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UN ‘Must Compensate All Kosovo Lead Poison Victims’ (Balkan Insight)

The UN’s failure to compensate victims of lead poisoning at UN-run camps for people displaced by the Kosovo war left families struggling to care for sick relatives, says a Human Rights Watch report.

In a new report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations to pay individual compensation to Kosovo Roma victims affected by lead contamination in the UN-run camps for war-displaced people in Kosovo.

This would allow the victims to address the long-term impact of lead exposure, the report says.

“The UN should follow the recommendations of its own experts and give victims and their families the individual compensation they rightfully deserve,” said Katharina Rall, environment researcher at Human Rights Watch.

“How can the UN expect to effectively press governments to take responsibility for their abuses if it won’t do the right thing for the harm it caused?” Rall asked.

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