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KoSSev: ''Serbs will say Gazivode is poisoned, RTK claims; Office for KiM: Pristina spreads fake news''

Serbs will say Gazivode is poisoned, RTK claims. On the other hand, the Kosovo Office accuses Pristina of spreading ''false news out of despair''.

After Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj accused a group of Serb entrepreneurs from the north of Kosovo last week of ''attempting to stage a humanitarian catastrophe'' in coordination with Belgrade, citing names of the alleged organizers of this action, media reporting in Albanian started paying close attention to the situation in the north.

Pristina: ''Resolution on genocide'', a photo and media (KoSSev)

The Assembly of Kosovo adopted a resolution on ''genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes of the former regime of the Serbian state committed in Kosovo,'' yesterday.

The headlines of Kosovo media, however, were marked with a photo of a scene of an alleged group rape, which Kosovo MP Flora Brovina showed to the media in the assembly, emphasizing that it shows an Albanian woman being raped by Serb forces in the presence of members of her family.

KoSSev: Serbian President on Kosovo Serb media again – What did he really say?

The Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic talked about the media in Kosovo for the third time last week. Upon returning from Beijing, last night however he did not place an emphasis on the media in the north as he did twice already, claiming that he was not referring only to the media in the north, but throughout Kosovo.

Media as a tool for the promotion of politicians (RTK2, RTV Puls, Slobodno Srpski)

Pristina journalist Violeta Oroshi says, in the TV show 'Slobodno Srpski', that politicians from Kosovo are not responsible enough towards the public, as well as that in communication with the media, are not aware of their obligations towards citizens. Unlike politicians in the western countries, who consider the media as a very important mean of democracy and tend to be very responsible to their voters, there is no such sense of responsibility among our politicians, and, secondly, they use the media to promote their ideas, said Oroshi in Slobodno Sprki. She noted that lately press conferenc

What are Serbian and Kosovo media saying about Abbot Sava Janjic? (KoSSev)

For days now, he has been referred to as an enemy of the state, as anti-Serbian, from much of the Belgrade media and by the highest representatives of Srpska Lista (the Serbian List) – the largest political party of Kosovo Serbs – just like in the years leading up to the war in Kosovo and the bombing of Yugoslavia when Milocevic and his party had the same words for Father Sava Janjic, KoSSev portal reports. On the other hand, for years now he has been the target of the Kosovo media, politicians, officials, and activists, being referred to by them as a nationalist seeking the creation of Great

Journalists of Serbian and Albanian media editions: Language barrier, lack of information exchange, cooperation is necessary (Kossev)

To what extent is there currently cooperation between journalists in Kosovo, primarily those from Serbian and Albanian newsrooms; what are the biggest obstacles to cooperation; how it can be improved – those were the topics for the Serbian and Albanian journalists to discuss in North Mitrovica during a recent open working meeting. The discussion was conducted at the premises of the EU Info Centre, with the support of BIRN and the European Union.

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Hashim Thaçi’s hate-love affair with the Specialist Court (EuropeanWesternBalkans)

Discussing the role of the Kosovo Specialist court at the public presentation of the report “Public Perception of the Kosovo Specialist Court: Risks and Opportunities”, organized by NGOs PAX, Integra, and Center for Peace and Tolerance, President Thaçi criticized the one-sidedness of the “mono-ethnic” court and slammed the international community for falling short of fulfilling their part of the “bargain”.

OSCE conference discusses challenges of online media in Kosovo (Kosovapress)

The OSCE organised a conference on the state of online media in Kosovo where panelists identified misleading news and hate speech as being the main challenges, Kosovapress reported.

Xhevahire Izmaku, chair of the assembly commission on media, said there are hundreds of online media in Kosovo whose ownership and funding are unknown. She also said that hate speech and misleading news are some of the challenges facing the online media.