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Dead or alive (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj writes in his editorial that bringing down Hashim Thaci is not the only reason that unites the coalition block. According to him, there are many hidden reasons that keep these parties together just as there are many hidden reasons why Hashim Thaci insists to remain the Prime Minister of Kosovo. These reasons put all of them in front of a “dead or alive” situation.

 By losing power, Hashim Thaci and his party lose everything. He is doing the utmost to remain in power because he has created his network at all institutions and independent agencies transforming Kosovo into a source of financial profits for all of those who implemented his mission and impoverished the majority.

 Even though the position of the Assembly Speaker does not have any political significance, Isa Mustafa continues to claim this post in order to justify his consecutive defeats.

 Ramush Haradinaj managed to be the Prime Minister for a short time, when Ibrahim Rugova was obsessed with the position of the President, and he hopes to regain this position again, not by the power of vote, but by different political combinations. Therefore, he considers that he cannot give up the current opportunity.

 Albin Kurti appears to have changed his strategy. In the past, he used to claim that he will become part of the government only by winning the elections, while now, he has accepted to govern with those that he used to accuse. Part of his decision might be disappointment on the number of the votes that he gained in elections.

 To Fatmir Limaj, the reason to be part of the government is vital, and perhaps even banal: revenge to his previous boss. By becoming part of the coalition block, he sent a clear message to PDK that he is a political factor at the time when each vote of the deputies makes a difference.

 Every day, coalition block leaders speak about their good and noble intention to bring down Hashim Thaci, when in fact they are concerned about themselves and their political fate, just as Thaci does. And their political fate depends on the epilogue of the soap opera of creation of the institutions. The most important thing in this situation is that the fate of Kosovo citizens has been in hands of the those that have for a mission to take over the power, dead or alive.