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Friends should support change (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper says that population in Kosovo will eternally be appreciative for the support of international friends, especially the U.S. and the EU, on investments, declaration of independence, recognition and membership in international organizations. “It is not their fault that our politicians are corrupt and have damaged the state, become wealthy through public funds, and built a criminal governing system... It is also clear that at times, due to political circumstances, Western embassies have had to tap violent leaders with corrupt and criminal backgrounds, suspected in many cases, on the shoulders. However, internationals should also be aware by now that supporting this failed government that is incapable of providing Kosovo with perspectives for the future, is in nobody's favor. The united opposition has sent clear signals to the international community that they should also support the need for change. At the peak of political and institutional crisis, parliamentary elections are the only alternative,” notes the editorial.

The internationals should know that if the lifespan of this destructive government is extended, tens of thousands of Kosovars will leave for countries of the European Union. A new government is a precondition for people to feel hope again. “Now is the time for the voice of the international friends of the Republic of Kosovo to join that of the wide mass of dissatisfied citizens and the official opposition that is promoting the political need for a change of government,” concludes the daily.