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Viets: Early elections not a solution (RTK)

In an interview for Radio Kosova, German Ambassador to Kosovo, Angelika Viets, said that while it is the European Commission that decides on whether to lift visas for the people of Kosovo, in her opinion, the chances for this to happen this year are very slim. “Kosovo had several months to fulfill the visa liberalisation criteria and did not do this,” said Viets.  On the issue of Pristina-Belgrade dialogue in Brussels, Viets said that the process of talks has currently stalled and, as a consequence, agreements reached in its course are not being implemented. “I don’t wish to speculate as to why this is the case but what I can say is that there is no alternative to improvement of neighbourly relations between Kosovo and Serbia,” Viets said. On the prospect of early elections in Kosovo, Viets said that they are not a solution for the current situation. “New and early election cost Kosovo time and money, two things Kosovo does not have.”