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Trust the citizens not despots to find a solution (media)

In an op-ed published today by several news websites, the co-founder of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Jakup Krasniqi says he is happy he is not part of the current ruling coalition and of the Assembly. To be part of the institutions that were formed in a crisis and have maintained the situation for almost two years leads to the question of whether there is any political responsibility among the people that govern Kosovo, says Krasniqi. He argues that after two damaging agreements signed by the government of Kosovo with Serbia and Montenegro and after the ruling of the Constitutional Court that the principles for establishing the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities are not in line with the Constitution of Kosovo, Kosovo should have headed to early elections which would have allowed for citizens to decide the course of the future. “The solution is not complicated, in fact it is very simple: early elections,” writes Krasniqi. He says the citizens not ‘despots’ should find a solution to the current political crisis.