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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti presents eight points for de-escalation in north (media)
  • Govt: Measures against Kosovo would be unfair, we insist on rule of law (Koha)
  • Kusari-Lila: EU is also responsible for old and new mistakes in dialogue (Koha)
  • Hovenier: Surprised why no positive response to our requests for north (Klan)
  • U.S: Designating two organisations in the north as terrorist, uncoordinated (RFE)
  • Plenkovic: Create conditions for new and comprehensive elections in north (Klan)
  • Rama: Kosovo must prove the region belongs to the Berlin Process (media)
  • Haziri: International conference can damage Kosovo (Klan)
  • Serwer: Vucic is rejecting agreements as soon as he leaves the meeting (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Reactions to Pristina decision to declare “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations” (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, social media)
  • State Department: Decision of Kosovo to declare two organizations in north as terrorist ones made without coordination with US (RFE, Kosovo Online)
  • Hill says US and Serbia friends with complex relations (N1, Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic: Serbs in Kosovo denied very same rights enshrined in US Declaration of Independence (RTS)
  • Patriarch Porfirije served memorial service at Gazimestan yesterday (Radio KIM)
  • Petkovic accuses Svecla of lying, says Kosovo police did stop Vucic’s son three times (Radio KIM, Kosovo Online, social media)

International Media:

  • Kosovo's prime minister offers to hold new elections in tense Serb-majority municipalities (ABC News)
  • Kosovo designates two Serb groups as terrorist organisations (Reuters)
  • Kosovo Declares Serb Groups in North ‘Terrorists’ (BIRN)
  • Kosovo designates two Serb groups as terrorist organisations (The Irish Times)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti presents eight points for de-escalation in north (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a Facebook video on Thursday that at the last meeting in Brussels a week ago, he made a proposal with concrete steps on what Kosovo is ready to do and what Kosovo expects from Serbia in return in terms of de-escalation in the north. “The Republic of Kosovo is keen to contribute to de-escalation. We believe that urgent action should be taken towards this aim, and we are eager and ready to commit to concrete steps that support the goals of de-escalation and stability in the region. More specifically, the steps we deem necessary and are ready to commit to are the following: first, decrease Kosova Police presence in and around municipal buildings gradually and in proportion to reduction in violence. Second, provide full access and monitoring by EULEX and interest of human rights NGOs of judicial proceedings in relation to perpetrators of violence. Third, organise early elections in the four northern municipalities when triggered by a recall petition supported by at least 20 percent of the electorate as foreseen by the Kosovo law. Election date is to be set following a confirmation of having met the recall requirements by the President. Four, instruct subsequently the four mayors in question to hand over their authority to the newly elected mayors after certification by the Central Election Commission in accordance with Kosova’s law,” Kurti said.

See full video address at:

Govt: Measures against Kosovo would be unfair, we insist on rule of law (Koha)

Spokesperson for the Kosovo government, Perparim Kryeziu, said on Thursday that Kosovo has a principled approach to the European Union, even on the topic of the north, for which, as he said, there are differences in the way of solving the issue.

He told KTV that the eventual measures that the EU would impose on Kosovo would be unfair, since according to him, Kosovo does not behave aggressively, but based on principles. "Kosovo has the rule of law at its center, so we must first of all stay loyal to the rule of law, and make sure that those who have carried out attacks face consequences. We cannot pretend that nothing has happened since May 29. Our future actions, which also include early elections, do not send us to the same situation as in the elections of April this year. In addition to readiness, there is also the goal of finding a way towards de-escalation. As for the measures, from the beginning when the first discussions about the possibility of such measures came out, we have considered them as unfair and not fair in relation to Kosovo, since Kosovo does not have an aggressive behavior, but principles for the rule of law", he said.

According to Kryeziu, Prime Minister Albin Kurti is insisting on the rule of law. Despite the situation, "we continue to consider the EU as an unchanging ally". "At the same time, in relation to the European Union, even when we were critical, we were neither cynical nor bitter. The issue in the north is primarily a commitment to complying with legal procedures. For the whole time, we have been loyal to the laws and the Constitution, but we have also remained loyal to the principles and values, the basis of which is the rule of law", he said.

Kryeziu also said that since May 29, it has been proven that the presence of the Special Unit of the Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo is necessary.

Kusari-Lila: EU also responsible for old and new mistakes in dialogue (Koha)

Head of the Vetevendosje parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, said on Thursday that Kosovo and the international community have the same destination and principles, but that Kosovo is sometimes "overlooked and if it almost does not exist, in the sense of what it has to say".

"Today we had a discussion where I stated that the impression is being created that we are in two tunnels, separated and without any communication. In this case, we and the internationals, that have the same destination and the same principles, but there is no interaction that we are being perceived correctly because we are communicating, but somehow, we are being completely overlooked, almost non-existent in the sense of what we are saying. We are arguing in detail that we should be aware of the mistakes that have happened, of the mistakes that have cost us as a country, of the mistakes some of which we have inherited, but perhaps also of new mistakes that we have made. But for which the EU also has a great responsibility, especially in relation to the dialogue process", she said.

"And at a certain moment, after all the continuous concessions, at the expense of Kosovo, and continuous destructive actions by Serbia, it is still easier to sanction Kosovo. A belief is created about how far one should go..." she added.

Hovenier: Surprised why no positive response to our requests for north (Klan)

United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, said in an interview with Klan Kosova on Thursday that it is not only the USA that has requests for the de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo.

He said that other international countries that are allies of Kosovo also have such requests, and added that he cannot understand why Kosovar institutions still do not have a proper response in accordance with the requests of friendly countries.

"Also, I would like to point out that it is not only the United States that is looking for this. Some pretty remarkable things have happened this week alone. Since Monday, Prime Minister Kurti has met with the British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, talked with Secretary of State Blinken, talked with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, there were public statements from the Secretary General of NATO, so basically, the configuration of the institutions in which Kosovo intends to join and which we will wholeheartedly support and the friends of Kosovo".

"The countries and institutions that have played a role in supporting Kosovo in this trajectory are all asking Kosovo, this government, to take some specific actions and implement this EU three-point plan. We are surprised, we find it difficult to understand why there is no positive response and it doesn't seem like there will be," Hovenier said.

"That's the word I just used. I am puzzled, I am trying to understand why. It is a very unique case that a government of Kosovo does not respond to this composition of actors, who all have the best interests of Kosovo in mind. Yes, I am surprised, worried, I want to avoid a situation at the end of this letter from the Senate and I have brought a copy and I will read a sentence that I think is quite important".

See the full interview here:

U.S: Designating two organisations in the north as terrorist, uncoordinated (RFE)

The U.S. State Department told Radio Free Europe on Thursday that the Kosovo government did not coordinate with Washington in designating the “Civil Protection” and the “Northern Brigade” as terrorist organisations.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Thursday that the two organisations, which operate in the north, constitute “a serious and direct threat to constitutional order and security in Kosovo”.

A spokesperson for the State Department meanwhile said: “The Kosovo Government’s decision to designate these groups as terrorist organisations was not coordinated with the U.S. and other international partners. This decision should have been coordinated with Kosovo’s closest partners, including those that have primary responsibility to ensure the stability of Kosovo. We again call on Kosovo to refrain from unilateral steps as we work with all parties to resolve the current crisis”.

Plenkovic: Create conditions for new and comprehensive elections in north (Klan)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said that his country expects a de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo. Before the start of the EU Council meeting on Thursday, he said that they want to create the conditions for holding new elections in the northern municipalities of Kosovo, in which Serb citizens would also participate.

"We want the elections to be safe, comprehensive, the last elections experienced a boycott. There is readiness for these elections to be held, but it is important to ensure participation in them", Plenkovic said..

"Croatia wants peace, wants de-escalation, wants to hold elections where there will be inclusiveness", he added.

Rama: Kosovo must prove the region belongs to the Berlin Process (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, said on Thursday that the support of the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, for holding the international conference for the north is positive.

He said that the Western Balkans cannot be dealt with and remain suspended with an issue such as the tensions in the north. "Our region cannot be dragged into a completely pointless, absurd conflict, where it plays with the fire of nationalism, producing everyday reasons for fighting, with actions and inactions, accusations and counter-accusations, which are daily degrading the situation in the North of Kosovo and are undermining the edifice built with so many efforts of regional cooperation," Rama said.

Today, when in Brussels, the preparation of a new financial and economic support plan for the countries of our region entered the work agenda of the Commission; when Albania prepares to host the First Summit of the Berlin Process in the Western Balkans; when we must all be united, to advance this vital process for our common European future, strengthening our ties, our economies, our common market, the North of Kosovo is offering the world the screening of a black and white film of the old Balkans, which can only entertain cynical spectators in the East of the borders of the European Union...

Kosovo's politicians must prove today, with deeds and not words, that this region belongs to the Berlin Process and not to the Kremlin's dreams, and Kosovo cannot be the unconscious fabric on which those dreams are projected, while to some of them it might seem that they are painting a heroic picture for the history of the North of the Republic", Rama said.

Haziri: International conference can damage Kosovo (Klan)

Lutfi Haziri, deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) commented on Thursday about an eventual international conference on the situation in the north of Kosovo. He stated that holding of such a conference would be difficult for Kosovo.

“The international conference as an idea was launched by the French president, Emmanuel Macron. There was a time when France did not believe in 'shuttle' diplomacy, like the forms of these negotiations with mediation in Kosovo. He asked for a quick, mobilized and short conference where the problem is solved".

"The conference will be difficult for Kosovo. If in the 'shuttle' diplomacy you fail to maximize the demands, to present your goals and demands, at the time when you are internationally accepted, then such a conference can be dangerous. This is because it can form an agreement which cannot achieve our goals, and that is the recognition by Serbia", Haziri said.

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, in a meeting he had with the President of the European Commission, Charles Michael, said that they discussed the possibility of holding such a conference.

Serwer: Vucic is rejecting agreements as soon as he leaves the meeting (media)

U.S. professor and expert of political developments in the region, Daniel Serwer, has spoken about the idea of the prime minister of Albania, Edi Rama, to organize a high-level conference, where the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia would not be allowed to leave the meeting without an agreement. This proposal has received the support of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

"I might agree with Edi Rama that the problem lies at the top. But I don't know anyone who could force them into a summit of that sort and keep them there. Besides, Vucic has made it clear that it doesn't matter what he agrees. He is prepared to denounce an agreement as soon as he leaves the meeting. Washington and Brussels don't even complain when he does that.

I think it is clear there is no agreement right now on "normalization," much less on mutual recognition. I'd like the top leaders to agree to go back to negotiating agreements on issues that make a difference to their people's lives. Those negotiations before 2013 were far more successful (although some remain unimplemented) than the negotiations since 2013,” Serwer said.

Asked if he thinks that there is a consensus on de-escalation, Serwer said he does not think that Belgrade and Pristina are equally responsible for the current situation. “It originated in the Serb boycott of municipal elections and continued with violent demonstrations against the presence of Kosovo police on Kosovo territory as well as the kidnapping of Kosovo police on Kosovo territory.”

“I'm sure the Prime Minister is aware of American concerns. I'm sure President Vucic is as well, but Washington and Brussels are not sending Belgrade the same strong messages they are sending to Pristina. That is a serious mistake,” Serwer said.

Asked about frequent meetings of Prime Minister Albin Kurti with British politicians, Serwer said he does not mind his talking to the Brits, but he should also be thinking about repairing relations with the EU and U.S.

Serbian Language Media

Reactions to Pristina decision to declare “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations” (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, social media)

The Kosovo Government has decided yesterday to declare two, as it said organizations active in northern Kosovo “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations”, KoSSev portal reports.

Political analyst Dusan Janjic argued yesterday that this was a political decision, “the worst possible response” that could lead to instruction by which “a special police situation” would be imposed as well as to provoke new demonstrations and arrests of Serbs in northern Kosovo.

He also said the recent incidents in northern Kosovo could hardly qualify as terrorist acts, and opined that EULEX and KFOR did not support making this decision of the Kosovo Government, adding he expects “a fierce response”.

Underlining once again that this was a political decision and it remains yet to be seen “if such political decisions can turn into laws” Janjic pointed out that this will also be a major burden for Kosovo Assembly and the public.

He pointed out that Kurti can not change and amend the law without the assembly and for something like that to happen it is not only enough to declare two organizations as terrorist ones.

Marko Jaksic, close associate of late Oliver Ivanovic and former Mitrovica North municipal councilor reacting to the decision in a post on Twitter wrote that “history is a cyclical process which always repeats itself. Although Northern Brigade is a non-existing imaginarium in the head of (Albin) Kurti, it is absolutely the same as with KLA in 1997 when even the US Government declared them terrorist”, adding that only a year later high US officials were sitting with them. “There is a thin line between terrorists and liberators!”, he said.

President of the Association of Journalists of Serbia, Zivojin Rakocevic told Kosovo Online that Pristina by such a decision declared “part of its own system as terrorist”.

He also said the Kosovo Government continues the acts of criminalizing the north.

“Obviously there is a system in all of this, first they went after individuals, and those included in the Kosovo system, police officers respectively. They arrested people whom they worked with for twenty years or longer. It is not enough now, so some organization must be declared evil in order to continue interventions called “Devils reside in northern Kosovo and Metohija” and satanize everything that exists in the north”, Rakocevic said.

Given that “Civil Protection” had been integrated into Kosovo system in 2015 following the Brussels agreement, Rakoceivic said that now Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, part of his own system, declared as terrorist organization, while as far as “Northern Brigade” is concerned he even does not know what this organization was about.

State Department: Decision of Kosovo to declare two organizations in the north as terrorist ones made without coordination with US (RFE, Kosovo Online)

Kosovo Government’s decision to declare “Civil Protection” and “Northern Brigade” as “terrorist organizations” was not made in coordination with the US and other international partners, Kosovo Online portal reports citing Radio Free Europe.

“This decision should have been coordinated with the closest international partners of Kosovo, including those whose primary responsibility is to ensure the stability of Kosovo. We urge Kosovo once again to restrain from unilateral steps while we work with the parties on resolving the current crisis”, reads the response.

It was also said that the US condemned “violence against KFOR forces” and that those behind it should be held accountable “by respecting prescribed process and with full transparency”.  

Hill says US and Serbia friends with complex relations (N1, Kosovo Online)

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on Thursday that the US and Serbia are friends who have a complex relationship, N1 report.

Our two countries are like two friends who at a certain moment parted their ways a bit, but are now together again, the Ambassador said, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Speaking in Serbian at US Independence Day reception, Hill said that sometimes one friend wants to talk about the past and the other about the future but that the important thing is to talk and continue forward in that spirit. Relations between Serbia and the United States are complex but getting better and they are very important for us, he said and added that those relations are needed to achieve peace, security and for the future.

Earlier on Thursday, Ambassador Hill attended a farewell ceremony for Serbian troops leaving for their first ever deployment with US forces with the Multinational Forces and Observers mission on the Sinai.

Our cooperation has deep roots and is based on mutual trust and values, he said adding, that there will still be differences that some people will insist on but an important thing is overcoming that kind of difficulty. Those differences can be small and our mutual interests will resolve them, he said.

According to Hill, things can get better. Serbia and the US want to achieve that goal, he said, adding that time is crucial.

The reception was attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who said in an Instagram post that he used the opportunity to ask Washington to use its authority to secure a dignified and peaceful life for the Serbs in Kosovo whose rights there have been violated.

The reception was attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and several members of her cabinet, including Internal Affairs Minister Bratislav Gasic, as well as a number of opposition leaders.

Vucic: Serbs in Kosovo denied very same rights enshrined in US Declaration of Independence (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on the occasion of the US Independence Day that universal values and rights enshrined in the US Declaration of Independence, such as equality of all people and undeniable rights to life and freedom are exactly what Serbs in Kosovo have been deprived of, RTS reports.

Vucic attended a reception at US Ambassador Christopher Hill’s residence organized on this occasion.

In a post on Instagram Vucic wrote that he used the opportunity “to kindly ask the US to invest their undoubtable authority so that Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija can have dignified and peaceful lives”.

Patriarch Porfirije served memorial service at Gazimestan yesterday (Radio KIM)

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije yesterday served a memorial service to the heroes who fought in the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 and all the victims of the Serbian people, Radio KIM reports.

Patriarch Porfirije visited Visoki Decani Monastery prior to it and also served a liturgy in Pec Patriarchate where he spoke with students receiving scholarships from Privrednik Fund and Endowment of Sima Igumanov.

On June 28, on the occasion of Saint Vitus Day, Patriarch served the liturgy and a memorial service in Gracanica Monastery.  

Petkovic accuses Svecla of lying, says Kosovo police did stop Vucic’s son three times (Radio KIM, Kosovo Online, social media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic reacted to the statement of Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla who said yesterday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was “a chronic liar” and that Kosovo police stopped his son Danilo only once while in Kosovo and requested him to take off his jersey as it had a message that Pristina deemed “offensive”, Serbian media report.

“Big lies by Svecla again. Kosovo police first stopped Danilo at 8.45 at Ajvalija place, on Pristina-Gracanica road. Second time son of the President Vucic was stopped at 12.45 in the place called Trude near Podujevo where special police members with guns pointed at him asked him about his father and forced him to take off his jersey with a message “Surrender is not an option”. Third time Kosovo police held Danilo at Merdare crossing point. Evidence, Svecla, point out what pathological liars, you and your patron Kurti are”, Petkovic said in a post on Twitter and published two videos showing Kosovo police stopping the Belgrade license plates vehicle. 

International Media

Kosovo's prime minister offers to hold new elections in tense Serb-majority municipalities (ABC News)

Kosovo’s prime minister offered Thursday to hold new mayoral elections in four Serb-majority municipalities and reduce police there in an effort to defuse tensions with neighboring Serbia that flared anew last month.

Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo boycotted mayoral elections in the four municipalities in April as part of a campaign for greater autonomy, and they now object to the ethnic Albanian mayors chosen in the polls. Neighboring Serbia has backed calls for the mayors to step down.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a social media post that he would be willing to hold fresh mayoral elections if at least 20 percent of the electorate in the municipalities support a petition for the polls. He said he would instruct the four mayors elected in April to hand their posts to any newly elected candidates.

Read more at:

Kosovo designates two Serb groups as terrorist organisations (Reuters)

Kosovo's government labelled two Serb groups as terrorist organisations on Thursday in a move that could fuel further tensions in country's volatile north which has seen the worst ethnic violence since the 2008 declaration of independence.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti told a session of the cabinet that Civil Protection (Civilna Zastita) and the North Brigade (Severna Brigada) posed a high level of "threat and danger".

He said the two groups had been "recruiting and training members how to use weapons and carry other combat methods in military bases in Serbia in order to carry out attacks on local and international institutions in Kosovo".

Read more at:

Kosovo Declares Serb Groups in North ‘Terrorists’ (BIRN)

Kosovo on Thursday declared two groups operating in the Serb-majority north of Kosovo Civilna Zastita (Civil Protection) and Brigada Sever (North Brigade) terrorist organisations.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said: “Based on the evaluations of the Kosovo security institutions, the illegal formations, Civil Protection and its component North Brigade pose a serious and direct threat for the constitutional order and security of Kosovo.”

According to Kurti the formations have “recruited and trained members to use weapons and combat methods at military bases in Serbia with the purpose of carrying out attacks against local institutions and international missions in Kosovo”.

Read more at:

Kosovo designates two Serb groups as terrorist organisations (The Irish Times)

Kosovo’s government labelled two Serb groups as terrorist organisations in a move that could fuel further tensions in country’s volatile north which has seen the worst ethnic violence since the 2008 declaration of independence.

Prime minister Albin Kurti told a session of the cabinet on Thursday that Civil Protection (Civilna Zastita) and the North Brigade (Severna Brigada) posed a high level of “threat and danger”.

He said the two groups had been "recruiting and training members how to use weapons and carry other combat methods in military bases in Serbia in order to carry out attacks on local and international institutions in Kosovo".

Read more at: