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Prosecution expands wiretapping case investigation (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Special Prosecution has decided today to expand investigations on the telephone tapping case, which was earlier initiated against Adem Grabovci, MP and head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

The investigations have expanded against seven other officials: A.P. former chief of the Unit for Supply at the Department of Pharmacy, Ministry of Health, I.G. former general secretary at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Besim Beqaj, Former Minister of Economic Development, Njazi Kryeziu former head of the Assembly of Prizren, Z.P. MP at Kosovo Assembly, F.Sh. former Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Work and Social Welfare, and S.G. former political adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

All the defendants are suspected of committing two offenses: abuse of official position or authority under Article 422 of CCRK and violation of the equal status of citizens and residents of the Republic of Kosovo, Article 193, paragraph 4 in conjunction with paragraph 1 of Criminal Code.