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Gorani: Compromise or extraordinary elections (KIM radio)

Debate dubbed “Role, importance and influence of the community of Serbian municipalities (CSM) in implementation of the Brussels Agreement” was held in Media Center in Caglavica/Çagllavicë yesterday and the conclusion of participants is that the main role of the community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo is to institutionally and economically strengthen Serbian community.

The chairperson of the Citizens Initiative ‘Srpska’ Vladeta Kostic said at the debate that dialogue has no alternative and that it should continue, instead of being limited.

“At the moment institutions in Pristina are blocked. There is the side which is ready for continuation of dialogue and implementation of what was agreed, and was not fully implemented. I am referring, of course, to the creation of the CSM,” said Kostic.

He added that Serbian community has made the first step. “We’ve participated in local elections, we’ve established four municipalities in the north, we have ten municipalities with Serb majority, which should comprise the CSM, and now we are waiting for the other side in order to continue the dialogue in Brussels,” said Kostic.

Political analyst from Pristina Dukadjin Gorani claims that the role of CSM in Kosovo depends on political and economic circumstances.

“In my opinion the CSM will be very important or not at all, depending on the pace of development of the political process. The worse situation gets in politics, the CSM will be stronger. If political situation gets better that association wont’ be relevant anymore, because people who are gathering in the association will have another means to realize their rights through local and central authorities,” explained Gorani.

He argues that Kosovo is approaching to extraordinary elections.

“The Assembly Speaker will be elected from the ranks of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, what would mark the start of the political compromise which would enable opposition block to get the opportunity to form the government, in contrary  Assembly will stop its work. Unless a compromise is found, the extraordinary elections will follow,” concluded Gorani.
