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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 29, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo government responds to EU on penalty measures (media)
  • EU leaders: Failure to de-escalate tensions will have consequences (RTK)
  • U.S. administration shares Congress’ concerns on tensions in north Kosovo (VoA)
  • Kurti visited the north of Kosovo on Wednesday (media)
  • Osmani: There’s a solution for the north; we are contacting internationals (RTK)
  • Kurti concludes his visit to London: I met the supporters of Kosovo (RTK)
  • Lajcak: Kurti and Vucic agreed on elections, but not on extension (media)
  • Stoltenberg: Kosovo and Serbia must return to dialogue (media)
  • KFOR calls for de-escalation, reiterates its mission (RTK)
  • Palokaj: Albania is joining the dance for Kosovo’s isolation (Koha)
  • Police stop Vucic's son to remove his jersey with anti-Kosovo slogans (media)
  • Hate speech against Albanians and calls for Vucic’s resignation (RFE)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Lajcak: Vucic and Kurti agreed on new elections, Blinken and Von der Leyen deal with solving the crisis (Euronews Serbia)
  • Vucic: Many difficulties await us in Kosovo (N1, Beta)
  • Petkovic: West united in condemning Kosovo’s Kurti (N1, RTS, Beta)
  • Patriarch in Gracanica on St.Vitus: Kosovo is a holy land where there is room for everyone and for every type of prayer (KoSSev)
  • Gathering for Kosovo Serbs in central Belgrade (N1)
  • Pasalic: St. Vitus determined the path and destiny of the Serbian people throughout history (NMagazin, Beta)
  • Journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic's appeal on the ban on entering Kosovo rejected (KiM radio, UNS)
  • The Serbian National Council invite individuals and parties to participate in its constitution (KiM radio)
  • Trajkovic: Excessive caution spreads defeatism and apathy among our people (KoSSev)

International Media:

  • Kosovo Convicts Wartime Guerrilla of Kidnapping Suspected Collaborator (BIRN)
  • EU warns of punitive measures against Kosovo (European Western Balkans)

Albanian Language Media

Kosovo government responds to EU on penalty measures (media)

The Kosovo government has responded to the European Union, one day after European officials specified the penalty measures that will be introduced against Kosovo about the situation in the north. The government in Pristina said that it is difficult to understand how the EU is undertaking negative measures against Kosovo, by suspending the work on the Stabilisation/Association Agreement, suspending the funding of EU programs, suspending the adoption of projects from the Western Balkans Investment Fund, and suspending meetings at the political level.

A spokesman for the Kosovo government, Perparim Kryeziu, said the measures against Kosovo are neither right nor fair. “It is difficult to explain how the European Union is undertaking negative measures against Kosovo, because in its latest country report it describes it in the most positive light so far, in terms of the fight against crime and corruption, democratisation, economic development, and in advancing the legal framework in line with the EU Acquis,” he said.

Kryeziu recalled the five-point proposal by Prime Minister Albin Kurti to de-escalate the situation, which he argued, would safeguard the principle of rule of law and would pave way to new elections. He also said that there is not a single reprimand against Serbia following the attacks against local and international institutions.

“Regardless of all this, we appreciate the support and assistance of the EU, and we look forward to getting the membership questionnaire,” Kryeziu said.

EU leaders: Failure to de-escalate tensions will have consequences (RTK)

The leaders of the European Union will condemn the violent incidents in the north of Kosovo and will call for immediate de-escalation of the situation, based on the key elements presented by the EU.

"The parties must create conditions for early elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. The failure to de-escalate tensions will have negative consequences,” is noted in the draft conclusions, which the leaders will approve at the end of the summit, which will be held on June 29 and 30.

The presidents and prime ministers of the 27 states of the European Union will also note that it is essential to continue the dialogue and implement all the elements of the agreement on the way to the normalization of relations, as well as the agreed annex. This, according to the draft conclusions, also includes the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority in Kosovo.

U.S. administration shares Congress’ concerns about tensions in north Kosovo (VoA)

A spokesperson for the National Security Council told the Voice of America that the U.S Administration shares the concerns of the Congress about growing tensions in the north of Kosovo. “U.S. government officials, including the White House and the State Department, have worked closely with partners in the European Union to find a diplomatic solution to the recent events. They are engaged with the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to push for de-escalation and renewed focus to implement the normalisation agreements signed early this year,” the spokesperson said. He also added that “the normalisation of relations, participation in democratic processes and respect for the rule of law will contribute to sustainability and security in the north of Kosovo”. 

Kurti visited the north of Kosovo on Wednesday (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, on Wednesday paid a visit to the north of Kosovo. The news was initially confirmed by the deputy director of the Police for the northern region of Kosovo, Veton Elshani.

Local media in Mitrovica have reported that Kurti stayed at Kroi i Vitakut in Mitrovica North.

"Baklava and sweets for our policemen in the north of the country. Together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla and his deputy, Blerim Gashani, we visited our units in Kroi i Vitakut. High professional training is a guarantee for the implementation of the law and for security as a public good that is offered to all citizens without distinction. We continued the discussion at the "Belvedere" center,” Kurti wrote on Facebook.

Osmani: There’s a solution for the north; we are contacting internationals (RTK)

Heads and representatives of 13 Southeast European countries have gathered in Podgorica, at the Southeast European Cooperation Summit. Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, also participated in this summit. She spoke about the situation in the north of Kosovo, the de-escalation of the situation and possible early elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

In an interview for RTK from Podgorica, Osmani stated that regarding the situation in the north, it is important for Kosovo to find a solution together with its allies. Recalling that this crisis was caused by Serbia, Osmani said that Kosovo is within its rights, in the context of the rule of law and sovereignty.

Speaking about the new elections in the municipalities in the north, she said that the law foresees several situations for early elections, and that one of them, according to her, is the best because it also ensures the participation of Serbs living in those municipalities.

"This has to do with the signing of a petition by 20% of the voters from each of these municipalities. I think that through this, a legal obligation is created for the institutions, but we are also showing political will for such a thing," Osmani said. According to her, this paves the way for the democratic participation of Serb citizens in the elections and for the election of new mayors. "I see this as the most urgent issue and at the same time the efforts of the Kosovo Police for the rule of law in the north and in particular for the punishment of the persons who participated in the violence against KFOR, policemen and journalists should be continued,” she said.

Speaking about the eventual measures of the EU against Kosovo, in case of non-de-escalation of the situation in the north, Osmani said that they are working on avoiding such measures. "Our contacts are continuous and daily with the EU and the U.S. and as long as we, the EU and the U.S. all have a common strategic goal, which is a sovereign Kosovo, independent within the current borders and integrated into the Atlantic structures, nothing should prevent us from overcoming these current differences as soon as possible,” she argued.

While speaking about the summit in which she is participating, which was held in Podgorica, Montenegro, Osmani said that such an initiative has existed since 1996 and includes 13 countries in South-Eastern Europe.

"The goal is to talk about the steps to bring our countries closer to the EU. The process of European integration is one of the main topics, then the second topic was security, since the entire security architecture of Europe has been under attack for some time due to Russian aggression against Ukraine," she said.

"But our region is also affected by the malignant Russian influence through Serbia and these were some of the topics that I and many other speakers discussed", said Osmani, adding that economic development and regional cooperation were also part of the discussions.

Osmani also said that "on behalf of the Republic of Kosovo, in addition to the positive aspects of regional cooperation that leads us towards European integration, through initiatives like this, but also the Berlin Process, of course I also spoke about the latest security challenges that are being caused by Serbia which has caused an act of aggression against Kosovo, a violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity and also a violation of the Technical-Military Agreement that it has with NATO". Osmani stated that none of these actions contribute to good neighborliness, “on the contrary, they endanger the efforts of both the EU and our allies in the USA for peace and stability and membership in the Euro-Atlantic structures".

Kurti concludes his visit to London: I met the supporters of Kosovo (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has announced that in less than two years, he has completed his third official visit to the United Kingdom. Summarizing his meetings in London, he said that he was warmly welcomed by Kosovo's allies and partners both in the British government and parliament.

Starting with the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, James Cleverly, with whom he said he is in regular contact and communication, he explained that he discussed bilateral relations, the developments in Kosovo and the importance of fully de-escalating the situation in the four municipalities in the north.

"The Republic of Kosovo is always grateful for the unwavering and uninterrupted support of the United Kingdom," Kurti said.

He explained that the chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Policy, Alicia Kearns, has been a strong supporter of Kosovo in the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Stoltenberg: Kosovo and Serbia must return to dialogue (media)

The tense situation in the north of Kosovo was one of the topics discussed in the meeting that the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, had with the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas. On this occasion, Stoltenberg has called on Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from actions that escalate the situation and return to dialogue.

"We call on both sides to refrain from anything that could further escalate tensions and return immediately to the EU-facilitated dialogue, which is the only way forward," Stoltenberg said.

He said that the importance of the KFOR mission in Kosovo, which continues to fulfill its mandate in an impartial manner, was discussed in this meeting.

Lajcak: Kurti and Vucic agreed on elections, but not on extension (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said in an interview for Euronews Serbia that Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, and Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, at the last crisis management meeting in Brussels, have agreed that the new elections are one of the key elements to get out of the current crisis in the north, but they have not agreed on how to achieve the de-escalation of the situation, how will the mayors work and from where.

Lajcak argued that "the situation is very serious and no one is pretending that we don't have a big crisis". "There is no formal deadline. But in politics everything is connected. See how many world officials are engaged around this issue. We had telephone conversations between the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen and the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. The situation is so tense and serious that the highest world officials must deal with it and be involved in solving this problem. All this is somehow reflected in the atmosphere of the international community, in the image of Kosovo, Serbia and the entire region. So, I think that it is primarily in the interest of Serbia and Kosovo that this issue be resolved and that the region deals with European issues, and not with crisis management," he said.

Lajcak requested a de-escalation of the situation, as he said that this means that the mayors of the municipalities should withdraw from the buildings where they are currently located. "The mayors of the municipalities should withdraw from the facilities and work from some other premises, as the other two mayors are already doing. It means dealing with some administrative issues, but not political ones. They did not receive a mandate for this from the voters of the Serbian community. At the same time, we expect the demonstrators, special police and KFOR to withdraw. So that we can have peace, so that people can go back to their lives, and we can go back to our work. This is de-escalation. Then the next step is to talk about when we will have new elections and how we will get to them,” he said.

Lajcak said that in the coming months there should be new elections in the northern municipalities. "This was one of the points on which Kurti and Vucic agreed. It is clear that the elected mayors do not have the legitimacy they should have. Legitimate mayors can only be those elected by Kosovo Serbs. The question we are dealing with is when and how we will get there. And of course the Serbs have a motive, feel safe and have free and representative elections,” he argued. 

Lajcak also spoke about the idea of the prime minister of Albania, Edi Rama, to organize a conference in which the leaders of Kosovo, Serbia, the EU and the USA would participate. "This is an initiative of Edi Rama. I must say that he is playing an active and constructive role in this crisis, because he is well aware of the situation on the ground. Of course, as Prime Minister of Albania, his voice is authoritative enough to be heard. I am in regular contact with him and know how much time and authority he has invested in finding solutions. This is a proposal he came up with. We are also in daily contact with the USA and the main European capitals. But, of course, the best platform for solving problems is dialogue and we must return to dialogue,” he said.

Asked if he does not exclude the possibility of holding such a conference, he answered: "There have been no talks about what the expectations from such a conference are. It is too early to speculate on this. But once again I want to say that I see Rama's role as constructive".

KFOR calls for de-escalation, reiterates its mission (RTK)

NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, KFOR, say they continue to support the EU-facilitated dialogue and that the dialogue is the only means to achieve irreversible and sustainable stability and to reduce tensions in the north of Kosovo.

A press release issued by KFOR notes that COMKFOR remains in close contact and coordination with all local and international interlocutors, including representatives of institutions in Kosovo, UNMIK, OSCE, EULEX and the Serbian head of Defense.

"KFOR welcomes all multinational efforts undertaken to bring both parties back to the negotiating table and invites all parties to converge towards de-escalation and refrain from provocative actions that are against the interests of all people in Kosovo," the statement reads.

It is further emphasized that the NATO-led KFOR mission remains alert and fully capable of fulfilling its mandate, providing a safe environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, according to Resolution 1244 of 1999.

Palokaj: Albania is joining the dance for Kosovo’s isolation (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj argued in an interview with Koha that there is no understanding for Kosovo in the mechanisms of the European Union. He said that EU Special Representative for the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, explained in detail what is expected from Kosovo and Serbia to de-escalate the situation. He said that Kosovo at this point “is nowhere because of the EU logic that it cannot treat Kosovo as a state”.

“Many members of the European Parliament said that Vucic is being tolerated for dinning with Seselj, cooperating with Russia, scolding the EU and for creating an atmosphere of fear in Serbia. It should be clear that the EP is a parliament and there shouldn’t be an impression in Kosovo that there is understanding for Kosovo in Brussels, because at this point there is none. There is no understanding from the European Commission, from the External Action Service and from the majority of member states”.

Palokaj said that the EU is working with Albania too to isolate Kosovo in the region. “They are working with Albania to isolate Kosovo in the region, so not only isolation from the international community, but in this way even officials from Albania are becoming internationals and are joining the dance for Kosovo’s isolation and sending a message,” he argued.

Police stop Vucic's son to remove his jersey with anti-Kosovo slogans (media)

The son of the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, was seen on Wednesday in Gracanica, where the "Vidovdan" celebrations took place this year. Danilo Vucic participated in the religious liturgy for this Serbian holiday, while wearing a jersey with the inscription "Surrender is not an option". Meanwhile, RTV Dukagjini has published some images that claim to show Danilo and the car in which he was traveling within the territory of Kosovo. The news website reported that "Kosovo Police stopped the son of the president of Serbia, Aleksadar Vucic, Danilo Vucic, who is staying in Kosovo because of the 'Vidovdan' holiday. After the end of the ceremony, which was held in Gracanica, RTV Dukagjini has secured footage showing that the Kosovo Police stopped the cars where the son of the president of Serbia was, in order to remove his T-shirt, which had anti-Kosovo slogans”.

Klan Kosova contacted the Kosovo Police about this case, but until the time of reporting, it has not received any response.

Hate speech against Albanians and calls for Vucic’s resignation (RFE)

Right-wing opposition parties in Serbia gathered on Wednesday night in Belgrade in sign of support for Serbs in Kosovo and insults and hate speech was heard against the Albanians during the event. The rally was organised by the “Movement for the Protection of Kosovo and Metohija” with the support of right-wing parties, including the opposition parties in parliament “Dveri” and “Zavetnici”. Nationalistic songs for Kosovo were heard at the event and a banner was presented saying “stop the terror against Serbs”. The participants waved Serbian flags and slogans “no surrender” including the map of Kosovo. They called on Russia to support Serbia’s policy on Kosovo. There were also calls on Serbian authorities to stop negotiations with Kosovo and to annul all agreements reached in the dialogue for the normalisation of relations.

Speakers at the protest insulted and used hate speech against Albanians, and criticised Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, calling for his resignation. They called the government of Serbia “a traitor” and slammed the Ohrid agreement for the normalisation of Kosovo-Serbia relations.

Serbian Language Media

Lajcak: Vucic and Kurti agreed on new elections, Blinken and Von der Leyen deal with solving the crisis (Euronews Serbia)

The EU's special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that at the last crisis management meeting in Brussels, the two sides agreed that new elections are one of the key elements of getting out of the current crisis in the north of Kosovo, but that they did not agree on how to reach de-escalation. 

In an interview with Euronews Serbia, published yesterday, he said that the situation is serious and that no one is pretending that we don't have a big crisis. As he stated, there is no formal deadline by which Belgrade and Pristina should fulfill the EU's demands, which are formulated in three points, but he points out that the situation is so tense that the highest world officials have to deal with it, which affects the image of Serbia and Kosovo and the region.

Miroslav Lajcak also spoke to Euronews Serbia about the proposals of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, but also about the ban on the entry of trucks with Serbian goods into the territory of Kosovo, as well as how the European Union observes the arrests of Serbs in Kosovo.

Vucic: Many difficulties await us in Kosovo (N1, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said many difficulties and problems await Serbia in Kosovo, but that he will “do everything he can to preserve peace.”

At a Vidovdan (St Vitus Day) celebration organized by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at Hotel Yugoslavia in Belgrade, Vucic said some may think that advocating a compromise is “a result of weakness,” but that it is actually an expression of strength.

“I don’t know how this whole thing with Kosovo will go, they will try to break and destroy our country from the inside,” said Vucic, adding that no one wants a small country “making decisions that are not in the interests of the big powers.”

He noted that the SNS, which he headed until May this year, was founded so as to bring change to Serbia, and that “it has done more than all others” in this respect.

The Serbian President announced that a movement for the people and state, which he said would be founded, will be a political force that will advocate economic development, pay rises and a strong Serbia.

“Freedom is the common name of both the movement that will be founded and of the SNS,” said Vucic.

Petkovic: West united in condemning Kosovo’s Kurti (N1, RTS, Beta)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Petar Petkovic said he has the impression that the West is united more than even in condemning Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s unilateral and violent actions, but that concrete measures need to be taken.

Petkovic told RTS yesterday that this is the first time that Kurti is being criticized, and by the western states that are “the mentors of Kosovo’s independence.”

“However, as our people say, we have had enough of those statements, reports, and verbal condemnations. Only once we see concrete steps and measures announced by the European Union and US will we know that concrete action is being taken to curb Albin Kurti in his intention to set fire to the entire Western Balkans,” said Petkovic.

Commenting on the fact that the traditional Vidovdan (St Vitus Day) memorial service will not be held in Gazimestan, Kosovo, as usual, but at the Gracanica monastery instead, Petkovic said this only goes to show just how difficult the situation that the Kosovo Serbs live in is.

“The Serbian Orthodox Church did not want to take a risk of us once again witnessing harassment and arrests of our people,” said Petkovic.

Patriarch in Gracanica on St. Vitus: Kosovo is a holy land where there is room for everyone and for every type of prayer (KoSSev)

“Kosovo and Metohija is both our home and our heaven, for Heaven is anchored in this Land”, Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church, said in Gracanica yesterday. The patriarch underlined that the heritage of Vidovdan (St. Vitus) should be celebrated in prayer and the knowledge that people need each other regardless of how they pray and to what nation they belong. He also congratulated the Muslim community who are celebrating Eid al-Adha. 

Serbs celebrated the Vidovdan holiday yesterday. This Vidovdan, however, for the first time in more than two decades, the traditional memorial service was not held at Gazimestan. Instead, a memorial service dedicated to the heroes of Kosovo, on the 634th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, was organized in the Gracanica monastery.

The Diocese of Raska-Prizren decided to change the location of the memorial service due to, as they say, a very difficult situation in Kosovo.

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Gathering for Kosovo Serbs in central Belgrade (N1)

A gathering in support of the Kosovo Serbs was held in front of St Mark’s church in central Belgrade on Wednesday, reported N1.

The gathering was organized on St Vitus day under the slogan “Enough of the Terror Over the Serbs in Kosovo”. 

The crowd carried Serbian flags and slogans saying Kosovo’s holy sites would not be abandoned and calling for early elections at all levels. The crowd marched to the nearby Serbian presidency building to demand protection for the Kosovo Serbs and accusing President Aleksandar Vucic of waging a treasonous policy towards Kosovo. They also demanded the release of arrested Kosovo Serbs.

The gathering was joined by officials of the conservative right Dveri movement and Oathkeepers.

Pasalic: St. Vitus determined the path and destiny of the Serbian people throughout history (NMagazin, Beta)

Zoran Pasalic, Ombudsman in Serbia, congratulated the citizens of Serbia the state and Orthodox holiday of St. Vitus day (Vidovdan), with the assessment that the day determined the path and destiny of the Serbian people throughout history, while its survival was ensured by the symbolism of that holiday.

"Since the Battle of Kosovo, the declaration of war on Turkey, the Secret Convention with Austria-Hungary, the peace agreement in Versailles, the adoption of the first Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the assassination in Sarajevo, the  Informbiro resolution and a series of other tragic events, St. Vitus has always been a turning point for Serbia and Serbs," Pasalic stated in the announcement.

At the same time, as he added, St. Vitus is a reminder that the right to life, the right to freedom and the right to dignity are the highest values of the Serbian people.

Pasalic also assessed that St. Vitus represents a part of the Serbian identity, but also a symbol of Serbia's libertarian tradition.

Journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic's appeal on the ban on entering Kosovo rejected (KiM radio, UNS)

RTS journalist and author of the show "Pravo na sutra" Svetlana Vukmirovic appealed to Kosovo's MIA because she is still not allowed to enter Kosovo, but her appeal was rejected, reported KiM radio.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija told the Association of Journalist of Serbia (UNS) website that during the dialogue in Brussels, their director Petar Petkovic showed the document on the ban on entry to the head of the Pristina negotiation team, Besnik Bislimi, but that he, in front of the mediator in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, ''threw this document on the floor, saying that he was not interested in that''.

"Previously, the Office for Coordination Affairs in the negotiation process with Pristina, in cooperation with the Office for KiM, sent a notice to the EU mission that Vukmirovic plans to visit Kosovo and Metohija on May 1, reminding her that Pristina institutions unilaterally and illegally prohibit her from entering KiM", UNS announced.

The Office points out that they have approached the representatives of the EU Mission, so that they would use their authority to help Vukmirovic carry out his journalistic work without hindrance.

"We note that journalists are not obliged under any valid agreement or agreement to ask the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina for permission to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," the Office for KiM added for UNS.

The representatives of the EU Mission, as reported by the Office for KiM, stated in their response that the journalist Vukmirovic will be allowed to enter Kosovo, as well as that the representative of the EU Mission will be at the administrative crossing to follow up on the entire case.

According to Svetlana Vukmirovic, that did not happen. With the decision of the Pristina institutions, the author of the show "Pravo na sutra" (Right to tomorrow) was once again denied the right to enter Kosovo.

The Serbian National Council invite individuals and parties to participate in its constitution (KiM radio)

In its Vidovdan (St. Vitus) Proclamation, the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija (SNV) invited political parties, movements, associations, as well as distinguished individuals: Serbian householders, workers, professors, doctors, lawyers, economists, artists, students, and the rest of the Serbian youth to support the work of this body and participate in its constitution, in order, as they stated, to take their destiny into their own hands, reported KiM radio.

Trajkovic: Excessive caution spreads defeatism and apathy among our people (KoSSev)

Serbs were celebrating the Vidovdan holiday yesterday. This Vidovdan, however, for the first time in more than two decades, the traditional memorial service was not held at Gazimestan. A memorial service dedicated to the heroes of Kosovo, on the 634th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, was held in the Gracanica monastery instead.

The Diocese of Raska-Prizren decided to change the location of the memorial service due to, as they say, a very difficult situation in Kosovo.

“This is the first time since the end of the armed conflict in 1999 that such a decision has been made, which only shows how serious the current situation is, but also our complete distrust in the existing institutions in Pristina, which, unfortunately, brought inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo and Metohija to the lowest level in the last 24 years,” they said in a statement, adding:

“Our people are currently living in uncertainty security-wise and a sense of a complete absence of basic rights and freedoms, especially following the latest series of arrests and abuse of arrested Serbs.”

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International Media

Kosovo Convicts Wartime Guerrilla of Kidnapping Suspected Collaborator (BIRN)

Prizren Basic Court on Tuesday convicted former Kosovo Liberation Army member, Remzi Shala, known by the nom de guerre Molla e Kuqe (The Red Apple) of committing a war crime by kidnapping an ethnic Albanian man from Duhel, a village in the Suhareka/Suva Reka area, during the Kosovo war.

“During the war in Kosovo, on June 26, 1998 at around 11pm, in the village of Duhel, as a member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), in uniform and armed with a rifle, along with five to six unidentified KLA members, armed and with masks on their faces, went to [the victim] H.P.’s house and took him hostage because of the suspicion that he was cooperating with Serbian forces,” the judges said.

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EU warns of punitive measures against Kosovo (European Western Balkans)

The European Union has warned that it will communicate the punitive measures against Kosovo, which the bloc has prepared due to the failure to take the steps that have been requested to reduce tensions in the north of Kosovo, said the head of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR).

During the debate in the EP Committee for Foreign Policy (AFET) Koopman said that a number of measures are being prepared for Kosovo. He mentioned the suspension of the work of all working groups for the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), the suspension of financing of EU programs, the disapproval of projects from the Investment Fund in the Western Balkans, as well as the suspension of meetings at political levels.

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