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Thaci: We only violated dictator Milosevic's laws (Telegrafi/Die Presse)

Kosovo’s President-elect Hashim Thaci has ruled out claims that he could have been involved in war crimes committed during the Kosovo conflict again.

Serbian media are reporting that refugees are travelling through Kosovo to Central Europe. Is there a new refugee route here?

We have no indication that refugees could be coming to Kosovo. We, Kosovars, were refugees during the 1999 war so we are used to such situations. Every step that we make will be coordinated with our partners in the European Union. Kosovo has limited capacities. But if there is a quota in place for the distribution of refugees, we are ready to take on our share. It is also clear that the majority of refugees do not plan to stay in Kosovo. They want to go to Austria or Germany.

Will you be closing your borders – like other countries have done in exceptional cases – with Macedonia or Albania?

I would not want to speculate on anything before the refugees enter into Kosovo. Measures such as the closing of borders are only provisional measures. No country can solve the refugee problem on its own. This issue requires a European solution.

The opposition in Kosovo claims your election as President constituted a violation of the Constitution. How can this deep division be overcome?

My election as President was legitimate. At the same time, we must also respect the decision of the opposition to file a complaint with the Constitutional Court. This is democracy.

The opposition wants new elections. There have been clashes with the police on the streets. Representatives of Vetevendosje have thrown teargas in the Assembly. The situation is quite tense …

One thing should be clear: no one can use violence for their political objectives. In my new office as President, I will try to build bridges between the political parties. The decision for setting a date for elections does not lie in the hands of the President or any political party, but rather with the Assembly.

Isn’t it difficult for you to build bridges, when the opposition doesn’t recognize you as President?

I will be the President of all the citizens of Kosovo, regardless of their political beliefs, religious or ethnic background. The opposition addresses two key topics, namely the agreements we have signed in Brussels and Vienna. This concerns the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. I am confident that in the end we will all put Kosovo’s interests before the interests of political parties so that we can all work together for the future of Kosovo.

The opposition parties claim that the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities could divide Kosovo just like Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Kosovo will not be divided. This will not happen under any circumstance. This is made clear in the agreement. In order for Kosovo’s project to be successful, we need to include all communities, including the Serbs. We cannot isolate them. The Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will have neither legislative nor executive powers. It will function in full compliance with the Constitution of Kosovo. The normalization of relations with Belgrade is a condition for peace and stability in the region.

How do you plan to contribute to this as President?

I personally led the process for a long time. I will continue to support the process as President of Kosovo. We cannot remain hostage of the past; we need to work for a better and common future in the European Union and NATO. Perhaps it is too early to accept this because of our bitter past. But this doesn’t mean we cannot respect one another and work together. I see readiness for this both in Kosovo and Serbia.

Will Serbia recognize Kosovo as an independent country?

Yes, absolutely. But not immediately. Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo’s statehood will go hand-in-hand with Serbia’s integration into the European Union.

Serbian newspapers have lately published new allegations that you are involved in human organs trafficking …

These allegations are insane fabrications. We have nothing to hide. This is why the Kosovo Assembly has adopted the establishment of the Special Court. I have personally supported it because I see as an advantage for Kosovo.

The chief prosecutor of the special court said that no one will have immunity. Are you concerned that former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army and you personally could be targeted by the court?

We must not preempt the court proceedings. The KLA did not violate international rules. We only violated the laws of Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic and I am proud of this.