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Ivanovic: Missing freedom (KIM radio)

The leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, who is detained for seven months now, argues that charges against him for alleged war crimes in Kosovo are senseless and that he will prove it. He says that he missis freedom the most.

Ivanovic said to daily Informer that with his arrest, ahead of elections in Kosovo, someone wanted to provoke unrests.

“The case has been reheated after 15 years, the one which UNMIK has dropped because it was obvious that I was not guilty,” said Ivanovic.

When asked why they ‘choose’ him, he replied that some radical Albanian circles, for sure, look at him as to obstacle for realizing their ambitions toward the north, which become more obvious after 1999 and 2000 after he became politically active. Ivanovic explained that the main initiator of the indictment is a witness, which Hague Tribunal has rejected as incredible person.

Asked how he comments the fact that EULEX is not accepting guarantees from the Serbian government, Ivanovic answered that he sees that as a paramount insult, since that proves the arrogance of EULEX and their unfamiliarity with the situation.

“There is no Serb that could hide in Serbia or in the region if the Serbian government has the obligation to care about him. Even the Hague Tribunal has accepted guarantees of the Serbian government,” said Ivanovic.

Ivanovic went on to say that he is not thinking about the injustice caused to him, instead he is trying to spent days as active as possible. When asked what he misses the most he answered; “In one word that is – freedom”. He also complained that EULEX didn’t allow him to be submitted to several specialists medical checks which are important for preserving a good health.
