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Interparty disagreements delay inquiry into deportation of six Turkish nationals (RFE)

Radio Free Europe in Albanian reports that a committee for investigating the arrest and deportation of six Turkish nationals has not yet been established despite the Assembly of Kosovo’s recommendations dated 17 April. Meanwhile the opposition Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), which proposed the committee’s establishment, has blamed the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) for the delays. LDK MP, Driton Selmanaj, there is a “fear” on the part of PDK and tendency to prevent the committee’s establishment. “Other parties have sent names for members of this committee, except for PDK,” Selmanaj said. However, head of the PDK parliamentary group Memli Krasniqi said the LDK proposed the creation of a committee and although it received the backing of all parliamentary groups, it withdrew the item from the Assembly’s agenda. “PDK has submitted the names of its representatives for the investigation committee the moment the recommendation was voted. The commission was scheduled to be voted at [Assembly] session but because of some disagreements we had regarding some other items on the agenda, LDK withdrew the proposal,” Krasniqi said. Selmanaj meanwhile announced LDK is planning to raise the issue once again at the Assembly.