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NISMA’s Krasniqi: Now is not the time to oppose specialist court (RTK)

Head of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) national council and party co-founder, Jakup Krasniqi, said in a Facebook post that now is not the right time to oppose the specialist chambers. Instead, now is the time to confront “Zeus’ lightning bolts” no matter how scorching they are.

“When talks were underway in 2014 for the establishment of the SC [Specialist Court] at the U.S. embassy and then EU office in Pristina involving representatives of parliamentary political parties, except Vetevendosje, no one but me had opposed such a move,” Krasniqi wrote adding that political leaders in the meetings included Hashim Thaci and Hajredin Kuci from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Isa Mustafa and Ismet Beqiri from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Ramush Haradinaj and Blerim Shala from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK). “You then either kept silent or gave silent approval and now is not the time to oppose it. Now is the time to confront Zeus’ lightning bolts no matter how scorching they may be,” Krasniqi wrote.