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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 3, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti says EU penalty measures are “unfair” (Radio Free Europe)
  • EU: Measures entered into force; we informed government on June 28 (Express)
  • Lajcak: Despite steps to successfully deescalate, situation fragile (media)
  • Powerful blast in the north – no injuries reported (Telegrafi)
  • Kurti on Rama proposal for conference: We have February 27 agreement (media)
  • Kadiu: Kosovo Serbs to integrate, Vucic wants to destroy democratic order (Koha)
  • KFOR will conduct three-day trainings in several municipalities (Koha)
  • SPO will review Dugolli’s request to investigate Dubrava Prison massacre (media)
  • Pacolli writes public letter to Kurti: Your actions are damaging Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic: I expect additional offensive by Kurti and even stronger terror (RTS, media)
  • After Atic’s proposal, N.Mitrovica MA adopts decision to join Association of Kosovo Municipalities (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Kosovo government paid 101 thousand euros for salaries of 20 integrated Civil Protection members (KoSSev, media)
  • French Embassy, KFOR, not consulted about Pristina’s decision on “terrorists organizations” (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
  • Lavrov says Dacic visit being prepared (N1, BETA)
  • Police found 35 kilograms of narcotics in Djakovica (media)
  • Zvecan: Metal fence near side entrance to Zvecan municipal building removed (Kosovo Online)
  • Former President of Serbia, Milan Milutinovic dies  (RTS)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti says EU penalty measures are “unfair” (Radio Free Europe)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that EU penalty measures against Kosovo are unfair and that he hopes they will be short-lived as “Kosovo is a country that needs support for its development”. Kurti’s remarks come one day after a spokesperson for the European Union confirmed to RFE that the Kosovo government was told about the measures on June 28 as a result of the EU’s assessment that Kosovo has failed to take the necessary measures required to lower the tensions in the north.

Kurti said he will continue his governance program and that he cannot make compromises with the rule of law or the constitutionality of Kosovo. “These are not sanctions. But it is true that they are provisional measures but unfair because Kosovo and its government are the most democratic pro-European and progressist country and government,” Kurti argued. He also said “we hope these provisional measures will be very short and that European support and assistance will be full and even increase”.

EU: Measures have entered into force; we informed government on June 28 (Express)

A spokesperson for the European Union confirmed to the news website that the European Union has introduced several measures against Kosovo after the latter failed to take action towards de-escalation in the north. The spokesperson said: “the situation in the north of Kosovo leaves us seriously concerned, as expressed by the EU and its member states in the Statement by the HRVP on behalf of the EU on 3 June.  We cannot afford instability, tensions, and violence. We have condemned the violence and continued calls for immediate de-escalation by both Parties. The HRVP on behalf of the EU MS was very clear on the expected steps for immediate de-escalation:  We expect Kosovo to act in a non-escalatory way and immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of the municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo; the mayors should temporarily perform their duties in premises other than the municipal buildings; early elections should be announced as soon as possible in all four municipalities and organised in a fully inclusive manner. This means with the full and unconditional participation of Kosovo/Serbs. Is it essential that the EU facilitated dialogue led by the High Representative and the swift implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalization and its implementation Annex continue. This includes the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb Majority municipalities. Kosovo has regrettably not yet taken necessary steps.  Therefore, the EU – as indicated in the HRVP’s statement on behalf of the Member States of 3 June - has decided to implement a number of measures. We have temporarily put on hold the work of  Stabilisation and Association Agreement bodies. Kosovo will also not be invited to high-level events and bilateral visits will be suspended, other than those focused on addressing the crisis in the north of Kosovo within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue. Programming of funds for Kosovo under IPA 2024 programming exercise has also been put on hold. The proposals submitted by Kosovo under the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) have not been submitted for the consideration of the WBIF Board on 29-30 June. The Commission has informed the Kosovo authorities [on 28 June]. These measures are temporary and fully reversible depending on the developments on the ground and decisions to de-escalate taken by the Prime Minister Kurti. The EU is also closely monitoring Serbia’s compliance with our requests and stands ready to take measures in case of non-compliance.”

Lajcak: Despite steps to successfully deescalate, situation fragile (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said in a Facebook post on Sunday: “I spent the last couple of days in Brussels, where my team and I have been working closely with our international partners to coordinate our next steps in addressing the ongoing crisis in the north of Kosovo. Regrettably, despite the existence of clear steps to successfully deescalate tensions, the situation remains fragile. Glad about the interest of the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European European Parliament, who invited me together with the Director-General of DG-NEAR Gert Jan Koopman for a joint discussion about the situation, the latest developments in the Dialogue and our efforts to lower the tensions on the ground in the north of Kosovo.”

Powerful blast in the north – no injuries reported (Telegrafi)

A powerful blast was heard last night after midnight in Mitrovica North. The information was confirmed by Deputy Police Commander for the north, Veton Elshani. “A powerful detonation was heard last night after midnight, and so far we don’t have information what the explosive was,” Elshani said. He said that no injuries or material damages have been reported.

Kurti on Rama proposal for conference: We have February 27 agreement (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti was asked to comment on Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama’s proposal for an international conference where Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would stay until a final agreement is reached. Kurti said in his response: “We had international conferences in the past and now we have the basic agreement reached on February 27 in Brussels and also the implementation annex on March 18 in Ohrid. Everything that needs to be done now is the unconditional implementation of the basic agreement in its entirety in a fair and balanced way. This needs to be done and this is what we are engaged in during our meetings in Brussels”.

Kadiu: Kosovo Serbs to integrate, Vucic wants to destroy democratic order (Koha)

Advisor to Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi, Klisman Kadiu, argued in a Facebook post on Sunday that the Kosovo government is maximally engaged for the integration of Kosovo Serbs. “This government is attacking crime and criminal gangs. Who threatens the law, will certainly be punished according to the law and beyond ethnic background. In the north, south, center and every corner of the country. But for Vucic, law and order and the integration of the Serb community, is an ‘attack’ by Kosovo against them … Vucic aims to keep the Serb community in the north of Kosovo hostage. He aims to undermine and destroy the democratic order in Kosovo because he doesn’t accept the development of democracy,” Kadiu said.

KFOR will conduct three-day trainings in several municipalities (Koha)

The NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, will conduct routine military trainings in the western part of Kosovo from 4-6 July. KFOR said in a statement that the trainings will be carried out by a multinational contingent aimed at improving the readiness and preparation of units. Troops and vehicles will be placed in Istog, Shterpce, Mamusha, Decan, Gjakova, Dragash, Hani i Elezit and in Kacanik. The mission also said that it is focused on the implementation of its mandate to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement.

SPO will review Dugolli’s request to investigate Dubrava Prison massacre (media)

MP from the Vetevendosje Movement, Bujar Dugolli, said in a Facebook post that the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) sent him a letter regarding his request for the Specialist Chambers to investigate crimes committed during the planning and execution of the massacre at Dubrava Prison. Dugolli published on a Facebook post the SPO’s letter which notes “the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office confirms receipt of your ‘Request to Initiate an Investigation and File Criminal Charges’. Thank you for this communication which will be reviewed by our office”. 

Pacolli writes public letter to Kurti: Your actions are damaging Kosovo (media)

Leader of the New Alliance for Kosovo (AKR), Behgjet Pacolli, wrote a public letter to Prime Minister Albin Kurti, after the EU introduced penalty measures against Kosovo. Pacolli called on Kurti to consult “with people that were part of our fight for freedom and independence and the road toward state-building”. “You should distance yourself from anti-western groups that view Kosovo as a political experiment. We have neither the luxury nor the time to make experiments on the back of our state and history,” Pacolli argued.

Serbian Language Media

Vucic: I expect additional offensive by Kurti and even stronger terror (RTS, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Prva TV yesterday that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is not a man whose actions can be seen rationaly, adding that he fears Kurti could increase his terror against Serbs in Kosovo, RTS reports. 

He urged Serbs in Kosovo to remain vigilant and those who think “these inhumans (from Pristina) may go after them to take shelter for some time, because that man (Albin Kurti) is not himself”.  

He said the entire West “does not care” when the rights of Serbs in Kosovo are violated. He said he asked Berlin, Brussels and Washington why Dusan Obrenovic (arrested in Zvecan with Rados Petrovic on May 29. Rados Petrovic was released on bail after 26 days in detention) is still in prison, when it is clear that he is innocent, which is documented by video recordings.

Commenting on the statement of EULEX that it monitors 109 cases of Serbs or cases that may affect inte-ethnic relations, Vucic said that there are people kept in detention without any grounds for two years in Kosovo, and then they tell you “it is a rule of law state”. “Such statements of EULEX are insulting”, he said.

Vucic also said that Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia and will make decisions on its policy independently.

After Atic’s proposal, N.Mitrovica MA adopts decision to join Association of Kosovo Municipalities (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever)

The 18th session of the municipal assembly was held in Mitrovica North on Friday, June 30th. Although not on the agenda, the decision that Mitrovica North municipality joins the Association of Kosovo Municipalities was adopted and forwarded to the Kosovo government for consideration. The session was also marked by recently elected Mayor Erden Atic, as KoSSev portal said, storming out of the assembly hall after the councilors refused to vote on one of his propositions.

Reacting to the decision, Serbian List in a statement said this decision is null and irrelevant.

“This decision has only significance as it represents an evidence of clear intentions of Albin Kurti’s regime to continue escalation of the situation on the ground and cause additional tensions and it serves to Albn Kurti’s interest and not the interests of citizens”, Serbian List said, Radio Mitrovica sever reports.

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Kosovo government paid 101 thousand euros for salaries of 20 integrated Civil Protection members (KoSSev, media)

Kosovo Audit Office said in its annual report for 2022 that 20 members of the Civil Protection, from the Serb community, received 101.000 euros for the salaries from the government, KoSSev portal reports.

The Kosovo government last week declared Civil Protection as one of the two “terrorist organizations” active in the north of Kosovo as they said.

The Audit said that “based on confirmation of the ministries’ officials, those employees do not have defined office spaces and do not perform any activities in this area”.

Following the Brussels agreement in 2013 Civil Protection was disbanded and its members integrated into various Kosovo institutions. 

French Embassy, KFOR, not consulted about Pristina’s decision on “terrorists organizations” (Radio KIM, KoSSev)

The French Embassy in Pristina said it was neither consulted nor informed in advance by the Kosovo Government about the decision to designate “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations”, Radio KIM reports.

The Embassy recalled the European Union three-point plan for de-escalation in northern Kosovo.

After Pristina made the decision on “terrorist organizations” last week, the US also said this decision was not coordinated with Kosovo international allies, including the US.

Meanwhile, KoSSev portal reported citing Kallxo that NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo KFOR also said it was not involved in the designation of “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations” by Kosovo Government. 

Lavrov says Dacic visit being prepared (N1, BETA)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Friday’s news briefing that efforts are being invested to bring his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic to Moscow on an official visit, Belgrade-based BETA news agency said, quoting Russian TASS.

Lavrov said that the West prevented his visit to Belgrade in July 2022 by forcing Serbia’s neighbors to deny permission for Russian aircraft to fly over their territory. “We agreed with Ivica Dacic, my old friend, for him to come to Russia and we are discussing specific dates now”, he said. “I am waiting for Ivica Dacic’s visit when he decides the time is right”, Lavrov added. 

The Russian Foreign Minister said he knows that his words could bring “another brazen demand from the West for Ivica not to come to Russia” adding that Moscow has an agreement with the Serbian Foreign Minister for that possibility.

Lavrov said that Belgrade and Moscow are in regular contact and thanked President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic for keeping contacts with Russian Ambassador Alexander Bocan Harchenko open. “Those contacts are very useful and we can also speak by phone”. 

Police found 35 kilograms of narcotics in Djakovica (media)

Kosovo police on Saturday arrested a 48-year old man near Djakovica, suspected of criminal acts of "unauthorized purchase, possession, circulation and sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and analogous substances".

The police found 32 packages with drugs suspected to be marijuana in a total amount of 35,5 kilograms. 

Zvecan: Metal fence near side entrance to Zvecan municipal building removed (Kosovo Online)

Metal fence with barbed wire placed around the Zvecan municipal building had been partially removed, including from the side entrance to the municipal facility, where Elementary School Vuk Karadzic is located.

Kosovo Online portal said this move makes the lives of  people who live in residential buildings near the municipality easier, as they can now easier leave from and get to their homes. 

Former President of Serbia, Milan Milutinovic dies  (RTS)

Former President of Serbia, Milan Milutinovic died at the age of 81, leader of Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic said, RTS reports.

Milutinovic was President of Serbia from 1997 to 2002.

In 2002, following the end of the mandate he surrendered to the Hague Tribunal. In 2009 he was acquitted of the accusations for war crimes during the conflict in Kosovo in 1999 by the Hague Tribunal, and declared not guilty on all accounts of the indictment.