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Ranilug mayor insults Gjakovars as well (Gazeta Express)

Mayor of Ranilug municipality, Gradimir Mikic, told RTV Plus that those who threw stones on the bus with Serb citizens, who were intending to visit Gjakova/Djakovica Monastery, are beasts.

“I consider that (Jablanovic) did not make an improper statement, I can repeat every single word of that statement, and no one can prove me wrong. What are those who throw stones on the bus, if not beasts? And I am going to say it now, yes, those who threw stones on the bus are beasts,” said Mikic. He further accused mayor of Djakova/Djakovica, Mimoza Kusari Lila for the escalation of the situation. “Tensions have grown ever since she came in power,” Mikic said.

Erzen Vraniqi, member of Vetevendosje movement stated that Mikic’s statement proves that Aleksandar Jablanovic is not alone and that the entire Serbian List is a Serb fascist formation, established by Nikolic and Vucic, “who not only that do not regret Serb genocide towards Albanians, but also prove their disdain for us, by calling Djakova/Djakovica mothers and Vetevendosje activists, beasts. In a normal state, such formation would have been proclaimed racist, therefore illegal, instead of reaching agreements for co-governance with them,” said Vraniqi.

Mikic and his interlocutor, Aleksandar Djekic, called Gjakova/Djakovica, a forbidden place for Serbs.