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ISIS Appeal Remains Challenge For Kosovo, Report Warns (Balkan Insight)

New report by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies warns that Islamic State will remain a challenge for Kosovo until its institutions mount a comprehensive, multifaceted campaign to combat its message and 'narrative'. A new report, “The Islamic State Narrative in Kosovo Deconstructed One Story at a Time”, by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies, KCSS, says Kosovo has much to do if it is to counter Islamic State's appeal to Kosovo citizens. Looking at municipalities that have been more affected by radicalisation, KCSS says blanket claims, ignorance and lack of critical thinking are among the determining factors that have made the ISIS narrative appealing to Kosovo’s young. KCSS’s research focused on close analysis of the lectures and sermons of five controversial imams in Kosovo who have been detained on suspicion of aiding and abetting ISIS's recruitment efforts in Kosovo. See at: is external)