Kosovo president after Thaci's resignation saying there is time to address the matter.

Haradinaj insists on halting dialogue with Serbia (Klan)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj again argued on the need for Kosovo to halt dialogue with Serbia following the recent events concerning the indictments filed by the Specialist Chambers.

Haradinaj said Kosovo should use this opportunity to its benefit and accused Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and LDK leader Isa Mustafa as being 'immature'. "Both Isa Mustafa and Hoti need to use this situation to seek from the allies some compensation after these developments. Something that would be good for the voters of all parties in the country."

"Dialogue can be suspended for a certain period until a reassessment of the situation with the allies is done," Haradinaj said. He said this time could also be used to press the EU five member states to recognise Kosovo.

Haradinaj said his offer to take on the post of Kosovo president still stands. "I have offered myself if there is approval. If this comes through we will be here, if not, elections will follow these developments."

Legal experts find fault with the use of term "Catholics' in KSC indictment (Telegrafi)

Legal experts in Kosovo have criticised the Specialist Chambers for the way they used the term "Catholics" in the indictment against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

Anton Ndrecaj said that by using such a term, the Specialist Chambers tried to create a separate ethnicity in Kosovo while MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Pal Lekaj said the way the indictment is worded gives the impression that the KLA operated on ethnic and religious basis.

Lekaj said that harmony between Albanians of different faiths is one of the special values Kosovo takes pride in. "I am firstly Albanian then Catholic."

KLA veterans call off protest amid spike in COVID-19 cases (media)

Kosovo Liberation Army War Veterans Organisations have announced they will not be staging immediate protest against the Specialist Chambers’ actions due to the recent record-high number of new COVID-19 cases.

Acting chairman Faton Klinaku said a protest will be called at a more appropriate time.

He also said KLA veterans are revolted with recent arrests and call on the Government of Kosovo to suspend all activities relating to dialogue with Serbia.

Thaci reduced prison sentences to five convicts prior to being indicted (Kallxo)

One day before the Specialist Chambers indictment was confirmed, now former President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci used his authority to reduce sentences to five convicts.

Among the persons whose prison sentence was reduces is Shpresim Uka who was serving 14 years in prison for a murder in the so-called Bllaca case as well as Bekim Sylaj who is convicted in the same case.

Prishtina and six other municipalities quarantined (Prishtina Insight)

Minister of Health Armend Zemaj has taken special decisions for the seven municipalities in Kosovo with the highest rates of coronavirus infections, in addition to the anti-COVID-19 measures approved by the Government earlier on Friday.

In Prishtina, Fushe Kosove, Gjilan, Obiliq, Gjakova, Podujeva and Shtime, the entry and exit of vehicles is prohibited from 20:00 on Friday until 05:00 on Monday and exceptions apply to health and safety personnel and citizens with medical needs. Transport for the supply of essential goods and the supply chain will also be permitted to travel, as will companies performing public works, Prishtina Insight reports.

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